MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 38 (two in one)

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The head teacher Liu Qin was waiting at the finish line.

The final class score of the sports meeting will be related to the selection of outstanding classes this semester, so she is very concerned about it.

Both Li Tong and Yang Qingwei's grades are very good. These two girls can take the first and second place. As for who is first and who is second, it is the same for Liu Qin.

As for Ruan Ying Yin

She has seen Ruan Yingyin's score, and among the contestants, there is the tail of the crane. But being able to squeeze into the finals is already very powerful, and she is very happy in her heart.

It's just that Liu Qin never expected that Ruan Yingyin, her most unattractive person, would be the first to rush to the finish line.

The audience was shocked, and then it boiled over. Liu Qin had not yet reacted to the sound of boiling, and stood there in a daze.

Ruan Yingyin was still stunned. She was frightened by the cat meow just now, and when she crossed the streamer at the end, she heard the screams and cheers of the audience.

On the big tree next to the playground, the parked birds were startled.

She stopped in a daze, and realized that there was no cat chasing after her. On the runway where she just ran all the way, there wasn't even a bit of garbage. Before the start of the race, the track had already been cleaned up.

Ruan Yingyin was frightened for a while, she bent down slightly, put her hands on her legs, and panted.

Her ponytail was completely messed up, and when she bowed her head, her long hair fell down.

She reached out and lifted her hair and looked forward, just to meet Yang Qingwei and Li Tong who were running towards the finish line.

Yang Qingwei was one step ahead of Li Tong, but Li Tong followed closely. They were all a long way behind Ruan Yingyin, but this meeting was already approaching the end.

However, Yang Qingwei was influenced.

She thought that she would be able to run first, and she even boasted about Haikou with Ruan Xudong and Yang Ruorou before going out in the morning.

After the last monthly exam, Ruan Xudong was not as close to her as before. Recently, the relationship has finally recovered, and she wants to use this sports meeting to pull it back.

However, why is Ruan Yingyin faster than her? Even if Ruan Yingyin qualified for the preliminary and semi-finals in the Ming Dynasty, the results were not very good.

When she was distracted, she didn't pay attention to the front, and with a slam, she fell head-on towards the plastic track in front of her.

Yang Qingwei put his hands on the ground subconsciously, but when his knees slipped, it rubbed against the ground, wiping out a blood trail, causing Yang Qingwei to fall to the ground with his knees in his arms.

When the situation happened suddenly, everyone immediately looked at Yang Qingwei, sighing a little, with regret and sympathy in their eyes.

Li Tong was completely unaffected and rushed to the finish line with all his strength.

"Qingwei" Liang Yuan, who wanted to go over and say hello to Ruan Yingyin, paused, and subconsciously ran towards Yang Qingwei who fell to the ground.

"Classmate Yang" Liu Qin, as the head teacher, also followed.

Li Tong gasped for breath, walked a few steps to Ruan Yingyin, who was still in a trance, hugged Ruan Yingyin, and said very excitedly, "Yinyin, you are really amazing, you actually run so fast, your results today are sure How did you run to break our school's 100-meter record? How did you do it?"

Ruan Yingyin struggled to break free from Li Tong's embrace, and asked with some fear, "Tongtong, did you hear the cat meow when you were there?"

Li Tong swallowed, looked at Yang Qingwei and the others, and shook his head, "No. What cat meowing?"

Ruan Yingyin bit her lip, bent down and picked up the headband that had fallen on the ground, stretched out her hand and tied her ponytail again.

Li Tong stood beside her, pouted at Yang Qingwei, and then muttered, "Why did I feel so relieved when I saw Yang Qingwei fall? Does it make me look too bad?"

Ruan Yingyin blinked, her gaze subconsciously fell on Yang Qingwei.

Yang Qingwei fell and surrounded many people. She seemed to be struggling to get up, and looking at Yang Qingwei's posture, she seemed to want to continue running.

The people around her stood in front of her, as if to stop her. Yang Qingwei was unrelenting, and finally Liang Yuan simply picked up the person and sent him to the infirmary.

This approach caused the students in the stands to exclaim again.

The boys even whistled at the domineering Liang Yuan, while the girls' eyes were bright and their faces were red. They all felt that the scene in front of them made their girls' hearts overflow.

