MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 18 Viscount Andrew

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If there is any place in Tanzan Town that can make Gao Wen not so disappointing, and can experience the different styles of classical and elegant beauty, then there are only some wealthy areas located in the north of the town. - Several roads and a wall separate it from the outside slums, and decent people with head and face live in this relatively clean and tidy place.

There are beautiful two-story buildings, each of which is built with light grey stone and cedar. The terraces on the second floor of the small building are dried with dried fish and cured meat. These are the symbols of wealthy people.

Although Tanzania is generally only a town, it is far from the size of the city, but people living in the wealthy area will be proud of their glorious and proud citizens.

They are both big and free, and they can afford all kinds of taxes, and they have decent jobs in towns—that is, the owners of the farmer and the foreman.

Today, these decent and decent figures are standing on the balcony where they are drying their dried fish and cured meats, and discussing with neighbors what has happened recently – all the slightly interesting things are worth talking about. And the most worthwhile thing to talk about recently is undoubtedly the big thing that happened in the territory of Cecil.

The town of Tanzan and its surrounding areas are the land of the Viscount of Andorra. The couples of Cecil and the Viscount of Andrews are neighbors. Although there are large areas of desolateness between the two districts, there is always a bureaucracy. Even in this era of poor information exchange, the events that took place in Cecil were spread throughout the town of Tanzan.

The first was a group of refugee-like people who fled to this place under the leadership of a knight and a dozen soldiers. Then it was spread, and Cecil’s collar was completely overwhelmed and destroyed by a large number of monsters and elements.

This sensational sorrow is just like the story of the bard, who lived for many years in the Taiping era and did not believe in the existence of the incident at first. However, the refugees and the wolf-stricken soldiers were actually The land entered the town, and then the Count of Andrew made an order, not only to implement a stricter curfew system, but also to increase the patrols in the surrounding areas of the town, so the ridiculous horror story became a reality.

The citizens raised the talks that took place in Cecil from the aftermath of the meal and became a ... seriously talk about it.

At first they only talked a few times when they met in the pub. Now they all need to stand on the balcony and talk about it seriously in the background of dried fish and cured meat.

And just as these decent people talked about the day when the Cecil family was finally completely finished, the head of the Cecil family had crossed the rich and the church area and entered the castle of the Viscount Andrew.

Regardless of the hardships of the poor people in the town of Tansan, the home of the Viscount Andrew is magnificent. In fact, because of the richness of the territory itself and the wealth of the family, the castle built by the Viscount is far less than the life of Rebecca. The little broken fortress is much more beautiful.

After informing the visitor of the castle, the butler of the Viscount Andrew invited Gao Wen and others into the castle. They were taken to the spacious and bright living room, sitting behind the long wooden table, waiting The interview of the Viscount.

Sitting in a large, comfortable velvet seat and looking at the delicate tea set made of silver in front of him, Gao Wen couldn't help but think of the poor people who were undressed outside and the houses like shacks. It must be admitted that he has some feelings about the fantasy world of this sword and magic... disillusionment.

"Ancestors," Rebecca, who was sitting next to Gao Wen, poked his elbows on his ancestors. "Would you like to introduce us?"

"Just according to the discussion just now, directly said," Gao Wen said quietly. "Here, we can make a high-profile."

"The ancestor," Herti also spoke, and smacked in the direction of the amber. "Do you really think... is she suitable to appear here?"

Amber is sitting opposite Gaowen. This half-elf lady is seriously studying the silver tea set in front of her. Her main research method is to dump the tea and then put the cup into her arms - in Gaowen. In the martial arts, she stuffed a spoon into it.

Gao Wen took a look at the opposite side: "Amber!"

"Wow!" Miss Thief screamed a little exaggeratedly, then slammed the contents of her arms out on the table, including two teacups, three spoons, a silver plate, a pocket watch, a nut, two wine cellars, and The monocle that Mr. Steward was hanging on his chest.

Gao Wen: "?!"

How do you do this in the trough? !

At this moment, Gao Wen couldn't help but touch the sword of the pioneers around him, and sincerely thanked the unspoken grace when he digs the grave before the thief...

"She is an important witness to my resurrection," Gao Wen tried to hold back his convulsions, a serious statement. "And don't you think it would be easier to put this guy in a place we can't stare at?"

Hertton thought deeply and nodded.

Just then, the Viscount Andrew finally walked into the living room.

The oak door was pushed open by the waiter. A thin, tall man walked into the room. He wore a close-fitting black long-sleeved dress. The dark brown short hair clung to the scalp after applying the balm. Two unscrupulous mustaches were under the nose. Extending on both sides, his face is in the pale with a little abnormal redness - this kind of morbid face is very common in the nobility, especially those who do not have magic or martial arts talent.

