MTL - The Emperor’s Heart is Rippling-Chapter 58 058

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"Are you here?" Chanyi was not surprised.

Xiao Ze nodded at her and said coldly, "Go down."

This sentence was said to the two maids, Mingyu and Mingcui, and when Chanyi opened her mouth, she saw that Mingyu and Mingcui shrank, stammered in response, and then rolled. The climber got off the carriage, as if a tiger was chasing him.

Chanyi said angrily: "Look at how you scared them, you stuttered even when you said a word." She watched Xiao Ze stride in, and sat down beside her beside.

Xu has the habit of practicing martial arts, riding and archery every day. He is not as slender as an ordinary teenager, but has the generosity of a man. Once inside, the entire carriage looked extremely small, and Chanyi felt a little restrained sitting there, not to mention Xiao Ze.

"It's because they are timid, but they are loyal and can barely use it." Xiao Ze said lightly.

Chanyi gave an "oh" and whispered, "They are loyal to you, not to the little girl."

Xiao Ze glanced at her lightly and said, "Isn't it the same?"

Chanyi's face was slightly hot, and she muttered, "Who wants to be like you."

Xiao Ze didn't say a word, just stared at her, looking at her with hair all over her body, then frowned and asked, "Then who else are you thinking about?"

It seems that if Chanyi answers one, she will make her look good. Chanyi blinked, naturally not being ignorant, she just smiled and said, "It's not you anyway."

Chanyi felt that if it wasn't for the sake of leaving tomorrow, she would definitely have a trouble with Xiao Ze again. What does it mean that she should not entangle with the man next to her, besides him, who else has she entangled with?

She hummed softly: "I'm afraid you remembered wrongly, the little girl has never promised you anything."

Xiao Ze frowned and said coldly, "You want to go back on your word?"

Chanyi was about to speak, when suddenly the carriage under her began to shake again. Without checking, she swerved to the side. Seeing this, Xiao Ze quickly supported Chanyi with his eyes and hands.

As if being burned by fire, he quickly let go of his hands and sat up straight.

"Yeah!" The girl suddenly called, and Xiao Ze hurriedly asked, "But where is the injury?"

Chan Yi shook her head, pursed her lips and pointed to the outside of the car, and asked quietly, "Is Shi Feng chasing the car? Things can't be hidden."

Xiao Ze wrote lightly: "They must know."

"It's not the time..."

Xiao Ze glanced at her and said, "Don't worry, it's Sun Ming outside."

Chanyi breathed a sigh of relief, but Xiao Ze looked a little short of breath by the side, he said coldly: "When will you be back?"

Chan Yi was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he was asking when he came back from Shu. She thought for a while and said, "The little girl is not sure, let's touch it for at most half a year!"

Besides, there are two little traitors by his side, plus a dark guard who is elusive.

Thinking of this, Chanyi muttered: "The little girl just found out that you had a plan, but it was really scheming."

"What did you say?" Xiao Ze touched the dragon-patterned jade pendant around his waist with a strange tone.

For the first time, someone said that he had a plan, and it felt a little strange, but there was no sign of anger in his heart.

Chan's clothes were shriveled and her mouth was shriveled: "You have put so many people around the little girl, now you know what the little girl does, isn't it scheming? My two maids listen to you, Don't listen to the little girl, and there is a secret guard staring at the little girl all day."

"What else do you think I am." Xiao Ze laughed clearly and said in a low voice, "Those two maids will be able to do some hard work, and it is more convenient for you to protect you than the dark guards. As for the dark guards, Come out when you are in distress."

After he finished speaking, he paused and thought: "There are many thieves in Shu, I still give you a few more secret guards to protect you."

Chan Yi's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and her chin is supported, "Apart from this, what else?"

Xiao Ze looked at her, and sure enough he continued: "Shu is too far away, Bai Yu is not yet mature enough to send letters between the two places. So..."

"Cough!" He clasped his fists and coughed to hide his embarrassment, "If you have something to do, you can write to the dark guard and let the dark guard give it to me. My dark guard has specially trained carrier pigeons. Sending letters is much faster than usual."

"How can you be like this." Chanyi tugged at his sleeve, dissatisfied: "Why is it hurting me, be careful that I don't get along with you!"

Just say that she will miss her then, so wouldn't she want her to thank her for writing a letter to comfort her lovesickness? With such a temper, be careful not to have a daughter-in-law in your life.

Xiao Ze narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who do you want to be friends with?"

Chanyi didn't notice any danger, but she plausibly said, "I heard that there are a lot of talented people in the south, maybe the little girl will meet one in Shu, and she will become a talented and beautiful woman!"

After she finished speaking, she looked up at him with a smile, wanting to see how jealous he looked.

But Xiao Ze just stared at her expressionlessly, until she felt uncomfortable, then said: "There may be talented people, but maybe there are beautiful women."

Chanyi made an "ah" sound, confused, not understanding what he meant.

I saw Xiao Ze suddenly leaned towards her, Chanyi looked at the handsome face enlarged in front of her, and for some reason she felt that it was not good, she quickly closed her eyes and covered her face and called out: "Hit someone. Don't slap in the face!"

Xiao Ze froze for a moment, his expression a little surprised.

Soon, her words made his eyes look a little deep and... weird.

Immediately after, Chanyi felt that her arm was caught by a pair of iron hands, and she was still in pain, so she rose up into the air, and after the sky was dizzy, she realized that she was developing a small The cage is a little sore.

She looked at the wooden floor of the carriage, only to realize that she was being carried and lying on Xiao Ze's lap. Lying on her stomach like this, the blood poured all over her face, and a delicate and fair face flushed red. A frightened struggle: "You...what are you going to do, let me go?"

