MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 350 know

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  He saw with his own eyes that Xiao's vegetable shelves had been replaced by nurseries since March.

  He also saw that Mr. Xiao often went in and out of two empty rooms. Once he accidentally saw through the crack of the door that there were shelves full of seedlings growing on them.

  The head of the Lida base who does not understand farming has learned a lot of agricultural knowledge from the Antarctic and Nanshan bases, and he can still distinguish the various seedlings of crops.

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that the Xiao family had made preparations early in the morning.

   It seems that the Xiao family can live a unique life because of themselves.

   Moreover, the growth of those seedlings exceeded their experimental products, fortunately the researchers did not see them.

   Otherwise, he must grow up in the Xiao family.

  Li Kun does not want outsiders to enter Xiao's house, because Xiao's house has too many things that outsiders cannot know.

  The growth of those crops alone is worth studying. Li Kun didn't want to bring trouble to the Xiao family.

  Li Kun is very clear that it belongs to the Xiao family's private property, and he has no right to control it.

  Whether it is public or private, Li Kun will not take the initiative to bring up this matter.

   Seeing that the native seeds were hopeless, Xiao Sinian had no choice but to give up.

  The figure he saw on the training ground suddenly flashed through his mind, and he said with a smile.

   "Captain, why are there girls in the team?"

  The head of the Li base shot at Xiao Sinian with his sharp eyes, that fast and fierce speed, like a leopard ready to go.

  Xiao Sinian felt chills all over his body, he didn't know what he said wrong.

   "Captain, am I wrong?" Xiao Sinian asked carefully.

  【The captain is still so cruel and inhuman! 】

   "That's Xiao Yueling, a new player recruited years ago.

   My former student, the one who mentioned it to you! "

  Li Kun glanced at Xiao Sinian, who was so stupid that he was so stupid. No wonder he was often bullied by other people.

   Unfortunately, Xiao Sinian still didn't understand what it meant!


  You pig brain, you haven't figured it out yet!

   That's the captain's man! "

  The captain who has never had a good word for the opposite sex, has been thinking about someone for several years, and there is something he doesn't understand.

  【It is clear that I want old cows to eat young grass! despise! 】

   As someone who has been there, there is something that Meng Luo doesn't understand.

   This is the old iron tree is about to bloom!

  Unfortunately, their sister is going to become a sister-in-law.

  Meng Luo was heartbroken. Finally, there was a lovely girl who was about to be snatched away by the captain before she warmed up.


   "Captain, we met Xiao Yueling when we first came to the base.

  Bai Guangyao took us to buy the raw food at her house.

  If I knew there was such a relationship, I wouldn't need that kid Bai Guangyao to lead the way.

  Xiao Yueling is a well-known little bully in Nanshan Village, the captain is not afraid..."

   Xiao Sinian, who understood the meaning of Meng Luo's words, looked like he was watching a good show.

   I don't know who will have the upper hand when the two fight!

   There must be a good show to watch in the future!

  Although, watching the jokes between the captain and Sister Xiao is not very kind.

  But all the people present showed gossip and looked forward to it.

   "Get out, keep your mouth shut for me, you are the only ones asking if there is any leak!"

  Li Kun took a peevish look at these guys, relying on his disability, he was confident and dared to watch any good show.

  He hasn't put anyone in his mouth yet, so don't scare him away.

   "Hahaha, the captain is an unrequited love dog!"

   Several people laughed out loud, this is really a good show to watch!

  The always thick-skinned head of the Lida base became a little annoyed and got up to go out.

  The seven followed up as if they were watching a good show. It was lunch time at this point, and they had to follow up to catch the captain for a meal.

  See you again, Miss Xiao, whom I haven't seen for a long time.

  For the seven people who suddenly appeared in the cafeteria, the special forces members warmly greeted them.

  The seven people saw Xiao Yueling eating at the window, and Qi Qi crossed over to the head of the Lida base.


   Surrounded Xiao Yueling with a sound.

   "Sister, we're here for lunch, welcome?" Xiao Sinian spoke first.

  The two have the same surname, Xiao Sinian subconsciously regarded Xiao Yueling as his own sister, and spoke to her in a very natural tone.


  Brother Xiao, Brother Meng, Brother Shen, Brother Chen..."

  Xiao Yueling didn't expect to see them here, and she looks good after not seeing them for a while.

   I was taken aback for a moment before I realized it, and smiled.

"no problem!

   Order whatever you want! "

  Xiao Yueling waved the optical brain in his hand, it is no problem to invite a few people to dinner.

   Special forces members don’t need points for eating in the cafeteria, but they have to pay points for inviting others to eat.

  They all use the internal network, and the external network has not been connected until now.

   "You don't need it, I'll do it!" Li Kun's deep voice came from not far away.

  When he saw Xiao Yueling, a small light flashed in his eyes, but Xiao Yueling didn't notice it.

   Several people each had a plate of food, and sat at a specially reserved table to eat.

   "Sister, I didn't expect you to be the captain's student. We are kissing each other!"

   "It can't be my fault. At that time, I didn't know that the head of the base was the instructor. If you have any questions, you can go to him."

   "But you didn't ask at that time!"

   "Wrong, I asked, but you didn't say it yourself.

   Also say something to keep secret!

   Don't try to settle accounts after the fact! "


   Several people chatted while eating, and they talked about farming.

  Xiao Yueling finished eating silently, put down the spoon and said.

   "Actually, I can provide you with seedlings.

   But the premise is that you have to transform the land into a paddy field.

  After multiple selections of this batch of seedlings, the growth cycle can be shortened by one month, and the yield per mu is about 1,500 jin.

  The output of high-yield grain is definitely incomparable, but the ration of the family is still no problem.

   As for how to plant, you can ask my grandfather or Grandpa Bu, they are always in charge of the field. "

  Xiao Yueling has done two experiments, and the seeds soaked in the diluted spiritual liquid have tenacious vitality, and the growth cycle will gradually shorten.

   Do not add too much spiritual liquid, as it will cause swelling and eventually fail.

   But the output has not changed significantly, which is a bit intriguing.

  This year's seeds are all soaked in diluted spiritual liquid, Xiao Yueling wants to try the effect of planting outside.

   "Success, this is totally fine!

  We have been suffering from not being able to find good seeds, and this girl has saved our stomachs. "

   "Yes, yes, we have a small population, so it's no problem to grow it for one season and eat it for two years."

  The seven of them agreed one after another. It would be foolish not to agree to such a good condition.

   "Sister, what do you want in exchange?" Meng Luo asked.

  It is impossible for them to take things from the Xiao family for nothing. As long as this news is released, Meng Luo believes that many people will rush to buy rice seedlings.

   "It's the same as the paid service implemented by the base, how about it?"

"Ok, Ok!"

  The seven people agreed that this was the best condition, but it was cheaper for them.

   "Do you have so many seedlings at home? Don't forget that your home still has such a wide field." Li Kun whispered,