MTL - The First Strong Control In History-Chapter 23 take an exam

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  Chapter 23 Exam

  Chapter 23,

  Physics exam.

  Yuan Bei picked up the paper.

   After a few cursory glances, the question was indeed simple and scary. After just a few glances, many answers to fill in the blanks automatically emerged in his mind.


   This is the case for Yuan Bei.

   Glancing to the side, Zhang Peng was looking at the paper with a confused face.

   There are four large characters written all over his face.

   "What's all this?"

   "Copy mine."

  Yuan Bei gently moved the paper to that side, barely audible.

"You can?"

   Zhang Peng was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a low voice.

   "It's easy."

  Zhang Peng glanced at his mouth, and said?


  He saw Yuan Bei finish filling in the blanks and making choices at a speed that he didn't even think about.

   "Are you fooled?"

  Seeing Yuan Bei's operation, Zhang Peng was shocked.

   What's so difficult about this!

  I can do it too!

   "I love to copy or not, the standard answer."



   Zhang Peng didn't want to smash it, so he stopped talking, but looked at Yuan Bei with a strange look in his eyes.


  Not only did you secretly learn the ternary linear equation, but you also knew E=mc?

   Sure enough, I read you right!

  Yuan Zhijia!

  Although he said so in his heart, Zhang Peng's body was very honest, and he copied it quickly with his hands, and Yuan Bei didn't need to slow down his movements much.

  Plus two breaks between classes, and one hour of exam time, it may not be enough for others.

  However, Yuan Bei finished it abruptly within half an hour, which still took care of Zhang Peng's writing speed, otherwise, it is estimated that the battle could be resolved in 20 minutes.

  The benefits of science are here, if you can, it will become very simple. The topic can also be finished very quickly, if not, even if it means breaking the sky, it will not be possible.

   It's amazing to be able to write a "solution".

   Not like the liberal arts.

   Regardless of whether it will or not, I can fill the test paper for you anyway.

   It caused a lot of trouble for the teacher who graded the test papers. It is very puzzling for the behavior that the answers are full and the results are not even touched.

  Of course, even if this kind of error is completely wrong, some hard work points will be given.

  After finishing, there was no need to check, so Yuan Bei rested his chin on his hands and became bored.

   Endured it several times, but the skills have not been thrown out.

   After all, it is an exam. No matter whether you are a scumbag or a top student in this age group, they say they don't care, but in fact they still care about the score.

  A top student is almost a perfect score, and a scumbag is almost a pass.

  And the skill experience bar is as long as a bridge across the sea. If you rush to upgrade, you should rush to upgrade. It's not bad for a day or two.

  Thinking so.

  Yuan Bei shot a black brick on Zhang Peng's head casually.

  Skill experience +1



   Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

  Besides, this product has already been copied, and he can't study today. Instead of following him in a daze, it's better to sleep for a while.

five minutes later.

  Yuan Bei slapped Zhang Peng awake.

   "What are you doing..."

   Zhang Peng's face was full of question marks, why did he put me to sleep?

   I recruited you?

  Yuan Bei didn't say anything, taking advantage of Zhang Peng's questioning, when he had no defense, he took another shot.

   "Amazing skills!"

  Seeing Zhang Peng collapsed on the table again, Yuan Bei couldn't help sighing.

  The Awakened He has only used it on Yan Huohuo, and the female hooligan is already an Awakened who has unlocked the three gene locks. She is powerful and has no reference value.

  But dealing with someone like Zhang Peng who has not unlocked the gene lock, it is really invincible.

  Although this skill is only at the Bronze level, it is too functional.

  [When the target is unprepared, it can quickly enter deep sleep] (The effect depends on the target's situation)

  At the beginning, I thought this skill was set as a joke, but now that I think about it, I can realize how powerful it is.

   Unprepared, quickly enters deep sleep.

   That is to say, as long as you are not prepared, prepare to go straight to sleep!

   Some people also say that it is enough to be prepared in your heart?

   But after all, people are not machines, nor are they enemies. Who would always be on guard in their hearts?

  Basically, as long as you talk, you will inevitably relax for a moment, and if you are told to sleep, you have to sleep!

  It seems that when it was used against Yan Huohuo before, it was actually successful, but the "fast" in the skill description is relative. For those with weaker strength, this "fast" is equivalent to an instant.

  As for the powerful, this "fast" is no longer an instant. After all, there will be a time no matter how soon, and powerful people can naturally wake up instantly.

  But for Yuan Bei now, this is also a well-deserved magic skill.

   "I don't know what will happen after upgrading to the silver rank."

  Yuan Bei secretly thought in his heart that it would be best if it could be turned into an instant, but thinking about it, it feels a bit impossible.

   After all, it’s only a silver step. If it really turns into an instant, Yuan Bei feels that he can walk sideways. What kind of black bricks and sap sticks are hitting you, this is to give you a hard elbow in front of your face!

  Whether you like it or not, let me knock you out first!


   The day passed quickly.

  As the school bell rang, the last math test was over.

  Liang Zhijia, who had been in fear for a whole day, breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Sure enough, I can do it!"

   "Slept twice today, great!"

  During the exam, he was restless, afraid that if he fell asleep, he would hand in a blank paper.

  It’s fine to sleep in class, if you even sleep in your favorite exam, if you can’t see the students who are so angry that they can’t do anything about him...

   Then what's the point of living? !

  Zhang Peng also breathed a sigh of relief.

   You may not believe it when you say it.

  He woke up and fell asleep today, going back and forth almost a dozen times!

  If it wasn't for the deep sleep, Zhang Peng felt that he would be mentally weak today.

   "Are you a pervert?"

   Turning his head to look at the culprit sitting next to him, Zhang Peng gritted his teeth and said.

  He had never seen such a person.

  Is this how skills are used? When my gene lock is activated, I will blow you up!

  Another name appeared in Zhang Peng's notebook.

   "What's wrong with a man changing his attitude?"

  Yuan Beimei looked at the more than ten points of skill experience gained today with satisfaction, and said lightly.

  Host: Yuan Bei

   Race: Human

  Gene: 28/45 squares (13/100)

  Gene lock: not open

  Skill: [Deep Sleep] Bronze (112/5000)

  Experience value: 0

  Ten experience points, taking advantage of the noon break today, Yuan Bei used all of it on the subject of "Genetics", which is also a subject that he did not have in his previous life.

   But fortunately, it is not difficult.

  It only took 10 experience points to learn all of them, and there are many theoretical knowledge related to gene locks, gene cores, human body load, source force and gene interests, symbiosis between humans and alien beasts, etc. in my mind.

  Greatly enriched his knowledge of the awakened, if I have to summarize it.


   None of them are human.

  After opening the gene lock, human genes will also be like a door opened, and advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, especially after absorbing the first gene nucleus, the degree of change will break through to a peak.

  Yuan Bei now knows why Zhang Peng’s practice field is made of alloy...

   It is estimated that it is afraid that ordinary materials will not be able to bear it.

   Know this.

  Yuan Bei was even more looking forward to unlocking the gene lock.

  It's so interesting!

   Such a world!

   Pulling Zhang Peng and running to his house, he couldn't wait to go back and get whipped... well, he practiced.

   There is one more chapter



  (end of this chapter)