"I'm going!" Li Tong called out in a low voice, "Why do my hair stand up when I see this scene, I feel like Yang Qingwei is the heroine, and I'm one of the vicious supporting actresses"

Ruan Yingyin put her hands on her forehead and glanced at Li Tong silently, wanting to tell Li Tong that she felt right.

Yang Qingwei and Liang Yuan were originally the hero and heroine in the novel.

Ruan Yingyin didn't care much about the affairs between them, even if Yang Qingwei fell, it had nothing to do with her. She put her toes on her toes, waiting for Cui Qingyan to come over with her sun umbrella.

There were too many people watching the race, and it took Cui Qingyan, Yang Tongyu, and Lin Meng a while to get from the finish line to the finish line.

Yang Tongyu shouted, "Ruan Yingyin, you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger"

Li Tong took the water that Yang Tongyu handed over, and agreed very much, "I also think Yinyin is the legendary sweeper. He usually hides his strength and identity, but at critical moments, his strength explodes, stunning everyone."

Cui Qingyan handed Ruan Yingyin's sun umbrella and pink water bottle to her, "Yinyin, congratulations, you ran first."

Ruan Yingyin hurriedly opened the sun umbrella and held her pink water bottle with one hand. She still remembered the cat meow very much, "Qingyan, did you hear the cat meow just now?"

Cui Qingyan and Yang Tongyu both shook their heads, a little strange, "No, where's the cat on the playground?"

All three told Ruan Yingyin that they didn't hear it. Could it be that she heard it wrong?

"But I just heard it." Ruan Yingyin hugged the kettle tightly and glanced behind her with some fear, "After the gunshot."

"" The scene was silent for a while, and everyone looked at Ruan Yingyin with a look of fear.

Li Tong said, "You don't run so fast because of the meowing of cats, right?"

Yang Tong and "You're Afraid of Cats"

Cui Qingyan "The cat is so cute, you are afraid of Yinyin"

Ruan Yingyin looked at Cui Qingyan and seriously corrected, "Cats are not cute at all." It is obviously the most ferocious and terrifying animal.

Lin Meng held the comic book and gave Ruan Yingyin a thoughtful look.

After Jiang Xingyuan saw the result, he left the playground through another door.

Ruan Yingyin's speed is really not slow, and she is indeed extremely afraid of cats. Even if you only hear the meowing of a cat, you can be scared like this.

Habit of hiding snacks in caves, afraid of cats, unable to adapt to the noisy and noisy environment of bars, holding a sun umbrella all day

None of these things are convincing individually, but putting them all together makes Jiang Xingyuan silent.

Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong saw Jiang Xingyuan from afar and chased after him, "Brother Yuan, why should you go to the hospital for a change of medicine here?"

After lunch, before the sports meeting started, Ruan Yingyin and his group went back to the classroom to rest.

Taking advantage of the absence of Yang Tong and Jiang Xingyuan, Lin Meng sat in Jiang Xingyuan's seat and turned around, "Ruan Yingyin."

Ruan Yingyin was cleaning the drawer. When she came back, she found that the drawer had been passive, and the positions of the books and snacks were all messed up.

She didn't know who would have done it, but she didn't find a mess of rat corpses in the drawer, and nothing was missing.

Hearing Lin Meng's cry, Ruan Yingyin raised her head, put a subconscious smile on her lips, and politely asked "what's the matter?"

Lin Meng looked at Ruan Yingyin's face, blushed slightly and avoided his eyes, "I know where the cat's meow came from."

Upon hearing this, Ruan Yingyin immediately took out her hand from the drawer, put it on the table, stared at Lin Meng, and said nervously, "Where did it come from?"

Lin Meng looked at Jiang Xingyuan's vacant seat and pointed, "It's Brother Yuan, when you were in the final, I happened to be standing not far from him. I heard a cat meowing from Brother Yuan's mobile phone, but it was very difficult. It was turned off by him soon. I thought it was a text message ringtone."

Ruan Yingyin was stunned for a moment.

It was Jiang Xingyuan's phone that sent her a little angry.

Ruan Yingyin lowered her head and held back for a while, but she still couldn't hold back and sent a message to Jiang Xingyuan.

When Ruan Yingyin was running, why did you scare me with cat meowing?

