MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 87 With you

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Throughout the afternoon, Jiang Liuyi didn't enter the piano room again. She sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV, playing with the remote control for a long time. When she turned her head, she saw Song Xian watching the computer.

She couldn't help asking: "Are you working?"

Song Xian looked up at her and shook his head: "No."

Jiang Liuyi nodded, saw her page when she went to pour water, it was some hospital introduction, she didn't say anything, poured two cups of warm water, handed Song Xian a cup, and finally continued to sit on the sofa, but she didn't want to watch TV any more .

At three or four in the afternoon, she got up and said, "I'm going to the supermarket, are you going?"

Song Xian raised his head, wanted to close the computer for a few seconds, and said with his bag in his hand, "Let's go together."

Jiang Liuyi got on the elevator with her and asked, "Have you talked with your senior sister?"

Song Xian nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Liuyi said, "Do you still remember the day we went to the amusement park?"

Song Xian looked sideways at Jiang Liuyi's side face, the light from the lamp fell on it, white and transparent, she said: "Remember."

"I saw your senior sister that day." Jiang Liuyi didn't hide anything, and said truthfully, "She seems to be painting."

Song Xian's thoughts fell into memories, and she said softly: "She has always liked drawing in the park."

Wenren Yu is different from her. She likes to be quiet, but Wenren Yu prefers a lively atmosphere. She always says that only by listening to laughter and watching the world can she draw what she wants, so every weekend, she likes to go to the Collecting songs from all over the park, and occasionally pulling her along.

During that time, they traveled to many places.

Jiang Liuyi turned her head and asked, "What about you?"

"Do you like drawing in the park?"

Song Xian thought for a while and said, "I prefer to be at home."

When she used to paint, she always liked to be alone in the room. In the peaceful world, she could imagine countless magnificent or wonderful pictures and indulge in them.

So once she painted before, she seldom paid attention to others unless it was over.

Wenren Yu sometimes joked: "As soon as I draw a picture, my relatives will not recognize me."

Although it was a joke, she couldn't refute it.

Jiang Liuyi nodded, the elevator arrived, the two walked out, and a family of three came in front of them, the child in the front rushed towards the elevator, the young parents behind her were still telling her to slow down, the child couldn't stop the car, seeing About to bump into Song Xian, Jiang Liuyi pulled Song Xian over, put the other hand on the child's shoulder, let her stand upright, and the young couple hurriedly thanked her behind.

Song Xian was still next to Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi said to the child: "Be careful."

"Thank you, auntie." After the child stood up, Jiang Liuyi patted her head and said to Song Xian, "Let's go."

Just as Song Xian wanted to stand firm, Jiang Liuyi quickly took her hand and pulled her towards him. Song Xian looked down at the hands they were holding. This time, he didn't ask why, but walked silently beside Jiang Liuyi.

Jiang Liuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The other hand that was not holding Song Xian curled up and opened again. The palm was sweating and hot. She said calmly, "Recently, I learned two new dishes. Let you try them when I get home?"

Song Xian nodded: "Okay."

The tone was still calm, the two walked all the way to the entrance of the supermarket, Jiang Liuyi's cell phone rang, she looked at the screen, it was Mantong's Ye Yinge, she said to Song Xian: "Go in first, I will answer the phone."

Song Xian walked in first.

Jiang Liuyi went to a spare place to answer the phone, Ye Yinge's voice was a little nervous, she asked Jiang Liuyi: "Teacher Jiang, what do you think about the plan?"

Jiang Liuyi has been too busy recently, the contract was terminated, and it was Song Xian's private matter, so she put it aside after reading the plan, and did not reply to Mantong in time.

Ye Yinge thought about it for a long time before calling Jiang Liuyi, her heart beat like a drum, and when the call was made, her heart was pounding, almost exploding.

Jiang Liuyi said: "I've finished reading the plan, and the conditions are okay."

Ye Yinge patted her chest directly, the condition is that she can get the best, and she is even willing to use half of her salary to raise in the second half of the year, just hoping to invite Jiang Liuyi.

If the contract with Jiang Liuyi is successful, then there will be a one-month "colleague" opportunity, and you will be able to see Jiang Liuyi often in the magazine, what a blessing!

Ye Yinge was immersed in joy, her mood was flattered.

She gathered herself together and said, "Mr. Jiang, then you see, if there is nothing wrong with the plan, can we proceed to the next step?"

It's best to get the contract down as soon as possible, so that she can sleep with peace of mind.

Jiang Liuyi said: "Okay, I'm free recently, you can arrange a time and I can go directly to your magazine for a detailed discussion."

"That's great!" Ye Yinge's heart was beating wildly, why is her goddess so good! Why are you so considerate! She was so excited that she was about to cry, the filter for Jiang Liuyi was not broken because of the contact, but it was 100,000 meters thicker. Now she can't wait to post on Moments and praise Jiang Liuyi a hundred times!

Ye Yinge's good mood was too obvious, and Jiang Liuyi was also infected. With a light smile, Ye Yinge said, "Well, then I will notify you as soon as I have news."

"Also, in order for you to have a more comprehensive understanding of our magazine's children's magazine, we will let a colleague be your assistant, I..."

Before I could say anything after that, Jiang Liuyi asked, "Be my assistant?"

