MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 996 Opportunity

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Beyond the Five Elements, the remains of Qinglan.

Thunder, the roar of the sound is endless, all kinds of Xiaguang, the spirit is intertwined.

The two figures flew up and down in midair, and sometimes they were intertwined. The pressure of the two gods and strong people made the space that was crumbling swaying and swaying, and the pair could collapse at any time.

The confrontation between Yan Luo and Gao Ming is still going on.

Gao Ming had previously damaged a lot of vitality in order to help Zhao Wei, and in addition to using it several times between the smoke and the robbery, even if it is the peak of the mid-century, it can absorb the strength of the world to make up for itself, but after all, It is smoked, and now it is attacking and defending more. It seems to be in a downturn, and the repressed section is retreating.

However, although the offensive was rapid, and the waves continued to impact the Gaoming line of defense, but the other side was strictly guarded against it. Secondly, it was obviously somewhat tabooing the other side's attention, and did not dare to be too tight.

As a result, the two showed a stalemate and it was obvious that they could not be separated in a short time.

Suddenly, the smoke of the smog flashed, and one hand raised. The colorful flowers surrounded by Zhao Ming’s group were divided into three, and the finished glyphs rushed toward the swift and incomparable blast. The group of shots of a few feet in the direction of the dark space.

Gao Ming, who was almost close to defending, was in a violent temper, and his hands and palms flashed silver, and the white giant cymbals appeared again behind him.

But this time, there was only one, and after calling out this illusion, Gao Ming’s handsome face was slightly white.

In the next moment, a white glow glowed from the shadow of the white giant python, flashing through the shadows of the four colored flowers surrounding it, and the first come to the void at the entrance of the five-row magical space. in.


The white glow bursts open and turns into a spherical white corrugation. The dripping water of the empty shield is not leaked, and the three colored flowers are imaginary and are placed outside.

At this moment, the entrance to the space of the five elements of the cave was fluctuating together, and a silver ball of light flew out from the inside and fell to the side.

The light ball flashed and collapsed, revealing Zhao Wei’s figure.

His face was not good, his chest couldn’t stand up and down, and he looked awkward. When he stabilized his body, he realized his situation at the moment, but then he looked at the direction of Yanluo and Gaoming, and his eyes flashed. After a trace of anxiety.

Gao Ming barely hesitated, and the vertical eyes of the palms of the hands were released, and more than a dozen annihilation lights flew out, faintly forming a white palm, and struck toward the smoke.

Where the white light palm passed, the emptiness of the void suddenly appeared, as if there was a fault in time.

The face of the smoke is slightly changed, and the seven treasures of the tree are in full bloom. The seven colorful flowers are swirling and flying back, and a large number of colorful clouds are sprayed from them, condensing into a colorful wall of several feet thick and blocking them in front of them. .

But when the colorful wall hits the white palm, it immediately feels like the snow and the fire, melting out, but the slightest effect has not been played out.

The white palms did not stop, and they were shot in the seven treasures.

"Bang" made a loud noise.

The Qibao Miaoshu earthquake, together with the smoke in the back, was knocked out, but the white palm seemed to finally run out of energy, flashing twice, and it broke.

Gao Ming's face suddenly pale like paper, especially the vertical eye of the palm of his hand suddenly dimmed a lot, but he still sighed a bit, his body swayed, and a flash came to Zhao Wei.

Then, in his mouth, he quickly mourned the spell, and a large white light emerged, covering himself and Zhao Wei.

"Baohua fairy, come here today, he has a fate, you and I will fight well." Gao Ming haha ​​smiled, his arm waved.

The white light shrouded in the two people, flying out of countless runes, and quickly condensed into a white array.

The ray of light flashed and the two figures disappeared from the place.

When the smoked body flew a few feet away, it immediately stood firm. It did not try to catch up with the two and turned over the seven treasures.

Zhao Wei looked like a wolverine, let her realize what it was, and the rare smile in the beauty, but it was also fleeting.

The next moment, she bowed her head and looked at the entrance to the five elements of the magical cave.

Through this space entrance, she can vaguely feel the aura of the heavens and the earth fluctuating greatly, and it is getting more and more intense.

"What's the matter?" The smoke flickered and shone, forming a silver light and flew toward the entrance to the space.

At this moment, the five-line territory map suspended in the air is suddenly shining, and the five-color light shining in the sky.

Among the smoky cockroaches, the five-color ray that was emitted by the five-line map of the country was pushed away and could not be closer.

The sound of the five-line territory map "嗖" turned into a five-color light and shadow, and it quickly flew into the space entrance.

Almost at the same time, the space entrance was closed.

The smoke figure shook and stopped, and the pretty face showed a shocking color.

But the next moment, her face turned into anxious.

