MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 262 Prestige Susa, the finishing touch!

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   Chapter 262 Prestige Susa, the finishing touch!

   Looking up, the sky seems to be divided into two, with blue and red colors intertwined in the sky.

   It seems that there is hot magma flowing in the sky, the sun brings heat, sprinkled on the body of the lava, the planet continent under the feet vibrates, as if the footsteps of giants are approaching!

   It seems to be covered by the ocean indefinitely. The moist cloud gas rises, rises again, and gathers around the giant whale. There are no clouds under the blue ocean!

   At this moment, the hazy will of the planet is madly pouring natural energy to the elves in the universe, which is a gift from the planet to the protector.

  Even above the nine heavens, Groudon still seemed to be stepping on the ground, step by step as if climbing up the stairs.

  The end of the earth is hot and dazzling, and the giant rock monsters and super fossil pterosaurs roll up the sand.

  Even in the universe, Kyogre is still like in the ocean, and the waves are born out of nowhere, turn up, and swim forward like a fish in water.

  The sea of ​​​​Siyuan is quiet and vast, and the Shuidu brothers and sisters and the Super Flying Dragon ride the wind and waves.

   In the center of the two legendary Pokémon, the flame white Kyurem overclocked the maximum power, and the flame and ice danced in its four claws.

   Directly above, the delta airflow is surging, and the super strong air sits in and out of it, and the dragon dances rapidly along the airflow.

  Super Hudi is at the back, the powerful alpha waves are surging, and the super power shield will firmly protect the trainers.

  The eyes of miracles gleamed, and his thoughts shifted to the dream demon beside him. The latter's figure was erratic, and his eyes were staring at the huge meteorite seriously, as if he wanted to penetrate it with his eyes.

   On the ground, countless pairs of eyes stared at the pictures from space, silently praying in their hearts.

   "Don't be afraid."

   "That's right, we've done it all."

   "There is no possibility of failure in this battle!"

   Countless firm voices were uttered, inspiring people.

   Above the ruins of the city, the disgraced survivors looked up to the sky, and the warm flames enveloped them.

   Pain, disability, illness, anxiety, sadness, all negative states are swept away.

   When the sacred flame passed, even the already cold corpse, the heart in the chest began to beat again.

"come on."

  Ho-wang raised his head, his eyes pierced into the universe: "The fire of hope will not go out!"


"bring it on!"

  Super Lie Kongzai's eyes are dazzling, and his whole body exudes a soul-stirring aura. This is his original appearance, his true power!

   "Concentrate a little bit and get to the top!"

   In space, Yu looked at the blue planet under his feet, and suddenly a kind of self-confidence filled his heart.

   Among the human beings in this world, he deserves to be the strongest.

   And his companions are all standing at the top of the pyramid.

   At his feet is the dragon of the sky, Lie Kongsi, who fought against the powerful elves of the seven first-level gods by himself in the Super Demon God plot of Nimbus.

   When all living beings were still crawling on the ground, fighting for money and land, he was already standing on the planet.

  Inexplicably, Yu thought of Nagato Tiandao Payne. Isn't he more like a **** at this time?

  The world of ninja is too small, and in front of it is the sea of ​​stars and stars!


   calmed down the arrogance and arrogance in his heart, arrogance settled in his heart, seriously climbed up on Yu's face again, and stared at the meteorite that seemed to be slow and fast, and was approaching quickly: "Attack!"



   "The source of fluctuations, destroy everything!"

   "The sword of the cliff, smash the stars!"

   "Super Fossil Pterodactyl!"

   "Super Flying Dragon!"

   "Ultimate Impact, Smash It!"

   "Super Latios!"

   "Super Latias!"

   "Dragon Wave, Penetrate!"

   "Flame White Kyurem, maximum power!"

   "Extremely cold flames!"

   Without hearing the sound, only the light can be seen, and the people on the ground can no longer see any pictures, and the terrifying fluctuations, even if they are separated by thousands of kilometers, still shock everyone's hearts!

