MTL - The Emperor’s Heart is Rippling-Chapter 64 064

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"By the way, the little lady of the Song family is here today, have you seen it?"

"Really, where?" The group of little ladies gathered together, their eyes full of interest.

"I don't know, I haven't seen anyone. But the Meng family Mingzhu has fallen down, can you see it? It's the little lady who is sitting at the hands of the Wuyang County Lord."

However, a timid little lady glanced at it and mumbled strangely: "Why doesn't she sit with the Queen Mother? I watched the Queen Mother's expression lightly, but it didn't seem like she liked it. She, let her enter the palace."

" do we know..." Everyone hesitated.

"Hey, look!" Suddenly, a little lady shouted.

Everyone hurriedly followed the direction she pointed, and saw two little ladies walking on the path in the distance. .

So, they put aside the question just now, and went to see Song Jianying.

"This is Song Jianying, and the one next to her is another little lady of the Song family." The little lady who has seen Song Jianying, consciously has a lot of knowledge, and proudly tells everyone introduced.

"She wasn't born very beautiful, she was far worse than Meng Mingzhu." A little lady pouted.

"Your Majesty likes it, what can I do?"

"What's the use of the beauty of life, it's not that His Majesty loves it. After this, this little lady of the Song family is afraid that she will be the only one!"

"That's not..."

"If you want me, I also like a gentle little lady. Mengjia Mingzhu is still too cold..."

At this moment, a little lady turned around inadvertently and saw three people standing behind the flower tree. At first she thought it was the little lady next to her and didn't care. Later, after looking at it clearly, I found that it was Princess Nanxiang, the master of Huayin County, and the master of Yiyang County. Immediately frightened, she quickly poked at the little ladies who were still talking.

At this time, these little ladies can still discuss leisurely here, which also shows that they are people who have no intention of entering the palace. Lu Wan and the others glanced at each other and found that it was a little lady they didn't know. They didn't care, they just frowned and said, "Sister Huayin, let's go."

The Lord of Huayin County nodded, and without looking at them, turned around and left together, leaving behind only a group of little ladies who were talking about their guilty conscience behind their backs.

The three of Lu Wan have important identities, and their mothers and concubines are all sitting on the Queen Mother, so it is inevitable to greet the Queen Mother. When they came together hand in hand, they happened to meet Song Jianying who came to greet her with her mother, and immediately bowed to the Queen Mother Meng and stood aside, not in a hurry to leave.

"The courtier meets the queen mother." Mrs. Song also gave birth to a gentle and elegant.

The Empress Dowager Meng squinted and glanced at it. After a while, she seemed to react and said with a smile: "Didn't Mrs. Song go to Luoyang with Lord Song? If you don't come into the palace to see Ai's family, Ai's family doesn't even know about it."

Song Jianying's father, Nanyang Hou, was just a false name and had no real power. Five years ago, he appointed Luoyang county magistrate and took his family to Luoyang to take office. During this period, the family never returned to Chang'an.

Mrs. Song bowed her head and said: "In a few days, I will see Grandma Ying's 60th birthday, and in August my husband will be transferred back to Chang'an from Luoyang. Seeing Grandma Ying's birthday. It's just that the courtiers haven't been called, and they don't dare to disturb the empress rashly."

The Empress Dowager Meng smiled brightly, looked at Song Jianying and said, "It's better to come back to Chang'an, no matter how good Luoyang is, it won't be as good as our Chang'an. By the way, if Aijia remembers correctly, Seeing that this girl, Ying Ying, was in her hair the year before last! I'm afraid she will be seventeen this year, can you agree to it?"

The richer the family, the later the daughter will marry. Under normal circumstances, women don't start seeing each other until they reach the age of fifteen. When they are sixteen or seventeen, they can decide on a marriage, and then stay at home for two or three years. Sometimes they get married when they are twenty.

However, this is limited to people who love their daughters, and most of them are married at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Song Jianying is already in the season this year, and it stands to reason that she has also decided a marriage.

Naturally, the Queen Mother also asked casually. This posture is obviously for Xiao Ze's return, how could there be a marriage?

Sure enough, Mrs. Song glanced at Song Jianying and said, "The year before last, a marriage was arranged for the girl Jianying, but this child is a lucky child, and the family's family style is not upright, so Mr. Hou will The master has withdrawn from that marriage."

The Empress Dowager Meng let out an "oh", beckoning Song Jianying to step forward and take a closer look. Then he said: "It's a lovely little lady. That family doesn't have eyes. Aijia will pay attention to you. If there is a suitable good son, I will personally suggest the marriage to you."

Song Jianying smiled shyly and thanked Empress Dowager Meng in a soft voice. It seemed that she did not hear what Empress Dowager Meng meant. Madam Song also listened attentively to Queen Mother Meng's words, and there was nothing wrong with her expression.

Lu Wan secretly snorted and said, "It sounds nice, who knows who it is for? And that fiance, maybe he was slandered..."

Hua Yin frowned, "Yiyang, be careful."

Lu Wan stuck out her tongue, looking at Song Jianying's expression still bad.

Hua Yin didn't care anymore, the three of them didn't like Song Jianying anyway. On the one hand, it was because of Chanyi, and on the other hand, it was mainly because Song Jianying felt too fake for them.

"Good boy." Empress Dowager Meng clapped her hands and said, "Okay, you little ladies can't stay here, you can play by yourself! The flowers here are all from Penglai Pavilion. The ones brought here are very brightly colored, and they are most liked by your little lady."

"By the way, Mingzhu, you should go too! The little lady of the Song family doesn't walk around the palace very much, so take her with you."

