MTL - Take Taobao to the Ancient Times-Chapter 1000 At last

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Wen Qihua calmly watched Si Ai's letter from the frontier. He received a letter from Si Ai's almost every few days. One time it was about what happened to her at the border, and the other was eager. Inquiry. Min Sheng saw his face with peach blossoms, he knew that he read the letter from Si Ai, and felt bitter in his heart, so he stopped talking. Wen Qihua's guess was indeed correct. Although Emperor Wu had not sent anyone to ask, Rong Nan was never forgotten in his heart. "He doesn't seem to like the few beauties arranged for the emperor today. They seem to be lacking in interest. They also dropped a glass cup, which frightened me." Qingluan fell on the shoulders of the eighth prince and listened to him. Said, she also frowned, she knew Emperor Wu too well, this kind of situation was not for him at all. "I heard that your majesty asked the name of a dancer specially during the last festival, didn't you?" She didn't mention it, but it made the eighth prince angry. Emperor Wu asked the dancer's name at the time. Everyone thought he was definitely going to be admitted to his own palace. Who knew he hadn't moved until now, but his actions in the hall made people afraid to start. It’s not to advance or retreat. "The emperor father liked it very much at the time, his eyes were straight, but now I don't hear any wind, it seems that she has not been called into the palace." Qingluan always felt that the problem was with the celebration of the last festival. I heard that Emperor Wu didn't even call Rong Nang into the palace. On the one hand, he felt that the matter didn't seem to be that serious. On the other hand, he felt that this was not his majesty's style. "Your Majesty didn't even ask?" The Eighth Prince nodded, and Qing Luan felt that something was wrong. Although her time in the palace was short, the meaning of the word Nan to Emperor Wu still knew. "I think it's better for us to be more careful with this Rongnan, after all, her name reveals something that makes me uneasy." After all, the eighth prince knew little about Nan Fei, so he didn't take it seriously. When Qing Luan mentioned it, she felt a little similar. "Is this the purpose of Wen Qihua? But Concubine Nan has been dead for many years, and the concubine in the harem that my father has loved over these years is better than her. What is she?"

Qingluan shook his head. After all, the Eighth Prince knew too little about the affairs of the harem. Although Concubine Nan seemed to have no influence in the palace, she knew that she was definitely not like what she saw now. "No, you are wrong. Concubine Nan seems to have been forgotten by your majesty, but in fact it is not. The former residence of Concubine Nan, Yin Zhuxuan was chosen by your majesty, and it is still closed. No one can go in. This palace used to get it. After a piece of news, every year on the anniversary of Concubine Nan's death, your majesty will worship at Yin Zhuxuan. Although outsiders don’t know, this news cannot be concealed in the harem.” The Eighth Prince did not expect such an old thing to happen, but Emperor Wu He has never been a long-term lover, how could he care about a princess Nan? "You are right, I will pay special attention to what the emperor father said to Rong Nan." "It's not just Rong Nan," Qingluan looked at the eighth prince with a little annoyance, "Rong Nan has no foundation now, even if he attacks. It's useless, but Wen Qihua behind her has to be guarded." The Eighth Prince thought that Wen Qihua was going against him everywhere, and had long wanted to find a way to rectify him, but he had never found a chance. Emperor Wu has been staying in the palace of Concubine Liu Hui since the Shangsi Festival, and Concubine Hui has changed her old manner of being courteous to Emperor Wu. He will receive him when he comes, and he will not urge him when he does not come. This change is not uncommon to Emperor Wu, so he stayed in her palace for several days. "Ai Concubine's "sexuality" nowadays is becoming more and more calm, making people look happy." Liu Huifei smiled faintly. In fact, whose heart is not shocked? But now she is dead to Emperor Wu, so she doesn't have much energy to compete for his favor. "What your majesty is saying is that in the past few years, the "sex" of the concubine was a little impatient. I am thankful that your majesty did not dislike teaching the concubine all the time, so that you can have a concubine today." Emperor Wu "touched" the concubine Hui's hair. So he didn't speak anymore, just read the book lightly. Concubine Hui looked at Emperor Wu suspiciously. This was not the first time. After Emperor Wu came, he didn't speak much. She only casually saw that she seemed to be a different person.

