MTL - The Deity of War-v9 Chapter 2237 The appearance of Heluo World

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This site is the fastest update of the latest chapter of the God of War! Qi Ying’s arm is still shaking.

Just attacking the body of Yongyao, the anti-shock of the armor of the artifact, makes Qi Ying a bit unbearable.

Losing the North is extremely cold, and it has been practiced to the present day. Otherwise, if it is the previous body, it is estimated that Qi Ying can be shocked by the force, directly shattering every inch of bone in the body.

"Sure enough, the power of the Lord is not comparable to that of the true God... and only one of them can be used to make a move... Moreover, he is not the general God!"

Qi Ying secretly complained.

Even the Lord's "joining" was quickly hit hard by the eternal God.

He and Taiyi will not be the opponents of Yongyao.

Lord God, the Lord of the Gods!

The power of the Lord is powerful and unparalleled. Although he and Taiyi can temporarily delay the eternal **** by various means, if they continue to fight, they will not be such powerful opponents of God.

"Too one!"

Qi Ying had a thought and teleported to Taiyi.

"Help me to point to the position or direction of Emperor Jun, I will take you to Dijun!" At this time, Qi Ying also refused to hide, and the means of teleportation no longer hide.

"it is good!"

I knew too early that Qi Ying had a lot of secrets.

It is not surprising to see Qi Ying directly showing the teleports so far away.

I told Qi Ying where the location of Emperor Jun arrived.


Qi Ying estimated that although he was far away, he mastered the direction and made several teleports, and he rushed over.

At this time.


The attack of Yongyao God fell again.

Qi Ying quickly tweeted the teleport, taking Taiyi together and crossing the distance.



The attack of Yongyao God turned into a fire like a firebird, and once again fell behind Qi Ying.

Fortunately, it was too difficult to strike out a barrier, and it was able to withstand the attack of Yongyao God. Otherwise, both of them would be blown out by this blow.

"The distance that Yongyao is teleporting is not closer than me, and can still track me?!"

For the first time, Qi Ying met such a tough opponent.

If he can, he wants to hide in the new universe with Taiyi!

However, at present, it is more suitable to bring Taiyi to the Heluo world.

call out!

Qi Ying quickly re-twisted the teleport.

Several times in succession.

Every time, Qi Ying’s teleportation is over, and Yongyao God can track it right away.

Taiyi’s complexity helped Qi Ying resist the attack that Yongyao God fell.

at last.


Qi Ying and Tai Yi appeared in front of a whirlpool door.

Emperor Jun has already waited here, seeing Qi Ying and Tai Yi, and also refused to say anything, directly pulling the two, broke into the door of the whirlpool!

At this time.

Yong Yao God traces it.

And the figure of the three has disappeared into the door of the whirlpool.

The door of the whirlpool also exploded at this moment.

"Too one, do you think you can escape me? You are too dangerous, it is a factor of instability... you must eradicate!" Yongyao's face, a strange smile.

In front of the traces of the disappearance of the vortex, the shape of Yongyao God suddenly changed.


The bones of Yongyao's body are getting bigger and bigger, and the outer skin is also hardened, and the armor of the artifact is integrated into one.

His appearance is more and more weird.


Yongyao God, turned into a habit like a hawthorn, half is a humanoid existence!

The eternal **** of the "Hedgehog" form, a pair of insects, golden light.

"Too one, you must die!"


The hedgehog is eternal and eager, punching in the air, and making a whirlpool door.

Then, the Hedgehog eternal god, flew in from the door of the vortex!


"Call... can be counted back!"

Taiyi was in front of Emperor Jun, panting and sweating.

In order to resist the attack launched by the eternal dynasty god, Taiyi used a lot of original power, and it was almost a big injury.

His side.

Qi Ying is also closing his eyes and meditating.

The continuous teleportation, as well as the impact of the aftermath of the attack by Yongyao, also made the source of his body somewhat confusing, but it was better than the situation of Taiyi.

Emperor Jun, who understands the ins and outs, frowned. "The Lord God appears? This seems to be a bad signal!"

Emperor Jun’s ability to deduct is actually better than Taiyi!

after all.

Emperor Jun is the owner of the former Tullow book, and later Fuxi is also him! He deduced the past and future of the Pangu world, and it was his deduction. He only got rid of his fate with Taiyi and became the **** of the first era, the only **** who broke the fate.

Other gods, or saints, without exception, are made for fate.

Like Tifeng, Jin Jinlong... Although it is a resurrection of the gods, but this is their fate, but their lives are better than those who can't resurrect! Since the fate is detached, they will have a chance to be born again.

"This eternal **** is definitely related to the hedgehog!" Taiyi said quietly. "At that time, he had the means to get rid of my entanglement and kill more gods. But he did not do this. It can be seen that his purpose is not to kill the gods, but to stop the gods from looking for the hedgehog nest. I feel more and more that what is going to happen in the plane of God is likely to be accompanied by a catastrophe!"

"And, this catastrophe is also related to the epoch of the Third Age of Pangu World! But it is too early!"

Emperor Jun frowned.

The epoch of the First Age occurred after millions of years after the opening of the people.

The annihilation of the Second Era was also in the Second Age, which lasted for nearly a million years.

just now.

The third era, just over 100,000 years!

Is the era of the third era going to happen? And the catastrophe of this era is related to the trend of the whole face of God.

"It seems that we can no longer be alone in the world of Heluo." Taiyi sighed and looked around. "For this world... We can't escape this time, we must face the Pangu world, and it is possible to come. The catastrophe."

Taiyi and Emperor Jun are not willing to have a cause and effect with the Pangu world.

After all, they were the ones who once escaped the Pangu world.


This catastrophe may affect the entire face of God.

The Heluo world is also within the scope of the plane of God. Once the face of God is subjected to a devastating blow, the impact on the Heluo world may be disastrous.

Under the nest, there is an egg.

Taiyi and Emperor Jun both understand this truth.

"Two." Qi Ying finished the breath, stood up, and the thoughts had spread out, and some surprised said, "Here is the Heluo world? Why is it so... desolate? Your world, is this?"