MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 637

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   South China Sea, aircraft carrier formation.

   Several US military commanders gathered in the battle command room, each with a grim expression. On a screen in front of them, a picture is being played in a loop.

   That was a captured scene, a picture of Gu Feng driving his broom, carrying Qin Qing, and passing through the air.

   The rapidly receding clouds around him, and the light and shadow passing by the fighter jet, all showed how fast he was.

   "Is the news from France accurate? Over there, it's also ancient?" one of the tall commanders asked in standard American English.

"Yes, sir. The French allies have shared this information with us. It is true that the destruction at the Monroe Manor is also archaic. The Monroe family, for unknown reasons, are unwilling to cooperate with the official investigation. However, France's huge intelligence network has still determined this." Someone replied respectfully.

   After saying this, the entire war room was quiet.

"How is it possible? How can it be so fast? From France to the South China Sea, it spans more than 10,000 miles... How did he do it in such a short time? His flight speed is several times faster than that of a fighter jet. His endurance , So perverted again! Is this the magician?" The commander's eyes were full of surprise.

   "Woooooo-" [

   At this moment, a rapid alarm sounded.

   "There is an enemy attack! It's the ancient style! The ancient style is back!"

   Someone reported and shouted.

   "Fighter take off! Fight!" The commander immediately issued an order.


With the roar of   , a fighter jet took off. The entire fleet is busy and enters a state of high alert.

  Even a few hours ago, if someone said that the appearance of one person could make the entire aircraft carrier formation on high alert... I am afraid everyone would have laughed out of their teeth and would not believe it.

but now. The approach of a person, but no one dares to underestimate.


   Watching the fighter jets take off, the commander's mood is very contradictory. There is a voice in the country asking him to capture the magician alive. He also really wanted to capture the magician alive and have him bring him back to China to study it. Not sure what breakthrough will be achieved.

  But... it depends on how fast people fly. How to catch it alive? Isn't this a joke!


   As soon as I thought about it, I heard two explosions. However, I saw two fighter jets, just approaching the ancient wind, and they didn't know what happened, and they fell to the sea and exploded.


  I see. A streamer flew by quickly. Wherever they passed, as long as the fighter jets approached, they suddenly lost control and fell to the sea. [

   There is a video sent back. It can be seen that the pilot was on the plane, and because of this, his head was thrown up... The fighter was not attacked. The body was damaged in the slightest, but the driver lost control and of course fell immediately.

   This is an extremely weird and terrifying scene, which is horrifying to watch.

   Fleet fire. At this time, they didn't want to find any living opportunities to study, and it has become their greatest hope to destroy this magician.

But. A luxury is a luxury.

  The firepower of the battleships opened, and the dense rockets in the sky were as bright as a meteor shower.

   At this moment, the ancient style disappeared. It was so abrupt and suddenly disappeared in the air. Invisible to the naked eye, invisible to radar.

   attacked and lost the target for a while.

   In the sky, except for a passing plane. Can't see anyone. The radars are turned on, the sonar is detected, and they don't even dare to let go of the water.


Absolutely not!

   There is no trace of the ancient style!

   can't find the enemy, it can't make them feel at ease. But it made their fear more and more heavier. Because they had a hunch, the enemy was around and did not leave.

  The enemy that cannot be found is the most terrifying.

   "Find! Find it for me! Be sure to find him for me! Destroy him!" The commander roared and ordered.

   "Yes, sir!" A handsome young officer saluted and agreed.

   However, as soon as he finished speaking, his head was thrown out of the air. The cavity of the severed head, blood splattered.

  This terrifying scene is completely beyond imagination, like a supernatural event. The command room was full of people, and it was quiet at first, and then a terrified scream broke the silence.

   puff puff puff!

  I can't see the enemy, I don't know what's going on, all the heads are thrown flying.

  Even, no one had time to pull out a gun.

  The people in the room, in the blink of an eye, turned into heads and corpses all over the ground, blood, and gathered on the ground. The **** smell was thick and filled the space.

   There is one other person who is not dead, that is the commander. Frightened eyes, holding a gun in his hand, shooting everywhere.

   bang bang bang!

   The gunshots were crisp, the children jumped around, and the sparks shot.

   However, no one was shot.

   Outside the command room, there were already miserable screams, which seemed to be from near to far.

   This is a battle where the enemy cannot be seen... NO! It can't be called a fight. This is a one-sided slaughter! No one knew what was going on, the heads had already been thrown into the air.

   It didn't take long for the whole ocean to be quiet.

   In the sky, there are no fighter jets flying.

   On the sea, the battleships hovered silently.

   There was only the commander left, who used the communicator to call, stood on the deck and shouted... and received no response. The whole empty ocean, a huge fleet, seems to be the only one left.


   Mr. Commander screamed. Because he found that the body seemed to be bound by something suddenly, and the whole person had already vacated.

   Then, a figure slowly emerged in front of him.

   is antiquity!

   Riding on a broomstick, his face was cold.


   This is not a man, but a devil!

   This was the only thought in the mind of Mr. Commander. He knew that his subordinates, the soldiers of the entire fleet, had been slaughtered.

   The fleet that was originally here to show off its might, was slaughtered out of nowhere.

The    commander raised his gun and wanted to shoot at Gufeng.


   Blood splattered, his wrist was cut off, and his palm fell to the sea with the pistol attached.


   The commander screamed.

  Gu Feng raised his hand, a faint light shrouded in it, the blood stopped, and the granulation slowly grew. The wound healed at a rate visible to the naked eye. However, a hand was cut off, but it failed to regenerate.

"I'm saving your life to let you return to your country and report the incident to your Mr. President. This time destroying a fleet of yours is just to teach you a small lesson. Don't provoke me again, otherwise, I will kill you on Capitol Hill and let you taste the taste of subjugation of the country." Gu Feng's voice was cold, and no one dared to doubt his determination and strength.

   One person, let a country perish... Gu Feng definitely has this strength.

   came to threaten me, reach out to chop hands, stretch out to chop feet! This is the power of the ancient style!

   On the ground, the scenery changes.

The    commander is very familiar with geography. He knows that this is going north and has entered the territory of Huaxia.

   At this speed, the speed is like lightning. In this lifetime, being able to enjoy this kind of extreme speed, the Commander is not at all joyful, only panic.

  The speed of a person can really reach this extreme speed?

   This is several times faster than the most advanced fighter jets!


   Finally, both feet landed.

   Here, the environment is very familiar. It is the embassy in China. They just landed at the door of the embassy hall, and there was a voice inside.

"Mr. Dennis, please rest assured, one of our aircraft carrier fleets is cruising the South China Sea now, and those people in China have rickets. They will be soft. They will never fight us to the end just for one person. "A confident voice, said words that made Mr. Commander blush.

   Aircraft carrier fleet?

good! The aircraft carrier fleet is indeed cruising the South China Sea. Just after he left, the fleet was still cruising... However, it had become a ghost ship, and there was not even a single ghost on it except for a large number of corpses.

"Thank you, Mr. Robert, for your outstanding work performance, and we will definitely report it to the country. After this term expires, I think you can choose the state legislature position in Nevada. The influence of our company in the state, It's very big. There are 100,000 employees in our company. Our public relations department, I believe, is also willing to support you. And the investment in our company's property..." This was Dennis' voice. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)