MTL - The Target Always Thinks That I Like Him!-Chapter 9 Male with cannon fodder predecessor 9

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The next day, the two were taken for granted.

I went to the cold for a morning of sleep, and woke up at noon, and found that Sun Shuya did not know when she came in and was talking to Lu Ze. Thinking of the combination of the two, he got up and swayed out and gave them a chance to be alone.

Lu Ze looked up at him and frowned. "Where are you going?"

"Washroom." He yawned at the cold, his voice soft.

Lu Ze mouth corner micro-draw, although it is a normal physiological need, but how does he feel that as long as Sun Shuya is in, the demand for cold is particularly frequent?

I went to the bathroom and complained to the cold: "Xiaojiu, I am in harmony every day. Did Luze and the protagonist have any progress?"

"This...maybe time is not enough?" The system is also very doubtful.

"Not enough?" To the cold, he said with some exaggeration: "I try to squeeze time to get along with each other. Every time Sun Shuya appears, I don't get off work in advance, just come to the toilet. I told you, I see him now. , it will involuntarily produce a sense of urinary sensation, and all form a conditional reflection. If this continues, there is no problem."

"...Mr. To Mr., I mean... In the original plot, the target is motivated by the protagonist after the company’s crisis. It’s not yet at that point in time, so the two may have been slow to make progress.” If the system has The body, now the expression must be sweaty.

"Oh, it turned out to mean this." Xiang Han was also a little embarrassed, grabbed the head and said: "But it still has time?"

Tianchen is a small company that was established less than a year ago. It is not famous, and the games made can only barely recover the cost. If you are not lucky, there are also losses.

In order to make a name for himself, Lu Ze bought the game adaptation rights of a famous online novel "Wanjie". The game has started beta testing two months ago, but Lu Ze is not satisfied, but also wants to be some. But the problem is that the company has no money and can't afford it.

Lu Ze has a half-brother, Lu Hai, who is a father of his father. After Lu Ze’s mother knew about this incident, she was not mad at the air, and she was accidentally out of a car accident. Less than half a year after Lu’s death, Lu’s father married Xiao San Zhao Yunzhi, and Lu Hai followed the hall.

After Lu Hai and his mother had deliberately forced Lu Ze out of Lujia, they still felt uneasy. They learned that Lu Ze had opened a game company and was developing a game called Wan Wan, which urgently needed bank loans. In order to fight Lu Ze, Lu Hai borrowed the power of the Lu’s group to make secret pressure, so that Lu Ze could not afford the loan.

Did not lend money, this big change eventually ruined. In order to cooperate with the "Wanjie" big movie propaganda, Lu Ze had to let this game rushed online. However, the homogenization of the game market is serious. If a game has no features and core technology, it can be easily copied by others.

This is the case with "Wanjie". It didn't take long for the public beta. What "Fangjie", "Wanjie Legend", "New Wanjie", etc., have sprung up like mushrooms. Lu Ze invested most of the money in this game, but under the impact of the cottage, the funds could not be returned at all, even the cost was not recovered, and the losses were badly hurt.

After that, he could only do some small games, or do intermodal transportation, and it was difficult to maintain the company's operations until one year later, and gradually came out of the trough.

"Isn't this going to be done?" Some sympathy with Lu Ze.

The system slowly swallowed: "Don't come over again, how can the target be tempted by the protagonist? Besides, with this lesson, he will be more cautious in his work and make Tianchen step by step bigger."

"Also." Reason is this reason, but it is still a little bit stuffy.

Speaking of it, Lu Ze is not bad for him except for being stingy and not allowing him to eat anything. He was a bit embarrassed to see the other side unlucky.

After reading the internal test summary, Lu Ze nodded and said: "For the time being, I will go to see the author of "Wanjie" in the afternoon, and go to the bank tomorrow, public beta... and wait."

"Good." Sun Shuya knows that Lu Ze still wants to amend it, and knows that he can't change it. But he didn't want to help, because only everything developed like the previous life, he and Lu Ze were possible.

Back to the seat, the investigation about Zhao Handong was sent to the mailbox. After Sun Shuya read it again, he quickly destroyed it.

Zhao Handong has not been very good recently. First, he was chilled. Somewhere he couldn’t stand up occasionally. He was raised in the hospital for several days. After it was finally raised, the company’s computer was attacked maliciously. The employee failed to work normally for a week. He was so angry that he would scream the technician and personally invited several experts. After a series of tossing, he simply forgot to pack up the cold.

This incident did not happen in the past life. Who would have nothing to do to attack Zhao Handong’s company? Sun Shuya soon thought of Lu Ze. With his current concern for the cold, he learned that Zhao Handong is also reasonable.

Sun Shuya had worked with Lu Ze for several years and had some understanding of his attack techniques. I thought that Zhao Handong’s problem had not been completely solved, and he had a plan in mind.

I went to the toilet for a few seconds, and when I saw that I was about to get off work, I got up with the numb legs and said to the system: "If you go on like this, I will get hemorrhoids one day sooner or later."

Going back to the office and seeing Sun Shuya not, he was happy to pack up and get off work, and asked Lu Ze: "How about chatting?"

Lu Ze shook his head and said, "Not quite satisfactory."

"Ah? Are you dissatisfied with him?" Surprised to the cold, the information is not that the target has not liked the protagonist, he is very fond of him?

Lu Ze did not answer. He thought for a while and suddenly said, "You are just coming back, and I will go see the dog husky."

"Hey?" is talking about the protagonist, what dog to see? The thinking of the target is too jumping, he can't keep up.

Lu Ze thought that he did not understand, and explained: "It is the author of "Wanjie", ‘Horse in the dog’ is his pseudonym.”

To the cold: "..." So they are not talking about the protagonist?

However, when it comes to the protagonist, he thinks of the matching task and quickly shakes his head and says, "I don't go."

“Why?” Lu Zebian said, packing things up and saying: “Get off work, just drop the way.”

Just coming back from the bathroom, I can't use the urine again. Thinking about the cold, holding the stomach weak, said: "My stomach is not comfortable, I want to go back to rest earlier. You still call others, then what... Sun Shuya is quite suitable."

Lu Ze knew that he was pretending to look at it. He walked over and took the collar and dragged it out: "Sun Shuya has something, it is estimated that he has already left."

"Stop and stop, I will go by myself." Turned to the cold and turned.

When he got into the car, he was still dissatisfied. There are still many people in the company who have not gotten off work. This drag, his image is gone.

Lu Ze helped him to wear a seat belt. By the way, he slammed his head and said: "The author asked, I heard that he is still a gourmet."

To the cold eyes, busy reminding: "Is that not fast?

The author has something to say:

To the cold: ‘Horse in the dog’, one listens to the street writer hahaha!

System: You have spent a lot of money on the game copyright of millions of people.

To the cold: ... the defeated man, why not buy me? !

Cough, the ball collects, thank you angels~