MTL - The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side-Chapter 88

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The child was thrown out by Mu Chen, flying in the air and screaming, the crisp sound of the whole sound of the entire ancient peak, Mu Chen looked at his hand in amazement, the delicate throat rolled, scared and swallowed.

When Mu Qing’s figure swayed, he took the child back.

Looking at Mu Chen’s horrified appearance, it looked more frightened than the child’s, and all the anger was suddenly teased. On the child's buttocks, he took a slap in the face, and he did not ask for a good breath: "If you say no, you can scare him?"

"Who knows that the second brother is so small." The child grinned, raised his smile and smiled in front of Mu Chen's face, squinting and smirking: "Hey, look at me, the two look so good."

Mu Chen’s mouth was pumped, and at this time he reacted and he was played by a child. This child is still skinny than Gu Yunxiao when he was a child.

"This is what I told you before, the youngest weaned, Mu Wei." Mu Qing looked with a smile, and Mu Chen's reaction made him tolerable.

"Oh ah~" Mu Mu grabbed Mu Chen's sleeves and opened his mouth. Mu Chen suddenly shook and took a piece of candy from the space ring. The action quickly stuffed into the other's mouth and successfully blocked the other's mouth. This is a little calmer for the heart.

The pale face gradually recovered from the blood, and he asked a little embarrassedly: "How did you bring him? This weaning time... is late enough."

Mu Qing grabbed the hair, and some headaches said, "It was his own stealing. I can't leave him alone."

"Stolen?" Mu Chen suspiciously looked at the child, this is probably about three or four years old, and dare to leave home? Still running down from the realm of God?

"Mu's family is not like this." Mu Chen came up with a slight disdain.

Mu Qing was trying to explain it. He felt a familiar magical power. He turned his head and saw that the whole person’s face changed when Gu Yunxiao came over.

This liar!

Mu Chen responded slowly to others. The emergency response to Gu Yunqi was super fast. He subconsciously seized Mu Qing’s sleeves and asked coldly, “What do you want to do?”

Mu Qing dropped Mu Hao and licked his sleeves. It was natural to teach the **** a meal, and he actually ran so many roads!

Mu Chen saw the person behind Gu Yunqi, the twilight flashed slightly, and he tightened Mu Qingwen and said: "You can't beat him, you can hit his brother. Brother can't mess with his brother."

Mu Qing’s brain screamed, and only the brother who was in his head was playing his brother. So, did Mu Chen recognize his identity? Looking back at his raft, he carefully looked at Mu Chen’s face and said: "Chen Chen, you said..."

Mu Chen was shocked by this name as a goosebump, and he was uncomfortable pointing to Gu Yunjin. "That is his brother. He didn't teach him well, so Gu Yunxiao learned to lie." He was forced to lie when he was young. so people of Mu Chen and Gu cloud slotted and kinship are no good impression, and he wanted to hit them for a long time.

Mu Qing brushed his head and turned his head, his eyes turned cold instantly, his brother did not teach well, and he was the fault of his brother. I don’t think about Gu Yun’s who has already come to Muchen’s side, and the rushing rushing Yunjin rushes over.

Gu Yunjin stunned, and before he could open his mouth, he was slammed into his face and suddenly felt the loose mouth of his mouth.

Mu Chen slammed two times and took Gu Yunqi. He glanced at the cold side and looked at him. "Let's go, don't bother to look."

Gu Yunqi clenched his hand in the backhand and just wanted to lift his foot, and he felt something on his leg. He looked down and just looked at Mu's face with his legs. Gu Yunqi looked at Mu's appearance in surprise, and then looked at Mu Chen's face and suddenly blinked.

Mu Yan’s eyes turned and his eyes glanced. Mu Chen knew that it was not good. Sure enough, when he saw the child, he shouted: “Uncle, don’t grab me!”

"Who are you?" Gu Yunxiao’s smile on his face was a bit brighter. He looked down at Mu Wei and asked him, "What is your name?"

"His name is Mu Xi, it is Mu Qing's younger brother!" Mu Chen once again stuffed a piece of sugar into his child's mouth, explaining to the child who had no good words at the opening.

"It's really not the son of Shizun. It looks really like it." Gu Yunyi looked at his face and pinched the face of Mu Wei, and found two faint red marks on the other face of the tender and tender face.

Mu Hao endured his mouth and his eyes were red. "It’s my son!"

Mu Chen quickly shook his head to ensure that he had nothing to do with him.

Gu Yun’s color is getting more and more heavy, and I’m asking for something: “The teacher respects the child’s appearance very much on weekdays. How can this not be close? Isn’t it a guilty conscience?”

Mu Chen continued to shake his head. "Not every child I like. For humans, when the teacher only likes you when he is young, other children are clouds." After he finished looking at Gu Yunxiao's face, he did not know. What are you explaining?

Gu Yunxiao quietly looked at Mu Chen's nervous appearance, and finally was teased, and the child on his leg picked up, not so gently sandwiched under his arm, pulling Mu Chen smiled and said: "I believe the teacher Respect, but since this child is a Mu family, it should be taken care of."

