MTL - The Two-Faced Side Character Fantasizes that I Love Him Everyday-Chapter 9 You said you didn't peek!

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   Chapter 9 You also said you didn't peek!

For more than ten years, Wen Ran has been indulged by the old man Wen and the senior brothers, so she has a smooth life, and she does not know what kind of evil she has hit. Since that day in Juyuan Valley, she met Shen. There is absolutely nothing good about it!

  Wen Ran's chest hurt even more, she got up from the ground shivering, "stay away from me, I want to change clothes."

  Shen Wu didn't say much this time. He obediently walked a few steps away, and consciously turned his back, "You change it, I won't peep."

  Wen Ran also silently walked to a corner. She glanced at Shen Wu's back before taking out the clothes from the storage bracelet.

   Probably felt her nervousness, and Shen Wu over there found a topic with understanding, "Ran Ran, do you know where this place is?"

   "I don't know." Wen Ran really didn't know. She didn't hear old man Wen, or someone else mentioned that there was a cave in the forbidden area. The atmosphere here was cold and treacherous, and she didn't know what danger was hidden.

Wen Ran just took off her wet clothes, and suddenly, out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a dark shadow moving on the wall. After seeing what it was, she exclaimed uncontrollably, "Yes. snake!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, a sword flew over and pierced directly into the stone wall, cutting the black snake in half.

Shen Wu raised his hand unhurriedly, the sword flew straight in front of him, he grabbed the hilt, took out a handkerchief from nowhere, wiped the sword, and said, "Ran Don't be afraid, I am here."

Wen Ran restrained her expression of being about to collapse, and hurriedly covered her body with her clothes. Even so, her white arms were still exposed to the air, and they were evoking reverie. She carried hope. Tone, smiled and asked: "Senior brother, you shouldn't have seen anything, right?"

  Shen Wu thought for a second, as if he was thinking about what she was asking, but after a moment, he figured it out, and smiled: "Ran Ran, don't worry, you are still young, I won't do anything to you."

   Having said that, he withdrew his gaze that fell below her neck, turned his back, and slowly began to wipe his sword again.

   He said she was still young, what exactly did he mean!

She hadn't heard the movement behind her for a long time, and it was estimated that Wen Ran was still standing there and didn't dare to move. The empathetic and considerate Shen Wu spoke again with a pure smile, "You don't have to scare yourself, you My waist is not as thin as mine, my legs are not as long as I am, and my skin is not as white as I am, I will not be so hungry that I will not choose food."

  Wen Ran: "…"

   This is said, how does it make people feel strange?

  Shen Wu said: "You put on your clothes quickly, we have to keep going."

  Indeed, there is still some danger in this cave, so we can't delay any longer.

Wen Ran just wanted to continue dressing, but she suddenly remembered something, glanced at the back of the person who wiped the sword over there, and asked, "Senior brother, every time you wipe the sword so clean, can you use it as a mirror? "

  Shen Wu said modestly: "It's okay."

   "Since it can be used as a mirror, it should be quite clear, right?"


   Immediately afterwards, he took a step to the side, dodging a flying stone.

   The girl's voice resounded in the cave in annoyance, "Shen Wu! You said you didn't peek at me!"

   (end of this chapter)