MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 15 Lin Xianxian-[14]

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Ye Fei has lived for more than a hundred years, it is impossible for him to write down everything that happened. Most of the things that are too long ago are inevitably blurred in his memory. Fortunately, in the environment and situations similar to the memory fragments, some sporadic information that he has forgotten can always be awakened.

For example, in 2035, there was a series of suicides in Lujiang Three Primary Schools.

Ye Fei was not involved in the case at the time, but he did remember that the first crime scene was in the equipment room on the third floor.

Ye Fei turned on the light screen and looked at the time. There were still three minutes before the end of the first class.

The small door on the side of the teaching building is made of glass. Ye Fei stuck it to the glass to look inside. As far as he could see, he saw an empty corridor. There was no light source inside, but it was painted with dazzling red light.

Ye Fei tried to open the door, but the get out of class bell hadn't rung, and the teaching building was still closed.

He didn't believe in evil, so he firmly stepped on the edge of the door frame with one foot, and pulled the handle with all his strength, but the small door seemed to be stuck with super glue and remained motionless.

Teacher Ye heaved a long sigh.

He slid down again, glued to the glass door, dejected.

Qin Jing couldn't bear to look directly, she silently supported her forehead.

It's really hard to imagine that this person in front of him is an old man with more than a hundred years of living experience. Sometimes this guy is so naive that Qin Jing would think that he is not very smart.

She found a topic and wanted Ye Fei to let the door go:

"I remember that last time Lin Xianxian died during get out of class time, are you not worried that something will happen to her again?"

Ye Fei leaned against the glass door, pointed the back of her head at her, and said in a muffled voice:

"Zhang Chenkang's identity is a 'student'. Even if he has higher authority, he is still under the school's rules. And he is not Lin Xianxian's classmate. As long as Lin Xianxian stays in the classroom obediently, he will have nothing to do with her. "

"?" Qin Jing raised her eyebrows slightly: "How can you be sure?"

"Huh? I'm not sure, I guess."

Ye Fei laughed:

"Give it a go, the bicycle becomes... Ouch!"

Ye Fei broke off without finishing her sentence.

Because the class bell rang at this time, cheerful tunes echoed in the campus, and the closed state of the teaching building was also lifted.

Ye Fei was leaning against the door with his whole body. At this moment, his weight pushed the glass door open. He couldn't stand still, and staggered. He quickly grabbed the handle to stabilize his body.

This person just pulled the door for a long time, and when he closed the door, he pushed it in...

Qin Jing silently looked away and sighed heavily in her heart.

Ye Fei himself did not realize this.

He pushed open the door, walked in first, and said to Qin Jing:

"Okay, Miss Gao, now it's ten minutes of free time after class. Within ten minutes, we need to find the equipment room on the third floor."

During the break between classes, the red light in the corridor disappeared, replaced by the chaotic sounds of children chasing and running.

But the corridor was still empty, and the sounds seemed to permeate from the walls and the ground, surrounded in three dimensions in all directions, which was extremely strange.

"It's not easy to find a room? Five minutes is easy."

"Uh..." Ye Fei paused subtly:

"not necessarily."

"Huh?" Qin Jing didn't know what nonsense this man was talking about.

It wasn't until she went to the third floor with Ye Fei that she understood what Ye Fei meant.

They had entered the teaching building once before, but that time they went directly to the fifth floor where the classrooms were located, and did not go to other floors. The fifth floor looked like an ordinary school corridor, at least everything they passed was orderly, and there was a number plate on the door, so it was clear where it was.

But the situation on the third floor is much more scribbled, everything here is blurred, and the doors on both sides of the corridor are distorted, like mosaics pasted together.

"This..." Qin Jing raised her eyebrows slightly:

"You already knew?"

"Guess." Ye Fei's answer remained unchanged for thousands of years:

"It is estimated that the formation of the space has a lot to do with Lin Xianxian. If this is the premise, then according to common sense, the structure outside the scope of Lin Xianxian's activity track is probably not very rigorous... For example, you can now be precise in your mind. Restore the pictures of the shops in the street next to your house? Anyway, the equipment room is not easy to find, there are still seven and a half minutes, Xiao Gao, it’s up to you.”

"?" Qin Jing would always be surprised by what this person said:

"Why do you rely on me again?"

"Kick the door!"


Qin Jing really wanted to kick Ye Fei's head off, but she didn't want to waste time at this time, so she stepped forward and kicked open the wooden door closest to her.


The twisted door panel opened in response, and Ye Fei took a look. There was a room of tables and chairs that were also twisted in the space behind the door, which seemed to be a classroom.

He grabbed Qin Jing who was raising her leg to kick the opposite door:

"No need, it seems that the third floor is also a classroom floor, with the same structure as the fifth floor, and there is a high probability that the opposite of the classroom is also a classroom. Go to the fifth room on the right."

Although Ye Fei is a gambling dog at heart, he has to admit that this guy has not missed anything so far. Because of this, Qin Jing followed his orders subconsciously. She was very fast and arrived at the place Ye Fei designated in a few moments.

