MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2933 battlefield

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The latest website: Shenzhou, starting from the North Cliff domain, the demon army invaded other domains.

On a continent, black clouds crushed the city, and the heavenly Demon Realm appeared in the sky. Tens of thousands of Demon Realm forces were densely packed and formally entered the Divine Land. In a very short moment, the flames of war burned across the vast continent.

Because the Demon Realm gathered all its troops in the North Cliff region and began to invade, Shenzhou adopted expendable tactics. They did not directly initiate a full-scale interception. The Demon Realm army is extremely explosive, and it would be extremely tragic if it directly fights directly.

Therefore, the powerhouses of China continue to send people with strong cultivation bases and good at space power or speed to harass operations.

But in the face of absolute power, everything is vain. Of course, even if there are tens of millions of troops in the demon world, they still have to disperse. The practitioners of China are watching how the opponent is going to advance, and then decide how to fight.

At the same time, the West Heaven Buddha Realm is different. After the Buddhist believers knew that the Dark World and the Sky God Realm had invaded, they gathered directly, including the Arhat Army and the Sifang Army. They also directly joined the battlefield, and the strongest broke out in the two worlds invasion. Collision.

Moreover, there are many Buddhist believers, and many practitioners have their own beliefs. They do not allow practitioners in the dark world to trample on the land of Buddhism. The last invasion of the dark army paid a very painful price.

This time, a larger scale of resistance broke out, and the collision was extremely fierce.

On the Buddhism land, the flames of war ignited, and in the sky above the battlefield, there was a big Buddha. They folded their hands together, and a voice came out of their mouths, as if they were reciting the Buddhist scriptures, transcending the fallen people, allowing them to enter the reincarnation.

This time, the Seven Realms were all involved in the war, and no one could be alone.


Heaven, battlefield.

Nan Luoshen is confronting Renzu disciple. Her sword of killing has been suppressed. Although this Renzu disciple is inferior to Dihao, he is also a top romantic figure. Nan Luoshen has Ye Futian's personal guidance and directly bears Ye Futian's order and supernatural powers. Only in his own talents was he able to have the current combat effectiveness, but he was faced with great pressure when he really faced top figures.

There was an open space around the battlefield between the two of them. Many people were afraid to approach because they were affected and wounded. At this time, a terrifying giant sword fell from the sky, as if it contained the power of the whole world.

The sword in Nan Luoshen's hand erupted with a bright blue light, colliding with it, and a storm of destruction swept the world, but her body was still shaken back.

"Om!" A flash of lightning hit, it was Nan Luoshen's father Nan Huang who shot it. His sword was transformed and purer than it was in the past. It is born with a sword, just like the sword when the world first opened.


Hearing a loud noise, a huge imprint of immortality bombarded the sky. This imprint covered the sky and covered the sun, blooming with golden brilliance, and containing the power of space. I wanted to shatter the Southern Emperor’s sword, but I saw it. A brilliant blue light burst out from the Southern Emperor's long sword, and his seal was broken immediately, and he continued to slay forward, like a broken bamboo.

At this moment, the opponent's body directly turned into the body of a man and a god, majestic and invincible, like a real god, raised his hand with a finger, and collided with the sword of the Southern Emperor. The power of this finger made the sword scream. Shaking violently.


There was a sharp sound, cracks appeared in his fingers, but Nan Huang's body was also shaken back, and the father and daughter stood together and looked at the strong ahead.

"Are you okay?" Nan Huang asked.

"En." Nan Luoshen nodded slightly, and the father and daughter joined hands to confront the enemy.

On the other battlefield, Dou Zhao went ahead and entered the enemy's army. No one could survive wherever he went. When the golden long stick swept away, many strong men would be killed directly by one stick.

At this moment, a series of extremely terrifying thunders blasted and killed them, just like the chaotic thunder when the world opened. When the Douzhao long stick hits it, it is instantly corroded by the thunder. The horror **** thunder is not broken, but directly Following the golden long stick invaded his body, Dou Zhao was paralyzed, and he felt his spirit tremble violently.

He stopped for an instant and continued to push forward. He raised his head to look at a figure that had killed him. He saw that the other party was a middle-aged man. His pupils were all mysterious purple, containing the strange power of thunder, which can affect people's spiritual will. .

"Chichi..." a sharp sound came out, and the terrifying thunder directly invaded his eyes. The opponent possessed the mental attack ability, and the thunder power could target the divine soul, which was just able to restrain Dou Zhao's domineering attack power.

I saw the opponent stretched out his hands, and suddenly a strip of thunder fell from the sky, attracting the nine gods of thunder, and the vast space turned into a thunder field.

Dou Zhao's eyebrows lit up with an incomparably dazzling divine light, and there was a mark that bloomed with brilliance, and the will of the **** of fighting was blooming to the extreme, the body became bigger, the will of the spirit became stronger, and it was not disturbed by the will of thunder.

"Boom!" The long stick in his hand danced, trembling in the void, and the surrounding space made a dull sound. As he waved his hands, the long stick blasted out with unparalleled power, swept the opponent, shattered the space, and made a sound of heaven and earth. The roar.

But at the same time, the sound of thunder resounded throughout the world, and the other party led the Nine Heavens God Thunder down, buried the void, and directly blasted his long stick, body, and attacked his soul.

This time, Dou Zhao seemed to have the body of the will of the fighting god, the soul of the guardian god, and the divine light around his body. When the nine-day divine power fell, he hit the body, but at this moment, his power exploded to the limit, breaking through the limit, in that paralyzing Under the effect, he continued to move up, moving forward. When he blasted this blow, his arm kept making noises, and power erupted fiercely from everywhere on his body, blasting an unparalleled blow.

He bathed in terror, thunder and lightning long stick was struck by the thunder and smashed up with the thunder.


The long stick hit the opponent's body, instantly turning the opponent's body into a piece of flesh and blood, which was crushed and wiped out.

But the next moment he killed the opponent, a group of practitioners in the void stepped down into the sky at the same time. When they came here, the people had not yet arrived. The nine gods above the sky flooded the heaven and the earth, and the radiant power of the gods overwhelmed the void. , The supreme divine thunder converged and was born, coming toward his body like chains.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Numerous thunder chains rolled directly through the void, rolled onto Dou Zhao's body, ignoring everything, and directly hit his body. Dou Zhao's powerful power urged him to the extreme, but those horrors When the thunder broke out, he continued to invade his flesh and blood. Above the sky, one after another tyrannical figures descended, as if from the same force, all practising the power of thunder, standing like the gods responsible for the nine gods of thunder, standing in the sky above their heads. .

They are all practitioners in the human temple.

Dou Zhao felt that power, and seemed to realize that this battle was different from what he had imagined before!