Ye Yinge nodded and cleared her throat. This condition was added by her. Why, it goes without saying, of course she wanted to be her assistant. There are not many people in the children's magazine now, and there is no workload. Let Jiang Liuyi sign the contract. Important work, and she is about the same age as Jiang Liuyi, so she will use this as an excuse later, and she can definitely be her assistant.

She was very confident in her own ideas, and just about to speak, Jiang Liuyi said: "Yes, I also feel that I need to have a more comprehensive understanding of your children's magazines."

Ye Yinge was ecstatic in her heart, she said: "Then I will..."

"Can I choose my own assistant?" Ye Yinge was taken aback, then said, "Yes, of course."

But who else could she choose besides herself? Does she know anyone else? Before finishing thinking, Jiang Liuyi said: "Then I will choose Song Xian."

Ye Yinge was stunned: "Song Xian?"

Song Xian is no longer in their children's magazine!

Jiang Liuyi said, "Yes, Song Xian."

Ye Yinge hurriedly explained: "But Song Xian has gone to the new issue now."

"Hasn't she been transferred yet?" Jiang Liuyi said, "That means she is still an employee of the children's magazine, isn't she?"

Obviously the same gentle tone as before, this time Ye Yinge was a bit hard to resist, Jiang Liuyi's momentum was suddenly suppressed, and he could feel it through the phone.

Ye Yinge swallowed: "Yes, yes."

Jiang Liuyi's tone was gentle: "Then Song Xian, okay?"

That must be OK! Now the biggest thing about children's magazines is the rectification project. Of course, everything is subject to Jiang Liuyi's request. She named Song Xian, so who dares to have an opinion.

Ye Yinge wanted to slap her own mouth at this moment, if she had known earlier she would not have mentioned any assistants.

If you don't praise Jiang Liuyi a hundred times in Moments today, you can only praise it fifty times!

But being able to set a meeting time with Jiang Liuyi was no small breakthrough. Ye Yinge didn't dare to delay Jiang Liuyi's affairs, so he found a reason to hang up the phone.

Jiang Liuyi put away her phone and walked to the supermarket.

In the past, Song Xian used to go to the fast food section when entering the supermarket, so Jiang Liuyi used to go there to look for her. After searching twice, she didn't see anyone. There were not many people in the supermarket, so she didn't call. When she was about to look around, she called He caught sight of Song Xian's figure.

It was very rare. Song Xian stood in front of a pile of pork ribs, and the boss held up a knife and asked, "Little girl, what do you buy? Here are ribs, ribs, spine, big ribs, and the front row. Which one do you want?" kind?"

Song Xian stood there pondering, as if he couldn't answer the boss's words, Jiang Liuyi pursed his lips and walked over, asking, "What are you buying?"

"Pork ribs." Song Xian said, "I won't choose."

With her appearance, Jiang Liuyi lost all temper, she said to the boss: "Weigh some bones for me."

The boss let out a hey, and helped her split it, the cutting board rang, and after a while it was placed in the bone-crushing machine, Jiang Liuyi asked, "What else should I buy?"

Song Xian shook his head and said, "What do you want to buy?"

Jiang Liuyi took the bag from the boss, put it in the cart, and took Song Xian to the fruit section to buy some fresh fruits and home-cooked dishes. On the way back, Song Xian asked, "Can you teach me how to make soup?"

The person beside him was silent for two seconds, when the cold wind blew, Jiang Liuyi tilted her head and said, "Okay, want to learn how to make soup?"

Song Xian bowed his head: "When I was hospitalized, my senior sister brought me soup every day. I want to go and see how she lives now."

The truth is this, and Wenren Yu and Song Xian have been together for more than ten years, and it is all false to say that they have no feelings. Now that she suddenly knows that her leg is injured and can't walk, Song Xian wants to go and see, it's human nature.

But Jiang Liuyi was still depressed, this was the first time she and Song Xian had been married for so long, and it was the first time she saw Song Xian wanting to cook, even though it was just soup.

She nodded as she walked: "OK."

She said lightly: "I'll teach you when I go home."

Song Xian hummed. After the two returned home, Jiang Liuyi taught Song Xian how to cook soup, and at the same time made simple home-cooked dishes. When Song Xian was called over for dinner, Song Xian was serving soup. Jiang Liuyi sat down and asked: " Do you know where your senior sister lives?"

"I know." Song Xian said, "Aunt Yao sent me the address."

Jiang Liuyi asked, "Which neighborhood?"

Song Xian said, "That's where I used to live."

Jiang Liuyi paused, nodded, passed chopsticks to Song Xian, and said, "Eat, eat early and go there early, and you can go home early."

Song Xian took the chopsticks and looked at Jiang Liuyi, wondering if she was upset?

During the meal, the two of them didn't speak. After dinner, Song Xian walked out of the kitchen carrying the heat preservation box. Jiang Liuyi said, "Wait a minute."

Song Xian stood where she was, and saw Jiang Liuyi went back to the room to change clothes, and handed a coat to herself. After she took it, she saw Jiang Liuyi took the fruit she just bought from the supermarket and took it from the coffee table. He took out the car keys and said, "I'll go with you."

Song Xian was stunned for a few seconds, and his calm expression fluctuated slightly: "Are you going with me?"

Jiang Liuyi looked at her, nodded, and said in a gentle voice, "Well, I don't worry about you driving alone at night. I'll go with you."

Song Xian lowered her head and saw that Jiang Liuyi was busy changing shoes and taking bags, checking her cell phone and keys, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of peace in her heart, as well as a sudden burst of warmth in her chest.