MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 407 The power of one finger of the second door Houtian supernatural power

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   Chapter 407 The power of one finger of the second door

   Eighteen kinds of supernatural powers and divinities have perfectly entered the second major consummation of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art!


   An extremely ancient smell spread out from Chen Sha's body. It was as if the flesh body had "returned to the ancestors", and it transformed towards the oldest and most primitive appearance of all things in the world.

   It can also be called innate roots and feet, which is even older.

   Originally, the age of a person’s life is already predestined.

And the older, the more powerful these words completely explain the truth of the ancient gods, the gods and the Tao, and now that Chen Sha has stepped into the second level of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art, he finally understands why the founder of the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art It is said that after practicing this profound art to the end, the body can be sanctified!

   Sanctification of the flesh!

  Holy, doesn't it mean the Dao sage, the demon sage, the Buddha sage, etc., which is equivalent to the 'Daluo's realm' born by the ancient gods.

   At this time, when he realized that he had completed the second great perfection, he immediately understood the role of the divinity in his body.

   Eighty-nine Mysterious Arts, the more divine powers and divine natures absorbed.

The    body is closer to the origin of the ancient gods.

   So he can be sanctified in the flesh.

  I saw that after Chen Sha reached this state, he just shook his shoulders lightly, and completely broke free from Ren Shen's golden law chains.


   The law of Jiujiu Sanxian was bounced off by Chen Sha, which surprised Ren Shen:


   He can feel that Chen Sha's strength has achieved an unprecedented breakthrough in the moment just now, but it is not from the eight or nine scattered immortals to the ninety-nine scattered immortals, because there is no catastrophe.

   In other words, Chen Sha's realm is still eight or nine scattered immortals, but relying on his fleshly body, he actually broke his own law of nine or nine scattered immortals.

   "Just now, what happened, what power did he seem to get from the original demon?"

   Ren Shen frowned, took a step forward, and said to Chen Sha:

   "This fellow Daoist, what exactly did you do just now, the old man has already said it very clearly, this primitive demon's plan is something I have planned for several years, and it can make him..."

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Chen Sha with a light smile: "I know, Pindao was listening just now, fellow Daoist just wanted your creation 'Yuan Sheng'er' to become a primitive demon, and then be promoted to Lei Gong. The responsibility of saving the world, but... this person may not have to be able to do it, even a poor Daoist, this primitive demon, let me master it!"

   As soon as the words fell, Chen Sha stepped into the second major consummation of the Eight Nine Mysteries. As soon as his body moved, he took hold of the primitive demon.

   Several big star owners were all shocked.

   "Stop! I don't want to be your enemy, but this is forcing me..."

   He just let Shen Shen exhale, watching Chen Sha's actions, just stepping on his feet, the whole temple world shook, and spit out a word towards Chen Sha:


   Accompanying this word, I saw the space in all directions of the temple, all like a huge bubble, curled up towards his cuff.

  Time, space, all light, material and intangible, are being pulled and swallowed into his cuff.

   "Senior Ren!" The seven star masters changed color, and before they had any time to react, they were sucked into the peach blossom world in their cuffs.

   Immediately after…


  Chen Sha felt that his body was being sucked uncontrollably and flew towards Ren Shen's cuff, he said in surprise:

   "The universe in the sleeve?"

From the ginseng tree of the previous ginseng and the strange laws of his world, he saw some things related to this person and the Zhen Yuanzi in the myth of the previous life. Unexpectedly, when he shot, he actually showed a similar hand. The means of heaven and earth in the sleeve.

   "No, it's not the universe in his sleeve, it's the entrance to his peach blossom world. This is to **** me into his peach blossom world and use his home advantage like a 'God' in that world to suppress me."

   If Yuan Shenger used this move, then Chen Sha should not panic at all. After all, Yuan Shenger was not the master of the Peach Blossom World in essence, but only borrowed power.

   But any reference is different.

   That peach blossom world is his world, and in that world, he can be said to be truly invincible.

   This is also the home field advantage of every Nine Nine Sans.

   The same is a nine-nine scattered immortal, no one dares to take the initiative to enter the world of others, it is like tying their hands, throwing them in front of others, and letting them be slaughtered.

  Although he has only broken through the eighty-nine profound arts, he doesn't want to take risks, so...

   "Then try to see the second acquired supernatural powers derived from the second major achievement of the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts!"

   I saw it between the sky pulled by space.

