MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 57 It's enough

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Nangong Yan directly took them into the white jade pavilion in the courtyard, and Huayue Ling was lying on a stone bench beside the pavilion. She also breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was acting, it was still painful and tired. --- End of this article, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) Please search (品 # 书 ¥ 网) See the most! Newest Fastest Novel

"Linger, it feels better?" Mo Wushuang asked with concern beside him. Hua Yueling's face was a little pale, and he knew that she really hurt, no matter how amazing the ointment was, it was not flesh. .

"Much better." Huayue Ling smiled at him, and then turned to look at the eminent Nangong Yan who stood upright. Today, he is wearing a dark robe, less vigor, more elegant, a handsome face With a sharp axe, under the tall bridge of the nose are two thin lips with pride, and a pair of seemingly calm eyes hidden with sharp eagle-like eyes, reminding her of an elegant animal: cheetah.

Huayue Ling sighed that this man was really unique. No wonder Huayue Ling had a deep affection for him and couldn't help herself. Even she thought the man was dazzling.

The fragrant first-class fine tea was delivered, and Mo Wushuang also sat down, and the three lords looked down at him with a snorting cry and said, "Brother Mo, you can now become a flower ambassador for Miss Hua. ? "

Mo Wushuang smiled calmly and said, "This thing could not have been done by Wushuang. It was Wang Ye who gave you the chance."

Nangong's face changed slightly, what does Mo Wushuang mean? Is it clear that he wants to pursue Huayue Ling?

Gaze turned to gloomy again, looking at Huayue Ling: "Hua Yueling, King Wang really admires you, the ability to seduce a man can be the first person? I don't know where my poor four emperor brothers were thrown by you Anymore? "

"Master Wang, it sounds like you're jealous. I seduce a man no matter how hard I can't seduce Wang, aren't you?" On the beak, Nangong Yan never won.

"Hum! Cheap!" Nangong's cultivation always collapsed before Huayue Ling.

"Brother Ye, Linger is no longer your princess, this is really meaningless." Mo Wu's two-sided color was cold, and he didn't like Huayue Ling being scolded.

Nangong Nian's face turned black and angry: "Brother Mo, you and my brother, don't you turn your face for a woman?"

"Woushuang is afraid, but in Wushuang's eyes, Linger is at least better than your Ouyang Ruyan. Linger is now Wushuang's friend. Wushuang naturally does not want to hear insults from friends. If you are the king, you should do the same Yes. "Mo Wushuang's mouth sneered.

"You! I didn't expect you to be enchanted by this woman too!" Nangong Yu was even more annoyed.

Huayue Ling's mouth kept hooking, where the whole person was lying, as if they were arguing about her.

"Master Wang, even if Ling Er hooked Wushuang's soul, it's Wushuang's honor." Mo Wushuang's words were equivalent to showing Huayue Ling his love, but he didn't dare turn his head to see Huayue Ling, for fear of seeing him Unwanted.

"Mo Wushuang, don't dream anymore. Don't you know that she still loves the King alone? Or she's already the King's person, don't you mind picking up broken shoes?" Nangong Kun stimulated Mo Wushuang, watching Hua Yueling, who couldn't speak, had pride and contempt.

The ink had no slight change in color on both sides, and finally turned to look at Hua Yueling, who was swallowing.

"Khekeke." Huayue Ling coughed, this problem is difficult.

He stretched out his hand and put it into the big white hand out of Mo Wushuang's surprise, slowly got up and stood, and smiled bitterly at the cold-looking Nangong: "Does the Lord still care about these? In your mind, Ling Er will always be It ’s not as good as Ruyan Girl, Ling Er wo n’t be tangled with this emotional problem anymore. Today, there is a business affairs. Let ’s set aside personal matters, Ling Er will be cheap, and wo n’t be hot and stick to cold ass. ”

Nangong Yan looked at her and narrowed her phoenix's eyes. The sadness and utter despair made him feel a little flustered. Today's Huayue Ling is no longer comparable to Ouyang Ruyan.

"Linger, be careful, don't die for investigating the case, don't try it, how can you beat those cruel assassins without martial arts." Mo Wushuang frowned.

"Blame my dad. I never taught me martial arts since I was young, but fortunately, I often practice it myself. It is more than enough to deal with ordinary guys. Wushuang, you don't have to worry about me so much." Huayue Ling smiled softly at him. Laughing, she didn't know whether Mo Wushuang was consciously or unintentionally raising the issue of martial arts, and she had to say that the man knew her intentions well.

"What's the matter, let's talk!" Nangong Ai felt that they were so ambiguous and very dazzling, his voice sank.

"Master Wang, I came here today to really want to know about your Wangjiang Tower." Hua Yueling didn't say much, because it was boring to say too much, Nangong Yu was not a fool.

"Wangjiang Tower? What's the matter?" Nangong looked for a moment.

"Master, the assassins caught by Yujin have confessed. One of their nests in Beijing is your Wangjiang Tower. How do you explain?" Huayue Ling Feng stared at him, staring at Nangong who was shocked.

"How is that possible ?!" Nangong looked very ugly.

"So far, Wang Ye's places have something to do with Lanyue's spies, and Wang had better give an explanation."

"What's the explanation, my king didn't know it at all!" Nangong angered again.

"Master Wang, do you know that I have the right to close all your shops now and investigate them one by one!" Huayue Ling shot sharply into the black pupil of Nangongyuan. "I came to hope that the three kings would cooperate and accompany Let's go to Wangjiang Tower! "

"Hua Yueling, the king told you that you can insult the king, but you must not insult the king's loyalty to Dayue!" Nangong Kun was cold and his fists clenched.

"Master Wang, you have misunderstood Linger's meaning. She is asking you to cooperate now, and has not taken action against you. You should be grateful to Linger for your care!" Mo Wushuang explained.

"Hmm! She's obviously looking for fault!" Nangong Ai also felt strange, why would the assassin spy pick him up to build a nest?

"Nangong Aya! This girl has a royal gift of gold and comes to you to give you face! Don't think you are the three kings, I dare not do you!" Huayue Ling's face changed, and he was aggressive, "Now as long as you cooperate You can play big names, but don't blame me for not giving you face! "It was unbearable.

"You!" Nangong Yan shivered with anger.

"It is said that you are patriotic, so many things have happened, so you don't have to reflect on yourself and investigate all your stores?" Huayue Ling despised. "This spy leader is probably among your people!"

"How do you know that the king did not investigate, and that the moon has been investigated, the king has already investigated it, but there is no clue!" Nangong Ai was not convinced, "My people? My people are more than a thousand, how to check?"

"Then you can give up what you mean? Wait for the assassin to assassinate Brother Xuan Xuan again and endanger Dayue. You are still their hero!" Huayue Ling yelled.

"Hua Yueling, you are enough! If the king wants to know who is framing the king, he must smash his corpse!" Nangong's forehead and blue muscles jumped out.

"Then trouble the three kings to lead the way!" Huayue Ling poked a sideways look at him and walked straight out of the gazebo.

Nangong drew a few punches from the corner of his mouth, staring fiercely at Huayue Ling's suddenly twisted back. He knew that she was hurt by the wound, and the corner of his mouth aroused the ridicule, and he shook his sleeve to follow.