MTL - The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World-v3 Chapter 316 great age of science

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Even now, except for some of the primary rune arrays that use spirit stones as energy sources, Yang Qing has achieved results far surpassing the existing human technology in terms of protection and spacecraft-free propulsion.

However, in terms of basic materials, more technology from Blue Star is used. At most, due to observations and different smelting methods, the purity of materials is higher, and the structural strength is stronger after heat treatment.

Affected by the environment of the solar system, although rune technology is closer to the essence of the world, it still has a wide range of applications under the blessing of spirit stone energy, but it cannot reach the level of the prehistoric world after all.

But technology is different. Compared with runes that require a lot of aura to work, the development of technology has no upper limit in this solar system.

In fact, even the biggest application of rune technology, that is, gravitational control, is not because technology can't do it, but the history of Blue Star's technology has not exceeded two hundred years, so how can it be compared with the cultivation of tens of thousands of years of calculations? compared to the world.

After the further development of mathematics and theoretical physics, and the unification of the four fundamental forces, with a suitable mathematical language description, the control of gravity will definitely be realized in the future.

In the last century, Einstein's special theory of relativity was born, and with the appearance of the mass-energy equation, only a few decades later, the world-destroying weapon, nuclear weapons, was born out of thin air, and at the same time kept humans alive for decades basic peace.

And since boarding the Moon Palace base, with the help of Yang Qing, those ordinary scholars and engineers have improved the accuracy of the tools that can be directly observed to more than a hundred times and a thousand times that of the past.

Just for the optical microscope, its observation range has directly broken through a million times, far beyond the limit of the naked eye, reaching the level of the electron microscope.

It should be known that because the visible light frequency range that the human eye can see is very limited, in addition to visible light, there is a large amount of infrared and ultraviolet light spectrum that the human eye cannot see.

In fact, in all spectrums, visible light is extremely narrow, and the universe is filled with more light in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum.

Even gamma-ray bursts, which can destroy galaxies, are a form of light.

The diameter of an atom is about 0.1 nanometers. The maximum magnification of a traditional optical microscope is about 0.2 microns. The diameter of an atom has far exceeded the diffraction range of visible light, so there is no way to see it with a traditional optical microscope. to the atom.

Of course, with the human eye, even if it can achieve such a large magnification, it is still difficult to form an image of atoms in the eye, on the retina, let alone form a signal in the cerebral cortex.

In fact, not to mention ordinary people, even a cultivator who has just practiced qi does not have enough spiritual knowledge to do this.

After all, according to the tradition of the prehistoric world, although cultivation is closely related to runes, it doesn't need to be too small.

But in Blue Star, whether it is materials or equipment, there is no unexpected factor such as aura, and it is closer to the origin of the world, and more attention is paid to seeing kung fu in the subtleties.

Whether it is the nuclear weapons that deter the world, or the chips that form the basis of the information world in front of us.

Especially metal materials, even if only a small amount of alloy is doped, the performance obtained will be greatly improved.

The wide application of heat treatment does not need to change the composition of the material. Only by changing the atomic structure of the metal surface at a specific temperature can bring about a huge performance improvement.

In the past, it could only be observed indirectly through an electron microscope, after all, it was not clearer to see directly.

And direct observation can accurately grasp the changes in the metal structure during the heat treatment process, so that you can master the metal treatment skills as you like, instead of just relying on experience and guesswork as before.

After all, even if the material is the same, the heat treatment method is different, which will cause a huge difference in the performance of the final product.

This is also one of the reasons why the performance of Huaguo's turbofan engine was far lower than that of other countries.

Of course, such benefits gradually spread to Blue Star as time went by.

With the further expansion of personnel exchanges between Huaguo and the Moon Palace base, many basic tools and personnel on the Moon Palace also chose to return to the Blue Star life.

This also allowed Huaguo's engine technology to advance by leaps and bounds in the shortest period of time, and suddenly jumped to a far-leading level.

After all, it is backed by the Moon Palace base, and there is no shortage of rare metals. Metal smelting and heat treatment are almost in a state of visualization. If there is no progress, it will be strange.

Although the Moon Palace base has already popularized the gravitational propulsion technology, part of it, inevitably, spread to the blue star.

But this kind of gravitational propulsion based on rune technology not only requires the cultivator to draw runes, but also needs the supply of spirit stones.

Although the manufacture of spirit stones is very simple, it is the basic technology that Yang Qing tried his best to control and could not spread to Blue Star.

Because the manufacture of spirit stones not only consumes a lot of energy, but also poses a huge risk of leakage.

Although the environmental pollution on the blue star is very harmful, the environment of the blue star also has a strong self-purification ability.

But aura is different.

After the spiritual energy leaks and spreads, it will cause abnormal changes in animals and plants in a very short period of time.

At that time, a man-made recovery of spiritual energy will start on the blue star.

Although the recovery of spiritual energy is a feast for creatures on the blue star, it may not be good news for human beings.

In the original Blue Star, humans have already conquered everything, and no creature can challenge the position of humans.

But creatures that have absorbed aura, especially animals.

Physical improvement is second. After all, unless carbon-based organisms are advanced to the extreme, there is no way to resist the attack of modern thermal weapons.

As long as it is still aura, it will improve the IQ of animals.

The original large carnivorous animals were second. After all, they were originally at the top of the biological chain, and their small number was their disadvantage.

What are more dangerous are creatures such as insects and mice.

Mice have fought wits and courage with humans for thousands of years, and humans have no way to completely eliminate these hateful guys. Instead, they let them continue to grow in dark corners that humans cannot take care of.

They were originally known for their cunning, and once their intelligence was improved, they might really be able to compete with human beings.

Perhaps in the future, someone will definitely make this kind of thing. After all, these talisman arrays are really not complicated, but at that time, Blue Star will definitely not be the only home of human beings, and there will be more choices.

However, spiritual energy is really beneficial to human beings.

This can be seen from the development of the Moon Palace base over the years.

In the past ten years, the sub-bases of the Moon Palace base have spread all over the entire moon, and the number of people accommodated there has also exceeded one million.

You must know that even in the wilderness, there are not many people who have enough spirituality to practice.

On the blue star, this rule still holds true.

It's just that because of the shortage of talents, Yang Qing included those people who were originally in the prehistoric world, who were weak in spirituality and unqualified for cultivation, into the group of practitioners.

After all, even the most ordinary monk in the Qi refining period, his soul has undergone a transformation, at least he can manipulate some simple runes.

Of course, even so, there were no more than 10,000 cultivators, and the most here were ordinary people.

Even ordinary people are not ordinary ordinary people.

On the Moon Palace base, the knowledge reserves should be the highest on the Blue Star.

Here, the university is the starting point, because Yang Qing does not have the authority to enroll minors on Blue Star, so basically except for some family the rest are after graduating from university before entering the Moon Palace base work.

However, in the environment of the Moon Palace base, it is easier to concentrate. Even a scumbag on Blue Star will have a university level of knowledge after a few years.

As for the others, although there are not many examination certifications here, almost all of them have reached the doctoral level.

The improvement of the knowledge level of personnel has also brought about a period of brilliant and endless scientific and technological achievements.

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