"Your Majesty, what are you looking at?" Emperor Wu listened to Concubine Liu Hui's question and showed Concubine the cover of the book cover. Concubine Hui frowned, but didn't say anything. "The beauty of the beautiful lady is all overwhelmed by the gaze. Where is the beauty thinking about your Majesty?" Emperor Wu smiled, put down the book in his hand, took a sip of tea, and said nothing. After all, Concubine Liu Hui has served Emperor Wu for many years and knows what he thinks. "Your Majesty, the concubine knows very little about these poems, but there is one sentence that the concubine still understands." "Oh?" Emperor Wu had originally planned to skip this topic, but Concubine Hui did not expect to mention it by herself. "What are you talking about?" Concubine Hui smiled. Although Emperor Wu hadn't said it all the time, she could understand it for a few days. Emperor Wu's heart wasn't here at all, just looking for a quiet place. "I don't read much about the concubine, but I also know that there are ancient sayings that are worthy of being folded." The Emperor Wu's eyes lit up, and it was strange that Concubine Hui could actually speak to his heart. "But what should I do if I have been injured by this person before?" Hui Fei knew that he was thinking of Concubine Nan. Although she didn't know much about Concubine Nan, she still knew some. "The concubine thinks that the past is the past. The most important thing is now, and how can you suffer the same injury twice?" Emperor Wu sighed. Didn't he persuade himself what Huifei said? But that incident had so much impact on me that now... "It's night, let your concubine take a rest to serve your majesty." Hui Fei knew that Emperor Wu was definitely reluctant to talk about it at this time, so she called the maid to dress and wash. Serve Emperor Wu to sleep. Emperor Wu opened his eyes on the bed, and he looked scorching in the dark. He thought of Concubine Nan, Xu Nan, the woman who had influenced him for so many years. If she was not so decisive at the beginning, and she was not so decisive, would she have changed a little now? Emperor Wu sighed, didn't think about it anymore, and slowly closed his eyes. Concubine Liu Hui listened to his sigh, but did not speak any more. Early the next morning, the trusted **** next to Emperor Wu came to Wen Qihua's mansion. Wen Qihua waited and looked forward to the news. "Father-in-law, please wait, this officer will check."

Wen Qihua walked slowly to his desk and began to search for something, but it was actually just some miscellaneous books. "Father-in-law, forgive me. I didn't expect that your majesty would look for Rong Nan now. There is no news about him for the time being. I have troubled my grandfather to go back and report to your majesty. When I found it, I took it into the palace." Now the celebration of the Shangsi Festival has almost passed. It's been more than half a month, and no one really thought that Emperor Wu would think of looking for Rong Nan at this time. There is really no way for Wen Qihua to say that. "Then let him find it first, and then bring it to the palace after finding it." Although Emperor Wu was a little disappointed, think about it since Wen Qihua was willing to give this beauty to himself, he would not hide it. "Your Majesty really can't help it, so let's start now?" Min Sheng sneered at the Eighth Prince. They waited so long, and finally they didn't wait in vain. "Naturally it is about to start, and it is considered revenge for myself." Sun Ruo gritted his teeth a bit. He has learned the good methods of the Eighth Prince, and now it is time for him to learn and teach himself. "Let's get started." Wen Qihua raised his hand faintly, as if he was just a small sentence in a book, but only they knew the weight of his sentence. Overnight, the building suddenly tilted. The Eighth Prince didn't know why he was suddenly imprisoned by Emperor Wu. Most of the ministers in the court wanted to intercede for him, but they gave up when they saw Emperor Wu's face. Emperor Wu's face was "green", and it seemed that if anyone said more, he would be able to push him out and kill him immediately. Although the Eighth Prince had good relations with the ministers in the court, no one dared to use his life to intercede for him. "The emperor is ruthless, even his own son." Si Chichi glanced at the letter in his hand and handed it to Luo Zhaoyang. Luo Zhaoyang sneered at these actions of Emperor Wu and did not intend to read it. "Does your majesty really want to kill the eighth prince?" Si Ai looked at him with "confusion". The eighth prince is his biological son, so he shouldn't be so cruel. "I can't kill him. Even if the Manchu civil and military is stupid, it is impossible for your Majesty to kill his own son, but he may not be able to keep his identity as the proud son of heaven." Si Chichi is still very satisfied with Wen Qihua's handling. After all, he does things clean and spicy without leaving any room. Such a person will not have any worries if he cooperates with him. "It is estimated that the seventh prince will not be able to sleep again tonight. His eighth brother is in the position and he is worried, and now he is defeated. He is probably also hung up." Si Anhao still understands the behavior of the seventh prince, listen to Si Chichi So nodded, after all, he is a softhearted person. "It's estimated that he will still come to you, but your relationship is better than I thought." Si Chichi glanced at Si Ai, "You are becoming more and more small now, so you can say that. I came in front of me, and it seems that I want Wen Qihua to take care of you." When Si Gao heard Wen Qihua’s name, his face blushed to Guan Gong, and he gave his brother a resentful look, and he was shy. Leaving the big account. "What did the eighth prince say before he went to prison?" Qingluan is lying in the palace now. She almost has no strength to fight anymore. The eighth prince that she finally clings to is also in prison. What else does she have? Where to fight for capital? "Even though your Royal Highness didn't say anything, wouldn't the empress be saved? As the saying goes, it is a good day for husband and wife for a hundred days, and the empress and your Royal Highness are more than one day's kindness?" The confidant around the Eighth Prince knew that she and the Eighth Prince Those messy things in the time, now using such things to threaten her, how could she leave her whole body? "Shut up!" Qing Luan looked fiercely at the guard who was kneeling in front of him, and said that it was not his turn to do anything. "Niang, the days when the eight princes came to your palace, the subordinates remember clearly. In order to show their love, the eight princes specially created a book like the palace to record. If the subordinates cannot get a statement in Weiyang Palace today , The net broke." Qingluan's hand holding the quilt trembled slightly. He always thought that he had grasped the Eighth Prince in his palm, but he didn't expect that this person would still have a hand. "Don't worry, this palace will never leave the Eighth Princes alone, and the ministers in the court will not allow His Majesty to kill his own son. After all, it is detrimental to his future prestige. Your Majesty is not a fool himself." The prince’s people naturally know that the eight princes have no "sex" worries, but now they have offended your majesty, is it enough to have no worries? "Niang Niang, what our Highness meant is that if you have any other cards, you can show them now, so that we can be prepared."

