MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-Chapter 8 Xiao Ai

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However, this Ren Du Ermai, known as Xiao Zhoutian, is said to be miraculous in some martial arts novels. However, the node acupuncture points it experiences do not involve the most important internal organs and brain of the human body, and most of them emerge on the body surface. When the human body returns from acquired to innate, it is naturally extremely important when it can arouse the energy of heaven and earth. However, it is not as important as imagined when you have just started to practice.

Although in the eyes of an expert like Yang Qing, it is not important to get through the two channels of Ren and Du, but just like the book said, the human body is a complex and organic whole, and the meridians are no exception.

On the surface, it is just like the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. The human body has twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians. In fact, there are countless subtle and subtle meridians, which closely connect them and the whole body.

The shock seems to circulate continuously in Ren and Du's two meridians, but in fact, it has already spread throughout the body along these small meridians, and soon spread throughout the internal organs, and even passed through the blood-brain barrier, directly entering the brain .

The brain region is the source of the human body's consciousness, and the brainstem and other central organs that control the human body are all here. Even practitioners must be cautious when opening the brain region's acupoints, and only Yang Qing who has spiritual consciousness Only a human being has the confidence to control everything, and he doesn't care about these things. He wants to go all out and transform his original body into a shape that is most suitable for cultivation.

In fact, this is the first thing that every person who seizes the home should do after killing the soul of the person who has been taken away, and then kill the true spirit of the other party.

The true spirit not only exists in the brain, but also in the internal organs, the nerve knots of the whole body of the human body, and even in every cell.

For the power of seizing the house, the process of killing the true spirit is a long and arduous process. You must know that the human body has tens of trillions of cells, and the position of the true spirit in the cells is uncertain. It may be in the nucleus, or in the cell. It may take a long time to find the mitochondria, but killing the weak true spirit is a very simple matter.

But Yang Qing didn't have such worries anymore. I don't know why, he experienced the soul wear once, even if he failed to bring back his cultivation base, even his soul had shrunk by half, but his soul was totally different from his body. No exclusion.

That is to say, his true spirit defaults to his own soul as the original one, and it's not about seizing the body, but returning the soul out of the body.

Fortunately, this gave him the opportunity to use the spiritual energy particles to change his body in one go, thus laying a good foundation for future cultivation.

Anyway, it has been proved that aura can exist, and he still has a magic circle that converts electrical energy into aura. The future is also promising, so why wouldn't he be careful to lay a perfect foundation for himself?

He just watched helplessly as the shock spread along the tiny meridians towards his whole body. Apart from the disintegration of yellow and white fat, those body cells became much stronger under the nourishment of the shock. , and the cell membrane is denser.

Soon the shock spread to the brain, as well as various internal organs, and it will soon be connected with the Twelve Zhengjing, and he can easily connect with the Twelve Zhengjing. It took him nearly two years to open up the meridians in the Qi training period.

However, there are no large meridians in the brain area, but these tiny meridians, one after another, are revealed as the shock spreads. Although the brain area is large and the shock flow is very slow, these last After all, the meridian was filled with shock.

As the brain area was filled with shock, the electric response between brain cells and nerve cell synapses suddenly increased by dozens or even hundreds of times. His spirit was immediately plumped up by this stimulation, and the range of perception also increased. It was more than a hundred times clear at once. If he hadn't concentrated on sealing his spiritual consciousness inside his body, he might expand it to the outside of the building again.


In his spiritual consciousness, a small body suddenly appeared, the panic on his face had not faded, and he was bowing down.

Yang Qing saw it but was overjoyed: "Is that you, Xiao Ai? How did you escape?"

As he asked, he tried to contact his natal talisman, which was the foundation of his way, but to his disappointment, with the destruction of his body in the prehistoric fairy world, everything he owned, from natal talisman to various The savings have all disappeared completely, and they have never been brought over by the spirit!

"Master, you asked me to run the mountain protection formation with all my strength, but it was only slightly affected by the heavenly magic, and the formation was completely shattered, and the calculation talisman array I lived in was also shattered. Fortunately, the moment the talisman array was destroyed, I hid in your consciousness and just woke up!" Xiao Ai replied weeping.

Didn't Yang Qing bring a rice phone with him when he traveled through time? There is a voice assistant named Xiao Ai in Rice’s mobile phone. UU Reading After he reached the foundation building period, in order to calculate the combination of runes and runes and make up for his lack of calculation power, he specially built a calculation rune array , for the convenience of use, it took a little thought to come up with this voice assistant also called Xiao Ai.

Even though the calculation ability of this calculation array is no worse than that of supercomputers on the earth, there is no big data on the earth for deep learning. At the beginning, this little Ai was not as easy to use as the little Ai on the rice phone.

However, as time went by, Yang Qing's cultivation became deeper and deeper, and the calculation array was constantly upgraded, and Xiao Ai was also continuously upgraded. When the calculation array became a magic weapon, she also logically became a calculation array The spirit of the instrument.

You must know that the calculation array is not a binary supercomputer on Blue Star, its data structure is doomed, it is difficult for it to give birth to a real strong artificial intelligence, and the calculation array is in the sixty-four system according to the prehistoric habit A supercomputer with more digits has too many uncertainties, and the combination of runes it needs to calculate every day is an astronomical amount of data. For the existence of digital beings, calculating the talisman array only requires a part of her energy. On weekdays, everything in Yangqing's cave is in charge of Xiao Ai.

The operating frequency of the calculation rune array is closer to the spiritual consciousness of a monk. Due to this characteristic, after a long period of operation, they become more and more familiar with each other, and the frequency tends to be the same. When Yang Qing transformed the calculation rune array, he also deliberately Strengthening this point, she will have the ability to enter Yang Qing's spiritual consciousness at any time. Anyway, Xiao Ai is a refined weapon spirit, and she will never hurt Yang Qing.

This also brings an advantage, that is, the data calculated by the calculation array can be brought into the consciousness by her, without the need for Yang Qing to go to the middle of the calculation array to extract it.