MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 268 : Poverty Alleviation Star

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While Li Liping published the editorial, Liu Xing also submitted his poverty alleviation materials to his superiors;

He took what he saw in Nali Village as an example. The marketing of a high-end fruit actually drove people in this area to plant Shatang oranges. It didn't really take a few years. When these Shatang oranges mature, there will be a scale here. ;

Even the lazy households who were too lazy to give saplings and subsidies before became active, went uphill to dig pits, and waited for planting in the rainy season after the year-the profits were really eye-catching. Young seedlings, planted for two or three years, the cost is not much at all, and you can sell a few hundred dollars for a second hand, but it is real gold and silver;

At that time, it is not important whether or not the tree can be sold. As long as the scale is formed and the brand is established, it will naturally attract fruit merchants. Coupled with the official help to pull in some sales channels, it can completely evolve into a sustainable development resource;

This is not just a single poverty-relief project for the poor households, but a large project leading the entire region to get rid of poverty;

What Liu Xing has to do is to apply for a group of preferential seedlings of good quality seedlings on the grounds of poverty alleviation projects. In doing so, this spontaneous project of the masses has become a poverty alleviation project organized by the poverty alleviation office;

This application was intended by Liu Xing. Even if he had broken his leg, he had to run it down. After running down, it was his proper track record;

Don't worry about the execution of the masses, they can be more enthusiastic. When they learn that they can get preferential seedlings, they all look forward to it;

Liu Xing can imagine that as long as the seedlings are in hand, he can take some leaders to inspect the progress at any time, and can even develop into a demonstration base for poverty alleviation projects ... It is self-evident to his own career;

Later, Liu Xing mentioned in the material that on the basis of Yang County's industry, large-scale investment promotion is unrealistic. While relying on existing advantageous resources for investment, it should also consider supporting local entrepreneurs to start businesses;

He used Yifan Technology as an example. Several local young people took back their investment in their hometown and set up a small pig farm. The jobs created directly lifted several poor families out of poverty;

Therefore, such micro-enterprises should give more preferential policies to encourage more people with ideas to start businesses, thereby creating more jobs;

Liu Xing's idea cannot be said to be wrong. He did conduct an investigation in Nali Village, but his investigation was still a little too one-sided or taken for granted.

Several people he asked said that they were going to make money for the old Zhangtou family, so he took it for granted that it was the pig factory ...

However, the pig factory was actually reopened only a short time ago, and those who really worked in it were all young women according to Zhang Yifan's requirements;

Most of these people are engaged in construction. There is no technical content in this work, and they must be people in the village;

Then there are some, in fact, the melon tester is installed in the old Zhangtou's house. Although there are three days to catch fish and two days to dry the net, there is less and less work after autumn;

In a month, it is good for a person to have a thousand dollars. Even the young people who go out to work are not considered, but for some rural housewives, it is completely unnecessary. The same

They are at home all year round, except for the meager output in the field, they basically have little income. The money earned by men outside has to be calculated, and the hand is really tight. Now with such a casual job, even if there are a few a day Ten dollars, that's the equivalent of picking it up, not to mention that you can take the child over, help, and take the child, and work, how good!

With more than a few hundred dollars a month as an economic source, it will naturally not be so careless when it comes to spending. If the child wants it, if it is not too expensive, he will buy it, and he wants to eat something fresh. Don't worry about how much food is left at home ...

But all of this was unknown to Liu Xing, he just saw the changes in this poor mountain village, and then he attributed all the changes to this different pig farm ....

This Yifan Technology pig farm may have a very fresh business philosophy, but Liu Xing looks very uncertain, so he must first set aside a path for himself;

Entrepreneurship can create good jobs, but it must attract more people to start a business instead of relying on one or two companies;

From Liu Xing's point of view, if this pig farm is continued as it is now, it will soon see a loss, and then it will be closed down and dissolved, and a fragrant pig of 100,000 yuan will be bought. Who will buy it?

Li Bing said that he has five insurances and one fund, but other employees should also have it, but in this case, the more complete the benefits, the faster the company will fall, and the company will fail to make up for it because it has more losses. And then the people who got rid of poverty return to poverty again ....

Liu Xing naturally also had his thoughts. After he inquired, he found that the family of the old Zhang family was indeed rich enough to buy a million luxury cars. Not to mention the county seat, even if there were not a few in the city, in the village The reputation in it is not bad, that is, the one that is not showing mountains or water, which means that the foundation is thick enough;

From this point of view, there are also millions of households. Such a pig farm, including manpower input, should not exceed hundreds of thousands a year;

As long as they can stabilize their home, then within a few years, there is no need to worry about the poor households in this village returning to poverty, and when those Shatang oranges have yielded and become large-scale, then he is not needed ...

So how do you stabilize such a big family?

Liu Xingneng's mobilization of resources is also limited, but there are definitely no problems in issuing some awards, including publicity;

His idea is to promote Zhang Jianjun's family as a star enterprise for poverty alleviation, and issue titles such as the pioneers and leaders of poverty alleviation;

With so many auras in there, even if they lose money, they will not close the pig farm all at once. They are abducted there, and after losing a year, they should learn their lessons and return to them. The normal way of doing business;

At this time, in fact, Liu Xing felt that as long as they wanted to return to normal operations, no matter whether they were themselves or not, it was irrelevant. As long as there were no major plagues in the normal operation of pig farms, there was really not much to lose;

Therefore, in Liu Xing's plan, Yifan Technology Farm became a star enterprise to be supported, giving them many titles and many garlands.


The poverty alleviation work in Yangxian County has actually achieved a level that can be said to be beyond the limit ~ ~ If no death order was issued, no one would be stationed in the village and live in the homes of poor households , Know everything clearly.

To put it bluntly, I can do everything I can. This kind of work is also the easiest to produce results at the beginning. For example, when the information was not developed at that time, bring a project in, and soon bring a village or even a few villages to rich. Already

Then, because the country has a lot of strong policies, access to highways, electricity, etc., coupled with personal dividends, sending a wave of people to work, it is also a good helper for poverty alleviation, and it can bring a large wave of political achievements;

Now, agricultural tax is not only free, but also subsidies. The implementation should be implemented early. It is really difficult to make some achievements in poverty reduction.

Therefore, it is still necessary to establish such a model image of poverty alleviation;

The information of the old Zhangtou is naturally easy to find out. The first batch of wealthy experts produced after the division of the households;

Until now, a company that has created a lot of jobs has been created, and that is a typical example of a person who gets rich first and later people get rich!

As soon as the county saw the report, it was approved directly. Publicity must be vigorously publicized. This is simply an ice-breaking move for poverty alleviation;

Because the local entrepreneurs have cheap information and invested in starting businesses, they have created many jobs, obeyed laws and regulations, paid five insurances and one fund in accordance with national regulations, and made many poor households out of poverty because of this. Is n’t it worthy of a big book?

Is it going to promote those who helped them build a house, and then did not even clean up the house ’s hygiene, took the poverty alleviation funds, and bet on it or bought such a few meals?

An entrepreneur who loves his hometown and a star in poverty alleviation were born.