MTL - There is Room For the Hot Lady In the Farmhouse-Chapter 921 Royal Court

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  Dong Yue picked up the teacup and knew how to add ingredients in it, so she drank it with peace of mind.

  She had already prepared, and each of them took two detoxification pills in advance when she came.

   After drinking tea, under Dong Yue's hint, the three of them quickly lay down on the table and pretended to be asleep.

   Soon, someone carried Dong Yue and Zuo Qing to a carriage at the back door and left.

  Liu Sanqiang was worried and followed Dong Yue himself. Seeing this scene, he would have killed her if he dared to treat his woman like this.

   Thinking that this is a woman's plan, I also want to know who is behind it.

   Followed quietly all the way, and saw the carriage entering a house.

  Liu Sanqiang was about to climb over the wall to enter, but was stopped by Wei Jingye.

"Why are you here?"

   "The **** shop is my property in Lingyun Castle."

  Hearing this, Liu Sanqiang grabbed Wei Jingye by the collar, "If we knew you were such a person, we shouldn't have saved you in the first place!"

  Wei Jingye was not angry, and explained, "This was done by the Lord of the Three Castles."

  Hearing this, Liu Sanqiang became even more angry.

  He has investigated the character of the Lord of the Three Fortresses, and he is ruthless. Isn't it dangerous for Dong Yue to go in?

   "Ling Feng is inside." Seeing that Liu Sanqiang was about to lose control, Wei Jingye could only speak.

   "With him here, don't worry."

  Liu Sanqiang thought that Dong Yue saved Ling Feng's family, and Ling Feng was inside, so he understood a general idea.

   The more you understand, the more you understand the danger inside.

   Fortunately, she thought that Dong Yue had space, and her uneasy heart calmed down a little.

  The matter involves Lingyun Fort and Lishan Mountain, so we must be cautious about this matter.

  Liu Sanqiang stood by, asked someone to pass the news, and arranged his people around.

  Because the matter was related to Lishan, he informed the emperor of the news.

  With the participation of the emperor, some things began to become logical.

   Jin Yiwei was also sent by the emperor.

   Less than half an hour before and after, everything outside was arranged like an iron bucket.

  The outside is in a state of tension. It looks like an ordinary house, but there is indeed another mystery inside.

After Dong Yue and Zuo Qing were arrested, someone wanted to separate them. Dong Yue was so brave because she had a space. In case of an emergency, she could hide in the space to avoid danger. In case of separation, Zuo Qing would be in danger. manage?

  What Zuo Qing thinks is that she has martial arts, and she can protect his wife at critical times.

   Both of them cared about each other, and Dong Yue made a quicker move.

  Like falling ill, suddenly fell to the ground, clutching his heart, looking very painful.

  Zuo Qing burst into tears seeing his wife like this.

  Seeing Dong Yue's uncomfortable appearance, everyone was startled.

   Soon someone ran away.

Dong Yue took this opportunity to pull Zuo Qing, but Zuo Qing didn't react at first, and after Dong Yue pulled the second time, and saw his wife blinking at her, she finally understood, the fear in her heart couldn't be controlled, Ming Knowing that Madam would not be in danger, she still couldn't control the tears.

  Wait for Wen Xuan to arrive, seeing Dong Yue's distressed appearance, she came to her and looked at Dong Yue mockingly.

   "Dong Yue, I didn't expect you to have today?"

  Hearing Wen Xuan's movement, Dong Yue's heart sank, she is here, I'm afraid this time is really dangerous.

   "Dong Yue, do you think I don't know about your tricks?"

  Dong Yue is a doctor, in order to be realistic, she took out the silver needle placed in the space with her hand hidden in her sleeve, and pricked the most painful part of her hand.

   Soon, cold sweat broke out on Dong Yue's painful forehead, making her expression more realistic.

  Seeing Dong Yue's pain, Wen Xuan didn't intend to let go, so she raised her foot and kicked Dong Yue. Zuo Qing saw it, blocked Dong Yue at the right time, and accepted the kick abruptly.

   This kick was so strong that Dong Yue felt pain for Zuo Qing.

   Almost couldn't hold back, and killed Wen Xuan directly.

   Thinking of what Heng Er said, thinking of what Liu Sanqiang said, thinking of this layout, she held back abruptly, looked up at Wen Xuan, and said with difficulty, "Why are you here?"

   "Dong Yue, didn't you realize that you were poisoned?"

   "Poisoned?" Dong Yue stared at Wen Xuan, wanting to know the timeliness of the words.

  Wen Xuan took out a small bottle from her sleeve and poured a drop on the ground.

  Dong Yue knew what was going on after smelling the smell, and exclaimed hysterically, "Your medicine can make people faint!"

Wen Xuan smiled, she glanced at Zuo Qing who was still unwilling to close her eyes, and stared at Dong Yue, "You still have some knowledge, but this medicine is not that simple, if there is no antidote within two hours, the gods It can't be saved." Said that the kick hit Zuo Qing.

  Zuo Qing didn't respond and was kicked to the ground.

  Dong Yue saw that Zuo Qing was foaming at the mouth, and laughed, "I forgot to tell you, in the tea you drink, I poured something good, you girl will die faster."

"what do you want?"

  Wen Xuan changed her face again, staring at Dong Yue, her expression became ferocious, "If it weren't for you, how would I have come to where I am today." Thinking of what she had experienced in these years, she wished she could eat Dong Yue one bite at a time.

  I also thought that Dong Yue's daughter is the queen. If she uses it well, she still has no future.

  Dong Yue didn't care about the pain on her body, she came to Zuo Qing, and wiped off the white foam on the corner of the lightest mouth with her sleeve, but she wiped more and more, and finally she had to bow her head in front of the reality.

   "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

  Wen Xuan approached suddenly, pulled the hairpin from Dong Yue's head, weighed it in her hand twice, and then handed it to the people around her, "Send it to the queen."


  Dong Yue was shocked.

  Wen Xuan is so capable, even the palace has her people?

  Thinking of this, Dong Yue was a little scared.

   Involving her children is the last thing she wants to see. Wen Xuan dared to do this, knowing that she shouldn't take the risk. At this moment, she took Wen Xuan down first.

  Just as he was about to move, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure on the roof not far away.

  Ling Feng?

  Why is he here?

  Thinking of what happened to Heng Er and Mi Li, it is not surprising that Ling Feng is here.

  Seeing Ling Feng, thinking of Wei Jingye, thinking of Liu Sanqiang, thinking of Jin Yiwei, thinking of the existence of these people, Dong Yue was suddenly not afraid.

  At this moment, seeing Ling Feng nodding at her, Dong Yue gave up struggling.

   Watching the hairpin being taken away, after being humiliated by Wen Xuan, she was dragged to a dilapidated house.

  Dong Yue discovered at this time that the dilapidated house had no mystery at all.

  Just because they walked through the dilapidated house for an unknown amount of time, and when they came out again, it turned out to be a luxurious courtyard.

  Looking at the style of the other courtyard, it looks a bit like a palace building.

   Could it be

  Dong Yue didn't dare to think deeply.