MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 18

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Yu Chirui sneered, without moving a muscle, the sharp edge of the sword reflected his sinister eyebrows, and said word by word: "Return Yuan Ju's life!"


At this time, the hill-like ruins in the distance shook for a moment, and then broke through the ground with a hand, shaking weakly: "Uncle, uncle..."

There was a sound of bricks and tiles rolling down, and a person suddenly sat up from below, choking and coughing, it was Yu Chixiao:

"Sorry to interrupt, I'm not dead yet, ahem—"


Yu Chirui blinked, his expression blank.

Then he put away the sword in a jiffy, and took out the soul-inducing lamp, the soul-catching cage, the reincarnation wind chime, the transmigration talisman, the soul-shifting soul lock box from his bosom... a whole bunch of jingling clangs, and stuffed them into Ying Kai who was behind him involuntarily. In his arms, he said seriously: "Repay you, thank you."

Yu Chixiao coughed intermittently: "Do you think I'm dead again, uncle?!"

There was another crash, and Meng Yunfei sat up from under the rubble, his whole body covered in dust. While coughing loudly, he struggled to pull out his qin and sword from the pit.

Ying Kai saw that everyone was fine, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: "Shuang Ce, what's going on?"

With no expression on Xu Shuangce's face, he waved and threw something.

Ying Kai took a look at it in his hand, and his expression changed instantly: "Thousand-degree mirror world?!"

"The ghost cultivator was not completely dispersed, but was interrupted by a trestle that travels through time and space, so he temporarily went back to hibernate. If there are other broken mirrors in this world, it can still come back." Xu Shuangce raised his eyebrows and said: " Go back and investigate the mirror palace yourself, Ying Kai. Judging from the broken shape of the mirror, more than one lens should have been passed down to the world."

Ying Kai looked surprised and uncertain.

He held the bronze mirror tightly, allowing the sharp edge to embed into his palm, and suddenly asked after a while: "Why does the other party hunt and kill men and women with heavy yin? What does this have to do with the late Fahua Immortal?"

Xu Shuangce was silent for a moment, then said, "It's looking for someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

Xu Shuangce didn't answer any more questions. He turned his head and swept around, his eyes fixed on "Xiang Xiaoyuan" in the distance.

The four eyes met suddenly, Gong Wei's spine tensed.

—Senior brother and Yu Chirui are here, the opportunity is once in a thousand years, do you want to reveal your identity right now?

It should be feasible for Ying Kai and Wei Chi Rui to save his life from Xu Shuangce's sword, but what if their reaction is not as fast as Xu Shuangce's? After all, it takes a lot of time to prove one's identity, but it's no nonsense for Mr. Xu to cut off his head with a sword. The Qiongqi just now was torn to pieces in the blink of an eye...

At the moment of inner struggle, Gong Wei's scalp suddenly exploded.

Xu Shuangce actually took a step towards him!

The fear of being killed once was absolutely true, and Gong Wei didn't dare to act rashly. He saw Xu Shuangce walking slowly, and the pair of boots that were not even a speck of dust stopped on the ground in front of him:

"Where were you when you entered the illusion?"


Xu Shuangce's tone became more serious: "May I ask you, huh?"

"The disciple is too dull, his cultivation base is low, and he failed to enter the illusion of the suzerain... I just felt that I was knocked out, and I thought I was going to die, but when I woke up, I was already here. Please, please forgive me... "

"Xiang Xiaoyuan" stammered without even daring to raise his head, and it took a long time before he heard Xu Shuangce repeat it unhappily, saying, "'Been knocked out'."

Anyway, the illusion has been completely shattered by Yu Chirui, no one can verify the truth of this statement, Gong Wei stared at the ground without saying a word.

"I didn't even enter the illusion." Xu Shuangce said gently and word for word.

"It's normal for a young disciple to have a low level of cultivation. It's okay, Shuang Ce." Seeing that the situation is not good, Ying Kai quickly persuaded him calmly: "Besides, even if he enters the illusion, he can't do anything, can't help anything, why bother to pursue it?" ?forget it!"

Brother, I was brought up by you, don't you feel familiar when you look at me? Even Xu Shuangce doubted me at least twice?