  In an instant, countless currents surged, countless particles jumped, and almost all the electrical screens in the human world flashed a blurry screen, not only on the screen, but even people outside the screen were also silent.

   At this time, the whole planet was deadly silent, as if it had been brought to annihilation, and it seemed as if eternity had passed in an instant.

   "That power..."

   Adek said in a tense voice: "If it erupts on the planet, even if there is no meteorite, it can destroy everything on the surface!"

   No one answered him, because the answer was already in his heart.

   "It's terrifying...our home is so fragile and miraculous by comparison..."

  Daigo murmured: "So, you should cherish this land more, because being able to live in this world is a great miracle in itself!"


  In the space, the endless light swayed so hard that people couldn't open their eyes. There was clearly a terrifying force surging ahead, but everyone couldn't hear any sound.

   Can't see, can't hear, and the silence is unnerving.

   Is it life or death?

   In an instant, it seems like a long life.


In the    mental network, Shafiya's somewhat vague and distorted voice sounded, although it was on the edge of the battlefield, although Super Hudi only suffered the aftermath of the battle, although most of the aftermath was blocked by everyone.

   But even so, the mental network formed by Alpha Wave is still somewhat unstable, enough to see how amazing the power that the elves burst out when they attack together!

   However, since the mental network is still there, it means that the shield of the higher priority is still wrapped around everyone.

   "Sophia, I'm here."

   Ruby's voice was also hazy, echoing in the spiritual network, making everyone present at peace instantly.

   They have exerted all their strength, the huge meteorite was forcibly stopped, the stone chips flew, and the outermost rock layer was continuously peeled off and chipped away.

   Circle after circle, the size of the huge meteorite is constantly decreasing, and only the hardest part at the core is still advancing tenaciously.

   They have done their best, and next, just wait for the judgment... no, wait for the victory!

   "Super strong empty seat."

   Yu and Riekora, who had not made a move, flew to the front, and the chaotic light, shadow and vibration just now did not affect their vision at all.

  Uchiha Yu half-squatted on the top of Super Liekong, pressing down with the palm of his hand, the kaleidoscope turned frantically!

   "Super powerful outfit, Susanoo!"

The power of   yu is infused crazily, and it responds, merges, converges, reorganizes, and regenerates with the power of Super Lie Kongzai!

In Yu's eyes, the Δ symbol representing Lie Kong Sitting appeared. The scarlet light flickered and jumped. The golden runes climbed up Yu's limbs, torso and even neck, like a curse mark but far stronger than the curse mark. The dragon in the sky will use part of its power. Gift to Uchiha on the body.

   And in the same way, purple black, dark black, deep black, pure black, the Susa armor that spreads and wraps around Lie Kongzai's body also strengthens each other with Lie Kongzai's power, showing the power of one plus one far greater than two!

  Susano's armor was still extending, and even the dragon beard of Ritsukong was not missing. Susanoo, who turned into pure black, assembled the sky dragon to his teeth.

   And the body shape of Ritsu Kongzai is also constantly elongated and tall, Susanoo changes his shape to suit him, and he is also changing his body shape to suit Susa armor.

   In Uchiha Yu's body, Susanoo, who seemed to be infused with endless energy, was released, strengthened, strengthened again!

  The light dissipated, and the aftermath of everyone's energy finally began to weaken, and they woke up from the trance, and the picture in front of them gradually became clear.

   The first thing they saw was the pure black dragon that stretched hundreds of meters in front of them!

   "The God of the Sky is the finishing touch!"

  The black dragon stretched out its huge claws, and the armor on its body reflected a dazzling luster. The terrifying power gathered and accumulated, guided it towards the dragon's whole body, and slammed into the meteorite!

  Suddenly, countless energies surged, and everyone's eyes were once again occupied by endless rays of light!

   (end of this chapter)