MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 463 The largest weapon line, the Jiangnan weapons line closed down...

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Things are so happy to decide, and everyone is busy at the moment.

He Dagong’s wealth is very rough, and he has covered all the expenses of this publicity campaign in one fell swoop. The total price is 100,000 coins.

Yes, it is gold coins.

Because in addition to the wind and sound of the sound of the sound phony array, other things can be done in the world of the world, it really does not cost much.

100,000 gold coins, the value is probably about a thousand Lingjing - it is Hong Xiaobao borrowed from him.

Not far from the vicinity of Datun City, there is a small secular country named Jin Tang. If you fly a flying beast, you can arrive at an hour, which is very convenient.

When the gold is opened, the effect is naturally a lever.

He Dagongzi almost wrapped up the printing agency of Jintang's entire country. It took only half a day to print tens of thousands of flyers, thousands of brochures, and thousands of small posters. In addition, he has left his men here to respond, as long as needed, can be added at any time.

Such a division of labor and cooperation will soon be effective.

He Yinlou naturally used his family's relationship to send brochures to major restaurants and brothels. The Meal Road and Chen Yu went to find the blue-brother's brothers and sisters to help send flyers and posters.

And Hong Xiaobao, but took the wind and whispered to "take an advertisement", the process ... not to mention.

After the filming, the two immediately re-enacted ten copies, made a map, and then took the night out of the city, buried the map at the major entrances and exits of Datun City, and activated.

After thinking about it, Hong Xiaobao felt that he was not at ease, so he placed some small magic arrays as a cover under the guidance of Yin Laomo.

It is natural to have a shot from the old man, and even the mysterious saint above the meat tires will come to the front, and I am afraid I will not find the existence of the map.


The second day.

Daxie City suddenly became full of winds and all kinds of gossips went away.

"Hey, have you heard that? Last night, the east of the city suddenly fell into a vision, and it seems that there is a peerless treasure to be born!"

"Is it the east of the city? How did I hear that it was the west of the city? It was not a vision of the sky. It was said to have emerged from the bottom of the earth. Even the deacons of the inner door were alarmed..."

"Hey! Why are you still here? There is an ancient fairy cave outside the north gate, and the spirits are flying in the air, bursting out many peerless artifacts. Many people ran to see it..."

"North Gate? You don't miss me, it's clearly the South Gate..."

"Let's have it..."

At this time, outside the city of Daxie, whether it is the four gates of the east, south, west, and north, or the northeast, northwest, and other partial gates, they have already gathered together with monks. Everyone is surrounded by a huge light curtain in the sky. Point out.

In the light curtain, more than a dozen pieces of cold weapons are flashing. Because of the distance, everyone can only see the scene of "smoothness", but can't see it really, and summed up the four words - not clear.

After the weapons flashed, there was a beautiful fairy floating in the air.

I saw this fairy wearing a wide-sleeve flow fairy skirt, wearing a diamond leaf crested crown, ankles Lingbo picking up the Cui shoes, holding a green dragon Cangjiao blade, the eyebrows are like mountains, the skin is like a peach flower, like a smile Floating clouds, eyes like a star.

Standing proudly with the sword, Hao Hao is like a virtual wind, and it is as independent as the world, so that people can not help but give birth to a sense of awe that can be seen from afar.

With the introduction of the fairy jade hand, the sword is pinched, and the various weapons such as the sword and the sword have appeared together, and the young girl rotates like a star.

Immediately afterwards, the picture suddenly changed into a military field, and the fairy began to practice with various weapons.

Knife, what kind of knife? Gold wire big ring knife!

Sword, what kind of sword? Closed moon shy sword!

People, what kind of person? People who are in the clouds!

The end is the sword and the air, the knives and the ruins of the sky, the big squats, the pitching Liuhe, straight to see people pleasing to the eye, shouting!

After playing this round, with the sudden rise of the fairy sword, all the glory of the glory disappeared.

Instead, it is a strange symbol that looks antique: below is a cloud, like a flame, a pan on the cloud, but a long-handled sledgehammer on the pot.

After the sign appeared in the number of interest, it disappeared, and then more than a dozen weapons began to appear again, and the fairy began to perform in Wu, so cycle.

On the ground, the monks talked a lot: "Is this... the mirage? Shouldn't it? The mirage is not so clear..."

"What mirage? According to me, in all likelihood, it is a day of stagnation, and there will soon be a fairy, Dongfu... We are awkward, and the fairy is not shallow!"

"A beautiful fairy!" A female monk is doing a heart-shaped heart. "If I am a man, she is definitely not married. No, the woman is married! I want to give her a monkey!"

"Sisters and sisters are waking up, people are born without monkeys... In other words, do you think that the fairy above is very similar to the windy sister who came from the previous two days?"