   Seeing that Chen Sha was about to be swallowed into the peach blossom world in Ren Shen's cuff, he suddenly disappeared into the sky...

   "Huh? People disappeared?"

Ren Shen's eyelids twitched, and with his divine sense perception of Jiujiu Sanxian, he was able to tell that the person was gone. Naturally, even he couldn't catch Chen Sha's whereabouts. Couldn't stay.

   "No, it's not right... This terrifying sense of threat is..."

  Ren Shen's heart beat faster in an instant, and in the half-breath of Chen Sha's disappearance, he felt a strong sense of crisis, and he was about to hit his face.

Almost instinctively, he shook his sleeve robe, and the golden law of the peach blossom world in his body rolled out from the cuff, like a golden river, dyeing the robe, turning the white robe into a golden robe, becoming a golden robe. a 'legacy'.

   Just after the golden "casa" covered him, Ren Shen also sensed goose bumps on the skin at one location, causing the pupils in his eyes to shrink a little: "It's coming towards the heart!"

At this moment, in the position of Ren Shen's chest, there is a place that even Jiujiu Sanxian Ren Shen can only vaguely feel that something is wrong, but it is impossible to spy with the naked eye and spiritual sense, an incomparably small, insignificant, hundreds of millions smaller than the dust. A million times the place.

   A black-robed Taoist was standing.

   is Chen Sha.

   He looked at the primordial particles in the big universe in front of him, gathered together in countless trillions, and outlined the shape of any parameter.

   "This is the Nine Nine Scattered Immortals, a most basic source particle that feels heavier than a boulder..."

  Chen Sha chuckled in his heart.

What he used at this time was the second supernatural power of the acquired body after the eight or nine profound arts were changed every nine levels. Faces and death intentions, igniting this kind of death intentions through the eyes, can cause many things to die instantly.

   And this second body supernatural power…

   is to make his body smaller.

The word "smaller" seems to be a very simple thing. After all, Chen Sha can reduce the real body of 90,000 miles to the size of a normal person before. Can be big or small.

   But after all, there is still some kind of boundary that cannot be escaped.

   Such boundaries…

   is actually the difference between a small world and a big universe.

   After Chen Sha shrank at this time, he suddenly realized that, just like the positive and negative yin and yang of the universe represented by the **** of water and the **** of fire, the universe itself also has two sides.

  The macro is like the universe.

   Microscopic like mustard sumer.

At this time, Chen Sha was using his supernatural powers to shrink to the opposite side of another universe at the microscopic level. However, the power in his body did not shrink, so Chen Sha seemed to have only one source particle in Ren Shen at this time. The size of the body, but it has the energy comparable to the explosion of a big star.

   Think about it, a primordial particle suddenly burst out with a force comparable to the sun.

  Chen Sha took a deep breath and said, "I shouldn't kill you, right? I quite like your character in the Cosmic Light Fragment, so... leave a little bit of strength."

   So, he gently stretched out a finger.


Ren Shen stood in the heaven and earth of the temple, his whole body was instinctively tense, his pores shrunk, and the pupils in his eyes shrunk to the point where he could barely see them. Reaction.

   Accompanied by Chen Sha's flick of his fingers, he lightly flicked towards the original particle on Ren Shen in front of him.


  Ren Shen sensed the attack at the moment when Chen Sha flicked his fingers, and immediately looked down at his heart...

  Boom! !

It was just a trivial flick of Chen Sha's fingers, and in an instant, a dazzling eyeball that was enough to devour any other light appeared in the temple world, and then spread tens of billions of miles at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly drowning Ren Shen. !


   The power of a single finger fills the world, and the fist in the finger penetrates Ren Shen's vestments!

  The power of infinite tyranny was gathered on a source particle in the microcosm and exploded, and in the macrocosm outside, the power as if dozens of suns were exploding in unison appeared directly.

   The power of this blow, the rays of light formed, directly enveloped the entire temple heaven and earth, making it seem that this place really became the heaven and earth of God, full of endless whiteness to dazzling rays of light, extremely sacred.

  Da Yin Xi Sheng!

In an instant, in the midst of this majestic, splendid radiance, the entire temple world, seen in the outer starry sky, is like a hedgehog pierced by countless beams of light, and it is like a ray of light in the starry sky. The oil lamp…


  The entire temple world was blasted through countless gaps, and endless rays of light were rendered, soaking through the dark starry sky like white satin, illuminating everything.

