MTL - The Fierce Illegitimate Miss-Chapter 16 Snob!

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The night is too late, and the wine cellars on both sides of the street have hanged lanterns. Among the many restaurants, a magnificent restaurant is particularly eye-catching. I saw that this is a unique four-storey building with two fines standing in front of the door. The sculpted stone lion looks like a living, as if welcoming the guests. Just above the gate, there is a ebony plaque hanging on it. There are only three gold characters on the top of the dragon and the phoenix dance: the drunk fairy building, which is known from the hands of famous people.

Yu Ling squatted down the car, looked up at the signboard, and the door was still awkward. The word was also good, but in her eyes when she was used to the big scene, it was a four-star hotel.

Putting up the skirt angle, Yu Lingling just took the **** on the steps, and heard a voice that screamed: "Hey, hey, take the water, go back!"

The delicate eyebrows were slightly stunned, and Yu Lingling slowly raised her head. Is this goods talking to her?

At the door, there were several men in uniforms and blouses. At first glance, they saw the role of the guards in the restaurant. A young man was impatiently waving his hand and shouting that she was coming in through the back door. .

The ink is slightly sloppy, and the jade is cold and cold. Isn't it just that she is wearing a coarse cloth? Even said that she is collecting water!

I didn't wait for Yu Ling to talk, only to hear the scurrying anger behind me: "How dare you talk to our lady!"

Stepping up a few steps, pointing at the man and shouting: "Open your dog's eyes, this is the four ladies of the Jade General!"

Yu Lingling was somewhat surprised. She passed through here last night. The impression that scribbled gave her was timid and afraid. She cried her nose when she couldn’t move. She didn’t expect to see her humiliated at the moment, and the scribbles dared to stand up.

I thought that the physical character of this body is weak, and her jealousy will not be a powerful character. I did not expect that in front of others, scribbled can maintain her. I remembered that when I used to smash the grass for Yu Ling, I went to the kitchen to steal things, and Yu Ling’s heart was filled with some touch.

Probably no matter what person, once the violation of Yu Lingling, will the grass stand up and defend her without thinking?

Such a master servant is deep, she never encountered it.

Yu Ling was thinking about it, only to see a few men over there heard the words of the grass, and even laughed loudly. It’s no wonder that they don’t believe it. On weekdays, Rida’s officials saw much more. It’s the first time I saw a big lady who didn’t even have a decent piece of jewelry on Zhou’s body!

"Go and go, where is the crazy woman, not fast!" The man who talked smiled and pushed his hand to push the jade.


A crackling sound, no one saw how Yu Ling was shot, only to see the next moment, the man's wrist has been softly collapsed down, followed by a pig-like scream.

Yu Ling took out the scorpion and wiped her hand gracefully, as if it was contaminated with something dirty.

"Do you want to entertain guests?" The crisp voice, but the cold anger.

Under the bright lanterns, Yu Ling stood up at the gate, and the wind at night blew her clothes slightly, making people dare not look at it.

Xu was frightened by the temptation of her monks, and the men who watched the door could not speak for a while.

The man who fell to the ground was still screaming in the field. Soon, there were people who looked like they walked out quickly: "Noisy! What happened?"

The men finally found the backbone of the heart and were busy reporting: "Li Guanshi, this woman has lost the wrist of Niu Si!"

The sight of Li Guanshi fell on Yu Lingling’s body, and there was a few visits in his eyes. The woman in front of her eyes was only wearing a coarse cloth shirt. She only had a hairpin on her head, and she didn’t even have a scorpion. She only had a small donkey behind her. However, the whole body exudes a burst of momentum.

What kind of person Li Guan is, his eyes will naturally not look like a few janitor in front of him, only a glance, he knows that Yu Ling is not small. You must know that this clothes jewellery can be bought with silver, but this superior aristocratic style is born with a lot of money and can not be bought.

Seeing this situation, although I still couldn't figure out what happened, Li Guanxi was busy changing his smile and welcoming him: "This lady, I don't know how to call it?"

The smashing sedge of the scorpion rushed back to the top: "Our lady's nickname is also what you can ask?"

Yu Ling’s mouth was a smile, very good, and the girl started to look at her.

Li Guanshi was stunned, but his smile on his face did not dare to reduce: "Sorry, sorry, please come in, my name is Li, what do you have to do," he said.

Yu Ling went in without squinting, and fluttered the next sentence: "What is your surname, it doesn't matter to me."

She has no perfuse patience for this guy who watches people to serve dishes.

Li Guanzhi followed the scalp and came up with a smile. "What does the lady like to eat? Small and ready to go."

This kind of person is like this. The more proud you are, the more despicable he is. To know the hidden dragons and tigers in the capital, they open the restaurant to laugh at the eight parties. If you accidentally offended the gods, you can't really eat and walk away.

Yu Lingling took out two heavy silver ingots: "What do you have for the dishes, put them up."

If Li’s management had doubts about Yu Ling’s identity, then I’m seeing Yu Ling’s generous and generous appearance, and even the last trace of suspicion disappeared.

"Yes, yes, I will prepare for the small, please wait for the lady." The jade and the servant and the servant were brought to the window seat, and Li Guanwu went down with a smile.

The grass smashed the back of Li Guanshi’s back: "What is really a dog's eye!"

Yu Lingling handed the purse to the scribble: "This thing, you take it."

In the memory of Yu Linglong, she has not touched the money for a long time. In her identity, there is very little need to use money wherever she goes. Even if she needs it, she naturally has a younger brother behind her. It was really unaccustomed to let her run around with a heavy purse in ancient times.

The sedge was taken aback and subconsciously shrunk: " is this going..."

"What can't be done, let you take it with you!" Yu Ling slammed the purse into the hand of the sedge.

Sitting on the grass, the money bag in his hand is not holding, not laying it down. I have been with the lady for so long, and I have never had so much money in my hand. For a time she is not used to jade.

Looking at the sloppy look, Yu Linglong laughed for the first time: "What do you want to stay? Is it so scary when you have some money?"

"I..." Scribbled and looked up at Yu Ling's smile, and suddenly lost his voice.

Her young lady has always been graceful and elegant. Why have you ever had such a confident smile?

At this time, the dishes have come up, four cold and four fights and four fruits, and the little two nodded their waists and lost their small faces: "Miss, please use slowly, hot dishes will come soon."

Yu Ling took up the chopsticks: "Come on, let's go buy clothes."

The chopsticks that the grass has just picked up fall on the table, what? It’s not enough to go out to the restaurant. Miss is going to buy clothes! ?