Gong Wei was very desolate in his heart, but at this moment, he suddenly heard what Ying Kai discovered, and said "Hey" suspiciously: "Wait. Can you look up for me?"


A surprise fell from the sky, Gong Wei raised his head full of hope, and the two looked at each other for a while.


Ying Kai clapped his hands and suddenly realized: "Isn't this Xiang Xiaoyuan!"

Gong Wei was stunned, only Yu Chixiao was sensitive enough to notice something: "Master Ying, did you also get caught by this kid before—"

With the status of Sect Master Xu, it is impossible to know what anecdotes and eccentricities a small outer disciple of his sect has, so he frowned at the moment, only to hear Ying Kai laughing: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I went to the Cangyang Sect the year before last. I met this kid when I was doing business. When I went down the mountain, I didn’t pay attention, and I was followed by him out of Erli. I didn’t say a word to him, and he refused to send him back. He just walked step by step. After half a day, I managed to meet a big disciple of the Cangyang Sect, and then I was coaxed away—at that time, I wondered why this kid liked to talk to people, but after listening to people talk about it, I realized that this is the legendary young master Xiang."

As he said that, he shook his head in a funny and helpless way, and said, "Shuang Ce, this kid is a bit dull, but he seems to have awakened a lot now, so don't criticize him too much!"

Yu Chixiao glanced at Gong Wei with a half-smile, and said, "Yes, he's always been like this."

If Gong Wei just had a blank expression just now, then his eyes are darkened now.

What does "consistently" mean? What does it have to do with you? Why are you still getting worse?

Xu Shuangce's complexion was not much prettier than his, and he only uttered two words: "Get up."

"Xiang Xiaoyuan" trembled: "Zong Zong Zong Zong..."

Before he finished speaking, his throat suddenly went numb, as if blocked by an invisible hard block, he opened his mouth in vain but couldn't make any more sound—he was silenced again by Xu Shuangce.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Shuangce picked up the back of his shirt with one hand, and shouted, "Blood River Car!"

The strong wind blew from the clouds to the ground, and then the dark clouds in the night sky broke, and a huge chariot swooped down from the sky. I saw that the car body was covered with a magnificent crown, and the huge hub was gorgeous. The four birds, Di Jiang, Bi Fang, Mie Meng, and Gu Diao, were tied to the reins and drove the car. !

Xu Shuangce threw Gong Wei into the car, and then got in by himself. Ying Kai hurriedly waved behind him: "Wait, Shuangce, what happened in that illusion? And the strange situation in Guiyuan Mansion earlier..."

Xu Shuangce said indifferently: "Go and ask Yuchi's children. If you don't understand clearly, then go to Cangyang Mountain and ask me."

The car door slammed shut, and without looking at everyone, he said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

The four giant birds spread their wings at the same time, and the car straightened up on the ground. Gong Wei slid backwards and hit the wall of the car with a plop. A few moments of clouds filled the air from outside the window, and this luxurious giant car actually soared through the clouds and mist, streaking across the night sky like a shooting star, and galloped towards Cangyang Mountain at a high speed.

The interior space of the car is straight and wide, like a hall with three overlapping sets, with all kinds of living furnishings. Xu Shuangce sits in the middle of meditation, with hair reaching to the ground, robe sleeves neatly trimmed, eyes slightly closed, and a serious expression; while Gong Wei huddles in the corner knowingly, trying to curl herself up into a ball, looking him up and down vigilantly, thinking buzzing.

The thousand-degree mirror world is broken? How did the fragments end up in Ghost Xiu's hands? Who is the other party?

That Xu Shuangce, who was leaning against the melting moonlight and playing ditties all night under the radiance of stars all over the sky, disappeared without a trace like an unreal bubble in the illusion.

Twenty years have passed, is he still angry at that wedding feast?

Suddenly Xu Shuangce opened his eyes: "What are you looking at?"

Gong Wei looked away like an electric shock, and lowered his head humbly.

Xu Shuangce said, "Come here."

No matter how spacious the car was, it only had such a large space, and there was nowhere to hide in the sky, so Gong Wei had no choice but to stand up bravely and scramble to the golden sandalwood case.


Gong Wei: "..."

