MTL - The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura Fields-Chapter 15 Thunder and collapse

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Since Yue Xiuzhi raised Pei Xiaoming, he has always hoped to raise him to be upright... well, even if he is not upright, at least he must have kind thoughts in his heart. Only those who are treated with tenderness by the world will want to treat the world with tenderness.

But according to the setting of the original book, gods must be ruthless, and only ruthless can become a god.

But they are all made of flesh and blood, who can be born ruthless?

In his previous life, Pei Ming was originally a cute little brat, but fate was too cruel to him, which pushed him to be ruthless step by step. But in this life, there is no plot restriction, and after Yue Xiuzhi can ooc at will, he really can't bear to let Pei Xiaoming follow in the footsteps of Pei Ming in his previous life.

How much hardship would it take for such a foolish child to become like Pei Ming in his previous life?

And a person who is originally kind and has not been abandoned by the world cannot be ruthless to the world.

So Yue Xiuzhi has been worrying about one thing: How can Pei Xiaoming become a **** under such circumstances?

After thinking about it for a long time, he gradually realized.

He boldly guessed that the reason why Tiandao wanted to deprive Pei Ming of his godhood was not because Pei Ming preferred the spirit world, but because Pei Ming harmed the demon world because of his preference for the spirit world.

The gods can have favoritism, but there can be no injustice.

This has always been just a guess, this time he tried his best, and if he couldn't think about it, he would think of another way, but at this moment he heard the thunder of Jieyun roaring above the sky, and he knew—he was right.

Seeing the aura on Pei Xiaoming's body rise sharply, finally, with the breakthrough of the bottleneck of the Holy Realm, the Thunder Tribulation above also roared down!

Yue Xiuzhi was still concentrating on it, ready to help his apprentice catch the thunder disaster at any time.

After all, the stronger the person who crosses the catastrophe, the stronger Lei Jie will be. Lei Jie must be particularly difficult to deal with such a god-defying evildoer like his own apprentice.

At the beginning, Pei Xiaoming's Thunder Tribulation when crossing the King Realm was dozens of times that of people of the same rank. Pei Xiaoming managed to cross it by himself, and almost lost half of his life.

Of course, Yue Xiuzhi would not help Pei Ming through the Thunder Tribulation unless it was absolutely necessary, because the Thunder Tribulation would be strengthened tenfold if someone interfered, but if his life was really in danger, Yue Xiuzhi would never sit idly by.

Even though he had made enough preparations, he never expected that Lei Jie would disappear the moment he fell.

The roar of the Jieyun that spread over a hundred miles around stopped just then, and it was so quiet for an instant that it made people panic.

Yue Xiuzhi suddenly panicked, and quickly looked in Pei Xiaoming's direction.

I saw that Pei Ming's original holy realm suddenly fell, and fell to the king realm again, and it was extremely unstable. His lips were bloodless, and his whole body was trembling with sweat.

Yue Xiuzhi hurried forward and used his spiritual energy to detect the condition of his body.

The aura in the body is disordered, which is a trend of becoming obsessed!

Yue Xiuzhi didn't think too much about it, and put **** on his back, trying to suppress the aura that was flying around in Pei Ming's body with all his strength.

Boss Pei was also beside them at this time, and when he saw the situation of this little brat, he immediately understood.

He didn't know what method Yue Xiuzhi used to suppress the Jimai Saint Demon Body, so that it could be stimulated even without demonic energy, and covered up the demonic nature of this little kid, but the disadvantage of this method is already at this moment Exposed—only the spirit veins activated are incomplete, and they will collapse one day if they walk on one leg.

Time passed by tensely, and the veins on Pei Xiaoming's forehead popped up. He looked like he was desperately resisting but was on the verge of exhaustion. He trembled all over, and said with all his strength, "Master..."

Yue Xiuzhi struggled to suppress the nearly collapsed aura with all his strength, he shouted to Pei Xiaoming: "Concentrate, don't think about it! I will keep you safe as a teacher!"

After he finished speaking, he directly bought a bottle of elixir that can increase spiritual power in a short period of time in the system mall. After taking it out, he removed the bottle cap and poured the whole bottle with his head up. He threw away the bottle and began to overdraw his spiritual power .

Boss Pei, who was beside the two of them, felt a little dark when he saw the miserable appearance of this little kid—after all, no one knew better than him that the way of heaven would not let him die no matter what, but let him eat It's just a pain.

But when he turned his head again, Yue Xiuzhi was already on the verge of exhaustion at this time, he was biting his lower lip, his face was pale, and he looked extremely weak and struggling.

Boss Pei's expression became a little more complicated.

Yue Xiuzhi didn't know that there was a big man standing one step away from him. He had only one thought in his mind at this moment: Hurry up! Hold on!

At the same time, Pei Xiaoming's sea of ​​Qi, which had collapsed several times, broke into an extremely powerful aura, forcibly suppressed those scurrying auras and gathered them together.

"Amin, it's now, hurry up!" Yue Xiuzhi reminded loudly.

Pei Ming quickly stabilized his aura, and once again rushed to the barrier of the Holy Realm with all his strength.

Becoming obsessed when advancing to the rank is like sailing against the current, you can only move forward, and retreat is a dead end!