Mu Chen was relieved. The stupid apprentice believed him and went crazy without being stimulated. He was initially worried that Gu Yunxiao would break the child's neck when he was angry. Now think about it, I seem to think that the apprentice is too ferocious, and when I was young, it was also cute. However, when I think about it, I think it is incredible. Why do you have to explain to his apprentice? As a teacher, there is no wrong time!

Gu Yunxi saw that his face had been changing, and he did not break it. He walked to the bamboo forest and stopped. Throwing Muxi in the bamboo forest, watching the child's eyes slightly deep.

Mu Chen finally remembered and asked: "Talked with Gu Yunjin?"

Gu Yunqi raised his eyebrows and covered the emotions in his eyes. He smiled and said: "Nature."

"It’s good to be careful with the tiger." Mu Chen did not rest assured.

Gu Yunying responded with a voice, and his eyes fell on Mu Chen, with a bit of interest in his eyes.

Mu Chen wonders, Gu Yunqi does not like to be noisy, and does not like the fragile little things of children. How is this so abnormal?

Seeing the eyes of Mu Chen’s inquiry, Gu Yun blinked his eyes and made a squeaking action. He took an indescribable look in his face. “Does Master think that he is like your childhood? I want to Raise him."

"Gangster!" Mu Chen's face was red, and he took a look at Gu Yunyi. He sat down from his own eyes and looked at the small appearance of Mu Xiaoxiao. The corner of his mouth could not help but pump it. Where is it like? Not at all, he never had such a smile when he was a child.

At this time, I saw Mu Qing hurriedly chasing him, picked up Mu Hao, reached out to grab Mu Chen, and said anxiously: "Come with me, my time is coming."

Mu Chen stepped back and ruthlessly refused.

"You have a round of beads on your body. You don't have to rob you at all. What are you doing here?" Mu Qing's body has already had white light. Every time he has a limited time, he can't easily disturb the order of the three circles. Playing Gu Yunjin has touched the rules.

Mu Chen pointed to Gu Yunqi. "Where is he, where am I, you will not have to look for me in the future."

Mu Chen’s voice just fell, Mu Qing’s side suddenly appeared a transmission circle, and Mu Hao, who had been well-behaved in his arms, suddenly pushed away his big brother and jumped from the other’s arms. He said capriciously: “I still Didn't play enough, don't go."

Mu Qing’s face is white, and this one, why are you so uneasy?

Before he could catch the child, Mu Qing had to be sent away.

Seeing that the other party disappeared, Mu Hao spit on his tongue and made a face, happily ran over the legs of Yan Muchen, and smiled and asked: "Second brother, do you raise me?"

Mu Chen: "..."

Just now, I made a bad intention to call him. Now that I’m looking at Mu Qing’s departure, this child will actually change the situation when he changes his mind. Mu Chen sees more intelligent children, but he is so smart when he sees it for the first time. I am very skeptical that the goblin has changed, so I don’t want to raise it at all.

The two had a pair of eyes, and the child grinned and smiled, revealing a pair of naughty little tiger teeth.

Mu Chen suddenly had a feeling that he couldn’t tell the truth. It’s not good or bad, but it’s wonderful. Thinking of this, Mu Chen looked at Gu Yunyi, the other party just smiled at him, and he could not see any abnormality at all. He was helpless and frowned. Is it because the child is too clever? Maybe I think more about myself.

I want to stop him from being impatient and open the other side. Emei asks: "Why don't you go?"

"I said that I haven't played enough yet!" Mu Yu spread his hand. "You are my brother anyway, you have to raise me."

Mu Chen was cold and looked very cold. "I don't even know your family. How do you decide that I am your brother?"

"In any case, the trick looks like. If you don't recognize me, I will call you out, you are me, you don't want me for him! Hey~"

Mu Chen’s mouth is straight, and I don’t know how to describe my current mood. This kind of bear child, why didn’t anyone beat him eight times a day to cure this rogue problem?

Gu Yunxiao said a few times, if Mu Qing had this entangled effort, he said that he would not be taken away by the small master. But leaving such a child here is also a hassle.

"Since he wants to stay, let him stay." Gu Yunqi waved and called a few attendants.

Mu Muji grabbed Mu Chen's thigh and drummed his dissatisfaction: "I only have to go to the second brother. Others will not do it. What should I do if I sell it?"

Mu Chen cold-faced, pulled down his own child, directly to Gu Yunxi, impatiently turned and left, too noisy, he did not raise.

What you don't want is lost to the apprentice, and you lose it very smoothly.

There is a Muxi needs to be dealt with here. There is another Gu Yunjin who has been smashed by Mu Qing. Gu Yunxiao has sunk for a moment and suddenly laughs. Maybe this is the test that Mu’s family gave him?

However, this child is too embarrassed to come.

Mu Mu looked at Mu Chen's back, disappointed and grinned, and then looked at Gu Yunxiao, smiling and narrowing his eyes.