Qing Luan closed his eyes and sighed in his heart. The situation is now "chaotic" into a mess. Are they still not satisfied? "The current situation is so messy, what exactly is he going to do!" The eighth prince's subordinate looked at Qingluan and knew that she was a woman after all. Although he had guessed what the eighth prince meant, he couldn't easily believe it. "This is our business, so the empress doesn't have to worry about it. My Royal Highness said that if he enters the Forbidden City in the future, there will be a prominent place in the palace waiting for the empress." Such words are simply very big to Qingluan. Isn’t she just such a position because she struggled for so long in this palace? "What do you want to know?" The person raised her head and took a look at Qing Luan. According to the information they knew, Qing Luan could climb so high and so fast, besides her being not an ordinary person, there should be another person's helper. . "Mother, although our Highness has always been in touch with you, we never asked you about things before, such as Concubine Xian, for example, who made you rise so high..." Qingluan did not expect that the Eighth Prince would even have this They have all been found, but now Wen Qihua and himself have broken up, and there is nothing worthwhile to tell him. "If this palace has anything to do with him, do you think this palace will now be threatened by you in this Weiyang Palace, which is like the cold palace? Wu Qi, are you stupid?" Wu Qi raised his head and looked at Qing Luan , Knowing that her words are the truth, after all, compared to Wen Qihua at that time, his master was really not enough. "Mother, you should have guessed what our Highness is going to do. We just want a hole card, a hole card that no one can control for the time being. Don't worry about being strangled by the forces of all parties." Qingluan looked suspiciously Wu Qi glanced at it and seemed to be judging the authenticity of his words. She did have a hole card like this, but what did they do?

"You want your house's hole cards, where's your hole cards?" Wu Qi didn't expect that this woman would still not relax a little at this time, and even thought about swapping. "Our majesty is the orthodox son of your majesty. Now since your majesty has listened to the slander and wants to deal with our majesty, he can only...Qing! Jun! Side!" Wu Qi said these words almost gritted his teeth. Although Qing Luan had guessed what they were thinking in her heart, she still couldn't believe it. "You... are you crazy? The Seven Princes have been dominating the border for a long time, and now the leaders of other cities have been watching. There is also Wen Qihua in the capital. How dare you!" Wu Qi sneered, the situation is already "Forced" on Liangshan, who can make other decisions? "Otherwise, what should the empress think? At this time, stop struggling and wait until your majesty cuts our highness's prince status and becomes a commoner? At that time, our highness can really endure such humiliation?" Qing Luan She was speechless for a while, and she understood what he said, how arrogant and arrogant the Eighth Prince was, how could he endure his being demoted as a commoner for a lifetime? "But..." Wu Qi waved her hand and motioned to her that she didn't need to say any more. Originally, what they had to do was not understandable by a daughter's family. "Niang, my hole card has already been said, it's time to show your hole card." Facing such a strong man, Qing Luan was speechless, and all the words were blocked in her throat. "Wen Qihua and Si Chichi’s sister Si Ai have an affair. He seems to value her very much. He has always cared very much. It was because of her that he turned off his engagement with the Ninth Princess." Although Wu Qi was shocked, he was still very satisfied. Looking at Qingluan, she is really not a fool. Such a useful secret has not been revealed until now. If she hadn't been guarding her, I'm afraid she would always keep this secret. "You must find someone to look after the Eighth Prince, and don't let him have any problems in Dali Temple. Even if your majesty pronounces the sentence, you must always pay attention to his movements." Min Sheng looked at Wen Qihua's anxious appearance, and couldn't help but laugh a little, not understanding why. By this time he became nervous instead. "The Eighth Prince is at the end of the battle, what are you still worried about?"

