MTL - The Holy Lord In the Comic World-Chapter 300 : battle report

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"General, the current battle situation is very unfavorable to us, should we change our strategy?"

About over the Pacific Ocean, on an invisible spacecraft, a glutton intelligence agent reported with a pamphlet.

"What's the specific situation..." Officer Taotie clasped his hands on the railing, looking down at the technicians performing their duties below.

Through the big screen in front, the situation on the surface of the earth can be clearly seen in front of Officer Taotie.

However... there are a few places that cannot be monitored by the satellites of the Glutton Legion.

"Western and eastern Asia, southern Europe, and parts of Africa are unable to make effective observations..." the intelligence officer continued.

"It's strange... In the intelligence collection before the attack, these areas should be backward areas... How could it be..." The officer looked at the big screen in puzzlement.

At this time, what the satellite took was the west of Asia. However, except for a few blurred wastelands, nothing else could be observed.

"According to the information collected by the ground seems that an ancient empire has risen...and a so-called sanctuary plan is still in progress."

"Refuge?" The officer asked with some doubts.

"It's to gather all the people on Earth together and use powerful military forces to protect that area... Our troops have been defeated there many times." The intelligence officer said with a grim expression on his face.

"Oh? A mere earth civilization is still a country that has long been eliminated by the times. How can it possibly have the strength to compete with our gluttonous civilization?"

The Taotie officer was very suspicious of this.

"No... the gap is not reflected in the entire civilization... but..." the intelligence officer said with some confusion, and subconsciously paused.

"Instead?" The Taotie Legion frowned, motioning for him to speak quickly.

"The Shurima Empire...has a strategic weapon that we've never seen before..." the intelligence officer said and called out to the technical staff sitting below.

Following the operation of the technicians, a blurred still photo appeared on the big screen.

It was a golden disc, like an impenetrable fortress, standing around the refuge of the Shurima Empire.

"As long as our fleet gets close, it will be smashed to pieces by this thing...According to the analysis, the energy source seems to come from the sun, which is similar to the system of Solar Star." A researcher said.

"Scorching Sun Star? Are they also involved?" The face of the Taotie Legion became even uglier.

"If this stalemate continues...our supplies will not be able to keep up with consumption, and by then..."

"I understand..." The Taotie Legion raised their right hand and interrupted the intelligence agent.

"Order the entire fleet, the target: the Shurima Empire, to carry out the beheading operation..."

"But the general..." A non-commissioned officer seemed to want to say something.

"Don't talk about it, I know it's very risky to do so, but it's the best way right now... Star Lieyang is very likely to be involved, if we can't capture the earth as soon as possible... all our previous efforts will be ruined. "The Taotie Legion said with a solemn expression, sighed.

"This is not what Wang wants to see..."

After the Gluttonous Legion gave the order, they looked up at the vast universe.

In order to strengthen its own strength and increase its bargaining chips for the invasion of the earth, the King of Gluttony—Howl, is currently undergoing the transformation of the void engine from Death the army is temporarily handed over to this general to take full command.

It's none other than the previous booing adjutant...

"General, are we really going to the earth? Didn't you promise the princess that you won't get involved?"

On Star Lieyang, a young soldier asked while saluting.

"Hmph~ Lena is still too young, and there are many things she can't figure out at her age... Right now, we still need to pave the way for her... When she grows up, she will understand..." Pan Zhen shook his cloak and was about to set foot on the road. Journey to Earth.

"But general... Five hundred years ago, didn't we fight a monkey there just because we interfered with the earth? Now..."

"Shut up! This matter..." Pan Zhen scolded angrily.

at this time…

"Report! General... detected that an unknown organism is approaching Solar Star..."

"Huh? Unidentified organisms? We shouldn't have provoked any cosmic forces on Lieyang, right?" Pan Zhen said with some to the analysis of the should be from the earth..."

Well, just as I was about to go to the earth to get a share of the pie, the earth came to me? The flow of information is too fast, right? Of course... just kidding.

"It's so courageous... A mere earth civilization..." Pan Zhen said with a disdainful smile.

However, before he could finish speaking, a cloud of black mist suddenly appeared in the sky.

At the same time, a deep voice interrupted his words.

"Mere Earth?"

As the black mist dissipated, the figure of Ju Lan appeared in the sky above Lie Yangxing.