MTL - The Nation’s Male God Fell In Love With Me-Chapter 1662 their past

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  Chapter 1662 Their past

Since then, Lin Jingsheng has never bothered him about anything, really never. If he had anything to do, he would call Lu Bai and Mu Liang for help, and he seldom asked him, even if he did, he would not It's very reluctant, unlike Lu Bo and Mu Liang, who can throw anything shameless to him, even if he is afraid of troubling him, there is always a kind of indifferent alienation, not close enough, Lin Jingsheng is good at disguising, and he is good at it It's like being so unfamiliar to him by nature.

  Chu Lin knew that Lin Jingsheng really didn't treat him like Lu Bai and Mu Liang did, but Lin Jingsheng treated him like a brother, and he could do anything for him, but he couldn't get close to him wantonly. He always thought it was caused by that impulse when he was young, and he always wanted to make up for it.

  After realizing that he loved Lin Jingsheng deeply, he regretted it even more.

  He loves someone so much, but keeps hurting him.

He also forgot when he realized that his feelings for Lin Jingsheng were different. He knew that Lin Jingsheng liked him, but Lin Jingsheng was not born to like men, but he was, he was born to like men Yes, there was no way to change this, but at the time he felt that he didn't like Lin Jingsheng, so he deliberately alienated him, and told Lin Jingsheng countless times that he liked Lu Bai.

  What a stupid person he is, always hurting the people he likes like this.

After that time, Lin Jingsheng's affection for him gradually faded, and Chu Lin was still upset about it for a while, liking someone, letting go so freely, what kind of liking, he felt that Lin Jingsheng treated him like He misunderstood Lu Bai only because he grew up together, played together when he first fell in love, and was always together.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that he could be brothers with Lin Jingsheng. He naively thought that being brothers is for a lifetime, and lovers, maybe they will separate and turn against each other. That's fine, if Lin Jingsheng really likes He didn't give up, he really didn't know what to do.

Later, Lin Jingsheng began to play around in the world, like a butterfly, shining brilliantly at the banquet, freely coming and going among the women, Chu Lin felt even more aggrieved, and felt that Lin Jingsheng's love when he was young was simply It was a joke. For two years, the two always quarreled inexplicably. In fact, he couldn't understand his attitude of playing with the world, and accused him of being too indulgent and not responsible enough for his feelings. One day when Lin Jingsheng was drunk, he smiled like a flower in his arms, touched his face and called Ah Lin, I love you, he suddenly heard his own thunderous heartbeat, and suddenly realized a belated heartache and love. ups and downs.

  He fell in love with Lin Jingsheng.

   I don't even know when it started, or when I fell in love deeply.

  Love arises from ignorance, and love is deep.

   Chu Lin thought, this is karma.

When he fell in love with Lin Jingsheng, Lin Jingsheng's feelings for him had long been indifferent, and he couldn't find any liking for him in his eyes. The molestation after drunk was just a moment of his idle time. It was just a farce, just to see how he reacted, it was just a prank.

  He knew that he had brought it upon himself.

That day, after Lin Jingsheng sobered up, Chu Lin sat by his bed and asked him what happened, but Lin Jingsheng didn't answer. Chu Lin was never a entangled person. hide it.

  He remembered Lin Jingsheng's expression at that time, very surprised, not joy or excitement, only surprise, and ridicule after surprise.

  After so many years, who still remembers that period of the past?

  Lin Jingsheng could poke his chest better than anyone else, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Since then, he has been chasing after Lin Jingsheng. He knows that Lin Jingsheng needs time to test him and prove that he is not guilty for a while, nor does he misunderstand his feelings, nor is he young and dazed, but the real When his love comes, he really loves himself, so Chu Lin doesn't care how Lin Jingsheng treats him, as long as he treats Lin Jingsheng well.

During that period of time, it was considered as an ambiguous period between the two of them. Lin Jingsheng didn't reject him so strongly, and even had a kind of refusal to welcome him. Chu Lin was not a fool, and this undoubtedly gave him a signal to pursue him. In time, Lin Jingsheng no longer played in the world, and the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds. Although the layer of paper was not broken, it gave him an illusion that the two had once loved each other.

Chu Lin knew that he had hurt him deeply. For a few years, Lin Jingsheng kept a very long distance from him. He finally shortened the rejection. He thought he had already got Lin Jingsheng's love. Sincerely, he was ecstatic, holding him like a treasure, he swore that he would never hurt him again, never let him feel sad again, he would love and protect Lin Jingsheng for the rest of his life, he would be the best for Lin Jingsheng companion.

During that time, it was so sweet that when Lin Jingsheng told him that he was just fulfilling a dream when he was young and wanted to know what it was like to fall in love with him, and that he didn't intend to really fall in love with him, Chu Lin seemed like It was unbelievable that the sky was struck by lightning, so deep and so strong, why did it change overnight.