Wen Qihua shook his head. Min Sheng didn't understand the key points. He only felt that everything would be fine after the Eighth Prince was driven out of the court. "The Eighth Prince is not a simple character. With such a cruel heart, he was easily imprisoned by His Majesty. There must be a problem. And I just received a letter from the border. Si Chichi said that the soldiers in Shucheng had moved. Uneasy.” Sun Ruo's understanding of the important border town is naturally higher than that of Min Sheng. Before Min Sheng could come over, he took the lead in clapping his hands fiercely. "Hi! Sorry!" Min Sheng looked at Sun Ruo suspiciously, not understanding what he was going crazy. "What's the matter?" "The defender of Shucheng is Zheng Chi!" Only now did Min Sheng realize what Wen Qihua is worried about, Zheng Chi! "Isn't Zheng Chi the uncle of the Eighth Prince?" Wen Qihua nodded. He originally thought that the Eighth Prince, a prince who had no foundation in the court, would dare to compete with him. It turned out that he had already had the determination to break the boat. "Zheng Chi's younger sister entered the palace as a concubine. Although she died soon after giving birth to the Eighth Prince, Zheng Chi loved the Eighth Prince very much. He is now stationed at the border and often sends people to Beijing to give gifts to the Eighth Prince." Sheng only now felt the seriousness of the matter, but he didn't expect the Eighth Prince to actually make this plan. "Then there is no room for change now?" Wen Qihua thought carefully for a while, and felt that there was no room for change. Although Zheng Chi loved the eighth prince, he was still a general of the dynasty, even if he had something else. Mind, and will not take action without a righteous name. "I will go into the palace right now to meet with your Majesty, and ask him to pardon the Eighth Prince as much as possible. Don't make matters worse. If they want to send troops, they will have to think about it for a while." Si Ai-an stood outside his account. The soldiers who "drilled" had some worries in their hearts. Luo Zhaoyang and Si Chichi went out after discussing military affairs and saw her. "Girl, what do you think?"

Si Ai found that it was Luo Zhaoyang, so he quickly cleaned up and greeted him, looking happily. "It's nothing, I don't like to listen to my brother talking to you. I just waited at the door. Have you finished talking?" Luo Zhaoyang nodded and looked at Si Hao. Although there seems to be no problem, he just saw The worry is by no means fake. "What's wrong with you? Are you worried about things in the capital?" Si Aiwei saw him see it, nodded, and his expression became very sad. "I'm always worried, this trick is too dangerous, and My fortune-telling turned out to be a flat hexagram, and there was no result. I have never seen such a result, and it is naturally more uncomfortable. But my brother has been very busy, and I can't bother him because of these things. With regard to Wen Qihua's situation in Beijing, thinking of the information that Si Chichi and himself had just told him, I was afraid that the capital would be up again. "Don't worry about things in Beijing, who is Wen Qihua, can't you still believe him?" Si An'an didn't believe him, but the things in this world, there are so many variables that she can't worry about it. "I heard that the eighth prince has been in jail. It shouldn't matter, right?" Wen Qihua played a risky move in Beijing, but he was not alone in worrying. Si Ai hadn't even slept well these days. "The eighth prince is indeed in jail, but the rest of the matter is not yet known. Your brother is waiting for the seventh prince in the big tent to come. You can wait for them to finish talking and ask about the situation." Luo Zhaoyang finally did not tell the secretary about Shucheng. Oops, for fear that she would worry, this girl was already anxious enough to follow them. "Is it just going to jail?" Si Chichi nodded. Going to jail was a good result, but he didn't expect that he would pull his whole body and cause so many things. "Isn't the sentence pronounced yet?" "I guess Wen Qihua also feels something wrong. It should have stopped your majesty, but how can such a thing be eliminated?" The seventh prince nodded, indeed, the eighth prince already had this meaning. , Naturally won't give up easily. "Is the other courtyard burned?" Si Chichi sighed, but the other courtyard burned, but if something like this came out, it would be better not to burn. "In fact, Wen Qihua's plan is still good. At least it has separated the feelings between the father and the eighth brother. The feelings of the father for Concubine Nan seem to be really deep, so that he can start with such a righteous." Wen Qihua and the others. It was also because of this gambling that after attracting the attention of Emperor Wu, people found Rong Nan's body in the other courtyard of the Eighth Prince.