Meng Mingzhu originally sat there with no expression on her face, but there was a slight fluctuation since Song saw Ying coming. Now that Queen Mother Meng called her again, she stood up and said coldly. : "Miss Song, please."

Song Jianying bowed with Empress Dowager Meng, smiled and thanked Meng Mingzhu: "Thank you, Sister Mingzhu."

Meng Mingzhu's expression remained the same, her expression was still arrogant, she nodded slightly and then walked out first.

How could she not know about Song Jianying. When she was still young, she often saw this little lady Song follow her mother in and out of the palace, and even His Majesty, who had always treated the little lady differently, treated her differently.

Not to mention, she also saved His Majesty's life back then.

When the two of them walked away, Meng Mingzhu stopped and turned around and said, "Miss Song, I'm going to find Princess Qinghe and Sister Wang's family, do you want to go with me?"

Song Jianying raised her head and saw that although she was not impatient, but her face was indifferent, obviously she did not want to follow her, so she said: "Mingzhu sister go, I will not go. ."

Meng Mingzhu nodded, turned around and left without inviting her again.

After she left, Song Jianying was left alone. She thought about it and went down to the uninhabited flower tree.

After a long time, two men came out of the path out of the corner of the flower tree.

Song saw a little fluctuation on Ying's face, she looked a little surprised, and she still had a gentle smile on her face. She walked over and bowed her knees and said, "I have seen Sakura, I have seen Your Majesty."

Song Jianying pursed her lips and smiled: "I came back half a month ago, next month is to see Ying's grandmother's 60th birthday, and when I saw Ying, I came back with my mother."

"It's natural." She smiled slyly: "You don't need to tell my cousin, I will stay for a while when I see Sakura. You know, Luoyang is really boring. It's better to stay in Chang'an, and a few cousins ​​are not boring."

Song Jianying's intimate tone suddenly pulled the distance between the two, as if there had never been a five-year separation. But Xiao Ze was still a little uncomfortable. He looked at the little lady in front of him who hardly looked like a child, and said with a frown, "It's okay if you think so, I still have something to go to Taiyechi, so I'll leave first."

"Ah?" Song Jianying was a little surprised, but he quickly adjusted his facial expression and said, "Cousin, go get busy! I won't disturb my cousin when you see Ying." Having said that Said, but the loss on her face was extremely obvious.

Xiao Ze saw him, but after nodding his head, he took Sun Ming to Taiye Pool, without any intention of turning back.

Song Jianying looked at his tall back, gently lifted a strand of hair on her face, put it behind her ear, and smiled softly.

"You said, why don't you see His Majesty show up today!"

Song saw Ying returning to a crowded place and heard someone say.

"What's the matter? It's also for Your Majesty to choose a concubine. If Your Majesty doesn't show one side, is it possible that the Queen Mother decides?" That's right, after the rumors spread from Chang'an City, everyone thought that this was a Wei Xiao Ze choosing a concubine. 's flower feast.

"I see, His Majesty already has the little lady of the Song family enough, how can you still have the heart to choose? Or, do you know that His Majesty is not here?"

"Not sure, where is His Majesty watching you now..."

Song Jianying saw her from a distance, a faint smile raised at the corner of her mouth.

When Xiao Ze returned to Xuanzheng Hall from Taiye Pond, it was already noon. The flower viewing banquet in Xuanhui Hall is not over yet. After lunch, one more afternoon will be considered as the end of leaving the palace.

There was the letter from Chanyi on the desk. In the past few days, he read it many times, read it word by word, and hesitated for a long time.

She said that Mrs. Chen's health is not good and she can't come back for the time being. However, she didn't know that she couldn't wait any longer.

The person who should have come back six months ago has been delayed for half a year, and it will be delayed for another half a year. Xiao Ze feels that his patience is not enough.

He leaned back in his chair and suddenly asked, "Where does she live?"

The hall was quiet, the sun shone through the windows, and you could see tiny dust rising and falling.

The guard looked at him and said an address.

On the second day after the end of the flower viewing banquet, an unexpected thing happened.

A hundred officials were surprised, and aristocratic families were surprised.

Your Majesty has issued the imperial decree of the Dao Li Concubine.

Not the little lady of the Song family, not the daughter of the Meng family, Pearl, nor among the little ladies who participated in the flower viewing banquet. But what I have never heard of, Meng Chanyi, the youngest daughter of the Meng family.

If you have a good memory, you will naturally remember some things that came out of the palace last year.

However, from the very beginning, His Majesty named the youngest daughter of the Meng family as a noble concubine, which I really love. You must know that the imperial concubine only exists under the queen and the same vice queen.

This is a big surprise.

The news reached the Song family, Song saw that Ying was working as a female celebrity, and when she heard the news, she accidentally injured her finger.

"What?" She was slightly lost.

Meng Chanyi, that woman who has been forgotten?

This time, she was careless.

No matter how much trouble this concubine decree caused Chang'an City, the person who issued this decree was already sitting on the carriage to Shu.

The morning court that did not pull for a day was suddenly put down by His Majesty. The ministers were not surprised either. When the late emperor was alive, it was common for him not to go to court for one or two months. Anyway, there were small court meetings in private, and they could still discuss matters.

However, they never saw His Majesty. Everything is communicated by a few of His Majesty's cronies. If it hadn't been for the daily memorandum to be reviewed, they would have thought that His Majesty was no longer in the palace.

Seven days later, a pair of inconspicuous blue cloth carriages appeared at the gate of Tongzhou City.

The author has something to say: Xiao Ze: Take my daughter-in-law home! ﹋o﹋

Sorry, the estimate failed, we will meet in the next chapter~

In addition, it won't be a concubine, or a Ming media is married~