"Wind sister? It's impossible!... But if you take a closer look, it's a bit like it... Is it true that the wind sister has got a fairy edge, causing the air and the air to sense, so this vision has appeared?"

"Let's let one let, let one let it! It's not boiling water, it's a big living!" Just as people speculate on the origin of this "vision", and when it will fall, it will suddenly squeeze out. Several monks with overhead lids and sacks on the back.

"Let's take a look!"

They have a stack of thick flyers in their hands. When they see people, they send... Oh no, the posture is directly plugged, instead of sending, stuffing, and shouting: "July 15th, Bao Yunxuan Open Daji! There will be a live auction of the Huangji Nine-Purple Spirit! Go through the road, don't miss it! Take a look, take a look..."

"Zhongzhou Jiangnan! Zhongzhou Jiangnan! The biggest weapon line, Jiangnan Shenbing closed down! Hongdabao of the treasurer ate and gambled, owed 35 million Lingjing, ran with his little scorpion. We have no way, I had to auction the weapons to pay the wages... The original price of 500,000, one million of the soldiers, all five thousand Lingjing started! Hong Dabao, you are not a person, we worked hard for you for decades, you do not pay! You Also, I am hard-blooded, and I am hard-blooded..."

After the party was finished, they went back into the sack and took a thicker glimpse. They continued to see people.

At first, the monks thought what was the situation. Later, they reacted and heard: Oh, it’s so miserable! This Hongdabao is not a human being, but actually deducted decades of wages?


So vicious, all the gods and gods, as a righteous monk, must ... cough, or look at it first...

So I took it over and looked at it: Hey, it’s actually a flyer!

Then at the first sight of “唰”, they saw the “cloud pot hammer” logo printed on the top of the flyer. However, below the logo, there are three more characters: Bao Yun Xuan.

At the bottom of the leaflet, there is also a portrait of a fairy holding a sword - the one in the light curtain.

However, it is obvious that the fairy on the painting is a crude form, far from the moving and beautiful look in the light curtain.

But it is also very collectible!

That fairy is so beautiful, just a shadow is enough to make people think about it. You didn't look at the buddy next to you, have you started to prepare for the brush?

Um... Bao Yun Xuan, the name is good, remember!


At the same time, Daxie City is also "suddenly like a spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms."

I don’t know when it started, some prominent places in the city were put on a piece of the game, which was marked with the words “Bao Yun Xuan”, “Opened on July 15th” and “Yellow Stage Nine Products”. And other important words, as well as a variety of maps.

Those who look at the picture at a glance know that it is from the hands of famous people, not only lifelike, but also deep in charm. It is clearly painted on paper, but it looks like the real thing. It seems that if you don't pay attention, the sword will break out of the paper and sting your dog's eyes.

Looking around, it’s a slashing sword, which makes people scalp and numb.

People walked down the street, did not go out of three steps, as long as the hand is empty, they will be inexplicably stuffed with a leaflet, the content of which is similar to the poster.

Several brothels under the name of the family, as well as several industries under the family name of the family, will also have a thick stack of leaflets at the gate, and guests will see them when they enter the house, and they will see them when they go out. Then, when they are easy, they take one.

In the city, the big green buildings, restaurants, etc., on the counter, there is also a brochure that Hong Xiaobao carefully crafted.

Bao Yun Xuan?

never heard of that.

However, one listened to the Hejia Dagongzi sent people, the major treasurers can not be ignored - anyway, for the monopoly of the two giants of the Daqing City Qinglou industry, the young master, this point The face is still to be given.

Then carefully ponder: Well, the original auction.

A total of fifteen pieces of the spirit, the highest grade is a yellow-top nine products of the Fangtian paintings. The lowest, a treasure knife name "Let you thirty-nine" is also full of six products. Looking from the paper, it seems to be very good, that is, what is the real thing?

Emmmm, keep an eye out!


In this way, all kinds of advertisements of Bao Yunxuan flying overnight.

People look up and see, look down, open their eyes to see, even close their eyes, you can hear someone shouting: Zhongzhou Jiangnan! Zhongzhou Jiangnan! The largest weapon line, the Jiangnan weapons line closed down...

Even with a toilet, I can see a bunch of rice fields mixed with a leaflet - I don't know which buddy is so close, actually use this paper to wipe the butt, isn't it afraid of the chrysanthemum bleeding?

In this world without advertising pollution, there is no such thing as city management, or red armband aunt, such a big killing **** to control the chaos, so after a round of bombing for a few days, the whole The big cockroaches all boiled and almost evaporated.

Every street and every lane, everyone's mouth, the first sentence to meet, is Christine... cough, congratulations to Hong boss for opening a good old man.