Gong Wei knelt on the ground cautiously, and caught a glimpse of the helpless sword being placed horizontally on the table, his heart suddenly throbbed reflexively, and then his brows turned cold, and Xu Shuangce's cold thumb pinned him down, with a fierce vigor Go straight to the sea of ​​consciousness!

The Sea of ​​Consciousness is the deadliest thing for a monk. Xiang Xiaoyuan's fragile Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely vulnerable to Sect Master Xu, so he drove straight in and went in. After searching around, Xu Shuangce asked, "Hasn't the alchemy yet formed?"

Gong Wei was forced to maintain that posture of raising his head: "Reporting to the suzerain, this disciple has half the blood of the charm monster, so he cannot form the alchemy."

In fact, with Gong Wei's cultivation base, it is very easy to form a pill in the sea of ​​consciousness of the little charmer. After having the golden pill, Fahua Immortal Venerable's own soul power can be fully exerted, so there is no need to be so aggrieved. But Linjiangdu and his party were too hasty, and had no time to avoid Yu Chixiao's eyes and ears to form the alchemy. Besides, he had been thinking of getting Xiang Xiaoyuan's soul from the underworld to exchange for this body, fearing that if his golden alchemy and The body of the half-demon cannot be fused, and it will damage the life of the original owner in the future, so there is no action for a long time.

Fortunately, he didn't act. The golden elixir that everyone can produce is unique. A grand master of Xu Shuangce's level can recognize the golden elixir and know people. If he had formed a pill, he might have been touched out of his real body by now.

Xu Shuangce stared at "Xiang Xiaoyuan" for a while without moving, then slowly let go of his hand, and sneered without any meaning: "Half demon."

Gong Wei said humbly: "The disciple is incompetent."

Xu Shuangce looked at him noncommittal, and then unexpectedly asked again: "What were you looking at just now?"

Look at you, suzerain.

From the corner of Gong Wei's eyes, he glanced at the divine sword that exudes a strong sense of oppression all the time, and said sincerely: "I saw that the Suzerain is very wise and handsome, like a **** descending from the earth, so I lost my composure for a while, and I implore the Suzerain to forgive me! "

Xu Shuangce said nothing.

There was no sound at the top of the head for a while, Gong Wei thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "The disciple grew up listening to the suzerain's legendary deeds since childhood, and yearned for the suzerain's demeanor. He didn't want to see it with his own eyes one day, and his fear and excitement are beyond words. I hope the suzerain forgives the crime of disrespect!"

There was still a dead silence all around.


Gong Wei closed his eyes and turned his heart: "The sect master's cultivation is as deep as the vastness of the river and the sea, and his demeanor is as beautiful as the sun and the moon. It makes people feel ashamed of themselves, and can't help sighing that the world is transformed into things! The disciple's heart is surging, and it is difficult to calm down. I am extremely admired and dazzled! Disciple—”

"Really?" Xu Shuangce's unsalty voice finally came from the top of his head, asking: "Am I so admirable in your heart?"

Gong Wei said sonorously and forcefully, "My disciples are not lying a single word!"

"What about Fahua Immortal?"

very good.

The boss just forced him to flirt and flirt for a long time, but now he is going to force him to scold himself.

Gong Wei thought in his heart that man is a knife and I am fish and meat, and then took a deep breath: "Fahua Xianzun disregarded the teachings of the Taoist sect, ignored the prestige of the Cangyang Sect, and even tried to assassinate the suzerain. His crimes are too numerous to write down! A generation of masters, disciples despise him!"

Xu Shuangce asked: "You really think so?"


The big carriage was quiet, and it took a long time to hear Xu Shuangce say leisurely: "Gong Zhengyu, the chief dean of the Criminal and Punishment Institute."

His four slender and strong fingers tapped on the table in turn, making a sound like gold knocking on jade.

"I joined the Immortal Alliance since I was a child. I have never practiced Taoism or built a foundation. My bones and soul are no different from ordinary people. However, I suddenly broke through to the late stage of Jindan overnight. The Taoism in the world is shocked. The three ancient illusions have been lost for a long time. The only one in the world Dugong Zhengyu knows the other, and his origin, background, and mana are all unfathomable, and his strength once surpassed the world-recognized third person Jianzong Wei Chirui, only inferior to me and Ying Kai."

