MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 80 eighty tripods

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◎ Soft-hearted (two more in one)◎

Bai Zhou's voice was not loud, but it reverberated in his ears over and over again, which only made people feel noisy.

Song Dingding stood at the door of the firewood room, looking at the young man's face, an inexplicable chill appeared in his heart.

She remembered that it was written in the original text that when Li Zhi was discovered by Li Hua, his limbs were cut off, and his heart was gouged out.

And what the man in black wearing the hat said, didn't it correspond to Li Zhi's death?

Is it Wuzang Daojun? Did he do it?

If he really did it, then she called to stop Li Zhi in the stream and asked Li Zhi to help him save him back, wouldn't she be an accomplice in killing Li Zhi?

Song Dingding forced himself to calm down.

But her hands trembled uncontrollably, and she could only continue to take deep breaths to adjust her mood.

No, the murderer of Li Zhi should not be Daojun Wuzang.

Li Zhi was killed after Li Hua went to participate in the competition, but Li Hua said that day that the competition of Sword Sect of Xiu Xianjie was scheduled for more than a month.

Even if Wu Zang Daojun is injured now, he will not wait until a month later to find Li Zhi.

What's more, his purpose is to want Li Zhi's blood to repair the damaged Chaos Lock.

If he really did it, he and Li Zhi had no grievance or hatred, so how could he cut off Li Zhi's limbs?

Song Dingding's chest heaved slightly, and his breathing was a little difficult.

Inexplicably, Bai Zhou felt that the room was a little cold. He was not afraid of heat, but he was most afraid of cold.

Seeing that Pei Ming was still silent, he couldn't help but say: "I know you don't like killing innocents indiscriminately, but think about it, Chaos Lock is the only chance you can see Prince Yuan."

"The Queen of Demons was ordered by the emperor to destroy the chaotic lock. Since the emperor knows how to destroy the chaotic lock, he naturally knows how to crack it."

"You must do it before Tianjun. Of course, if you can't bear it, I can help you kill her..."

Pei Ming interrupted him and said coldly, "Shut up."

In order to see Pei Yuan, he had already spared no expense, his hands were stained with countless blood, and his feet were piled with corpses.

He doesn't care about anyone's life or death. If he can achieve his goal and let him kill Baizhou in front of him now, he can do the same.

There is no such thing as "unbearable" in Baizhou's mouth.

Pei Ming didn't lift his eyelids, he closed his eyes slightly: "You can go."

Bai Zhou, who was ordered to be expelled, did not feel that he was annoying. Before he left, he surrounded himself: "This little girl has an amulet on her body. If you want to do something to her, remember to take off the amulet first..."

"Also, her constitution is yin, I'm afraid she will recruit some unclean things."

Bai Zhou took out a delicately carved copper-colored double-eared cauldron from the storage ring. He didn't know what to say, and his fingers quickly pinched the knot in the air.

Before Song Dingding could react, she was restrained by a powerful force. It seemed that an invisible rope bound her body, turning her into a puff of smoke, and was forcibly dragged into Xiaoding. middle.

Bai Zhou felt the small cauldron in his hands sink, and he quickly put the yellow talisman on the cauldron: "This soul is very close to that little girl, the two seem to be able to talk, and today he helped her vent her anger and drove away the abusive person. Street vendor."

The implication was that the soul might be eavesdropping on their conversation in the firewood room, and if it got to Li Zhi's ears, she was afraid that she would run away.

Although you can't run very far, why waste your energy on these things.

Bai Zhou was about to put away the small cauldron, when he heard Pei Ming say, "Put down the cauldron."

He was stunned for a moment, obviously not responding.

It wasn't until Pei Ming's eyes fell on the double-eared cauldron in his hand that he regained his senses: "What do you want this cauldron to do?"

After Baizhou was in the meditation position, he built a Taoist temple to cultivate flowers and plants to cultivate his self-cultivation.

Although he couldn't see ghosts or anything like that, he really enjoyed the sense of accomplishment when others called him a Taoist priest or a layman.

He embezzled the money of the Immortal Mansion and spent a lot of money to buy some rare objects for catching monsters and souls.

"Put down Hunyuan Ding, stay with Ding?"

Bai Zhou could vaguely hear a trace of killing intent in his Qing Ling's voice, and he knew that he had angered this ancestor again.

Although he accidentally fell into the trap of the Demon Empress, he lost the Chaos Lock, but he now knows that he was wrong, and he is even more determined to make up for his fault.

Otherwise, why did he come all the way here and tell Pei Ming how to repair the Chaos Lock?

He kindly helped Pei Ming to capture the soul, originally wanting to make up for his fault, lest the soul eavesdrop on their conversation and help Li Zhi escape.