Another door fell to the ground, and Qin Jing said "tsk":

"It's the office!"

"Eighth from the left, ninth from the right!"

Generally speaking, the purposes of rooms on different floors of a building in a school are basically the same. Ye Fei remembers the layout of the classrooms on the fifth floor, but there is no equipment room on the fifth floor. Since there is such an extra space on the third floor, there is a high probability that the occupied space will be an office or some other room with strong variability.

This is also the focus of Ye Fei's investigation.

He followed behind Qin Jing, and saw that girl rushing forward like a bolt of lightning, so fast that there was an afterimage.

Ye Fei followed behind Fei Laoming, and was about to stop to catch his breath, when the next moment, he suddenly heard a familiar system beep.


[It is detected that players 001 Ye Fei and 051 Qin Jing have vandalized public property, which is a serious violation of discipline, and the trigger probability of wandering NPC has increased significantly]


[Wandering NPC trigger]

【The teaching director is on his way】

Almost as soon as the system finished speaking, Ye Fei felt a gust of wind passing by her ears.

He subconsciously turned his head and took a look, only to see a puddle of ink-like thick black liquid on the ground behind him at some point, the liquid gradually condensed and formed, and finally turned into a bald man with a beer belly.

The creases on the man's face were deep and numerous, in stark contrast to his oversized, slippery bald head.

[NPC: Director of Teaching (Crazy Version)]


Ye Fei turned and ran away.

He heard Qin Jing's broken roar in front of him:

"What the **** is this?? Ye Fei! My old lady believed in your evil!!"

"Fourteen and fifteen on the left, seventeen and eighteen on the right!"

"Depend on!"

Qin Jing cursed, but her body reacted quickly, kicking open the door according to Ye Fei's instructions.


The loud noise of door panels falling to the ground mixed with the roar of the monster's heavy footsteps made it extremely lively.

Ye Fei's physical fitness is very average, he has no motor nerves at all, and this is probably the fastest time in his life.

"Student, you violated discipline and disrupted official duties, come to my office!"

The monster's voice was hoarse, and its dead tree-like hand brushed against Ye Fei's shoulder several times.

don't make me don't make me...

Ye Fei murmured silently in her heart, and took the time to turn on the light screen to check the time while running for her life.

There are still two minutes until class starts.

At the same time, Qin Jing's voice came from the end of the corridor:

"His uncle's, none of them! Ye Fei, can you do it?!"

"I am very…"

Ye Fei got stuck in her throat before finishing her sentence.

He still lost the sprint race with the dean after all, because the dean's hand fell heavily on top of his head.

In the next moment, Ye Fei clenched his hands like iron pincers, and Ye Fei's feet left the ground. He was "lifted by someone's head" in the true sense.

Although it was very inappropriate, Ye Fei suddenly thought of the claw fishing machine he had played before.

Oh, if only the mechanical claws in the claw fishing machine were as powerful as the director's hands.

After catching someone, the dean stopped.

He held Ye Fei's head and turned the person to himself.

Ye Fei stopped thinking about fishing for a claw machine, and stared at the NPC just like that.

The characteristics of the NPCs in this dungeon are very obvious, and the dean in front of him is no exception. His most conspicuous is that slippery bald head. After going berserk, his already big head swelled exaggeratedly, and the thin scalp could hardly frame the skull and brain. His eyeballs are also extremely protruding, and his hooked nose almost touches Ye Fei's body.

"You, come to my office."

The dean opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of broken teeth.

Although he said "office", his mouth opened wider and wider, and he was about to put Ye Fei in his hand.

It seems that the real situation should be "come into my stomach".

Ye Fei frowned:

"Uh... no, this way of dying is too disgusting."

Although Ye Fei doesn't care whether he dies or not, he also has a bottom line. He cannot accept such a disgusting way of death.

So, he quickly closed his eyes as if he had made some kind of decision. When he opened his eyes again, an imperceptible light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"You forced me."

Ye Fei raised the hand hanging by his side and drew a circle in the air.

Ye Fei moved her lips slightly, muttering to herself:

"Draw a..."

But soon, his unspoken words and unfinished actions stopped.

Because an afterimage flashed from his side, kicking the dean's head.

So tall!

Ye Fei was very pleased.

The dean let out a strange cry because of the unsuspecting blow.

The strength in his hand also loosened, and Ye Fei fell to the ground from mid-air, and was picked up by Qin Jing before falling down.

Ye Feiqi didn't have time to slow down, and urgently notified:

"The door next to it, Xiao Gao, kick it!"

Qin Jing reacted quickly. Before the dean came back to his senses and stretched out his hand, she broke open the door as she said, and threw Ye Fei in again. She dodged to avoid the dean's attack, and then slammed the door behind her .

The dean was blocked from the door, and his huge body hit the door panel, making a muffled sound.

