MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1843 Gathering soul

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The lord sees Tang Yan, who already knows the great sacrifice made by Jiu You, and no longer speaks. He silently looks at the nine secluded warriors and shouts: "Gathering the soul!"

The songs of the nine secluded army are more loud and bright, and the tragic atmosphere is born.

The remnant soul and the nine secluded warriors stand side by side, and the singer's fingers are facing the high platform. A ray of light rises from the high platform, and at the same time, the remnant soul and the nine secluded warriors are shrouded, and a painful roar rang.

This is a slap in the face of the nine secluded warriors.

Tang Yan Kong shrinks, although the light is isolated from the line of sight, but Tang Yan still sees clearly, can clearly feel the pain of the nine secluded soldiers.

This is not the pain of the general body, but the pain from the depths of the soul. The soul is torn apart a little bit.

Tang Yan’s heart is in vain.

Jiu You Er Lang witnessed this painful scene, but instead of retreating, instead of going forward, this courage is truly admirable.

"There is such a large army, it is not the opponent of the Protoss, how strong is the Protoss?" Tang Yiran eclipsed, he once killed the Protoss who came to the world, subconsciously think that the Protoss is no different.

The more he knows, the deeper he feels, the more he can appreciate the power of the Protoss.

The Protoss is definitely the most powerful enemy in his life.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry to expose his identity in the realm of the gods, otherwise he is really dangerous.

A glimpse of the body of the nine secluded soldiers, his screams finally stopped, but his body fell apart a little bit.

He is already missing a glimpse, he becomes a remnant, and will become a soul fog.

The lord glanced at him deeply, and focused his attention on another wreckage, controlling the smashing into the soul, and at the same time, he branded the gods.

When that glimpse is completely integrated with the remnant soul, the **** is also completely imprinted in this new soul.

The nine secluded army is no longer strange to this, and the song gradually becomes low, as if it is to say goodbye to his comrades.

Suddenly, the lord screamed: "Don Juan, it’s up to you."

Tang Yan immediately shot, a force of faith spewed from his fingertips, and fell into the new soul, the gods ran on their own, using the power of faith, directly established the bridge.

Above the Shenqiao, the clouds float, and the power of faith is hidden in these colorful clouds. This will allow the new soul to reincarnate, and with the power of these beliefs, it will continue to practice and advance rapidly.

The power of the Tang dynasty they used was equivalent to imperceptibility. The body was branded with the seal of Tang Yan. In time, they would become believers of Tang Yin and no longer convert to the Protoss.

This is Tang Yan’s thought at the beginning, which is an unexpected joy for him, so he does not care about his own beliefs.

The lord naturally saw this, but he did not stop it.

He cares about Jiuyou. He does not care about who worships human beings.

On the contrary, it is better for human beings to believe in Tang Yan than to believe in the Protoss.

The new soul opened its eyes, no longer embarrassed, but it was flying.

The nine secluded army is no stranger to the gathering of souls, but this time the gathering souls are completely different, one by one looks at the lord, and then looks at Tang Yan, and finally falls on the new soul. This new soul gives people a wonderful feeling. It is very different from the previous one.

Gao You Wang and Xiao You Wang looked at the lord and asked: "How does the ghost of the lord change? What did he do to the new soul?"

The gathering of souls allowed an outsider to intervene. Without this precedent, they did not know the meaning of this change.

The lord said: "I will tell you later."

After all, his finger waved, the light column wrapped in broken, the soul of the nine secluded soldiers who had become the soul of the fog quickly flew to the sea of ​​souls.

Gaotai was next to the sea of ​​souls. When the light column fell from the high platform, it landed in the sea of ​​souls. When the light column wrapped in the soul of the soul fell into the sea of ​​souls, the soul of the sea immediately began to wave.

The soul mist in all directions devours the light column, and the light column is fragmented, and it is swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

The new soul mist is integrated into the sea of ​​souls, and the soul of the sea is rough and the momentum is amazing.

Tang Yan’s eyes looked at the scene without hesitation and was deeply shocked.

The secluded master is not shocked, pointing to the new soul, saying: "You check the new soul and what has changed in the past."

Gao Youwang and Xiao You Wang had long been unable to hold back, and immediately rushed to the top and check their hands.

Gradually, their look became serious.

"He has a bridge in his body."

"There is still the power of faith on the bridge."

They looked at the lord slyly, but they didn't know why, but when they recalled the action of Tang Yan, they immediately guessed that it must be related to him.

Tang Xiao smiled and said: "Fortunately, not to be insulted."

The lord of the sorrow is full of emotions: "It’s really successful. This bridge is the bridge of the **** created by the genius of the genius in the original world. As for the power of faith, this is what he injected into it. It’s a great opportunity for us to be stunned by the snow.”

"After the reincarnation of the new soul, can you use this bridge to cultivate into a god?" The two listened to a mystery and immediately asked indisputably.

The lord nodded: "Exactly. From then on, human beings can also become gods in the realm of the gods. The protoss are no longer high, and their status will be in jeopardy."

"Hahaha, God helps me to be quiet."

The two princes laughed loudly, raised their eyebrows and swept away the haze of the previous heart.

"This is my 100-year-old plan, and I must not publicize it." The lord sternly shouted.

"Yes, my subordinates know."

The two kings hesitated a bit, changed their faces, and bowed to Tang Yan. They didn’t say a word, but the meaning was self-evident.

They are grateful to what Tang Yan did. This is to save thousands of nine princes and princes. Only this point, Tang Yan should be their gift.

Tang Yan bowed his hand and said, "You don't have to be like this. I have a great enemy with the Protoss. We have a common enemy. We should be the same enemy, help each other, and fight against strong enemies."

A slight meal, he said to the secluded master: "Since the experiment is successful, then let's continue, and strive to make the soul of the next round of reincarnation become like this."

The lord also increased his confidence and said: "Okay."

Two nights and nights cast spells, transforming all new souls, because of the infusion of new remnants in the sea of ​​souls, the waves are getting more and more turbulent, but they are suppressed by powerful forces and there is no way to escape the imprisonment.

After many days, Tang Yin and Yu You finally transformed the next round of reincarnation of the soul, and smiled and smiled.

The lord longed forward: "I can't wait to see the changes in the world after the reincarnation."

"It will definitely be very lively." Tang Yan smiled and said: "I have been here for a long time, I have to leave, I will just take a look at the scene after the reincarnation of these new souls."

"Okay, then I am waiting for your good news."