MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 61 Weird numbers

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The carriage happened to stop slowly at this time, and the outside driver called out: "Master, Wangjiang Tower is here. (((Cartino Novel Network ))) "

"Hum!" Huayue Ling hummed first, and got up with pain with the help of Mo Wushuang.

"Linger, look at you, does it hurt again?" Mo Wushuang was a little speechless. Huayue Ling's temper can only be described in terms of irritability, which is a bit like the three kings.

"Teach him about pain!" Huayue Ling is this kind of person. When the anger comes up, even if you are Tianwang Laozi, you don't care about yourself, you just want to knock the other down, and this kind of will is often terrible.

"Still not getting out of the car, really stupid?" Huayue Ling saw that Nangong Gong had become black wood-like, yelled again, and slowly got out of the carriage.

Don't say how ugly Nangong's handsome face is, but how ugly he can only get out of the car.

The Beijing City Pier is very large in size. The ships on the river are neatly lined up. Each boat is flagged to facilitate the unified administration of the court. After the waterway leaves the terminal, it is divided into three routes. There are warship fleets on each route. It can be seen that Tianyu, the emperor of the Great Moon, still attaches great importance to military affairs.

There were many people coming and going on the dock, and there were many cargoes. The sound of calls and screams came one after another, a prosperous weather.

At first glance, Huayue Ling saw a semi-used, three-story building in front of him, with white walls and blue tiles, and Bamen Street, which is the largest restaurant in the entire dock area. The word 'Wangjiang Tower' above Long Fei Feng Wu, cool and full of style.

"You wrote this word?" Huayue Ling instinctively wrote these three characters, because the characters are like him, and whoever writes them can see his temperament.

"Now you know the goods!" Nangong Yan gave her a cold look, and covered her bruising eyes with one hand. Her heart hadn't calmed down. In this world, even a woman dares to hit him like this.

"Zhang Yang is arrogant, and it really looks like you." After Huayue Ling finished his expression, he walked forward, Mo Wushuang looked at Nangong with a squeak in his mouth and smirked to support Huayue Ling.

At this moment someone in Wangjiang Tower was already having a meal. Xiao Er, who was at the door, saw Huayue Ling and Jun Mo's extraordinary Mo Wushuang, hurriedly and welcoming him.

"The two are staying or dining. Our place is the best inn and restaurant near the pier. Everything is very convenient." As soon as Xiao Er finished speaking, he saw the dark-faced Nangong Yan walking behind. Come up.

"Three, three kings! You are here." Xiao Er greeted him quickly, and when he saw that he had blackened his eyes, he opened his mouth wide, full of surprise ...

"These two are my friends, don't say hello! Kong Jiang!" The three kings said coldly and stepped into the high threshold.

"The shopkeeper trains people in the back, and the younger will call." Xiaoer pulled his leg and ran.

As soon as Huayue Ling entered the door, she was attracted by a wall in the lobby, because the south-facing white wall was actually densely lined with gold and yellow characters. It was three paragraphs in length and three rectangles. The fonts were neatly written and neatly written. , Unique, make this ordinary lobby slightly elegant.

"What is this? Poems?" Huayue Ling walked to the vice in front of the character and turned around and asked Nangong Yu.

"This is the scripture. After I bought it, the wall was a bit ragged. After the king asked the scholar to copy it, the scholar copied three scriptures." Nangong answered, he thought it looked good, but he didn't dare to be proud. So as not to be stepped on by Hua Yueling.

"That's a good idea." Huayue Ling actually admired it, neither elegant nor to spend too much money, it really is a smart businessman.

At this time, a man in Tsing Yi ran out quickly, and saw the three kings quickly hug his fists and laughed: "Ye, you are here, oh, your eyesight?" Kong Jiang was startled by the black eyes of the three kings. Who has this? Boldly beat the king.

"Nothing, just joking with friends, these two are friends of the king." Nangong Ai did not introduce in detail.

Hua Yueling looked at the person about thirty or so, with a amiable smile on her mediocre face, and greeted her and Mo Wushuang politely.

"King Treasurer, are there any people moving in the building in the past two days?" Huayue Ling opened the door to see the mountain and went straight to the shopkeeper counter in the lobby.

Kong Jiang's face changed slightly and he looked at the three kings.

"It doesn't matter, the Ministry of Criminal Investigation will investigate the case, you can cooperate." Nangong Yan explained.

"Oh, oh, there are fewer residents in these two days, and the others haven't changed much." Kong Jiang replied honestly, his eyes staring at Huayue Ling.

"What about the long-time workers in the store? Can anyone walk around?" Hua Yueling continued to ask.

"That's not true, they are very obedient." Kong Jiang shook his head with a smile.

Huayue Ling picked up a book on the table and said, "These are the guest registration lists?" Huayue Ling looked at the rows of words and asked.

"Yes, yes, generally every guest staying in the hotel will register, and the household will occasionally come back to check it." Kong Jiang looked at Huayue page by page.

"Women, don't you go and look inside?" Nangong Yan was a little impatient.

Huayue Ling glanced up at him fiercely, and continued to look down at the ledger.

"Have anyone ever lived here called Zhang Qingshan? Or Lu Fei?" Huayue Ling flipped through the ledger and started to flip through the boxes, and found that there were so many ledgers in her mouth, which made her mouth pump.

"This, me, I can't remember clearly. There are too many guests, and they haven't stopped here. I haven't heard these two names recently." Kong Jiang showed helplessness.

"Well, what is this word?" Hua Yueling found something interesting, a small white book in the corner, just like a modern note book.

Nangong Yu and Mo Wushuang hurriedly walked over to find out that the small books were written with horizontal and vertical bars, and various numbers were written on the bars, not like tables or words, a little weird.

"This is when the time is free, calculate the number of people." Kong Jiang stood outside the counter, Hua Yueling did not see his hands that began to twist together.

"Oh, the personnel are all two digits? When it is not three digits?" Huayue Ling raised her eyebrows and found that the largest number did not exceed one hundred, but the largest number on the horizontal bar reached eighty, and the vertical bar The biggest one is only sixty.

"No, there are so many people at the inn, ha ha." Kong Jiang laughed.

Huayue Ling looked up, and a pair of phoenix eyes stared into Kong Jiang's eyes sharply, because Kong Jiang's laughter was a bit fake, and it was a little different from his smile with Hee, just like the feeling of covering up.

"Hua Yueling, what the **** are you doing, what's so nice about this?" Nangong Yan said impatiently, just some figures, he didn't think it was strange.

"Shut up! For a hotel of this size, there are 85 long-term workers alone, plus ten first-class rooms, thirty middle-class rooms, and fifty lower-class rooms.

Do you say there are hundreds of people? Kong Jiang, don't tell me none of the 25 guests! "Huanyue Ling stared at Kong Jiang with a cold, sharp voice like a sword," "You'd better give me an explanation. What do the numbers above mean?" ".

Nangong Yu didn't expect Hua Yueling's brain to be so powerful, all the data she had told her had been put in her brain.

"Kong Jiang, what on earth are you writing? What are these vertical and vertical? Tell her about it! So she won't injustice you!" Nangong Ning didn't care about Huayue Ling scolding him because he also felt a little weird And, besides, in this case, there is absolutely no benefit in arguing with her.