MTL - The Lucky Farmgirl has a Pocket Dimension-Chapter 278 cure

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  Chapter 278 Treatment

  278 cure

  Then asked: "Girl, how did you see that I have a spleen and stomach discomfort, and I have a cold?"

Zhao Zhitong answered truthfully: "Sir, the student has studied medicine with his grandfather since he was a child. Just now, I deduced it from the complexion on your face and the white and slippery coating of your tongue. However, I need to take my own pulse to know the specific focus of the disease." two."

   "Oh, that's right." Yuan Wenkang was a little surprised, and said, "Then why don't you come and show me?"

  Zhao Zhitong nodded immediately, and after handing over the vegetable basket to Qiao Muchen, he stepped forward respectfully: "Sir, give me your right hand."

  The left pulse represents the heart, liver, and kidney, and the right pulse represents the lung, spleen, and vital gate.

  Yuan Wenkang smiled interestedly, raised his right hand with a flick of his sleeve, and put his wrist on the case.

  Zhao Zhitong came over, squatted down, put his small hand on Yuan Wenkang's wrist, moved his fingers lightly, and began to diagnose the pulse.

  Mr. Zhang looked at this little girl, she looked pretty when she was taking her pulse, and it was rare to see her small appearance.

   Can't help but lean over curiously to have a look.

  After diagnosing the pulse, Zhao Zhitong nodded clearly, and said, "The pulse may be stringy or late."

   asked: "Mr., do you often feel cold pain in the epigastric cavity, ranging from mild to continuous, severe to acute and severe pain, aggravated by cold, and reduced by warm, light mouth without thirst, clear water in the mouth, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting?"

  Yuan Wenkang nodded frequently, and said to Zhang Gong in surprise: "Don't say it, this girl is really not a show, and she is right."

Zhao Zhitong smiled, opened his mouth again, and explained the cause of the disease: "Sir, you have a cold evil in the stomach, and the stomach yang is trapped, so the epigastric cavity is cold and painful. When it is cold, the evil will be more abundant, and when it is warm, the cold will disperse, so it will hurt when it is cold." When it increases, the temperature decreases."

   "Sir, let me give you a warming and tonic prescription, adjust it slowly, and it can dispel the chills."

   As he spoke, he looked at Yuan Wenkang and said, "Sir, can I borrow your pen and paper?"

  Yuan Wenkang nodded: "Naturally, bamboo, bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

   Soon, the boy named Zhuzi brought up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone one by one.

   Obtained the consent, Zhao Zhitong picked up a pen and wrote a prescription at his desk.

   "Sir, if you follow this prescription, you can get rid of stomach cold."

  Yuan Wenkang accepted the prescription cheerfully, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect it. After seeing a few children today, I got a prescription to cure my years-old ailments."

Zhang Gong also laughed, picked up the tea and took a sip. Suddenly he let out an oops, covered his face with his left hand, shook his head and said, "Hey, now I understand what people often say 'toothache is not a disease, it can kill you if it hurts. Got' feeling."

He said with a sigh: "Ever since my tooth started to hurt, I finally understood that old man Gu. It's ridiculous. At that time, I also said that he had never seen any injuries in his life. He snorted, and now, he has lost to a little toothache."

  Zhao Zhitong looked at Mr. Zhang, and habitually said: "Mr. Zhang Ge, can you ask the students to help you with diagnosis and treatment?"

  Mr. Zhang covered his face, looked at Zhao Zhitong, couldn't help but smiled and said: "Haha, you little girl, are you here today to see a doctor for us two old fellows?"

  Zhao Zhitong smiled a little embarrassedly: "Hey, I'm used to my job. When I see someone with a minor illness or pain, I can't help but go forward for a diagnosis and treatment."

  Eunuch Zhang couldn't help but smile: "Sure, then you can come and show me the old man."

  Zhao Zhitong nodded and walked over, first asked Zhang Gong to open his mouth, she picked up the candle, looked at it, and said clearly: "Zhang Gong, you have tooth decay."

