MTL - The Evil Wife’s Wild Husband-Chapter 43 catching snake

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"Oh..." Yun Siyu trembled, his eyes were watery, and he looked helpless and pitiful. The bad factors on the wind rushed out and he refused to meet him.


"say you Love Me."

Yun Siyu said with a trepidation, "I... I love you..." This is like a slap in the face!

Feng Ling squeezed his chin, kissed his lips, and his body sank. Yun Siyu snorted and hugged her with both hands. With her ups and downs, she screamed with disappointment, and remembered to whisper a little. ?

When Yun Siyu gasped and finally recovered from the rhyme, he realized that he had done something stupid, and he could not help but stick his claws to the culprit.

Feng Ling sneered a sneer, grabbed his two wrists and cut it back, and kissed his lips a little bit on his shoulder. Yun Siyu writhed his body and said, "Don't!"

Feng Ling looked up at him, "Don't you? You don't like it?"

Yun Siyu’s face is red, and he said, “No, now.” So many people listen, is it shameful?

"That's it." Reaching out the quilt and covering the two men, Feng Ling sighed on his forehead and said, "Sleep." Although Yun Siyu has deep internal strength, she still has some concerns that he is tired. He ran for a whole day.

Yun Siyu reached out and hugged her waist, rubbing her shoulders and muttering, "Oh... I like you so much..."

Feng Ling shuns his hair, his face is full of smiles, in fact, the world is still good.

In the early morning of the second day, Ning Wangdian’s face was solemnly looking for a conversation.

Unlike her dignity, the idle king's hall was a lazy look, waiting for her to speak.

Huang Yu ink frowned. "Even if you look at the face of the emperor, if you don't care about us, you have to manage the men. Do you really want to get sick?" This is the first night. It takes at least ten days to pass through these peach hills.

Not to mention the three spoiled sons, the little waiters around them have not suffered this kind of sin.

Feng Ling squatted and squinted, not salty and said: "Now go back, you can go back to Taohua Town before dark, this also needs the king to remind you? His Royal Highness King."

Su Wen, who has a little gluten, wants to follow her. She can understand, because she is not willing to resist the purpose, but Huang Yumo is clearly seeking sin.

Huang Yu ink glared at her. "I certainly know that I can go back. You think that I really can't follow you, but Yu Yan refuses to go back. What can I do?"

No matter how excited she is, Feng Ling is still a lazy appearance, and seems to be unconcerned about everything.

"What is this about the king? What is the relationship between His Royal Highness and the King?"

Feng Lingyu said this very rudely. In her opinion, Huang Yuyan really can't stand it, then don't follow it. If you have to follow it, then don't shout tired. Isn't such a big person still responsible for himself?

She is not obligated to take care of him, even if it is the emperor, in addition to the younger brother of Huang Yuxuan, she has no relationship with her, and why should she wait for him to serve the elderly?

Even the Queen of Phoenix Yuxuan did not have such an honor, let alone a prince.

Unfortunately, her words were just heard by the Yu Yan, who was not far from them.

Huang Yuyan’s face was ugly and open. “Emperor, I’m fine, I don’t need to take care of it.” He didn’t want to be underestimated.

I just thought that the wind and the wind were so painful to Yun Siyu, but it was indifferent to him. It was inevitable that I felt a little sad, and he only thought that this feeling of discomfort was because he was a prince, not as good as a general. The reason why the favored nephew is valued.

Feng Ling slammed his lips and raised his eyebrows to look at Huang Yumo. The meaning is obvious. You are a nosy, you are saying that you don’t need to take care of them.

Huang Yu ink glanced at her in angrily. There was nothing to say, and there was some helplessness in his heart. His stubbornness to Huang Yuyan’s suddenness was really unclear.

When the conversation was over, the wind rushed back and found that Yun Siyu was gone, and he frowned and began to search for people.

I did not expect that there were still lakes on this mountain. At this time, Yun Siyu and Xiaoyun stood by the lake.

Jin Yun is pulling Yun Siyu to persuade, "Wang Jun, you can't go down, it's very dangerous, the prince will worry."

Yun Siyu reached out and wanted to tear him apart. He said in his mouth, "Hey, don't worry, I will be water. Don't tell you, she won't know."

"Well? Don't tell me?" It happened that the wind that was just being found was heard.

"Hey, how are you so fast?" Yun Siyu turned and saw the wind, and could not help but stand upright, very well-behaved.

I thought that he didn't seem to make any mistakes. He just wanted to go to the water to play, and then relaxed.

Feng Ling shouted, "The courage is big, I know that I am doing bad things."

Yun Siyu took her hand and shook it, and smiled happily. "It's not a bad thing." He looked at the faint lake, and then plunged into the wind and whispered, mysteriously whispering, " Oh, I saw it, there is a silver ice snake inside, I want it."

Silver ice snake, the most poisonous and the most rare in the snake, it is hard to see one, how can he let it go?

The image of Feng Lingyu in Yun Siyu's mind is getting taller and taller. He seems to have confirmed that Feng Ling must know what is a silver ice snake, so he did not explain much.

The wind did not disappoint him, just asked an eyebrow, "You are not mistaken?"

Yun Siyu raised his hand and swears, "I have never read it wrong." Although he has not seen the real silver ice snake, but because he is interested in this snake, he studied it carefully, just to see the silver ice snake in the future. Time is not to be missed, so it is definitely not wrong. It is clearly a silver ice snake.

"okay then!"

It’s said that Yun Siyu’s eyes are bright, and he is about to prepare for the launch of the water. The result is that he first rushes to make a splash of water. “Hey?”

The wind blew out a head from the water, the hair was wet by the water and stuck to the face, and the water drops from her face, like a water leprechaun, confusing people.

Yun Siyu carefully jumped twice in the liver and thought of the big bath in Wangfu. Someone used to be like this. He tied his head and then was eaten and wiped.

Feng Ling looked at him and said, "You give me honestly, I will catch you."

Yun Siyu chicken nodded like a glutinous rice, kneeling by the lake, watching her disappear from the lake, the lake was restored to calm again, only the remaining peach petals floating on the water, with the breeze blowing, the lake surface Another round of embarrassment.

Because of his bad mood, the Yuyan Emperor who walked here for a walk, seeing that he had been staring at the lake, could not help but be a little strange. With his sight, he found nothing, so he put his gaze on Yun Siyu. With an inquiry in his eyes, he seems to be very curious about Yun Siyu, who wants to see through him.