There must have been serious things in the five elements of the cave, but at the moment the entrance to the space disappeared, and she could do nothing.


The underground cavern began to tremble and the countless gravel fell.

The other four dragon-shaped veins also flashed and began to shake.

The four spirits contain the most powerful spiritual power, and the chaotic spiritual fluctuations outside seem to have begun to affect the four spiritual veins, so that they also collide with each other.

"Shi Zizi, hurry to find a way to leave here, if these four spiritual veins collide, it is not a joke to the rest of the wave." Shui Lingzi said anxiously.

Shi Mu’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and there was no action.

It really just left, the space of the five elements of the cave collapsed, and the nine turns of Xuan Gong Dacheng, it is almost impossible.

"Water Spirit, is there any way to repair the water?" he asked.

"What do you say?" The blue light flashed, and the water spirit flew out of the Xuan Mingzhu, appeared on the shoulder of Shi Mu, and was shocked.

"I asked if you have a way to repair the spirit. The spirit of the water is only destroyed by Zhao Yu's Lingbao, but it has not disappeared. I can feel it, but the spiritual power is disordered... If it can be re-integrated, it should be able to reshape the spirit of water and stabilize this space." Shi Mufei said quickly.

When the water spirit heard this, his face looked awkward and he was about to speak.

At this moment, here the virtual space in the middle of the underground space flashed, cracking a gap.

Shi Mu a glimpse, and immediately gaze.

He saw a picture of five-colored light shining from the crack.

This picture is familiar to him. It is the five-dimensional map of the entrance to the Five Elements of the Grottoes in the ruins of Qinglan.

For why it happened here, he naturally has no time to think about it.


The first line of the five-line territory appeared here, and the surface suddenly leaped brightly, and it quickly rose, but two or three breaths, it rose to a giant painting of a dozen feet.

The giant paintings trembled, and the five tripod patterns flew out from the inside and turned into five different Dings of different colors.

Five big trips shot down, four of which were directly immersed in the four veins below, only the blue dading, because the spirit of water disappeared, only a little helpless floating in the air.

The four dragon-shaped veins were slightly settled and no longer trembled.

Shi Mu’s face showed amazement, and apparently did not expect that the five elements of the territory map actually have this ability.

"I understand that these five-line territory maps are some magical powers that have been intercepted by the five spiritual veins here. It is a magic weapon that is concise. It is probably the white ancestor of your mouth." Exposed the excitement.

"It is possible!" Shi Mu heard the words and nodded.

The statement of Shui Lingzi is very reasonable, I am afraid it is.

"Shi Xiaozi, you just said that you want to repair the veins. It is not possible to use your current strength. But now that you have these five-line maps, it is an opportunity!" Water Ling continued.

“What should I do?” Shi Mu heard loudly and asked immediately.

The water Lingzi spit out a blue light, and the flash did not enter the stone pastoral mind, turning into countless words.

"This method is somewhat dangerous. Even if there are five-line maps, the probability of success is less than 40%. If you fail, there is only one dead road. If you do this, you can decide." Shui Lingzi solemnly said.

Shi Mu's eyes moved, and he quickly read it. He quickly read all the words, his face was silent, and he was hesitant.

But hesitating only for the blink of an eye, his expression immediately became firm.

"I have to try it anyway!" Shi Mu said categorically.

The five-line magic cave really collapsed, and it is impossible for him to turn into a big nine.

At this moment, he cultivated to the peak of eight turns, and more deeply understood the distance from the eight-turn peak to the nine-turn, which is almost impossible to cross the huge gap!

Zhao Wei just said that he has other methods of advanced nine-turn. With the strength of heaven, this possibility is not small. If he leaves the five-row magic cave, he will really become Zhao Yu’s nourishment.

As soon as I read this, Shi Mu no longer hesitated, and his body flew out and stood under the map of the five elements.

He shouted, and the whole body suddenly lit up with red, gold, green, yellow, and blue, which is the power of the nine elements of the nine-turn Xuan Gong.

There was a word in his mouth, and the body glowed with five colors of light, separated from each other, turned into five beams of light, and a flash disappeared into the five-dimensional map of the top of the Panel.

The five-dimensional territory map suddenly shines, and an invisible wave undulates from the map, and it instantly covers a few hundred miles.

Business of sag, and the sacred power between the surrounding places.

At this moment, the rest of the five elements of the cave space has been completely confusing, especially the outermost area.

Here, the heaven and earth aura is like a boiling oil pan. The chaos of the heavens and the earth is condensed into a large black cloud. A huge lightning bolt descends from the sky and tears the ground. The space even shows huge cracks, like the end of the world.

The collapse of the space began from the periphery and gradually moved toward the depths of the space, and the speed was amazing.