Xu Shuangce paused, leaned over slightly, and said softly:

"But I always thought that if Gong Zhengyu revealed his true colors, no one in the world would be his opponent."

They were too close, Gong Wei leaned back unobtrusively, but at the next moment Xu Shuangce sneered softly from his nasal cavity, and the cold breath hit his ear directly:

"—Tell me, why does the majestic Fahua Xianzun Gong Zhengyu fall in love with Xiang Xiaoyuan, a half-demon?"

At that moment, the two almost touched each other, and Gong Wei's scalp was almost numb.

With a bang, he stood up, took half a step back, hugged Xu Shuangce's hand, "Plop!" Then he knelt down, and said in a loud voice with sincerity, "Master!"

Xu Shuang made a move and stopped.

"Although this disciple's status is humble, he is loyal to the Cangyang Sect. The sun and the moon can learn from it! Back then, Fahua Immortal Venerable assassinated the master, and his behavior was frenzied and frenzied. This disciple vowed to be sworn to death by this person! I would rather die than not Give your body to this kind of person to revive your soul!"


Gong Wei bowed his head and knelt down, his voice was full of emotion: "Please learn from Master!"

Xu Shuangce stared at her hand that was tightly held by Gong Wei as if it was a life-saving straw.

The air seemed to be frozen. After a while, he finally raised his fingers in this connected posture, and lifted Gong Wei's chin: "...what do you call me?"

Anyone who is a bit thin-skinned has already thrown away his helmet and armor at this moment, but Gong Wei said firmly, "Master."


"On the patriarchal side, the entire Cangyang Sect is the suzerain's disciples, not the master, but better than the master!"

Xu Shuangce stared straight at him with those dark pupils, and suddenly smiled strangely for a long time, and said, "Okay."

What good?

Even though Gong Wei's mind was spinning so fast, it was too late to guess the holy intention. At this moment, the giant bird screamed one after another, and then swooped down!

The whole body tilted, Gong Wei caught off guard and let go of Xu Shuangce's hand, bang forward and bumped into the table, then the whole body slid along the edge of the table to the left, slammed into the wall, and then slid to the right following the tilt , crashed into the big vase again. The body of the car suddenly flattened, and Gong Wei was caught off guard and fell backwards. Seeing that he was about to roll back and forth with a rumble, he suddenly tightened his wrist and was caught.

Xu Shuangce held him in place expressionlessly, but suddenly the giant bird swooped down again, and the inertia suddenly changed direction. Gong Wei grabbed the ground with his head, and his forehead hit the table in front of Xu Shuangce with a "boom" .


The four giant birds landed smoothly, and the chariot landed slowly and did not move.

"..." Gong Wei maintained this posture of kowtowing to Xu Shuangce to pay New Year's greetings, his heart was desolate, and he remained motionless.

"Let's get down." Xu Shuangce said coldly, let go of his hands and stood up, straightened his clothes, and got out of the car.

Dawn had already broken, and the giant car landed on the top of the first peak of Cangyang Mountain, like the rising sun covered in gold. All the elders and real people have already led their disciples to wait here, looking around in the darkness, they nodded their heads in unison: "Welcome to the suzerain!"

Everyone could only see Xu Shuangce stepping on the white jade brick with the soles of his shoes, and walked a few steps forward before the voice came from above:

"The disaster in Linjiangdu has been solved, but this matter is confirmed to be related to Fahua Immortal Venerable, and it has been handed over to the Immortal League for disposal."

—It turned out to be Fahua Immortal Venerable! The expressions of the elders and real people changed one after another, and they nodded in unison: "The suzerain is wise!"

"Sovereign Master," Jingxu Daoist at the forefront stood up and asked in a low voice, "Peach disaster is coming, and the matter is of great importance. I don't know if you should go back to Xuanji Hall to rest for a while, or call all the elders to go to Tianji Pagoda to discuss matters. I will wait." ..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Shuangce suddenly looked back at the giant car.

Gong Wei, who was lifting the curtain and trying to slip away, froze in mid-air.

The scene seemed to be completely still. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xu Shuangce stretched out his hand and said calmly:

"Come here, beloved."