Without squinting, he said, "I want to teach you a lesson."

Chanyi was stunned for a moment, her struggling movements stopped, she turned her head to look at him with difficulty and asked, "You want to teach a lesson, why do you want to do this?"

Her xiaolongbao hurts so much, who will suffer after being crushed!

Xiao Ze pursed his lips and said, "I will teach you a good lesson now."

After all, before Chanyi could react, she slammed down.

Chan Yi was stunned.

Xiao Ze looked at her expression and slapped again.

The voice was clear and loud, and everyone outside the carriage could hear it.

Don't think about it, your **** must be red.

Chanyi's head flashed this thought, and then she reacted dully, she was actually spanked!

She got ready as soon as she jumped, but was held down by Xiao Ze, unable to move for a while, and pressed the Xiaolongbao in front of her to the point of pain. She covered her **** with both hands to prevent Xiao Ze from hitting her again. She trembled with anger and cried, " actually spanked my butt!"

The sound was so loud that Sun Ming, who was driving the carriage, twitched his eyelids and almost couldn't control the carriage to hit the wall next to him.

Your Majesty and Mrs. Meng are really fun to play.

In the carriage, Xiao Ze pursed his lips and looked ahead and asked, "Are you still looking for Jiangnan talents?"

Chanyi covered her buttocks and cried, ignoring him.

"If you don't tell me, I will fight." Xiao Ze said in a flat tone.

Chanyi hurriedly covered her buttocks, crying and admitting her mistake: "I'm not looking for it anymore."

"Are you still mad at me?"

She shook her head: "I'm not angry anymore." It turned out that he knew that he was deliberately angry with him just now.

That round, upturned **** is a bit irritating.

"Get up!" Xiao Ze let go.

Xiao Ze took the lead to look away and said, "Don't talk nonsense in the future."

I don't have anything, just take care of myself. Chanyi let out a "hum", and after humming for a long time, she said, "Don't worry about it."

"Huh?" Xiao Ze stared at her with deep eyes, Chanyi couldn't help swallowing, a little cowardly. Just now, he was really merciless at all, and he used a lot of strength. He really looked like a disobedient student.

However, no master would spank a schoolgirl.

Xiao Ze was the first to lose, rubbed his forehead helplessly and said, "Be obedient."

Chan tucked her clothes in the corner of the door. After a long time, she said, "Can you beat people without moving? I'm already a big girl, how can you spank me?"

Xiao Ze's eyes filled with a smile and a trace of embarrassment, like the melting of ice and snow, and the chill disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, as long as you are obedient, I won't hit you."

Chanyi "hum", wanting to emphasize that the person who needs to be obedient is not himself, but him. But considering that the two of them are not that close at the moment, and as Xiao Ze is the king of a country, his temperament is naturally charming. At this point, he might get angry.

Although he is happy with himself, he will not make himself upside down. In the past, he was good to himself, and that was because he was innocuous and did not provoke him to be angry within the scope of his ability. If he had expressed his rebellious thoughts this time, he felt that the possibility of disrespecting the imperial power would be more likely.

Chan's clothes were closed as soon as they were good, and there was no refutation there.

Unconsciously, the carriage swayed to the entrance of Yangliu Alley. When the carriage stopped, Chanyi also noticed it. She looked back at Xiao Ze and said, "Your Majesty, the little girl is home, you should go back!"

"What did you say?" Chanyi was a little surprised. When she was interrupted by him just now, she forgot what her original purpose was. She only remembered when Xiao Ze mentioned it.

"You don't have to worry about this, just go to Shu." Xiao Ze avoided answering.

Chanyi didn't believe Xiao Ze in her heart. She felt that he was very unreliable, but it was not easy to ask questions, so she nodded to know, and thanked him by the way: "Thank you."

Xiao Ze nodded, looked at her and said "um" again.

Chanyi looked at him, "The little girl is going back, and the little girl hasn't gone back for lunch in a while, the little girl's eldest brother and the second brother should come out to find the little girl."

The implication is to let him leave quickly.

Xiao Ze raised his eyes and glanced at her, got up with a cold face, opened the curtain, and got off the carriage.

He was about to leave without looking back.

"Your Majesty." Chanyi called him from behind.

Xiao Ze stopped and did not look back.

Chanyi looked at him with a worried look, and said with a smile, "Wait."

"What's the matter..." Xiao Ze frowned and looked back.

"Kiss you."

As soon as he turned his head, he heard the little lady say this, and then he felt warmth on his lips. Xiao Ze suddenly stood there stiffly.

She stood on tiptoe, clutching his sleeve, closed her eyes and kissed him.

Xiao Ze was dizzy and no longer knew where he was.

Chanyi pressed his lips to his lips for a while, but did not go further, afraid that he would not be able to grasp the point again, and felt that he was a hooligan. In addition, he was a little tired from tiptoe and raised his head, so he quickly released his lips, let go of his sleeves and took a step back.

"Okay, go back!" She smiled and rolled her eyes.

Xiao Ze's Adam's apple rolled and wanted to reach out and grab her.

But Chanyi smiled smartly and turned to the carriage. That smug smile and the swirling skirt were branded in Xiao Ze's heart.

"By the way, it's very good that you are diligent in politics and love the people. You must make persistent efforts. Keep your good style and not be close to women~"

In the end, her voice was clear and clear, like a clear spring flowing into the heart of people, lingering.

The author has something to say: Chanyi: Your Majesty.

Xiao Ze: What?

Fuck you…

Slightly fat today, I will never be able to control the number of words. In addition, I have a new brain hole today. The title of the article is "Cut Your Little Peach Blossom". What do you think of this title?

Alright, I'm going to send you a red envelope.