MTL - The Counterattack System is Only Available In the Mahayana Period-Chapter 684v2 The Law of the Jungle and the Rule of Destruction

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  Chapter 684 The law of the jungle and the rule of destruction

   Venerable Shenzang was furious, just a little bit, just a little bit, Jiang Li would be persuaded by himself and used for himself.

  With the help of Jiang Li, an unreasonable person like him, what can't be done!

   "Don't be so angry." Facing the monstrous anger of Venerable Shenzang, Emperor Shun had no fear at all.

   "Death!" Venerable Shenzang shot to kill Emperor Shun.

  Before Venerable Shenzang made a move, Emperor Shun had already moved. He opened his arms, leaned back, and entered the long river of time that appeared under his feet.

  The next moment, Emperor Shun came out of the long river of time and came to Jiang Li's side.

  Different from Ji Zhi actively using double pupils, Emperor Shun's eyes are always looking at three kinds of pictures, past, present and future.

  He had seen Venerable Shenzang do it in advance.

  The three Hunyuan Wuji Immortals were also very surprised when they saw Emperor Shun.

  Even though Emperor Shun's cultivation was not high, his mystery was no less than that of Taoist ancestors. Since ancient times, the legend of Emperor Shun has been circulating in the fairy world.

   In front of Emperor Shun, time is meaningless, he can appear at any time node.

  Yuan Zu regards Emperor Shun as a thorn in his flesh. As a Hunyuan Wuji Immortal who specializes in studying the rules of time, he is inferior to Emperor Shun in terms of time rules, which is a great shame.

   Venerable Shenzang is the sum of the power of the world, Yuanzu's comprehension of the rules of time is the comprehension of Venerable Shenzang's rules of time.

   From the shot just now, it can be seen that Emperor Shun's understanding of the rules of time is far superior to Yuan Zu and Venerable Shenzang.

   Venerable Shenzang still wanted to make a move, but Jiang Li directly pressed him to the ground.

  Emperor Shun wore a coir raincoat and looked like an ordinary boatman. He squatted down and looked at Venerable Shenzang, and asked a question that Jiang Li hadn't noticed before.

   To Jiang Li, this question was like being struck by lightning.

   "Heaven, you said that after you become the last consciousness, you can restore the heavens and worlds, so the world you restored is the current world or the world nine thousand years ago?"

   Venerable Shenzang's pupils shrank suddenly. He deliberately avoided this question just now, but Emperor Shun unexpectedly revealed it.

  Seeing that Venerable Shenzang did not answer, Emperor Shun said for him: "Nowadays there is no ladder to immortality, and you cannot supervise every plant and tree in the heavens and worlds. You can only restore the former heavens and worlds."

   "In the restored world, there will be no Jiang Li, no Black Tide, and you will act recklessly without restraint."

  Emperor Shun said to Jiang Li again: "Of course, in the restored world, Kyushu is no longer the peaceful and peaceful Kyushu, but the former Kyushu where intrigues and righteous demons struggle. There is no Bai Hongtu, no Yuyin, no Pure Heart Saintess, no Ji Zhi, no Commander Liu, no Zhang Konghu... almost no one you are familiar with."

   Venerable Shenzang hurriedly said: "I can come to Kyushu and keep the current Kyushu in my heart."

  Emperor Shun said slowly: "Is it possible? No?"

   "In your restored world, there are past lives and past lives of these people. Can a soul be both a past life and a present life?"

   "If you can really do it, why didn't you tell Jiang Li before?"

   "Don't say you forgot, the way of heaven has no details, how can there be something that you forgot to say?"

  Emperor Shun's words were like a sharp knife, cutting open the true face of Venerable Shenzang.

  Emperor Shun continued: "And do you want to restore the heavens and the world?"

  As soon as this remark came out, not only Jiang Li frowned, but even the three Hunyuan Wuji Immortals present also frowned.

What does it mean.

   Venerable Shenzang was calm and composed: "This is nature. If I don't restore the heavens and worlds, who will restore them?"

  Emperor Shun shook his head: "Heaven, you didn't answer the question. I asked you whether you want it, not whether you can."

   "Of course, of course I want to restore the heavens and the world."

   "Really? You don't have ambitions? After all, you are the only one left in the world. You can do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want. Why do you need to restore the heavens and worlds and create a world in your mind?"

   Venerable Shenzang's tone was flat: "The things you said can indeed happen, but the premise is that there is selfishness like the Immortal Emperor."

   "I am the way of heaven, fair and just, the thoughts of all beings are my thoughts, there is no selfishness, and the situation you said will not happen."

   "Without selfishness, you can say such things? If you haven't developed spiritual wisdom, then you really have no selfishness, but now that you have developed spiritual wisdom and rich emotions, you still say you have no selfishness?"

  Emperor Shun counted with his fingers: "It's the first time you saw Jiang Li, and you became curious."

   "You fled Jiangli with the fairy world, and you developed fear."

   "You deliberately concealed the facts, and you developed a desire to hide."

   "You feel happy when you successfully deceived Jiang Li."

   "You saw that I ruined your good deed, and you became angry."

   "Being influenced by emotions, how dare you say that you have no selfishness?"

   "You are produced by the thoughts of all beings, and the characteristics of all beings will appear in you."

   “Sentient beings have a very interesting characteristic. When they face danger, they will try their best to save themselves, and promise to do what they will do after they are rescued.

   "Heaven, don't you have this characteristic?"

  The Venerable Shenzang sneered: "The words are unreasonable. What you said is just to prove that I have emotions. How can you contact me forcibly and say that I have selfish intentions?"

  Jiang Li stared at the Venerable Shenzang, and tried to use his words: "Speak your true thoughts."

  Suddenly, Venerable Shenzang changed his previous rhetoric: "All beings are dull and ignorant. Now I am controlled by stupid beings and lose my freedom. Wait for me to open up the world again and create an ideal world in my mind!"

   "Restore the fairy world, and reward according to the quantity theory of destroying the world, it is all deceptive!"

   After speaking, Venerable Shenzang quickly covered his mouth.

  The Buddha was trembling with anger, and roared loudly: "The monks don't lie, but you are the way of heaven, but you deceived everyone. Shenzang, you deceived me!"

  Buddha and Confucian saints fought for nine thousand years in order to dissuade Confucian saints from submitting to the way of heaven and save the world.

   And now, it's all a joke.

   Papa Papa.

  Emperor Shun applauded: "Congratulations, God, you have learned to lie, you are becoming more and more human."

   "I have long guessed that Tiandao, you don't really want to restore the world. For this reason, I traveled back to 30,000 years ago and created the Great Zhou, which proved that there is a second possibility to save the world."

   "The nine rules can be divided into two categories, the law of the jungle and the rule of destruction are one category, and the remaining seven are another category."

   "The basis of division is order and disorder."

   "The common denominator of the law of the jungle and the rule of destruction is disorder."

   "Needless to say more about the rules of destruction, the time, place, and scope of its appearance are all uncertain."

   "The law of the jungle is also disorder. The strong make rules, but the strong will also violate the rules they make. Rules are like waste paper. The strong do whatever they want, which is disorder."

   "And destroying the rules only destroys the place of disorder, that is, the place where the weak and the strong exist."

   "Jiang Renhuang, you did a good job at this."

   "As the strongest, you are still willing to abide by the rules of the Great Zhou, so that the Great Zhou remains orderly."

  (end of this chapter)