In order to experience the supernatural powers beyond their own talents, as well as more indulgent pleasures, they will use excessively expensive potions to "enhance the perception", and the side effects of this potion will be reflected in the face.

They are even proud of this and regard the paleness of their faces as one of the nobility logos.

At this point, I still follow the ancestral training techniques of the ancestral training, and the descendants of Cecil who rely on personal efforts to practice martial arts (or magic) have become an alternative in the aristocratic circle. But there is no way, after all, the Cecil family has fallen, not to mention the potion that is often priceless, and Rebecca has no money to repair the hole in the family castle - of course, she does not need it now. Fix that hole.

"Ah, beautiful Ms. Hetty, and the same beautiful Miss Rebecca, I feel sorry for my lateness." As soon as he entered the room, the Viscount Andrew said loudly, his tone was frustrated and his face seemed to be taken. A sincere apology, "But I am too busy. The bad news that happened to Cecil has spread throughout my territory. The people are worried. I have to spend most of my day arranging territory defense and listening to patrols. Team report."

Gao Wen suddenly had a layer of goose bumps and whispered: "Do you have to use this kind of aria with the aristocrats of this year?"

Rebecca lowered his voice: "Isn't the ancestors your aristocrats of the year?"

“We used to drill in the pub and pour high-alcohol wines and trade each other, and then we talked about things by the way.”

"...the customs are indeed different from the current year. Of course, the voice of the Viscount Andrew is indeed...some special than others."

"We understand that you should really be busy now," Hetty saw Rebecca, the orthodox heir of Cecil, busy with his ancestors at this time, completely unaware that he should stand up and respond. I hate the iron and smashed the latter, and then stood up. "But I still have to remind you that you should call Rebecca as a Viscount, not a Miss. She has already inherited the family's title since last year. On such occasions, you should call her Viscount Rebecca or Viscount Cecil."

The rules of the world's aristocrats in the general case of calling the title seem to be less strict, and the title can be titled or surnamed before the title.

Rebecca was stunned by Herti, and then he stood up and said, he had a due diligence for the Viscount Andrew to meet with his aristocrats, and he still counted the standard of action: "Victor Andrew, thank you very much." entertain."

"Should, Viscount Cecil," Andrew was reminded by Herti not to be soft and reminiscent of the reputation of the lady in the aristocratic circle, so he convinced something, when he called Rebecca I chose to name the title in front of the title instead of the name. This is a relatively serious way of calling. "I deeply regret what happened to Cecil. It is a disaster. But it is a pleasure for you. Enthusiastic, the inheritance of the Cecil family does not seem to be cut off."

The next step is the almost nutritious guest and congratulations. One party will express its concerns in strict accordance with the rules. The other party will try to show its gratitude and touch after being warmed. Obviously, the brain is suspected of being caught by the door. Miss Rebecca is not very good at this aspect of communication, so she is very blunt to bring the topic back to the right track: "Before the castle fell, Philip Knight led a team to cover the civilian breakout, they should be withdrawn here. According to the laws enacted by the founding fathers, they should accept your asylum at the moment. I don’t know how they are doing?"

"Of course, the law enacted by Xianjun is sacred. Although my territory is small, it is more than enough to help a neighbor who is in dire straits." Andrew nodded. "The brave knight was covered with injuries and has not recovered yet. I arranged for him to rest in the church of the Church of the Light - where he could be given the best treatment. The loyal soldiers and the poor civilians were arranged in Dongcheng District and Nancheng District, until now there was no one. Death due to freezing hungry."

No one in the Cecil who fled to this place died because of freezing hungry. This is already a very pleasing performance. Of course, it is also reasonable for the Viscount Andrew to be willing to accommodate those refugees. After all, every Cecil inhabitant he receives will be converted into debt on Rebecca. If Rebecca wants to reinvigorate the family, she must press The head of the people paid "remuneration" to the Viscount Andrew.

Just as “should be able to help the neighbors who are in trouble, a nobleman should be sheltered from the people who are near the afflicted aristocrats” was written into the law of Ansu, and “the recipients should pay the necessary compensation to the helpers” is also clearly written in the Code. On the high, Gao Wen is very clear about this.

After all, these two laws were settled by Gao Wen Cecil and Charles I.

Although Rebecca is not mature enough as a nobleman, this rule still understands. After hearing the words of the Viscount Andrew, her face is a bit ugly because she doubts whether she still has the ability to pay off this sudden. The debt of arrival.

She couldn't help but look at Gao Wen, and there were some bold and sloppy thoughts in her mind.

The ancestors... an antique... Do you want to sell the clothes to the old man?