Jiang Xingyuan was stabbed in the waist and abdomen, the wound was a little deep, but it has been a week or two in the past, and it has been much better.

The doctor was changing his medicine and told him "the wound is almost healed, but still be careful not to touch the water."

Cheng Yang asked next to him, "Can you run? Brother Yuan has to run a relay race in the afternoon."

The doctor said, "No, don't exercise vigorously until the wound is completely healed, or the wound will collapse again."

Wei Xiangsong said, "Brother Yuan, you should find Yang Tongyu in the afternoon and replace you."

Jiang Xingyuan still thought about Ruan Yingyin's affairs, and responded perfunctorily. Whether he participates in the relay race or not, he doesn't care.

Just then, the phone rang, and he took it over.

Seeing the content of the news, Jiang Xingyuan's mouth rose up when he thought of Ruan Yingyin's scared screaming and running.

He typed with one hand.

Jiang Xingyuan Ruan Yingyin, don't know what's wrong, I'm here to help you

Jiang Xingyuan has no cat meowing, you can run first, you can overwhelm Yang Qingwei and make Yang Qingwei fall down

Ruan Yingyin stared at the content of the message and answered him angrily.

Ruan Yingyin But you can't scare me with cat meowing, I'm most afraid of cats

Jiang Xingyuan, you are afraid of cats, what does it have to do with me

Ruan Yingyin simply deleted the dialog and did not reply.

The time for the end of the games is getting closer and closer, and the competition is getting closer and closer.

In the afternoon, the 200 meters started first, and both Li Tong and Yang Tongyu participated. It was unrealistic to hold a sun umbrella in a crowded crowd, so Ruan Yingyin wore a sunscreen hat and sunscreen clothes, and together with Cui Qingyan and Lin Meng, cheered for Yang Tongyu and Li Tong.

It may be that he ran 100 meters three times in the morning. Ruan Yingyin felt that he was a little immune to the sun. Standing in the sun, he didn't feel particularly afraid.

The men's 200m was the first, and Yang Tongyu was a step behind and took the second place.

Li Tong sighed at Yang Tongyu, who came back, and then took the number plate to check and record, and when he left, he vowed to say "look at me"

At this moment, Liang Yuan accompanied the limping Yang Qingwei to the playground.

Yang Qingwei didn't fall hard, but the skin was broken and bleeding. After rubbing the red potion, although it was still painful, it was much better and walking was normal.

She saw the position of the head teacher Liu Qin, walked over, and respectfully said, "Mr. Liu."

Seeing Yang Qingwei, Liu Qin said with concern, "How are your legs? What did the teacher in the infirmary say?"

Yang Qing smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, so I'll be back. I still have 3,000 meters and relay events."

Liu Qin said, "You still have a good rest first. I will find someone to replace you in the 3,000 meters and 100 meters." She had just made up her mind to let Ruan Yingyin participate in the relay race, and then find a girl to participate in the 3,000 meters.

Yang Qingwei moved his ankle and asked, "Mr. Liu, have you decided on the candidate for me?"

"Let Ruan Yingyin participate in the relay race, and I will tell her later. As for the 3,000 meters," Liu Qin paused, "I really couldn't find a suitable candidate."

There are not many girls in Class 6, and most of them have registered for three programs. Those who did not report for the remaining few times said that they were in the menstrual period and could not run 3,000 meters.

Moreover, these girls are not physically strong, and they will not have any good results in running 3,000 meters. So Liu Qin actually planned to give up the women's 3000 meters.

Although 3000 meters is a long-distance run, if you can get a good ranking, the bonus points will be higher than the sprint. However, she couldn't find anyone.

Yang Qingwei smiled, she clenched her fists, as if she had made up her mind, raised her head and said, "Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, it's all because of my carelessness. When I just came to the playground, I tried to run a few steps, and it felt like I didn't. Okay. Mr. Liu, how about this, let Ruan Yingyin run 3,000 meters, and I only have 100 meters in the relay race, so it only takes ten seconds, I can do it.”

When Liang Yuan heard it, he quickly persuaded, "Qingwei classmate, after all, you hurt your leg, so you should rest well."

