MTL - The Melon-eating Swordsman In the Ancient Dragon World-Chapter 20 Fight for the eyebrow master

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Chapter 20: Fighting for the Master of the Eyebrow

 “If my sword is not quick, I’m afraid my shoulder will become useless.”

Ah Fei said calmly, "The monk's beads only hit me, but not Zhao Zhengyi. Is this what Buddhism calls all living beings equal?"


The old monk put his hands together and said, "Donor Zhao cannot kill Tan Yue, and I don't want Tan Yue to commit more killings. It should be noted that although Tan Yue's sword is fast, it is still not faster than the Dharma Eye of our Buddha Tathagata."

Ah Fei sneered, "Can Master's Buddha beads be faster than the Tathagata's Dharma Eye? If I die under Zhao Zhengyi's sword after being injured, will the killing be his, yours, or the Tathagata's superior Buddha?" "

Zhao Zhengyi looked stern, "You are so bold. How dare you be so rude in front of the Shaolin Protector Master?"

The old monk smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, the young man's tongue is good for the sword."

Lin Xianer's eyes turned and she immediately said, "Since Master Xinmei doesn't blame you, why don't you leave quickly?"

Zhao Zhengyi said coldly, "He didn't leave just now. If he wants to leave now, I'm afraid it's too late!"

A Fei looked at You Longsheng, saw You Longsheng nodded, and then walked towards the door, "If I want to leave, can you still stop me?"


Zhao Zhengyi stared, but found that Tian Qi didn't stop him, and Master Xinmei didn't stop him at all.

 “Master, you...”

Tian Qi chuckled and said, "Master Xinmei has always been compassionate, how could it be difficult for such an ignorant young man? Let him go."

Seeing A Fei leave, Lin Xianer's eyes lingered on You Longsheng for a moment, and then quietly followed A Fei away.

Master Xinmei then said, "Senior brother, the leader of our sect, received a message from Fei Ge transferred from Fatuo Temple. Knowing that Qin Chong, a lay disciple of our sect, was seriously injured, he immediately ordered the old monk to come all the way."

“Brother Qin is a hero, Qin Chong is a young hero!” Zhao Zhengyi sighed and glared at Li Xunhuan, “It’s a pity that the master is a step too late.”

"Oh?" Master Xinmei turned his eyes and saw that Li Xunhuan had his acupuncture points tapped and was lying on a chair. He asked with some surprise, "Could it be that Li Xunhuan is..."


 “Uncle Xinmei!” You Longsheng stepped forward quickly and held his hands in salute.

“Nephew You Xian.” Seeing You Longsheng, Master Xinmei showed a smile, “Why are you here too?”

You Longsheng’s father, Old Man Canglong, has been friends with Master Xinhu for decades. Of course, You Longsheng also knows several eminent monks of the Xin generation in Shaolin Temple.

"I'm too lazy to take care of business matters, so I followed the example of my father and master and traveled around the world." You Longsheng said, "Didn't I hear the news about the Plum Blossom Thief and came here too?"

"I'm very sorry about brother Qin Chong. I only regret that I was not in Zhuangzi that night and brother Qin Chong was seriously injured by the plum blossom thief." You Long said in a harsh voice.

Zhao Zhengyi couldn't help but curl his lips. He was also present that night, and he really didn't see any regret in You Longsheng's expression.

"It is not easy for the Plum Blossom Thief to become famous in the world. Qin Zhong's death was also his fate." Master Xinmei sighed, then looked at Li Xunhuan with a condensed expression, "But the number one lay disciple of the new generation of Shaolin, It’s not that easy to kill.”

Li Xunhuan sighed and was about to speak when he heard You Longsheng say, "Who is the Plum Blossom Thief now? We haven't determined whether the Plum Blossom Thief is dead or not." "Oh? Then Li Xunhuan..."

"Li Xunhuan just showed up at Lengxiang Xiaozhu that night." You Longsheng said, "Li Xunhuan had a great fortune, literary talent, elegance and elegance. Whether it was wealth or beautiful women, it was enough for him to enjoy throughout his life.

Even now, as long as he shows this face, casually recites a few poems and writes a few words, I believe that neither money nor beautiful women will be difficult for him.

It's hard for me to imagine how abnormal his psychology is to hide his identity and become a plum blossom thief. "

 Master Xinmei was stunned when he heard this, and Li Xunhuan couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Although I am a prodigal, I am really not a psychopath."

He would rather be called a prodigal or even a plum blossom thief than be called a psychopath.

Compared to Tian Qi, Gongsun Moyun, Zhao Zhengyi, and even Long Xiaoyun who had grievances with Li Xunhuan and wanted to kill him, Master Xinmei and Li Xunhuan, Shaolin Temple and Li Xunhuan had no personal grievances.

In the original work, the girl hit A Fei on the back to save Zhao Zhengyi, and A Fei happened to have his back to the door.

Of course, it is true that he struck very hard, because he was full of anger at the time and thought that A Fei was an enemy, so he did not hold back.

 Then he learned that Qin Chong was dead and thought that Li Xun Huan was the plum blossom thief and A Fei was Li Xun Huan's friend. So when he faced A Fei who wanted to rescue Li Xun Huan again, he was even more ruthless and merciless.

Monk is also a human being, and he is jealous. His first lay disciple in Shaolin Temple is dead, and now he sees a young genius who is still an enemy. From his standpoint, it is okay to deal harsh blows, let alone him. In the end, he didn't catch up, leaving Ah Fei with a glimmer of hope.

 The above are the mistakes he made, but let’s talk about his shining points.

First, even though Tian Qi, Zhao Zhengyi and others identified Li Xunhuan as the Plum Blossom Thief, and even Master Xinmei believed it, he still insisted not to kill Li Xunhuan because there was no evidence, and wanted to send him back to Shaolin and hand him over to Xinhu Master and Bai Xiaosheng judge.

Second, on the way to send Li Xunhuan back to Shaolin, he did not say anything bad to Li Xunhuan or abuse Li Xunhuan. Even when he was poisoned, he rescued Li Xunhuan from Tian Qi and opened his acupuncture points. , allowing himself to die, but trying hard to let Li Xunhuan escape.

To sum up, Master Xinmei is not a bad person, and he is worthy of salvation. At least he will not be punished until death.

Even Li Xunhuan tried his best to save the life of Master Xinmei. Naturally, You Longsheng was also prepared to save him. Of course, the premise was that he could reverse his bad feelings towards Li Xunhuan and A Fei.

 Then You Longsheng once again "speak impartially" and repeated the discussion they just had.

 In the absence of Tian Qi and others to lead the rhythm, and in the absence of Master Xinmei who has no preconceptions or subjective biases, it is naturally obvious who is right.

“Amitabha, it turns out that young man may have avenged Qin Chong.” Master Xinmei murmured, feeling a little regretful.

Zhao Zhengyi immediately said, "But it's also possible that he and Li Xunhuan colluded to deceive and fool the world!"

Zhao Zhengyi has a selfless face, Tian Qi has an exquisite face, and Gongsun Moyun has an outstanding reputation. Of course, the three people they jointly caught cannot be easily evaded. Without evidence to prove innocence, even Master Xinmei cannot refute it. Their face.

“In that case, let’s take Li Xunhuan to the Shaolin Temple and let Senior Brother Xinhu make the decision.” Master Xinmei said.

Tian Qi turned his eyes and said immediately, "Master and I will go together."

You Longsheng smiled slightly and said, "I think the Plum Blossom Thief incident is about to come to an end. I haven't seen Uncle Xinhu for a long time. I just happened to stop by Shaolin to visit him."

 (End of this chapter)