MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2066 Medieval tour group

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After returning from another world, Li Yalin also learned a lot of secrets while he had a new daughter, especially about the secrets of the rank card. It can be said that it was a great harvest.

It is for this reason that he can successfully communicate with the spirit through the rank card, even if he has already met the real heroic Lori version of the mother glittering Gilgamesh.

Unfortunately, for this Lori version of Gilgamesh, Li Yalin really can't guess what she wants to do, and she doesn't understand what her appearance means. Until now, he doesn't often see that. Niang sparkling, anyway, it’s right to go without a trace.

However, it is worth mentioning that a few years have passed, and Gilgamesh still maintains the shape of that Loli. Seeing this, her strength has not recovered.

It is no wonder that whoever sealed the grade card of Gilgamesh is still in the hands of Li Yalin, and is still used by An Jielika.

Therefore, it is really not that simple, Gilgamesh wants to restore real power.

“Is this going to start? Before the start of the national competition?”

Nowadays, there is still one week before the national college students' bow road competition. It is reasonable to say that the national archery masters from all over the country are in an active state of preparation.

Li Yalin alone, he came to be very leisurely, not only that, but he is also prepared to take this opportunity to take the lead in solving a heroic wish.

As for who the hero is, I believe that even if you don't have to say it, everyone can guess it.

However, for Li Yalin’s decision, everyone obviously can’t keep up with the rhythm. Everyone knows that he is about to participate in the contest. They are all ready to cheer for him.

But the result is good. He didn't even put the big game on his mind, but he wanted to realize the wish of the spirit.

What a joke! Is the desire of the spirits so good?

"Yes! Anyway, it won't waste time. When will we leave, we will be able to come back and will not delay the contest."

Li Yalin certainly knows that his words will attract a lot of spit, but his own heart is also very good. After all, he knows that this mission is not to leave the world, but to leave this timeline.

To put it simply, he left at this moment. No matter how long he has experienced during the period, he can choose to return to this point in time. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the big game.

The next point is still better at how to achieve your wishes.

"In fact, instead of worrying about the big game, we might as well think about what to do next. It is inevitable that a big battle will happen, so whoever wants to go to the battlefield needs to be considered."

"I think that Ilia, Xiaohei and Meiyou, you three don't want to participate in this action."

Li Yalin wants to help the spirits to fulfill their wishes. It is definitely impossible to take advantage of everyone. At least those sisters who know the rank card, he is not falling, they must be notified.

However, the notice was notified, but he was not prepared to let everyone participate in the war. The younger ones, such as Elia, Xiaohei and Meiyou, did not think they could board the cruel battlefield.

At least they are not suitable for the place full of blood and killing.

“Why? Why can't we participate in this action?”

Li Yalin’s words were exported. Iya, Xiaohei and Meiyou’s three girls were dumbfounded. They had experienced many wars with Li Yalin. They were also magical girls who came out from the flames of war. I thought I would be excluded.

This is difficult for them to accept.

"It's very simple, because this time we are going to kill."

In the face of several sisters' excitement and doubts, Li Yalin was just a sentence, and immediately let the three girls have no sound. At this moment, they even stopped breathing.

Killing, such heavy words make them really difficult to breathe. Although they have become magical girls, they have magical powers. Although they have experienced almost dead battlefields, their hands are still clean and never experienced excessive experience. Killing.

The killing of two words is really a great pressure for them.

"This time, I intend to take Angelica and Beadolis. As for Erica, I will give it to Alice for help. There should be no problem."

In fact, Li Yalin was not only not planning to bring Elia and Xiao Hei this time, but even Yan Wei and Luvia, he also did not count them into the itinerary.

Even if he is very clear, with the vision and the character of Luvia, there is no way to be soft on the enemy.

"What! Only Angelica and Beatrix? What about me? You are not going to bring me?"

"And me! Yalin, why don't you count me?"

Li Yalin did not bring Elia to them, and this is still excusable, at least far and Luvia can accept, after all, they are still children.

If you don't count them, it can be unacceptable, so I don't wait for what Li Yalin said. The two sisters broke out directly.

If you don’t give them an account today, they will never give up!

"Oh... Luvia, you should know that this time my mission is definitely not simple. Maybe we will face a difficult war. If you get involved, I really don't know you..."

"I know what Yalin is worried about, we are not children, we can protect ourselves!"