Liu Qin also thought so, "I am very happy as the head teacher if you have this heart, but"

"Mr. Liu, it really doesn't matter and I thought about it carefully." Yang Qingwei's eyes flashed with an unknown light, "Last year's sports meeting, our class's relay race was far ahead of other classes. Li Tong, Yang Tongyu and Jiang Xingyuan, the three of them are all strong in the 100 meters. If I go to run, although I will be slower due to my foot injury, I am also faster than the average runner. With the three of them, our class is the same We can win the relay championship. As for the 3000 meters, I believe Ruan can also get a good place. In this way, our class will have a high score.”

As Yang Qingwei said this, she trotted a few steps and motioned for Liu Qin to see it. She ran easily, and there was no expression of pain on her face.

Liu Qin thought about it and agreed.

Ruan Yingyin was huddled in the crowd, waiting for Li Tong to play.

A boy in the class came over and called her away, "Ruan Yingyin, the head teacher is looking for you."

Ruan Yingyin raised the brim of her hat, but she was not too surprised.

During lunch, Yang Tongyu and Li Tong had given her a vaccination, saying that she only signed up for one project and ran so fast. If Yang Qingwei is injured, the head teacher will definitely let Ruan Yingyin replace Yang Qingwei and run the relay race.

As the head teacher, Liu Qin treated Ruan Yingyin equally in the class. Moreover, Yang Tongyu and Li Tong are both sports committee members, even for the sake of the two of them, Ruan Yingyin would agree.

But I didn't expect that the replacement was not a relay race, but 3000 meters.

Ruan Yingyin lowered her head, and uneasily rolled over the small stones under her feet, "But if it is 3,000 meters, I may not be able to do it."

"Yinyin, I believe you have no problem." Yang Qingwei stood beside him with a gentle face and a good tone, and when he ran into Ruan Yingyin in private, he was completely different, "Like me, I knew 3000 before applying for the project. After the meter is the relay race, but I also signed up because I can do it. Your 100-meter score is better than me, which means that you are better than me, but it is definitely not a problem for you to run 3,000 meters.”

Liu Qin also smiled and looked at Ruan Yingyin, with a face full of encouragement, "Student Ruan, you should try your best to run. You can run as long as you can. It doesn't matter, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

During the two months of contact, Liu Qin found that Ruan Yingyin was a special student. She was very nervous before the monthly exam, for fear that she would count down to the exam, and she ended up first in the exam. At the sports meeting, she didn't seem to be able to 100 meters, but it turned out to be a dark horse.

This shows that Ruan Yingyin is a student who is not confident. She does not believe in her own strength and needs encouragement from others.

Liang Yuan also said, with a bright smile, "It's okay, Yinyin. I also want to run 3000 meters, we can work hard together"

Looking at Liang Yuan's appearance, Yang Qingwei's smile faded a little, and his hands subconsciously clenched into fists.

Ruan Yingyin is an obedient student. If she doesn't know much about her usual homework, she doesn't dare to ask the teacher, but goes online to ask. When she saw the teacher in the corridor, she was also a little nervous, not to mention rejecting the proposal of the head teacher.

So Ruan Yingyin agreed.

She runs on the treadmill in the gym, often for an hour and several kilometers. So 3000 meters should be no problem, Ruan Yingyin is not too worried.

When he came out of the hospital after changing the medicine, Jiang Xingyuan called Yang Tongyu.

Yang Tongyu was watching the men's 3000m race. After the end, Ruan Yingyin was about to play.

Li Tong looked at Yang Qingwei on the opposite side and became very angry, "I really want to rush up and beat her now. Why should Yinyin run 3000 meters? I'm insane. Now I think that Yang Qingwei will run the relay with me later, and I don't want to run. Just let Yang Qingwei run 4100 by himself."

Yang Tongyu pulled Li Tong, "Brother Tong, calm down, you have to remember for hitting someone"

"Damn Yang Qingwei is really disgusting." Li Tong rolled up his sleeves and rolled up his short sleeves into sleeveless.

Cui Qingyan also sighed while holding Ruan Yingyin's pink kettle. Usually, running 800 meters in physical education class will kill everyone after the run. Not to mention 3,000 meters, few people from the school will sign up for this project.

She was also very worried about Ruan Yingyin.

