MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 17 Fengguihualou

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Sitting at the corner of Mo Wushuang's mouth opposite Huayue Ling, she evoked a perfect radian, and watched with interest the mood of Huayue Ling's abrupt change. This woman is really excellent in means. It seems that the three kings have lost this round. --- End of this article, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) Please search (品 # 书 ¥ 网) See the most! Newest Fastest Novel

"Yes, yes, the little woman is going to get the deed now." The boss ran pale downstairs.

"Yeyou, now you go to the master to get the silver and give her one more. It will not be easy for a woman to hold on to this day." Huayue Ling lowered his head and drank the scented tea again. Kai Feng eyes looked at the handsome man who had been looking at her across from her.

"Wushuang son is satisfied with Linger?" Huayue Ling looked at Mo Wushuang with a sly and smart smile, put away the strong, irresistible breath just now, smiling like a flower.

Mo Wushuang leaned on a comfortable bamboo chair and stared at her fragrant and tender face. Xingmu said with appreciation: "I am looking forward to the test of tomorrow and Miss Hua."

"Linger is also looking forward to it." Huayue Ling smiled and turned his eyes out of the window, and saw that the dead man of Nangong Yu looked at this side on the second floor.

Mo Wushuang saw that there was a smile in her eyes, straightened up, and turned to look at it again, which made him laugh again.

"Linger, you and San Wangye will be neighbours in the future." Mo Wushuang changed his name to Huayue Ling.

"Isn't Wushuang like to watch good shows?" Huayue Ling smiled even more brightly, but Nangong Yan, who was opposite, was getting darker and darker.

"Linger, in your eyes, I'm Mo Wushuang like that?" Mo Wushuang was smiling, and she really felt that the woman was very smart.

"Don't you?" Hua Yueling's exaggerated expression was incredible.

"Well, I'm really curious." Mo Wushuang laughed and admitted frankly.

"Then wait and see." The smile on the corner of Huayue Ling's mouth was perfect, and Fengyan's eyes were overflowing, and that confident breath slowly passed to Mo Wushuang's senses.

"Wushuang son, let's call you Wushuang, everybody, young people, don't be so old-fashioned?" Huayue Ling didn't like the name of a young lady or son, she is a modern person.

Mo Wushuang nodded with a smile and said: "Although I haven't seen Linger before, how can I not be together with the rumored Miss Huafu, it seems I missed the wonderful show."

"No, I was stupid myself before, I thought I would gain something by giving, but it turned out to be wrong and my feelings could not be reluctant. Now I am awake, and I am no longer the idiot, because such a man is not worth me. Love. "Hua Yueling said, her eyes were a little hesitant and missed. She missed her modern relationship. Although they broke up with her boyfriend for various reasons, they did love each other deeply. That kind of love warms people's hearts and gives them strength and support. I do n’t know if I came to this ancient age, can I still find love?

Mo Wushuang kept looking at her beautiful eyes. He found her eyesight to be the most representative. At the moment, the slight sorrow made people feel a little painful. He believed that she must love deeply, so she hurt more.

"Make you a joke, Wushuang, aren't you Jingjing people?" Huayue Ling smiled, erased her memories, and returned her bright and soft eyes to Mo Wushuang's handsome and elegant face.

"I'm not from Beijing. I don't hide Linger. In fact, I'm an orphan. I was adopted by the abbot Master Zhichen from the" Yongling Temple "in Beijing. It's almost twenty years now." Mo Wushuang's eyes also turned to the window. The passing sorrow was also captured by Hua Yueling's sharp phoenix.

"Sorry, I don't know you. Don't be sad. In fact, you are great now, handsome, rich and free, and not worse than others. I am very envious." Huayue Ling did not expect him to be An orphan, usually an orphan will have a lonely character in her mind, but Mo Wushuang is elegant and calm. Perhaps his deep eyes are hidden with sharpness and deepness, but at least his appearance is comfortable.

"Linger is complimenting me?" Mo Wushuang laughed heartily and found that he was in a good mood with her.

"Don't think that I like you, or I'll be back to the idiot lady in everyone's mouth." Hua Yueling jokingly winked at him and continued to tease, "but you look really good Delicious, haha. "

Mo Wushuang stunned and laughed louder, this woman is really funny! He was a bit puzzled, how could Nangong Yan treat such a smart and intelligent woman so cruelly?

While Huayue Ling and Mo Wushuang were enjoying each other happily, downstairs was turbulent. Huayue Ling turned her head and saw a large number of arrests in the official uniform of the Ministry of Sentence appearing at the gate of Guihualou. , The figure is gone.

"Well, what happened? So many people came from the Ministry of Justice?" Mo Wushuang frowned slightly.

"Of course it's the osmanthus floor. It's a real drama." Huayue Lingmei smiled, and the four kings finally took action.

"Miss, that's Master!" Pinger called excitedly behind him.

Huayue Ling has never really seen his own younger brother until now. He quickly searched and saw a young man wearing a fast-catch hat flying under a tall bay horse and holding the documents of the Ministry of Justice. , Great stride towards Osmanthus House.

Hua Yueling is on the second floor. I can't see Hua Yujin's face, but looking at his figure, plus the appearance of her father and mother, should also be a good breed.

The people around Guihualou were all separated by the execution of the Ministry of Punishment. It was clear that Hua Yujin was not in a low position in the Ministry of Punishment. There were two soldiers behind him, but the four kings Nangong Xuan did not see anyone.

The audience was silent, and ordinary people did not dare to penetrate the atmosphere. The Criminal Department's handling of cases has always been fierce and vigorous, and no one dared to disagree. If you have an opinion, you should go against the emperor.

Nangong Nang ran out solemnly, and saw Hua Yujin's face gloomy: "Master Hua, why are you bringing so many soldiers?"

"See King Chen Nan for his humble job!" Hua Yujin's voice was loud and meticulous, and he first saluted with a group of friends.

"No courtesy!" Nangong Yan raised his arm and frowned.

"By the order of the emperor, Liao Shangshu personally wrote: Guihualou was suspected of hiding the spy of the Blue Moon State, and it is now passed.

"What! Where's my spy here!" Nangong Xiu's face changed greatly, and he quickly took the paperwork and opened it.

"Why are there even suspicions in Xihelou and Yuemanlou?" Nangong Xiong's complexion was already blue, his face was shocked, his eyes were wide and he looked at Hua Yujin.

"Yes, lord wang, the four lord lords are investigating in those two places, and humble jobs are also official affairs. I hope lord Wang can do it conveniently."

Nangong shook his lips and shivered, "The cooperation of the king is just that, but the rice market is not closed. Master Wanghua gives a face, how about closing it at lunchtime?"

"This," Hua Yujin was a little embarrassed.

Upstairs, Huayue Ling Feng's eyes turned, she laughed first, and shouted clearly: "Master Hua, let's do business, you're late for sealing, but you fled by the spouse, but it was a big dereliction of duty. The three kings belong to our country Lord Wang, love the country and the people, how can these big national affairs care about a small afternoon market and put us in great danger? King Chen Nan, are you right? " The smile was not hidden in the slightest.