MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 769 absolute power

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As Zhan Bingxue received the news, soon, two beautiful waitresses walked towards the small bar with a man and a woman.

Chu Mo looked at the two of them, and found that one of them was a middle-aged man with a beard on his face, and the other was a young girl with two decades of beauty.

According to the data from Chu Mo's previous investigation, the middle-aged man should be Yu Le, who sold the system item Xinyu, and the woman following him was Yu Wenjing's only daughter.

Even now, Chu Mo still doesn't understand the true identity of the man in front of him, whether he got the system props accidentally, or whether he is a hidden system owner.

If it is the former, then the other party is naturally completely unsubstantiated, but if it is the latter...

The appearance of another system owner shows that in this world, he is not the only one who owns the system, and is an existence that can be on an equal footing with himself for convenience.

When Chu Mo was looking at the father and daughter in front of him, the other side was also watching him curiously. Then, the middle-aged man came to Chu Mo in two steps. He looked extremely gloomy.

"Mr. Chu, right? I've admired the name for a long time."

The man's words fell, and he suddenly stepped forward again and took a slow step.

One step, the promotion is only one step, the entire floor suddenly made a dull sound, like an earthquake, the entire floor of the entire hundred-story Tianxiangyuan Hotel trembled slightly for a moment, and just behind Chu Mo, a few waitresses leaked horrified voices. When he looked on, the middle-aged man stepped forward again with a calm face and walked towards the bar counter.

When the other party came to the bar and picked up a bottle of premium brandy, Chu Mo's eyes stayed on the footprints the other party had just stepped on.

I saw that the other party had just stepped out, and on the hard ground of DL City, a three-finger-deep footprint clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

How much power is needed to leave such footprints on the hard ground, and even make the whole building shake slightly.

The power contained in this kick, if kicked on an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will directly blow the opponent away, at least, the martial artist under the Grandmaster, it is impossible to have such terrifying strength.

That is, the sloppy looking middle-aged man in front of him, even if he is not a system owner, he is at least a master above the master level, which should not be underestimated.

Chu Mo's gaze swept over the girl beside him at will, and soon withdrew his gaze, he turned to the bar, sat gently beside the middle-aged man, and then said with a smile:

"Brother Yu, I have something, please hold your palms and eyes."

The faint words fell, Chu Mo gently waved his hand, the next moment, I saw a waitress carefully serving a delicate wooden box, and with Chu Mo nodding lightly, the waitress gently opened the wooden box, and immediately , a strange smell came from the nostrils.

Chu Mo kept staring at the middle-aged man in front of him, trying to detect some information from his expression.

What only puzzled him was that when he saw a fairy fruit in front of him, the middle-aged man didn't show anything other than sniffing his nose, but Yu Wenjing, the girl behind the man, suddenly let out a small exclamation.

Seeing the reactions of the father and daughter in front of him, Chu Mo couldn't figure out their true identities for a while.

The middle-aged man in front of him is obviously not a mortal. He is very powerful. According to Chu Mo's speculation, this person is likely to be the owner of the system, but when the other party sees the system item Immortal Fruit, his performance is abnormally flat.

This made Chu Mo have to doubt that the man in front of him was either not owned by the system, or that his system was different from his own? It is more likely that each system has a different system?

Just when Chu Mo was thinking to himself, the middle-aged man opposite suddenly slapped the bar in front of him, and as the other side took his palm lightly, only a handprint clearly appeared on the bar in front of him.

But this time, Chu Mo clearly saw that there was no fluctuation of spiritual power on the other side.

In other words, the opponent left a finger-deep handprint on the solid bar purely by the power of the flesh.

This kind of power, even the real Grandmaster, can't do it at all.

You must know that the reason why the great masters are powerful is not because of their physical bodies, but because the great masters have a steady stream of innate qi in their bodies. Generally, when the great masters make a move, they will first wrap the whole body before the innate zhenqi. With the blessing, even the lowest-level Grandmaster can smash rocks with a single slap.

But the strange thing is that the middle-aged man in front of him did not use any innate qi or higher spiritual power. He caused such terrifying damage purely by the power of his own body.