  Mr. Zhang was puzzled: "Tooth decay? What is tooth decay?"

  Zhao Zhitong did not explain the tooth decay, but asked: "Mr. Zhang Ge's teeth will hurt when they are cold or hot. The gums are often red and swollen when speaking, and the teeth are often painful."

Mr. Zhang nodded: "That's right, that's right. Just now, I just took a sip of herbal tea and it suddenly hurt. Before I came here, my teeth were really painful. After taking the medicine from the imperial physician, now , just now the pain is gone, and it looks like I'm going to get sick again."

  Zhao Zhitong nodded, thinking about the treatment method.

  She has read many books in Grandpa Bai's space. There are many modern western medical books in it, and she has almost finished reading them.

  That's why my grandfather often said that sometimes, he would ask his little apprentice for advice, that is, some of her medical thoughts were integrated with modern western medicine.

  It’s like this tooth decay. If there is an instrument, it can be pulled out directly.

  However, the conditions here are backward, and the teeth cannot be inlayed if the teeth are pulled out, which will cause the surrounding teeth to loosen.

   Another point is that the ancients paid attention to the parents of the body, hair, skin and skin. Mr. Zhang should not be too willing to pull teeth.

  So, Zhao Zhitong thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Zhang Ge, I will give you a few needles first, which can temporarily relieve the pain."

   Then he added: "But if you want to stop the pain in the future, you have to cut off the nerve of the tooth."

  Mr. Zhang: "Dental nerve?"

  Zhao Zhitong nodded, "You need to use a needle to go deep into your painful tooth, cut off the tooth nerve, and then fill the tooth cavity, so that the pain will not be unbearable in the future."

   Hearing what Zhao Zhitong said, Mr. Zhang felt his teeth hurt even more, so he said: "Then you can give me a few needles first, so that it doesn't hurt."

  Zhao Zhitong nodded, took out the silver needle that he carried with him, and after disinfection, pricked a few acupuncture points on Zhang Gong's hand.

  Accompanied by Zhao Zhitong's acupuncture, Zhang Gong's face gradually began to ease. After a while, he rubbed his face with his hands and said in surprise: "It's amazing, it's amazing, it really doesn't hurt anymore!"

  When he said this, his eyes were full of surprise.

  Usually, when he had a toothache, it didn't last for a while, and it couldn't get better at all, and every time he had a toothache, it made him upset.

   This time, after being pricked by this little girl a few times, the pain stopped, which really surprised him.

  Zhao Zhitong put away the silver needle and stood aside with a smile.

  Yuan Wenkang glanced at the prescription in his hand and decided to give it a try.

  The two of you said one sentence to another, after praising Zhao Zhitong, they asked the three of them the purpose of coming here.

Qiao Muchen came forward with vegetables and saluted: "Sir, Tongtong is our classmate. She has heard of the reputation of Taiyi Academy and the high morals of her husband, and she has always wanted to come to pay her respects, so this time when we entered school, we came together. I want to visit Mr.

   "Student?" Yuan Wenkang grasped a word, stroked his beard and said, "The three of you are all disciples of Meng Xiu?"

  The three of Qiao Muchen looked at Yuan Wenkang one after another, and asked in surprise, "Sir, do you know our husband?"

  Yuan Wenkang nodded with a smile: "Yes, when he was studying in Taiyi Academy, I was his teacher."

   Then he looked at Zhao Zhitong: "I also heard that he accepted a female student, but now I see, it really is a good one."

After complimenting Zhao Zhitong, he looked at Qiao Muchen and the two of them, and said: "You two, in the Tongsheng Examination, although you have connected three passes, you can be regarded as the Great Zhou Dynasty. So far, you are the youngest scholar, but what about the future? , must not slack off, and must not be complacent."

  Qiao Muchen and Zhao Yue said in unison: "It is sir, the students will remember his teachings."

  At this time, Qiao Muchen handed over the vegetables in his hand: "Sir, this is a gift from Tongtong."

  (end of this chapter)