MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1167 The young handsome appeared!

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The walls of the magnificent city of Ghent were empty, with no patrol soldiers and no clear-cut flags. The Norman family and the Tudor family have fought openly for more than 80 years, and now everyone is carefully maintaining temporary peace.

Ghent city occupies a huge area, and there have been rumors that if someone races across Ghent city, they will not be able to run out of Dongcheng District for seven days.

This is undoubtedly an exaggerated statement, but this capital city has an unparalleled position in the minds of the entire wizarding nation.

It represents dreams, ambitions, prosperity ... There is even a unique drainage system throughout the wizarding country. The wide drainage channel is like a bomb shelter, which makes Gent City never have to worry about the summer rains and makes the whole city look like Much cleaner.

Gent city is in the minds of the people, it seems that all the good words meet the definition of the people, but only those who have lived in Ghent city understand that in fact, here is not so special in essence.

The huge sewerage system gave birth to a large number of desperate people who depended on it for survival. There is the largest underground casino in the entire wizarding country. Some people once clamored in the sewers. Even if the wizard came here, they would have nowhere to go.

As for the authenticity of this sentence, it has never been refined.

In the city of Ghent, the Norman family and the Tudor family each occupy half of the urban area, with Norman in the east and Tudor in the west.

Under normal circumstances, unless the last resort, these two wizards will not randomly walk on the other's site.

At this time, in the huge manor north of Dongcheng District, it was clearly dawn, but there were hundreds of servants and servants in the manor suddenly busy.

The wizards got up after being summoned by the housekeeper. They wore nightgowns and came to a huge banquet hall, discussing a piece of information just shared by the housekeeper.

Intelligence is transmitted through the mirror, and the news is particularly important.

The servants and servants are silent, as if they can't hear the wizards' discussions. If you want to discuss life in this family, you must learn how to be deaf and dumb.

The wizard family looks bright and beautiful, and the wizards in the family are also personable, but only the servants in the family will know that most of these wizards have strange hobbies, and some hobbies are particularly **** and cruel.

In the banquet hall, the words about "Winston City", "Berkeley Family" and "Tudor Family" are constantly floating.

The wizards sipped in transparent crystal glasses, which contained blood-scarlet wine.

Amidst the noise, a male maid walked towards the back kitchen carrying the used wine glasses, which were all sent for scrubbing.

He walked through the long corridor. The complicated window frames of the corridor were inlaid with colored glass. The daybreak was over. The slight morning light outside passed through the colorful windows, which seemed extremely mysterious and strange.

There were other servants approaching, he smiled and nodded, and then passed by.

When he came to the kitchen, the maid put the used cups in the hollowed-out pool of stone, then dipped the wine silently with his fingers and wrote something on a dry rag.

Soon, he turned the rag in his arms and turned away. When he passed by a chef, he accidentally stuffed the rag into his trouser pocket.

Everything was going on quietly, the chef's expression didn't change at all.

After the manmaid left, the chef made the appearance of going to the toilet and left the huge kitchen. He hid in the toilet and unfolded the rag. He saw that the city of Winston collapsed, the young master had appeared, armor, train .

One sentence does not exceed two crosses, but it already contains enough useful information.


At the originally broken wall of Winston City, a huge gap was exposed to everyone's sight.

Within the ruined wall of the gap, the inferior mud and straw were particularly dazzling, as if they were silently satire the authority of the Winston family.

The man responsible for the construction of this wall is called Daniel, and is the 73rd son of the Winston head.

Now, this Daniel is obviously on the list of martyrs, and a few days later there will be a ceremony dedicated to them at the entrance of Winston Cathedral.

Although the wizards themselves knew very well that this prayer was useless, the people firmly believed that these people could reach the kingdom of God after prayer.

Tonight, 62 wizards died in the Winston family, including even Devonshire Wizard and Able Wizard.

This is an unprecedented disaster for the Winston family.

Some injuries are still second, and the loss of 61 true sight eyes is the most important thing. Among the dead, apart from the red true sight eye of Ebull, even Devonshire ’s red true sight Eyes are lost!

The Winstons didn't think they were asleep, and sullenly urged the Knights of the Holy Song to pursue the murderer and all clues.

At dawn, the Knights of the Holy Order finally found some clues: Some people in the northern village saw the steel monster escaping northward, and it seemed that they were going to the side of Ghent city. The other end was missing.

This so-called steel monster is a steam train.

Everyone knows that the gadget is not a living thing, but they don't know how to describe it accurately, so they call it directly by the steel monster.

As for how the steel monster came from, at first, the owner of Winston thought it was someone from Middle-earth, but then he found that the enemy could be easily recruited and scattered, and he began to wonder whether this would be a family New witchcraft just discovered?

Of course, none of this can be determined.

At noon, the wizard who was stationed in the northern town suddenly passed back a message through witchcraft: a suspicious character suddenly entered the Winston family territory on these two days, and reported through an informer that this person was suspected of Kyle Jefferson of the Tudor family William Chris Tudor, with dozens of entourages around him, one of whom should be the gladiator Gore who became famous five years ago.

The owner of Winston was shocked when he heard the news. This man was the number three of the Tudor family, and he was the great wizard who became famous more than 20 years ago.

Was it a coincidence that the other party suddenly came to the Winston family territory two or three days before the incident?

No, it must not be a coincidence. Convenience is the messenger behind this farce, and the controller of the steel monster goes north, I am afraid it is to merge with this Kyle wizard.

After all, if the core figure of the Tudor family, such as the Kyle wizard, had no important things, how could he leave Ghent quietly! ?

The Winston family shivered: "The Tudor family is too deceiving. To report this to the Berkeley family, the Northern Expedition must be advanced. I will sacrifice the flag with this person's head!"

At this moment, I thought of the great wizard of Kyle who wanted to personally sanction Mego and Ren Xiaosu. It seemed that he did not know that he had caused huge hatred from a distance.

Ren Xiaosu, the initiator, just woke up from the post room and thought about what he should eat for lunch.