MTL - The Whole Dynasty Spoils the Tyrant’s Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Daughter-Chapter 459 Letters from home are worth ten thousand gold

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  Chapter 459 Family letter worth ten thousand gold

  While waiting for Nanny Zhang to come back, Jun Ning was in a state of agitation. She didn't seem to say anything on her face. In fact, she had already imagined countless possibilities for those letters. Looking forward to the countless times when Qi Xiao came back and met her. She also thought about how she should face Qi Xiao countless times.

Jing Shu saw that Jun Ning was silent, thinking about something, and didn't want to talk much. She didn't force Jun Ning, nor did she make things difficult for Jun Ning. .

  Jing Shu left time and space to Jun Ning.

  Jun Ning was so obsessed with thinking about things, she didn't even know when Jing Shu and Qi Xiangsi left.

   When I came back to my senses, it was already dinner.


  Before when she ate dinner alone, she didn't feel lonely, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong. Instead, she enjoyed it, and felt that she could finish the meal quickly, take a lunch break by herself, and get up early to read the booklet.

   Now that she learned about Qi Xiao's feelings for her, she suddenly felt that eating alone was not good, and there should be another person beside her.

   After a long while and finished dinner, Nanny Zhang has finally returned.

  Jun Ning's eyes lit up when she saw Nanny Zhang.

  Nurse Zhang is old and in poor health. She does things slowly and cannot be urged.

  At this moment, after she gave Jun Ning all the letters she had brought back with great difficulty, she said apologetically, "My lord, this old slave is getting old and useless. I kept you waiting, and I should be punished!"

  Jun Ning didn't care too much about it, nor did she just focus on the letter on the case table.

  She stepped forward to help Mammy Zhang, and said, "What are you talking about, Mammy? You are the only one left to me by the imperial grandmother. Ah Ning wants you to be by my side all the time."

   "Your Majesty's words are serious!" Nanny Zhang was a little ashamed, "This old slave is just a slave!"

   "Does Nanny Zhang just think that Ah Ning is the master?" Jun Ning asked.

   Nanny Zhang waved her hand, "Of course not." Ever since she was by Jun Ning's side, she has treated Jun Ning like her own granddaughter.

"Then don't say those kind words anymore." Jun Ning helped Nanny Zhang to sit down, "Nurse Zhang, come here after a long time, and stay with Ah Ning for a while. If you think that Ah Ning will only look at it later Xin, if you don't care about you, you will be bored, so help A Ning open these envelopes in front of her!"

   "Okay, okay! This old slave will sit with you for a while." Aunt Zhang couldn't wish more.

   Jun Ning looked at the pile of letters in front of him.

  Qi Xiao's flamboyant handwriting on the letter, almost no need to deliberately confirm, Jun Ning can tell at a glance that it is Qi Xiao's handwriting.

   It's strange to say that Jun Ning reads Chen Gong's notebooks every day, and she feels that everyone's handwriting is similar, and there is nothing special about it. Only Qi Xiao's words can be recognized at a glance.

  Qi Xiao's first letter was from three years ago.

  [My sister lovesickness, spring has begun, and the cold spring is a bit serious. How is everything going well recently? Do you remember to add clothes? Do you want to enter the palace to accompany your sister-in-law? Hearing that the Majesty is gone, your sister-in-law must be very sad, right? Acacia, if you have time, go to the palace more often to accompany her, talk to her, enlighten her. Of course, I know that she is already very strong now, and she can solve many things by herself without the guidance of Xiangsi. But my brother still wants you to go, because this is the only thing my brother who is far away in another country can do for her. ]

  Jun Ning remembered that during the period when Emperor Yongning had just left, Qi Xiangsi did often accompany her in the palace, even if she was too busy to talk to her, she would sit by her side and accompany her all afternoon, rain or shine.

   So Qi Xiao arranged it!

  Jun Ning's heart trembled.

   After a while, she opened the next letter.

[My sister Xiangsi, brother has been out fighting for a year, always thinking about you, afraid that you will do the same thing that Jun Yang brought you down last time, so I have to remind you, when you encounter something that cannot be decided, you should ask your sister-in-law for help in time . Your sister-in-law has watched you grow up since she was a child. She is like a sister and a mother to you. She is the person who cares about you the most in this world besides your brother. You must listen to her and be good. My brother misses you as well as your sister-in-law. I hope you are safe. ]

  In this letter, most of the concern is for Qi Xiangsi.

  However, the simple but weighty two words at the end, "Miss you", really made Jun Ning hot.

  Jun Ning's ears felt a little hot.

  As if trying to cover up something, Jun Ning hastily opened the next letter.

  [My sister lovesickness, today is Qiqiao Festival, a festival between husband and wife. I prepared a gift for your sister-in-law, and I wanted to send it, but after much deliberation, I gave up. Why don't you enter the palace for your elder brother to see your sister-in-law? Bring some presents by the way. If you read it, think it was me. If you give her a gift, it's like I'm giving her a gift. ]

   This letter is really ambiguous.

   After reading it, Jun Ning's heart trembled even harder!

   It turns out that Qi Xiao really has her in his heart, she misunderstood before.

  Jun Ning froze for a moment, then continued to read the letter.

  But the following three letters are purely family letters from Qi Xiao to Qi Xiangsi. For some reason, he didn't greet Jun Ning again, nor asked Qi Xiangsi to visit Jun Ning in the palace.

  After Jun Ning finished reading, her trembling heart calmed down a little.

   Not so flustered anymore!

   Until you see the next letter.

  [My sister lovesickness, my brother is not in a good mood recently, because I heard a bad thing about your sister-in-law. It is said that your sister-in-law is very kind to Fei Yuyu, whom Beixia married, and it is all right for the two of them to talk at close range, and talk at night by candlelight? Talk about drinking? Seems to be doing fine. You help your brother enter the palace to inquire, observe and observe, and see if it is true? Brother is going to die of anxiety and anger, your sister-in-law can only belong to brother alone. ]

  Jun Ning: "..."

  As far as the contents of the previous letter are concerned, they are all just expressing their intentions through a layer of veil, which looks hazy. Then this letter is a bit blatant.

  Through the letter paper, Jun Ning seemed to see Qi Xiao anxiously pacing back and forth because of jealousy.

  Jun Ning smiled dotingly, and took the last few pieces of letter paper handed over by Nanny Zhang.

   But there were two letters, again Jun Ning was not mentioned, but a simple letter from home, and some matters in the house to discuss countermeasures.

  Jun Ning looked at it, and felt a little disappointed.

  She probably wants to mention her in every letter written by Qi Xiao.

  Last letter.

  [My sister lovesick, my brother has been fighting outside for many years. When I won the battle, others always praised me as a heroic boy. But when I was defeated, others always looked at me with strange eyes, so that every step I took was like walking on thin ice and trembling. And every time like this, I often think, is your sister-in-law sitting in that position, stared at by countless pairs of eyes, is she like me? Are there moments when you are particularly tired, and when you are embarrassed by your subordinates, do you also feel overwhelmed? ]

   The next chapter is estimated to be able to write about the meeting of the hero and heroine, the happy reunion, and the finale.

   I will write extra stories later.

   Planning to write about Jun Ning and Qi Xiao, Jing Shu and? Yes, as well as Jun Yu and that good girl.

   I want to ask everyone, who else do you want to watch? You can write it down in the comment area, if appropriate, I will write it!



  (end of this chapter)