The next second, the old radio above Qin Jing's head sang the class bell hoarsely. After the ringing of the bell, no matter whether it was the noise from the students outside the door or the impact and roar of the NPC, they all stopped abruptly.

They were forced to abide by the rule of "going to class".

After confirming that there was no sound outside, Qin Jing breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense body also relaxed.

She pursed her lips slightly displeased.

Now that the external crisis has been resolved, the next thing to resolve is internal conflicts.

According to Ye Fei's words, they wasted ten minutes and failed to find the equipment room. On the way, they got into a big trouble who didn't know if they would make a comeback in the next class break.

Qin Jing held back her anger and was about to start cursing, but when she turned her head, she saw the space she was in and was stunned.

According to Ye Fei's deduction, the room Qin Jing kicked into should also be a classroom. In fact, its size and layout are indeed the same as those of a classroom, but there are not only desks and chairs placed inside.

The classroom has a large space, and the tables and chairs inside are stacked one on top of the other. In addition to the tables and chairs, there are also scrapped bookshelves, a few rolls of red banners, and sports equipment and sundries such as basketball and football. .

Obviously, this is an equipment room.

Qin Jing's expression was a bit complicated:

"The equipment room was actually converted from a classroom..."

Ye Fei nodded.

In fact, he didn't know exactly where the equipment room on the third floor was. Qin Jing checked the independent small space like the office before, but it was not there, so there was only one possibility—the last classroom on the fifth floor.

This is also easy to guess. The number of classes in each grade is not fixed. Lin Xianxian and his team have eleven classes on the fifth floor. Possibly used as an equipment room location.

But in fact, there are other possibilities. For example, the distribution of classes on the third floor may be different from that on the fifth floor.

To put it bluntly, Ye Fei is still gambling.

Fortunately, he was right again.

Ye Fei was in a good mood, he raised his eyes and looked around the equipment room.

They were at the front door of the equipment room. The rear of the equipment room was completely blocked by a large number of tables, chairs and benches, and they were completely invisible from their perspective.

Ye Fei picked a place to stay among the debris, and simply turned around in front of it. Qin Jing on the side looked at him, thinking that he seemed to be here for sightseeing:

"I haven't asked you yet, what do you want to do when you come to Zhang Chenkang's death? Will there be any clues?"

While listening to her question, Ye Fei raised her hand and opened a cardboard box beside her, which was full of messy gadgets.

He seemed to be very interested in this, and answered while flipping:

"There is such a thing as a clue, you may not have it when you come to look for it, but you definitely don't have it if you don't come to look for it."

Ye Fei was wondering why the date of the game dungeon was set on March 16th.

It was only later that he remembered that March 16 was the date of death of the first serial suicide victim. Coupled with the phrase "all strange things seem to be related to him" in the introduction of Zhang Chenkang's NPC, it's hard not to think of it here.

"Then let me change the question." Qin Jing kicked the pile of tables and chairs by his feet, a little irritated:

"What are you likely to find here?"

"Ah, what did you find? Like Zhang Chenkang's body, or the hidden NPC Zhang Chenkang himself?"

Ye Fei rummaged through the cardboard box and pulled out an allegro for a long time. He held it in his hand and fiddled with:

"Zhang Chenkang died in the early morning of March 16th. If the timeline in the game can coincide with reality, that Chen Kang's body should be in this equipment room by now."

Ye Fei shook the allegro in her hand, and the bamboo slices slapped, making a crisp sound.

He turned around and suddenly asked:

"Have you seen this thing?"

When Qin Jing heard Ye Fei suddenly ask her this, she thought that this strange thing was an important clue.

She recalled carefully, shaking her head;

"never seen it."

"Tsk, this is an old thing from my era. It's normal if you haven't seen it before. Hey, Xiao Gao, let me tell you, this thing is fun. Come, come, listen to me sing for you."

Ye Fei was excited.

He played the allegro a little rusty, and said briskly with the rhythm of bamboo flapping:

"Palace jade liquid wine, one hundred and eighty cups."


"How about this wine, let me tell you..."

"? Don't let me scold you??"



Qin Jing didn't know why this man suddenly went mad.

She was about to start cursing, but found that the guy on the opposite side seemed to be looking somewhere behind her, and didn't move.

Qin Jing had a bad premonition in her heart.

Following Ye Fei's gaze, she slowly turned her head.

Qin Jing saw, just a few steps behind her, a little boy appeared at some point.

The little boy was about the same height as Lin Xianxian. He looked upright and stood there expressionless. His expression was very similar to Lin Xianxian's, and he was a little gloomy.

He stood in the corner of the wall like that, and then, a few translucent black mist slowly grew behind him, like the ferocious arms and claws of a monster, slowly spreading upwards along the corner of the wall.

[NPC: Zhang Chenkang (alienated version)]

"...Ye... Fei, you stinky shit."

Qin Jing's expression was stiff, she gritted her teeth, and paused every word:

"My mother, my mother, I believe your evil!"

The author has something to say:

[No unlockable badge today]