But Pei Ming didn't appreciate it.

Bai Zhou snorted coldly: "I've told you everything I should say. If you are preempted by Tianjun, you will be delusional if you want to see Prince Yuan again!"

After that, he threw the Hunyuan Ding at the pile of wood beside Pei Ming, and left with a swipe of his sleeves.

The woodshed was quiet again.

In the middle of the night in early spring, the moon is bright and the stars are thin. He raised his white and slender fingers and lightly placed them on the Primordial Cauldron.

The icy copper tripod was vaguely stained with a trace of temperature. The temperature was not his, and he knew that the temperature belonged to the soul that Baizhou took in.

It turns out that even a touch of soul has temperature.

"Why save me?"

The little girl named Li Zhi, looking at the appearance of only seven or eight years old, was timid, and she trembled when she talked to him.

After he woke up, every time she talked to her, she would first glance in the direction of the door, pause for a moment, and then answer his question carefully.

After leaving the woodshed, he sat in the yard and said some inexplicable words to himself.

He thought it was strange at the time, but he didn't think about the soul. Just when Bai Zhou mentioned that Li Zhi's yin constitution would attract dirty things, he wanted to understand this matter.

Li Zhi's family was so poor that they couldn't open the pot, but they didn't want to accept his spirit stone, and made it clear that they didn't want to have any entanglement with him.

Besides, when he wakes up, he first asks him not to hurt her brother. How could such a timid girl bring home a person covered in blood?

Thinking of it this way, Li Zhi rescued him from the ice and snow, fearing that this soul was behind it.

Pei Ming wanted to know what the purpose of this soul was.

Why should Li Zhi save him?

Could it be that someone around Tianjun knew that Li Zhi was the key to cracking the Chaos Lock, so he went to her side first, wanting Li Zhi to save him, and then repay him with grace?

He thought it unlikely.

Let's not say whether Tianjun would have such a stupid idea. Before killing the Demon Empress, no one knew that he would choose to slaughter the Demon Domain on that day.

It is even more impossible to predict in advance that after being injured, he will run to this little-known island and hide here.

Then why save him?

Pei Ming couldn't figure it out, his index finger was slightly bent, and he casually tapped twice on Ding's ear.

Song Dingding, who was put into the Hunyuan Ding, could hear the outside world, but he couldn't move, just like a ghost pressing a bed.

She was surrounded by boundless darkness, and only the two sides of the Ding Er could see the outside world vaguely through there.

She tried to struggle, but it was of no use at all, as if she had fallen into a swamp. The more she struggled, the faster she sank.

Song Dingding gave up the struggle and gradually calmed down. Through Ding's ears, he saw the shadow in his eyes.

What is he hesitating about?

Isn't now the best chance to do something with Li Zhi?

That's right, Li Hua is not here, Li Zhi has no power to restrain the chicken, so he can only let him slaughter.

Although he didn't know what the man in black had to do with him, the man in black was willing to help him, but he didn't agree.

At this moment, Song Dingding was certain that Daojun Wuzang had softened his heart towards Li Zhi.

It seems that Li Zhi saved him, it seems that it is not a bad thing.

If he hadn't been with Li Zhi for two days, and had the grace of saving his life, he and her were not relatives, and he knew that the Chaos Lock could be repaired with her blood and blood, and he would have done it a long time ago.

But now, he didn't do it, which means that he took her kindness into consideration.

Thinking like this, Song Dingding felt a little more at ease.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Zhi was dressed neatly and the first thing to do was to greet Song Dingding in the yard.

However, she searched the whole yard, but couldn't find Song Dingding.

Li Zhi was a little disappointed.

It's not that such a thing has happened in the past, and the ghosts that follow her will always disappear suddenly for no reason.

But this was the first soul who didn't want to hurt her and would talk to her. She hadn't said goodbye to Song Dingding.

Li Zhi stood at the door of the firewood room, like a sculpture, so Pei Ming raised his eyelids: "What are you looking for?"

She shook her head: "Nothing."

He glanced at the Hun Yuan Ding tucked in his sleeves, slowly moved his eyes away, and landed on her face: "The firewood house is too cold, from today onwards, I will sleep in your room."

This is not a negotiating tone, but an order to her.

Pei Ming didn't act immediately because he hadn't released the toxin from the six silk spiders in his body, so he couldn't walk with his legs and feet, and it was better to have someone waiting by his side than himself.

It's not a problem to delay for a few days. Anyway, with him by Li Zhi's side, Tianjun's people have no chance to attack Li Zhi.

He thought so, and convinced himself so.

Li Zhi was afraid of him, and at this moment Song Dingding was not by her side, and she didn't even have anyone to come up with.

