MTL - The Apocalyptic Master of Synthesis-Chapter 547 Attacking Orc Troops (Subscription required)

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  Chapter 547 The attacking orc army (seeking subscription)

   "A bunch of lunatics!"

  The devil is also quite uncomfortable in the face of such an orc.

  They wanted to go all out, but they weren't targeting these orcs in the first place.

   If you don't attack with all your strength, they will be very uncomfortable. The orcs don't care if you are their enemy or not, just kill them directly.

  The last three heroes glanced at each other and made a decisive decision.


  Anyway, they don't belong to their own troops, so they all treat them as enemies.

  Besides, Chen Wei is considering the lack of usable synthetic materials.

  There are enough materials here, not to mention those zebra-like centaurs, the Cyclops and lions and scorpions behind, it is enough for Chen Wei to do a lot of synthesis experiments.

  When the demon hero made his move, the situation of the battle finally changed.

  The three demon heroes cooperate with each other and use three different demon arms to form a large battlefield.

  The Armored Cthulhu and Ge Ge are protected inside, the Iron Maniac is on the periphery of the battlefield, and the main force of the battle is the demon worker who just got up from the ground.

  That's right, because too many enemies die too fast, the armored evil god's transformation speed can't keep up.

   After all, the amount of armor that can be used by the armor technique is less.

   After the demon warrior is killed, the demon workers behind can rush forward, put on the armor just replaced, and become a new demon warrior.

   This made some demon laborers who had nothing to do with nothing rush out directly.

  Because there is no armor, the defense of the demon worker can be said to be almost to the extreme.

   But their attack power is not actually weak.

   This kind of situation happens to be very similar to the situation of the orcs, both of which belong to the kind of high attack and low defense.

   But the problem is that demon workers don't want money.

  As long as the orcs die, new demon laborers will appear immediately.

   Instead, the orcs died, and so did they.

  When the orc heroes saw this situation, they all knew in their hearts that a truce was impossible.

   So several heroes discussed quickly, and immediately increased their attack power.

  The lion and scorpion, which had been dragged by the orcs, was released.

  As soon as those lions and scorpions jumped out, they circled around the head of the orc, apparently wanting to attack the orc.

  But because they had been trapped in the hands of the orcs for too long, they were all overwhelmed by the orcs, so the last lion and scorpion rushed towards the devil at the request of the orcs.

   This is the only air force in the orcs.

  The three demon armies also felt the pressure when they encountered such an air force.

  Gego is a flying unit that can hit the sky.

   But other troops can't.

   At this moment, a demon hero turned his head and thought, "You all keep an eye on that side, I'll take care of those flying in the sky."

   This demonic hero is the one who manages the Desecrated Halo Legion.

   At the beginning of the battle, he has the least number of soldiers in his hands.

  However, since the start of the battle, the number of soldiers under him has continued to increase, and now there are nearly 5,000 soldiers.

  If you don't explain things first, when he is not in command, those demon laborers will be in chaos.

  The other two demon heroes also know the situation here.

  The devil hero in charge of the Magic Shield Legion responded immediately.

   "Leave it to me."

   It's not that the hero of the Magic Flame Legion is not strong, but the original Magic Flame Legion is a legion with the largest number of soldiers, and there are 4,000 Ge Ge directly.

  Now all the attack power is on the head of the Magic Flame Legion, and he can't tell his mind for the time being.

   Instead, it is the Magic Shield Legion. Because it has been synthesized into a steel madman, the number of troops is smaller, and his heroes still have the energy to command in other aspects.

   Seeing someone take over their own affairs, the demonic heroes of the Blasphemed Halo Legion acted quickly.

  When he was in charge of the demon overseer, he was selected because this hero was a relatively rare halo magician among demons.

  Most of the demon law heroes take the strong attack route.

  A small number of them take the curse route, and the profession of halo mage itself is so rare that almost no one has seen it.

   This one happened to be a halo hero, so when Chen Wei established the Blasphemy Halo Legion, he naturally found him.

   And he is a perfect match for the Blasphemed Halo Legion.

   It's just that the situation has changed a bit because the demon overseer suddenly became an armored evil god.

   Now is the best time for him to use his halo magic again.

   "Forbidden field!"

  As the demon hero released a spell, a magma-red magic circle appeared under him.

  Under this magic circle, all the armored evil gods have an extra halo.

  As one halo surrounds another halo, the halos on the ground have begun to connect together layer by layer.

  The last huge halo centered on this hero and spread around.

   Just at this time, all the lions and scorpions flew over.

  The number of these lions and scorpions is not too large, there are only about sixty of them.

  However, their level is quite high. When they flew over, they came straight to Ge Ge's team.

   It can be seen that these lions and scorpions were ordered to kill the most troublesome long-range troops here when they attacked.

  This way of fighting is actually understandable. If these three demonic heroes command the battle, they will immediately destroy the magic and long-range troops.

   It's just that the lions and scorpions are out of luck.

  They themselves are weakened versions of Scorpions. When they flew over, they happened to encounter the halo of the forbidden air field.

  When it flew over the demon army, the lion scorpion plunged down.

   It's not that they don't want to fly, but that they simply can't fly.

   When the lion and scorpion fell, it flew forward for a certain distance by inertia.

  But they still fell into the team of Iron Maniac in the end.

  Seeing the situation, the iron maniac would not wait for the lions and scorpions to get up. When every lion and scorpion fell, several steel maniacs would pounce on them nearby to attack.

  Although the Iron Maniacs are defensive troops, their attack power is really good.

   After the four or five steel maniacs pounced on them, they immediately pressed the lion and scorpion to the ground and beat them.

   At this time, the demon hero immediately transformed the magic in his hand, and the halo under his feet changed rapidly.

  Although it is still magma red, the effect is different.

   "Gravity Field!"

   Once the halo is blessed, all the lions and scorpions feel as if they are being pressed down by a heavy object. Not to mention resistance, it is difficult for them to even move.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Steel Maniacs intensified their attacks again. They kept hammering the lions and scorpions, and before they could react, they hammered the lions and scorpions into a pulp.

  (end of this chapter)