During that time, he didn't dare to entangle with Lin Jingsheng, because Lin Jingsheng had undergone tremendous changes, the two princes passed away one after another, Lin Jingsheng was not in a good mood, Chu Lin was not really a second-year-old child, and he could clearly distinguish the severity, He didn't pester him, but kept paying attention to his movements and his mood, and even took Lin Jingsheng to relax, so that he would not be too hurt. He thought that Lin Jingsheng was just a sudden change in his family and a big change in mood, not because he was with him. He really separates.

   But later, he found out that Lin Jingsheng really... never planned to be with him, Chu Lin was like a lightning strike, and he couldn't accept it until today.

The relationship between Lin Jingsheng and him has experienced several changes. Every time he felt that he was one step closer to him, he was one step further away. His relationship was too fast and he was left alone on a deserted island. Eyes full of desolation.

  He is not heartbroken.

The sincere heart he held was trampled on. To Chu Lin, it was a great shame. Therefore, he and Lin Jingsheng had a showdown, tore up this blurred paper, and put away the paper that had been ambiguous but never broken between them. It was torn, he knew that once it was torn, there was really no going back.

  He wants Lin Jingsheng to live forever.

   Not being brothers. ,

  Lin Jingsheng asked him with a smile, back then I also had a heart that was trampled on, did you cherish it, and did I make trouble? I haven't made a fuss, Chu Lin, be more mature, don't be too childish.


   Is he childish?

  He never knew that in Lin Jingsheng's heart, this was a childish expression. He also wanted to become mature, but you don't love me, how can I bear it? If you can't bear it, how can you mature?

  Chu Lin fell into memory, he still does not regret tearing up this layer of window paper with Lin Jingsheng.

  He is still unwilling to believe that Lin Jingsheng will play with his feelings.

  Because he compares his heart with his heart, he understands that if Lin Jingsheng likes him, he will definitely make it clear if he doesn't like Lin Jingsheng, and will not be ambiguous or vague, because apart from liking, they are the most persistent brothers in this life.

   "What are you thinking?" Lin Jingsheng asked. ,

  Chu Lin looked at Lin Jingsheng, what was he thinking? Yes, what is he thinking?

  He was recalling the relationship between the two over the years.

   It was his fault, he admitted.

   I was wrong, and there is a chance to make up for it.

  People always make mistakes one day, and they must be given a chance to make up for it.

   "Ah Sheng, I made a mistake once. Is it really impossible to make up for it?" Chu Lin asked in a deep voice. He looked straight at Lin Jingsheng, feeling an indescribable sadness in his heart.

  That kind of feeling is indescribable, like a thorn in my heart, which has always been in my heart and cannot be pulled out.

   "I'm telling you about Lu Pang."

   "I don't care about Lu Pang's affairs at all. You know what I care about."

   "What you care about, I don't care at all."

   "Ah Sheng, you are so cruel."

   "Don't be so naive, I don't have time to talk to you about these irrelevant things."

  For Lin Jingsheng, what is imminent is not the emotional entanglement, but his survival crisis, and it would be a bad idea for him to ask Chu Lin for help.

   It must be discussed clearly. If there is any misunderstanding between them, it is really not worth the candle.

  Chu Lin said, "Ah Sheng, to you, my feelings are irrelevant?"


Chu Lin sneered and took a deep breath. The more I think about those past events, the more uncomfortable I feel. I don’t understand why I missed it. I missed the most important thing. I also missed a chance to love and be loved. Once I miss it, really Forever miss it? Why do people always hurt the people they love when they are young.

   "What do you want me to do for you?"

Lin Jingsheng knew very well that Chu Lin's patience with him was getting less and less, and his feelings for him had also changed. He had always hurt Chu Lin so much. One day, Chu Lin would no longer have any patience with him, but what did he have? how? What can he do? This is a dead end. There is no way for him and Chu Lin to have a happy ending. If that is the case, why do they hurt each other so much? ,

  If it is said that he will not hurt Chu Lin, is it possible that he wants to be with Chu Lin?

  His responsibilities, his obligations, everything about him, are they going to be abolished?

   "What do I ask you to do, do you do?"

   "Have you trusted me to the point where you need to confirm it repeatedly?"

Chu Lin was extremely sad in his heart, Asheng, what do you want to do to confirm my sincerity, I will give you back a knife, I will give you back a gun, I will return ten times the past damage to you, is it right for you? If you can believe me, will you be able to understand my mind?

   "Lu Pang wants to use Lu Yao to drive a wedge between us, and I'm going to do whatever I can, so I need your cooperation." Lin Jingsheng said lightly, without any emotion, completely standing on the position of the royal family.

   "That's what you planned from the beginning?" Chu Lin sneered.


  I will write a small theater at night, okay?

  (end of this chapter)