Among them, a chest was completely pierced, and his whole body was broken. He personally endured Ren Shen, who was struck by a powerful blow like the sun's explosion, and was directly pierced through his chest by this light flick of his finger, and even pierced through the peach blossom world in his body. .


   Under the power of this flick, his body instantly flew out of this wasteland of the universe at a speed that surpassed any meteor in the universe!

   "cough cough..."

   With this blow, Ren Shen shot in the dark starry sky for dozens of days before he stopped. During the process, everyone else fainted. He finally opened his eyes, but coughed repeatedly:

   "Cough cough..."

   What I saw in my eyes turned out to be the foggy gray Jidu Star in the distance!

  Wait, what happened in retrospect.

   Ren Shen looked down at the big blood hole in his chest, and then at the gap that penetrated the world in the peach blossom world in his body, and his head was in chaos for a while.

   waved his hand and released the seven star masters in the peach blossom world.

   After the Seven Star Lords came out of the Peach Blossom World, they looked at Ren Shen's appearance, all of them paled in horror, and their faces were extremely pale:

   "Senior... your chest..."

   They couldn't imagine that the nine-nine scattered immortal series, the most powerful scattered immortal in the universe, was actually pierced by that Taoist's chest.

   "What immortal magic did he use! He has such power!"

   Li Mubai's head was blank.

   Only Ren Shen was absent-minded, and before being swallowed up by the endless light, he seemed to hear a "finger snap" sound, like a head popping on a child's forehead.

   "He... just... flicked his finger on my chest?"

  Ren Shen's mind was buzzing.


   "A finger snap?"

   "One snap of your finger pierced your chest, senior, and..."

   Jidu Star Master looked at his fairy star and said astringently:

   "Knocked us to Jidu Star!"

   "How much power does this... need?"

   "What did he do to the Primordial Demon?"

   "It's like breaking through in an instant!"

   Fang Jiu Nian lowered his head and said, "He, can't really be Chen Yingning himself!"

  Only in this way can we explain why he got such a powerful power from the Primordial Demon?

   "No! He is definitely not Chen Yingning!"

Ren Shen stroked his hand and temporarily concealed the big hole in his chest with immortal energy. It looked as if he was not injured, but it was just a cover-up. His face was still as pale as paper, he coughed a few times, and looked at the place where he was shot and flew out slightly. Wave flash:

   "Absolutely not! He doesn't have the temperament of Chen Yingning, he was originally two people..."

   "Why did he take away the Primordial Demon?!" The star masters looked over there with a look of horror: "What exactly does he want to do?"


  Return to the temple world where Ren Shen flew out.

   After a flick of a finger.

  The tide of light between heaven and earth faded little by little. Chen Sha slowly returned to his normal size from the sky. Looking at the big hole in the sky, revealing the starry sky behind him, he muttered to himself:

   "Even if only 30% of the power is used, is it still so powerful, wouldn't it really kill Ren Shen..."

   Obviously, the power that this second physical supernatural power can create is far beyond Chen Sha's estimation.

   Sumina mustard seeds, mustard seeds Nasumi.

   Mount Sumeru is the legendary mountain of the world where the Buddhist sanctuary lives, but it can be packed into the size of a mustard seed.

  This mustard seed Nasumi, with the supernatural power of the body that sees the big from the small, is essentially the positive and negative sides of the universe, the correspondence between the microscopic and the macroscopic, that is…

   "The Great Way of the Water God and the Fire God..."

   Chen Sha muttered to himself.

   turned to look at the primitive demon and Jiuling Yuan Shenger on the broken altar, and said:

   "Although it is a dilapidated altar, it is still intact in such a situation. Chen Yingning spent a lot of time collecting materials back then..."

   He walked towards the altar.

at the same time.

   When Chen Sha stepped on the altar, a message appeared on the nine altars in his body:

  【Lei Gong Ceremony: Lei Gong person, balance of possessions, keeping the order of yin and yang, keeping alive and killing, subduing demons and eliminating demons. In a world where there is a long way to go, keep the righteousness and ward off evil spirits, find a monster with at least nine calamities, and then kill it, put the body on the nine altars on the nine planets, and finally put it on the nine planets. After passing the tenth catastrophe under the watchful eyes of people, you can be promoted to one of the thirty-six thunder gods under the throne of Thor! 】

   (end of this chapter)