At this moment, Yang Tongyu's cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Jiang Xingyuan, so he let go of Li Tong, and trotted to answer the phone in the distance, "Hey, Brother Yuan, where are you now, it's almost women's 3000, and after 3000 meters, it's a relay race. "

Jiang Xingyuan, Cheng Yang, and Wei Xiangsong got into the car. Cheng Yang drove in the direction of Xu Hao's home.

It is also the company's office.

Jiang Xingyuan touched the wound through his clothes, and replied, "I can't participate in the relay race, you can go to someone else."

Yang Tongyu was anxious when he heard it, "What happened to Brother Yuan? Yang Qing was slightly injured. If we lack you again, our class will not be able to win the first place in the relay race."

Jiang Xingyuan has no collective sense of honor, but he still kindly made a suggestion, "Let Ruan Yingyin replace Yang Qingwei."

Yang Tong and "Ruan Yingyin ran 3000 meters to the relay race or Yang Qingwei"

"What?" Jiang Xingyuan straightened up.

After a long while, Jiang Xingyuan, who had heard the cause and effect, sneered, "It's impossible for me to participate in the relay race, you can find someone to replace it." After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Yang Qingwei insisted on running the relay race, even if he was not injured, he would not participate. Let Yang Qingwei enjoy the fruits of their victory and dream

Jiang Xingyuan raised his head, "Cheng Yang, go back to school."

Cheng Yang and Wei Xiangsong listened to the conversation between Jiang Xingyuan and Yang Tongyu just now. Jiang Xingyuan is no longer participating in the relay, why should he go back to school?

But they did not dare to ask, and could only do so.

Fortunately, the hospital and the school were not far away. When Jiang Xingyuan arrived, he heard cheers and cheers from the playground one after another.

There was a lot of momentum, and it was a little more enthusiastic than Ruan Yingyin ran first in the morning.

Cheng Yang touched the board and said, "Do I rely on our school sports meeting that everyone is so enthusiastic?"

Wei Xiangsong raised his glasses, "I remember last year that no one was so excited."

Jiang Xingyuan strode over.

When he arrived, it happened to be the last lap of the 3000m, the sprint stage.

Every lap of 3000 meters, Ruan Yingyin's position hovered between first and third. She and the other two players have a tight position.

Those two girls are athletic students and strong in long-distance running. They were the champions and runners-up last year, and they also achieved good results in provincial competitions.

In last year's Games, they were far behind the other players, and they took the last place for two laps.

And this year, Ruan Yingyin, together with them, set up other people for two laps.

At 3000 meters, there was no cat meowing, and Ruan Yingyin still started half a beat slower. But she still chased after him.

And she was a little sad to find that when she saw someone running ahead of her, she would still chase after her uncontrollably.

After chasing the first, she slowed down. Then the player behind caught up, and then she caught up again

This cycle went on and on, and the teachers and students of the whole school were excited.

Those two girls are professional long-distance runners. Ruan Yingyin, who can rank among high school students in the province, can catch up with them. How amazing!

And now it's the most critical last lap, Ruan Yingyin and the others are still biting hard. The students blushed and tried their best to cheer.

"Ruan Yingyin Chong, I'm optimistic about you, come on, come on, come on!"

"Yinyinyinyin come on more than you can"


Liu Qin and all the teachers in the class were all excited.

Tang Wo, the dean of education who likes Ruan Yingyin very much, grabbed the small speaker without saying a word, and shouted, "Ruan Yingyin, come on!"

The playground became very noisy and noisy, but Ruan Yingyin couldn't hear it anymore.

3000 meters, run lap after lap.

Ruan Yingyin gradually entered the state, as if returning to the treadmill, as if returning to the turntable.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, a smile on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

The two players who had been troubling her were gone, her feet quickened, her arms swinging quicker.

The autumn wind blew, and there was a scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, which blew up Ruan Yingyin's hair and loosened her ponytail.

With her hair flying in the air, Ruan Yingyin crossed the finish line.

As if a few drops of water were gradually pouring into the hot oil pan, the playground instantly boiled.

"Ahhhh, Ruan Yingyin ran first, my God, my heart is about to jump out"

"Ruan Yingyin is awesome, I will announce from this moment that Ruan Yingyin will be my goddess from now on."

"Goddess Ruan Yingyin, don't explain"

"Yingyin Ruan, I love you"

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