MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 396 : Mr. Jiang has made all the arrangements

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Eleven lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Yes, this subordinate understands."

Xie Yao stood in a small group and said abruptly, "Brother."

Xie Cheng raised his eyes, looked at the pretty younger brother with a sullen little face, couldn't help but raised his hand with a smile, touched his head, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

Hearing his tone, Xie Yao couldn't help shivering, he backed away with some discomfort, avoiding Xie Cheng's touch.

That delicate and beautiful face was still slightly tense, the child frowned slightly, and said, "Sister Ah Fu must have her own plans, since she hasn't asked you to ask, you should not interfere in her affairs, so as not to spoil her plans Not helping."

The child's fair and beautiful face was cold, and he said slowly again, "What she wants to do is not necessarily to really make a big deal out of it, and everyone will know about it."

"It's also possible that I want to invite you into the urn, causing that person to jump over the wall in a hurry."

Xie Cheng looked at him, and slowly raised his eyebrows.

Eleven on the side also paused, turned to look at Xie Cheng, not knowing what to do.

Xie Yao glanced at them, said nothing more, raised the hem of his clothes with his little hand, crossed the threshold of the jewelry store, and walked in.

Jiang Fu and An Le chose a lot of jewelry for each other in the jewelry shop. After leaving the jewelry shop, they went to the spice shop, embroidered shoe shop, balm shop, round fan shop...

Xie Cheng just paid the money later, and in the end, they returned to Xie's house full of rewards.

The things for An Le were placed on the carriage.

The rest was brought back to Xie's house by Jiang Fu and shared with Song Yun.

Song Yun looked at the huge pile of things, her eyes were extremely greedy, and she sat on the side pouted and asked, "No wonder you kept it a secret when I asked you what you were going to do this morning, so you wanted to go shopping with other women ah."

"Why don't you ask someone to join you! I haven't shopped in your Yandu yet."

Jiang Fu sat there picking out the things he bought and said, "Your appearance is so eye-catching, everyone who walks with us on the street will definitely look at you, how can you go shopping with so many eyes staring at you?" .”

As soon as she said this, Song Yun immediately became much happier. She happily ran over and sat beside her. After taking a look at Le'an, she asked, "Which shops have you been to? I really want to go too. Next time." Why don't you take me with you this time, I'll wear a veiled hat and never show my face, okay?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and shook Jiang Fu gently.

Jiang Fu nodded, "Okay."

"Go tomorrow!"

"I have to go to the women's courtyard tomorrow."

"Then, wait until you get out of the girls' school."

"I have nothing to do tomorrow." An Le raised his eyes to take a look at her, lowered his eyes and fiddled with the jewelry at hand, "If you really want to go, I can go with you."

Song Yun paused, and she watched, not knowing what she was worried about.

Before she could answer, Ah Chu came in with his skirt in hand.

Seeing her come back, Jiang Fu immediately raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

A Chu said: "Young Master Jiang has already made all the arrangements. Now, if you just sit in any tea shop in Yandu, you can hear what happened in front of Qilou's gate today."

"Not only what happened in front of Qilou's gate, but also the incident that His Highness the Eighth Highness parked the carriage at the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion yesterday and came to the door with a gift today."

Song Yun was the first to react, His Highness the Eighth?

Isn't that...

She silently turned her head to look at An Le, and then asked, "What happened at the gate of Qilou today?"