And this is where Chu Mo feels really strange.

How strong does a person's body need to be to cause such horrific destruction?

At the very least, even if their physical strength is sufficient, for ordinary great masters, in the absence of innate qi, I am afraid that only the upper great masters can possess such terrifying strength.

Chu Mo's eyes flickered.

Is the man in front of him a powerful high-ranking Grandmaster, or is he a system owner...!

At this moment, the middle-aged man suddenly opened the wine bottle in his hand, and then raised his head and took a big mouthful of brandy.

The value of such a few dozen bottles of top-quality brandy is even more than millions of dollars, and it is still expensive.

"Good wine...! What is this fruit? Appetizers? It's quite fragrant..."

When the man's words fell, he grabbed a pair of big hands towards the fairy fruit in front of him, Chu Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, the other party obviously did not know the preciousness of the fairy fruit.

Such a fairy fruit can be used by ordinary people to prolong life. It is even more terrifying than the No. 2 Longevity Pill. If a warrior takes it, it can even help the warrior to directly break through the barrier of the sky. It is an absolute treasure of heaven and earth, even if it is placed in In the system mall, the value of one piece is also a thousand points.

If you simply convert it, a thousand points of Godly Value would require a full 100 billion in exchange for it.

If the precious fairy fruit was eaten by the man in front of him as a snack, Chu Mo would naturally be reluctant.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly at the same time:


The words fell, and in front of Chu Mo, a strong man over 1.9 meters tall appeared out of thin air.

Lei Ting, who had taken the Heavenly Spirit Pill and his strength had reached the peak level of the primary master, was fast-eyed and quick-witted. He was covered with this layer of faint innate innate energy. At the moment when the middle-aged man's right hand was about to touch the fairy fruit, Lei Ting came to the fore. But he grabbed the opponent's wrist.

The middle-aged man even touched Xianguo with his fingers, but his wrist was caught, but he couldn't move forward.

At this time, the middle-aged man with a mouth full of alcohol glanced at the thunder that appeared out of thin air, his eyes widened like a Tongling, and then the middle-aged man with an impatient expression on his face said solemnly:

"court death!"

The words fell, and a tyranny flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. His left hand that was holding the wine bottle suddenly clenched a fist, and then with all his strength, a fist bombarded the Thunder facade.

The middle-aged man had a terrifying power on his fist, and the strong wind even blew the man's face into pain. Although the man's fist didn't wrap any breath, just by virtue of the fist itself, the air was already torn apart, huge. The sound of his voice carried an overwhelming terrifying aura, and instantly smashed towards Lei Ting's face.

This punch has surpassed the limits of human beings.

The whole body was immediately enveloped by a touch of innate infuriating energy. At this moment, the thunderbolt was also full of strength. His fist attached to this innate ingenuity also slammed out, and then collided with the opponent.

The next moment, Lei Ting, who had the strength of a peak-level primary master, was like a kite with a broken string, and was instantly blown away by an extremely terrifying force. However, Lei Ting's right hand that was holding the opponent's wrist was instantly grabbed by the opponent's backhand. Inside, Lei Ting, whose whole body had been blown away by a punch, was pulled back by the opponent's arm again.

In Lei Ting's unbelievable look, the middle-aged man's iron fist hit his face again. Lei Ting, who knew that he was invincible, broke free from his right hand, but it was an iron fist that could not be freed. Lei Ting, who knew that he could not escape, could only stretch Put your left arm out in front of you.

In an instant, the terrifying fist landed on his body again.

This time, the clear sound of fractures entered the eardrum, and at this time, the 1.9-meter tall man was blasted several meters away. After hitting a series of tables, chairs and benches behind him, the entire left arm was unable to hang down. The Thunder stopped. Backward figure.

Two punches.

There is still no fluctuation of spiritual power or innate qi, just relying on the strength of the body, like two fists to destroy a great master.

Such terrifying physical strength, I am afraid that even Tianya may not be able to do it.

The last punch of the middle-aged man was too terrifying. The big man as powerful as Thunder was even more than ten meters away. After smashing many tables, chairs and benches, the whole person still deeply hit the stone pillar behind him. Just barely stopped.

