MTL - The Job of an Imperial Concubine-~ 26 good play (fix bug)

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"Hey!" A teacup fell to the ground and suddenly broke into pieces.

It’s too calm to stand up, “I’m shaking my hand, I’m going to pack it up.”

"Yes," the palace man was busy squatting down.

The Queen Mother glanced at the cracked teacup and turned into the inner room.

A few days later, the emperor has never had a sign of a woman in the harem, and the Queen Mother did not intervene. Of course, the Queen still does not move as a mountain and sits in the Jingyang Palace. The entire harem is a strange calm.

The hot days, there are not a few people who are interested in going to visit the garden, Zhuangluo will not be stupid to go around this time, the eye can be pulled out of the Queen’s intention to intervene in the harem, but the queen is stupid, The emperor is also not very willing.

In the first two days, there was a small cockroach with a long eye to the Queen Mother to discuss and sell it. The Queen was found to have made a mistake last time. It seems that the Queen is also a sly character. The Queen’s action, the emperor did not have any indication, the meaning is even more obvious.

"The master, the people of Kang'an Palace came to pass, saying that the Queen Mother invited you to go to Kang'an Palace to listen to the opera after noon." Yun Xi walked in and lowered his voice. "The slaves heard that many masters have been passed."

"Listen to the drama?" Zhuang Luoqi raised his eyebrows. Where did the drama on this stage have a good look at the stage, and what happened after the Queen Mother made these things?

"The Queen Mother invited me, I can't go," Zhuang Luo got up and lazily. "I went to sleep, call me at lunch."

Listening to Zhu and Yun Xi, I looked at each other and saw the appearance of the master. I don’t think there will be any big problems, so I will retreat with peace of mind.

"Which people have been passed down in the Queen Mother?" Shugui was lying on the beautiful couch, and the two palace ladies waited, and even talked a little more lazy.

"Back to the master, I heard that there are Queen, Xian, Ning, soft, Xu Zhaorong, Ye Shurong, Su Xiuyi, Zhao Chongyi, Qi Guifei, Jiang Xianyu, Lin Biao and Ye Ronghua."

"There are a lot of people," Shugui said with a smile. "But the Queen Mother even invited Lin Biao?"

"I want to come to Ye Ronghua who was invited to be detained, and I invited Lin Biao to hide my eyes and ears," Ling Yao replied.

"Who knows what it means," Shugui opened his eyes. "There is a scene between her and the Queen, and we are happy to watch the show."

After the lunch, Zhuangluo put himself in a solemn position, and took a step to the Kangan Palace in the Queen Mother. The hot days were very poisonous. She reached out to cover the sunlight on her forehead and squinted her eyes. Taking advantage of the ceremonies in front, if it is not mistaken, it is the emperor's holy drive.

"The emperor, the back seems to be Zhao Chongyi," Gao Dezhong whispered.

"Oh?" The seal with the canopy of the canopy was not stunned by the sun. He looked back and frowned. "So hot day, what did she come out for?"

"I want to come to Kang'an Palace in the Queen Mother," Gao Dezhong explained. "This is the Queen Mother who invited the masters to listen to the drama. It must be this time."

"The mother is very interested," Feng Feng said in a plain tone, and looked at the white flowers outside the Huagai. "If this is the case, you should go to listen to it."

Zhuang Luo took the emperor Yi Yi to leave in the other direction, and he knew that he was not going to Kang'an Palace, rubbing his sweat on his forehead: "Come on, if you let the Queen Mother wait for a long time, it will be bad."

When I arrived at Kang'an Palace, the Queen's Ye Family sisters had arrived, and Zhuangluo sat down for a while, and other crickets continued to arrive.

Looking at the drama of the eunuch, Zhuangluo pushed no point. First, she didn't love it. Second, she didn't know what the play was. If she had committed any jealousy, it wouldn't be beautiful.

When the play started, it was a scene of lively and jubilant. Zhuang Luo looked at the performances of the actors on the stage, and yawned with a handkerchief covering his mouth.

"If people are old, they just love to watch some fun," the Queen Mother grinned and said to the crowd. "When you love to play, you will be your own, but don't care about your home."

Everyone said it was, but no one really went to the drama that the Queen Mother did not like to watch.

After a few plays, a few court juggling artists came out. Their performances made Zhuangluo a bit of interest. Others also saw excitement.

"This juggling is like this. You are like this. It is actually the eyes being cheated," the Queen Mother laughed. "It is obvious that they are not only fast-moving, but also acting, what does the Queen think?"

"The daughter-in-law is ignorant, and the mother said that the wife-in-law thinks this is the case," the queen said with amazement. "These performances are really thrilling and exciting."

"The mourners are just saying this, the quasi-and the inaccurate, only they know it," the Queen Mother pointed to the artists on the stage, asking people to reward them with something, and sighed: "If it is more than now The child is more lively around the mourning home."