She was too young, and she had never read a book, so she had no concept of men and women. Hearing what he said, he thought it was because the firewood house was too cold, so he proposed to sleep in the same room with her.

She nodded: "Do you want to drink water? If you don't, I'm going to find Aunt Liu."

Pei Ming knew who Aunt Liu was, the loud-voiced woman who lived in the yard next door. When he was healing, he heard her talking to Li Zhi in a high voice.

Listening to the meaning of the woman, it seemed that she was raising Li Zhi as her daughter-in-law. Even the birthdates of Li Zhi and her son had been calculated by someone.

"I'll go with you..." He raised his black eyes, looked at her and said, "Or, you can do it yourself in the yard."

The answer to this multiple-choice question can only be the latter.

Li Zhi still remembered what he said. He said that no one else could know that he was here, or he would be silenced.

Now he said that he wanted to go with her to see Aunt Liu, which was not a clear statement that he was going to kill Aunt Liu.

She shook her head like a rattle. Pei Ming saw that she was quite interesting, raised his hand and motioned her to help him out: "I want to bask in the sun."

Li Zhi was very self-aware. She knew that she couldn't help him, so she went to fetch the raft that was used to pull him back that day.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, and the snow and ice have already melted away, it is very difficult for her to drag him away with a raft.

Li Zhi then carved four hollow round wheels out of wood, fixed them under the raft with bamboo strips, and made a wooden pusher for the bamboo raft, like a trolley for pulling goods.

She has quick hands and feet, and it only took a stick of incense to transform the raft.

Pei Ming looked at the raft cart in front of him, and slowly narrowed his black eyes: "What is this?"

Li Zhi sat on the ground, then climbed onto the cart with both hands and feet, and demonstrated to him: "I can't help you, you come up the raft like this, and I will push you out to bask in the sun."

"You used this thing to bring me back?"

His eyelashes trembled twice, and his face looked calm. Li Zhi nodded and said, "The snow melted that day, so I can drag it on the ice to move around."

Pei Ming: "…"

Seeing that he didn't move, she seemed to be lost in thought, thinking that he was badly injured and could not move.

Li Zhi was about to step forward to help him, but heard him say in a deep voice, "Make me a cane."

As long as it was a wheelchair made of wood, he would not resist so much, let him sit on this raft and be pushed around like a beggar by her.


Li Zhi didn't think too much about it, after all, it was much easier to make a walking stick than a raft.

She glanced at Pei Ming's legs and knew that he couldn't stand up, so she chose some thick branches in the woodshed.

She cut off the bark of the scraped hands with a knife, tied the branches with bamboo strips, lengthened them, and made a pair of underarm crutches.

Pei Ming originally wanted a walking stick, but she was so dexterous that she made a pair of sticks he had never seen before.

This cane is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, just right under the armpit.

He looked at her twice, with imperceptible appreciation in his eyes, leaning on the wall with his arms, and slowly stood up with a cane.

The six silk spider bit his knee, the toxin quickly penetrated into the bone marrow, and his legs basically lost consciousness.

Pei Ming took advantage of his strength to walk outside the firewood house. He didn't see the sun for two or three days, but felt that the sun hanging on his head was very dazzling.

Li Zhi winked, she handed the small bench up, and then stepped forward to help him sit down slowly.

When Pei Ming sat firmly, he put away a pair of crutches and leaned against the door under the main room.

She took out the needle and thread for the sole of the shoe from the house, moved a small bench beside him, put the needle and thread basket on her knee, and started threading the needle and thread in the sunlight.

As soon as Li Zhi starts to do things, she will forget about other troubles. She looks attentively, sewing the soles of the shoes in her hands stitch by stitch.

Pei Ming sat beside her, boredly looking at the big yellow dog that was dozing in the yard.

Li Zhi was pitifully thin, but this dog was fat and obviously ate better than her.

An inaudible breath made him come back to his senses.

His eyes fell on her, and when he saw that she was pinching the index finger of her left hand, it seemed that she had been pricked by a needle, and he couldn't help but snort.

Li Zhi put down the sewing basket, filled a small bowl of plant ash from the firewood room, placed it on the bench, and smeared on the palm of his hand.

When she spread out her hand, Pei Mingcai noticed that her entire palm was covered with criss-cross scars.

And her breath just now was not because her index finger was pierced by a needle, but because of a two-inch wound on her index finger.

At first glance, it was scratched by a sharp blade, presumably she was doing handwork, and was accidentally scratched by a knife when carving wood.

Pei Ming raised his black eyes, glanced at her wound, and pursed his lips as he fell on the cane leaning on the door.

"Give me your hand."