The entire bar was beaten to pieces by the man, and under the men's terrifying deterrence, there were four stunning waitresses beside them, each with a strong look of fear in their eyes.

Lei Ting, who was leaning on the stone pillar behind him, stood up again. He gently moved his broken left arm and found that the entire left arm was completely unconscious, and even the meridians on the arm were interrupted, so he could only give up. came up with the idea of ​​using the left arm.

The only movable right hand clenched his fist tightly. At this moment, Lei Ting's expression was solemn. He hadn't encountered such a **** battle for a long time. The people he met in the past were either too strong or too weak, like a middle-aged man, pure Relying on a physical opponent, it was the first time that Lei Ting had seen him. Although he knew that he was invincible, he had no idea of ​​getting rid of it.

The man in front of the bar obviously didn't pay attention to Lei Ting. He sniffed again, and then once again set his eyes on the fairy fruit that exuded a tempting fragrance in front of him.

Gently swallowing his saliva, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand towards Xianguo again.

But this time, it wasn't the angry thunderbolt that greeted him, but the fruit in front of him was like magic. When the man's fingers were about to touch, the fruit actually disappeared out of thin air.

In the middle-aged man's wide eyes, Xianguo had already flown in front of Lei Ting, and then, before the big man got angry, the indifferent Chu Mo finally said slowly:

"Lei Ting, you step back first, this immortal fruit belongs to you, after taking the immortal fruit, take good care of your injuries and make a breakthrough."

Lei Ting, who was still fighting to the sky, looked at Chu Mo's indifferent eyes again, and the whole person immediately became extremely respectful. His left hand had been abolished, and he could only take the fairy fruit with his right hand. After that, he bowed deeply to Chu Mo, and said very seriously. :

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your love!"

Previously at the Villa 1 of Diwangxuan, Lei Ting saw Tianya with his own eyes. Wu Youyou and Qin Lan took three immortal fruits. Not to mention Wu Youyou, the little girl, after Tianya and Qin Lan took the immortal fruits, the two of them took it. Human strength has skyrocketed.

Especially Qin Lan, who had just taken a Heavenly Spirit Pill before, this time she took Immortal Fruit again, breaking through the bottleneck and reaching the high-ranking Grandmaster, and there is still a lot of spiritual power left in her body, if you wait for Qin Lan has completely refined the spiritual power in her body, and I am afraid that her strength will go further.

As Wu Chi, Lei Ting cares most about strength, how could he not want to get the fairy fruit that can make him advance.

It's just that Chu Mo didn't give it to him before, so he naturally couldn't take the initiative to ask for it. Now Chu Mo personally rewarded him with an immortal fruit. Although it looked plain on the outside, Lei Ting's heart was extremely agitated at this moment.

At this time, when Lei Ting started taking the immortal fruit, Chu Mo, who had activated his invincible skill for a minute, set his eyes on the middle-aged man in front of him.

He breathed lightly, and then said with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Mr. Yu Le, my subordinates are ignorant, so let me play with you."

When the system skills are activated, Chu Mo is invincible in the world at this time. Even a real god-level expert as powerful as the ancestor of the Xue family, Chu Mo can beat the opponent violently. As for the man in front of him, Chu Mo does not believe it. He can only rely on the strength of the flesh to be strong enough to fight against himself.

Chu Mo knew that the other party liked to use brute force, so he would use pure power to convince the other party.

Therefore, there were no fancy movements, and at this moment, Chu Mo also gently stretched out his right hand.

When the right hand clenched the fist, the power of the law began to condense on the fist, and at the same time, an unparalleled terrifying pressure began to appear on Chu Mo.

This is the power of the field.

The middle-aged man who was originally full of arrogance in front of him finally had a dignified expression on his face.

However, without giving the opponent a chance to react at all, Chu Mo threw a seemingly light punch at will.

The next moment, the middle-aged man's body was blasted directly like a cannonball for more than ten meters. With a loud bang, the man's entire body was deeply embedded in the stone pillar behind him.