The Queen knew that the Queen Mother was deliberately unable to know herself. She had no children under her knees. She had been a queen for many years. When she was a prince, she was a husband and wife. Except for the princess who was early, the stomach was not even moving. As the Queen of the Palace, there was no child under the knee. It is indeed a shortcoming. Although the Queen’s heart is bleeding, the face still smiles. “The big prince and the two emperors are still small. If they are older, they can hop and dance.” With a fan, "When the weather cools down, if the Queen Mother misses the little prince, let them come to see him after the mother." The Queen Mother is not embarrassed because Ye Shurong’s child has fallen, so it is so difficult for her to stand up.

Zhuang Luo listened to the two men's confrontation, and the heart praised the Queen's party. If the average person had long been embarrassed to say nothing, the Queen could say that the Queen Mother missed the little emperor. She heard that the two emperors were fostered. In the Yinxian Palace, a foster care in the Ninglang Palace, just fostering rather than registering, it can be seen that the emperor did not give the two emperors the right to improve their identity.

"Let them keep it well, half-size children, it’s not good to touch them." The Queen Mother said coldly and continued to watch the performances of the artists on the stage, apparently not wanting to continue talking with the Queen.

In the feudal era, the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law seemed to be a big problem forever, and why the woman was a woman. Zhuang Luo sighed and sighed, peeling a grape into his mouth. Although the grapes were delicious, they were peeled and greasy. She wiped her hands with her hands and didn't want to move any more. After listening to the bamboo fan, she poured a cup of tea for her. The whispered: "The master, this tea is thirst quenching."

"Zhao Chongyi's palace lady is intimate," said Zhai Guiyu, who was sitting next to Zhuangluo, looking at the bamboo. It seemed to remind him of something. "But it seems to be familiar."

"She is waiting for me around the day, and it is not surprising that I have seen it." Zhuang Luo smiled and apparently did not care about the words of Gui Fei.

"I remembered, this is not the little palace girl around Yao Yao. I didn't know what was wrong with Yao Yao. Then Yao Yao gave birth to the little princess and went there. I never thought that you would come to Zhao Chongyi. "嫣贵嫔 picked up the high eyebrow and looked at Zhuangluo. "Is Zhaocun really not aware of this?"

Zhuang Luo smiled. "There are a lot of slaves who are waiting around me. Where to ask so much, as long as they are waiting for their best, they will stop."

"Sister is really a simple person," 嫣贵嫔 decided that Zhuangluo was just a hard mouth, smiled and took a sip of tea, turned to look at the trick.

I didn’t think that Zhu Guizhen still remembered this thing. She had been waiting for Yao’s side in her early years. It’s just that Yao’s temper is not good. When she accidentally made a mistake, she was taken away. It was not a big deal, but it was not a big deal. When you say this, the meaning will change.

The master of the harem is a slave who does not like to go with the former master or the master has fallen out of favor. After all, it is not very auspicious. She looks a little white to her own master. Seeing her look as usual, she puts a little bit of heart.

"The emperor is driving!"

The emperor has not been to the harem for several days. Now the **** is making this sound, but let us all look forward to it, waiting for the emperor to look at himself and be favored.

"Today's play is very lively," Feng said after sitting down and watching the trick. "I thought that Ye Shurong's child had fallen, and I was saddened for a few days. Today I am relieved a lot."

When the words came out, the smile on the face of the Queen Mother could not be stretched, but the words had to be followed. "The House of Sorrows has been boring in the harem. The Emperor loves the children and let Ye Shurong regenerate one. It is not necessary. I am sad."

"The son is just sad. Now that his son is young, he doesn't have to worry too much after his mother." Feng Jin took a sip of tea, not salty and not faint: "After the mother, Fushou Ankang is the greatest comfort of his son. The matter of the harem is the filial piety of the son."

The Queen Mother listened to this, barely smiled, and watched the play for a while, and said that she was lacking. The natural rules of the people in the room were retired, but Zhuang Luozhen saw that the Queen had a feeling of a sigh of relief.

After walking a distance, a small **** chased him up and looked at someone like Gao Dezhong. Zhuang Luo said: "What is this father-in-law?"

"Zhao master, the emperor rewarded you with some hot tea, Gao Gonggong let the slaves send you," the little **** is very strict, holding a beautiful wooden box in his hand, want to come inside the tea is very expensive.

Zhuang Luo 胭 辇 辇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When Gao Dezhong saw Xiao Anzi come back, he asked: "The tea has also been delivered."

"Back to the general manager, has been sent, Zhao Zongzi also let the slaves thank you." The little **** replied honestly.

"Which let the master thank you for being a slave!" Gao Dezhong knocked on the head of the little **** and turned and walked inside the house.

The little **** looked up and knew that the general manager was going to report to the emperor.

The author has something to say: the second more ~ ​​2k novel reading network