This time there were finally no more accidents, and Lei Jie condensed again!

Yue Xiuzhi just wanted to go out to block the thunder disaster for his apprentice. After all, Pei Xiaoming had just escaped from danger and was very weak, but he was stopped by Pei Xiaoming, who only heard him say: "Master, let me do it myself."

Yue Xiuzhi thought about the weakness of his apprentice, so why didn't Pei Xiaoming think about his master?

Besides, Lei Jie has to carry it by himself, how can there be any reason for the master to do it for him?

He left the practice room, traveled tens of miles, and arrived at an open place to welcome the thunder disaster.

Lei Jie was still dozens of times stronger than his peers, but Pei Ming looked straight up at Lei Jie.

Everything in the world has its own laws, but there are always some laws that are implemented in all things, for example... everything can be converted.

Good can become bad, and bad can naturally become good.

In the dark, those thoughts became more and more clear, and the moves of Yitianshu kept rolling in his mind. When the first thunder tribulation struck, he flew up, raised the Nishui sword, and used the Nishui sword to directly Take this thunder disaster.

The heart of Yuexiu who was watching from a distance was lifted up, but a miracle happened at this moment. I saw that Lei Jie did not follow the Nishui sword, but condensed on it, and Lei Jie's purple arc kept hitting the Nishui sword. Jumping around.

Yue Xiuzhi was shocked: Is this all right?

Can the protagonist do whatever he wants_(:з」∠)_

A series of thunder calamities struck down one after another, each one getting bigger and bigger, but they were all caught by the Nishui sword without exception.

The last thunderbolt seemed to have the power to destroy the world, and slammed on the Nishui sword fiercely. Because of this fierce collision, there was a dazzling white glow all around for a moment.

After the light and shadow passed, Lei Jie disappeared, and the purple arc on the Nishui sword also disappeared, but Nishui sword seemed to carry the coercion of heaven and earth.

Pei Ming flew towards Yue Xiuzhi from mid-air, looked at Yue Xiuzhi worriedly, and asked, "Master, are you okay?"

With the advancement of his strength, Pei Ming's damage just now has actually recovered, but Yue Xiuzhi has not.

He had already overdrawn his spiritual energy just now, and the whole bottle of elixir that he ate, although it could increase his spiritual power in a short period of time, there was a period of weakness after taking it.

The deadliest thing is that he has put a bowl of blood every month for the past thirteen years. In fact, it is still relatively harmful to his body. He has been relatively weak in recent years, and this time he suffered double damage. Somewhat unbearable.

But he didn't want his son to know, firstly, he didn't want Xiao Ming to worry about him, and secondly, he didn't want the matter of the Suppressing Demon Pill to be exposed.

So he shook his head and said to Pei Xiaoming: "I'm fine, it's just that my spiritual power was a little overdrawn and my body was a little weak. It's all right to go to Yaowangfeng and ask your Master Lin to recuperate."

As he said, he beat him up again: "You have just broken through now, and your realm is unstable. The most urgent thing is to consolidate it. The spirit stones in the training room are less than half consumed. You should retreat there for a few days and find your master Lin yourself as a teacher. Bob."


Pei Ming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Yue Xiuzhi dodged, and left with the technique of shrinking the ground to an inch.

He couldn't, so he could only go back to the practice room.

Brother Pei who was standing beside him followed closely.

Like that little kid, he could see that something was wrong with Yue Xiuzhi, the difference was that that little kid couldn't keep up, but he could.

He appeared on Yaowang Peak with Yue Xiuzhi.

When the disciple guarding the gate saw him, he hurriedly saluted and said, "Welcome Venerable Fatan."

"This deity is here to find Lord Lin Feng, where is he at the moment?" Yue Xiuzhi asked.

The disciple quickly replied: "The peak master is making alchemy in the alchemy room."

Lin Xun, the master of Medicine King Peak, is a drug idiot, he just stays in his alchemy room to make alchemy every day.

The "Old Man Lin" that Yue Xiuzhi mentioned to Pei Ming before was him. He didn't look old, but he was handsome. The reason why he is called old man Lin is because although he is talented and is also talented with eight veins, but because he is obsessed with elixir, he broke through the Guiyi realm and became the master of the peak at the age of nearly nine hundred. He is the oldest among them. .

Yue Xiuzhi nodded slightly, and went straight to the alchemy room.

The alchemy room was still the same as usual, full of various alchemy and medicinal smells, Lin Xun was rummaging through the cabinet behind him. Seeing Yue Xiuzhi coming, he was a little surprised: "Why are you here... No, why do you have such a bad face?"

Yue Xiuzhi found a place to sit down at random, and explained briefly: "Just now, something went wrong in my apprentice's practice, and I overdrawn some spiritual power, that's all."

"Hey... you." Lin Xun suddenly felt helpless, "You know that your body is weak, but how dare you overdraw your spiritual energy? I think you are like this, and you don't know if it's just 'overdrawing some spiritual energy'?"

"Even though your apprentice is so good, I don't know why he is worth your life for him! You have bled blood every month to make alchemy for him, and your body is already weak, but now you are still acting recklessly. Look at you!" What's going on now!"

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