"Yes! If we don't even protect ourselves, then what face is left with you!"

Li Yalin did not bring Yuanyuan and Lucia. Naturally, he also had his plans. When he left, he must face a war and a difficult battle.

Although it is not a problem to win this war with his strength, after winning the war, he certainly cannot return so soon, and there must be a series of things waiting for him to deal with.

If you bring 凛 and Lucia, maybe he can't stay too long. After all, he is going to go this time, but Europe, 1,500 years ago, in the early Middle Ages, waiting for everyone's bad. The conditions, no need to think, everyone should be able to guess.

With so many spoiled girls, in a short time, everyone may still be able to figure out a fresh, but for a long time, who can insist on living?

Don't be kidding, it won't take long, he will receive a lot of complaints.

Therefore, even if he has the confidence to protect everyone's safety, he does not intend to bring so many people to 'group tour', and more straightforwardly, these girls are completely dragging oil bottles!

In comparison, it is still more comfortable with Angelica and Beadoli.

The problem is that he can't just say anything about these words. He can only find excuses. As a result, he was misunderstood by Lu and Luvia. He said this kind of thing. What else can he say?

Looking at these two eyes, Li Yalin knows that his persuasion is useless. If this is the case, then you don't have to insist.

"I understand, then I will bring you this time, but I also explained to you in advance, don't regret it."

Li Yalin sighed, and this rhythm really didn't agree, but even if he promised, he had to pre-empt the amount of prevention. Otherwise, he and Luvia regretted that he would not send them back in advance.

"How can we regret it!"

For Li Yalin’s exhortation, both Yuan and Lucia did not agree. They could not think of what they were going to.

Dirty and messy castles, people can't swallow food, the most important thing is that they will be a headache for a toilet paper.

If it is not Li Yalin who is next to him, it is estimated that they will have a heart of death.

Of course, those are all words, although the life in the Middle Ages is pitted to the extreme, but in the same way, Li Yalin will find his own romance there.

Well, at least he will be a personal winner, this is definitely not wrong!

All in all, he and Luvia are going to follow Li Yalin's counterparts. This is definitely not a fact. It is only after confirming this point, but it has triggered strong dissatisfaction from Ilia, Xiaohei and Meiyou.

Yes, they were really scared by Li Yalin’s murder. After all, they never thought that they would kill a person by themselves.

But the problem is, let them give up, but they feel very unwilling, at least they feel that they should accompany their brother to complete the first task.

Therefore, it goes without saying that it is inevitable that there will be some tug-of-war. Li Yalin does not want to bring everyone, but everyone has to follow. You have come to me for a long time to discuss, and finally ended up with Li Yalin’s compromise.

Forget it, since everyone wants to go, go ahead.

However, after Li Yalin agreed to Ilia, they did not know who was leaking the wind. In recent years, the girls who have been studying with Li Yalin, including the Fujisawa River, have actually rushed to express their accompaniment.

This made Li Yalin feel his brains.

what is this? Medieval tour group? Are you a child here?

Although the heart is constantly spitting, but in the end, he still can not refuse everyone, anyway, bring one is also a belt, bring a group is also a belt, simply go together.

By then you will know that you regret it!

With such malice, Li Yalin took out his rank card and summoned the hero of his choice.

Obviously, in the face of this slightly exaggerated medieval tour group, the heroic girl who just appeared is also on the spot.

"Oh... I haven't seen Altolia for a long time. This time I am helping, and I am ready to help you achieve your wishes."

Looking at the opposite blonde girl, Li Yalin raised her hand very embarrassedly and said hello, and explained the girls behind me.

"Help? I understand, it’s really hard for you, Yalin, and... thank you for your help."

Yes, yes, the hero that Li Yalin wants to help is my king Altolia!

After a short mistake, the girl who had returned to the gods gently nodded, and in the dark eyes of the pair, the inexplicable flash of a smile.

"Thank you, this is what I should do, then... should we set off?"

Li Yalin certainly saw the smile in the eyes of Altolia. She also knew that she had made some exaggerations this time. She subconsciously scratched her head and couldn’t say anything more.

"Yes, we should set off."

Li Yalin is very embarrassed, but I can see my king Altolia at this time, but she raised her mouth and took the initiative to reach out and hold Li Yalin's hand tightly together.

Yes, they are going hand in hand! Go together!

The new journey is about to begin!