MTL - The First Order-~ A few small things about the list

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Just say a few things.

One, this month code is now, in fact, the most expected is to quickly end May, and then take a good rest for three days, rather than take the first place.

Indeed, my personal ability is a bit scum, and I am so tired of 8,000 words every day ...

This month, I was forced to go to the field helplessly. I was a little tired. I didn't want to do anything except code words ...

Second, I heard that someone ran across and said that the first is almost over, so I hope to have a fight next month.

I think this way, there is no need to say such things in the competition. Everyone is fighting for this exposure and honor, and the other party has no such obligation because I am about to finish and let me take a look, right.

So do n’t say that.

Third, I am also very self-knowledge here, and there are really not many updates, I am sorry for those who support the first sequence, there is nothing to say ...

I just don't want to give up at this step, so I hope you like the support of the first sequence.

Four chapters and eight thousand words per day until the end of May, and everyone else please.

Fourth, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. I estimate that I can still code for five, six, seven, or eight years, so I wo n’t get the first one, and there is the next one. As long as you are happy to see, then the rest is the second thing.

Reading books, happiness is the most important.

Therefore, do n’t worry about the quarrel at this time, and also trouble the moderators who are optimistic about the book reviews recently, and help with the rhythm to permanently delete posts.

Some people are neither my book friends nor the opposite book friends, but I am afraid that the world is not chaotic. I compete for the New Year ’s List. I probably know that there is such a small person who ca n’t wait for me to hack each other. Has more players.

What I want to say is that if you compete for the list, you should n’t belittle the other side as a means of fun. You are the only way to support each other. Creating content is fun.

5. Finally, let ’s talk about the first sequence by the way. In fact, you should also guess who the last enemy is, but the process is not as simple as imagined.

The plot of the wizarding country will not be too long or too short. I call this story of Daxing Northwest "the last happy time", or the tranquility before the storm. When the story ends, then You can basically count down the end of the day.

After June, I may make occasional changes, because I can foresee that a lot of plots need to be refined, and I will rewrite over and over again when I am not satisfied.

Therefore, I am sure that you are more tolerant in advance.

In the end, the first series hasn't got the first place in the monthly ticket list. I hope it can make up for this regret before the end. Do your best to do everything. Please trust everyone.

Ask for monthly tickets, please join me in Daxing Northwest.


Thanks again.