MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 48

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A full week has passed since the release.

This exclusive single, which was created by Shu Shan after half a year of silence, has been unstoppable from the first day of its release, and has reached the top position of the Tianxhao Golden Song Chart, and has dropped far behind the second place by nearly half. Sales volume. At the same time, mv is also like a typhoon roll, occupying half of the country in major websites and forums.

Tian X Chao has been tough in cracking down on piracy over the past few years, so in the past week, only some beautiful mv screenshots of some fans have appeared on the Internet, but there are no mv videos. Only one week later, the music station mv website was authorized by cx entertainment, and the mv was placed on the homepage recommended location.

This public announcement is incredible. Whether it is fans who have the financial resources to buy mv, or fans who can only look at screenshots on the Internet before quenching their thirst, all have come to the music station mv website. But one night, these crazy fans put mv on the top of the mainland's mv ranking, with a hotspot value of 100!

# 夭寿 啦, Song God is up again! #

When Wang Fang opened today's Weibo Hot Topics list, he saw such a topic after a few drops. After throwing off the outermost layer of fat on the skin, the fat man now only looks round and firm, but it is not fat. Wang Fang blinked and turned to Lin Xi and said, "Boss, the new single of Songshen seems to be selling very hot."

Lin Xizheng looked down at the news, and looked up at Wang Fang's words, and asked, "What?"

Ji Chengshu's eyes were fixed on the front without moving, but he did not ignore the dialogue between Wang Fang and Lin Xi. He laughed lowly and interjected, "It's not very hot, it's quite hot. Or, it's beyond the company's initial expectations."

Lin Xi heard a little surprised and turned to look at Ji Chengshu.

In the current slump in the commercialization of the entertainment industry, the pre-sale amount set by general companies will be much higher than the actual sales volume. According to Ji Chengshu, the sales of this single should be far beyond normal estimates.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "How many have been sold?"

Ji Chengshu pulled his white shirt sleeves up, exposing his forearm with no muscles due to lack of exercise. He cast a glance at Lin Xi through the rearview mirror, a mysterious smile hangs at the corner of his mouth, sold a key and asked, "You can guess."

After hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help smiling. As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately opened his lips and said "30,000", and was interrupted by Wang Fang in the co-pilot seat: "5000!"


Lin Xi looked down at Wang Fang, but the latter laughed unconsciously with two dimples hanging on his cheeks and said proudly: "I'm not mistaken, Brother Ji. Before I was Listening to Xiaohua said that her idol Lotte group ’s latest album sold 5,000 a week, and that was the best one they sold! "

Xiaohua is Wang Fang's girlfriend hanging on his mouth every day. Although Lin Xi and Ji Chengshu have not seen each other, listening to Wang Fang's daily tone, she should be a young girl who likes a handsome and youthful idol team.

Ji Chengshu gave a cold hum from his nose, tilted his eyes and gave Deser Wang Fang an eye knife, and said coldly: "The worst album with Shu Shan, the weekly sales is 8000." He paused, Worried that the fat man would say something terrible again, he simply announced the answer: "The weekly sales are 35,000."

"Ahhhh! So many ?!" Wang Fang's voice suddenly exaggerated in the quiet compartment, and the fat man was scared by this number, widened his eyes, swallowed, and said, "How can it be so high? Xiaohua said that the total sales of the album on that Lotte group were just over 30,000. "

Ji Chengshu shook his head with hate for iron and steel. He happened to meet a red light. He stepped on the brake to stop the car steadily, then turned around and said to Wang Fang solemnly, "Wang Xiaofei, now you still Remember the name of the company you belong to now? "

Unexpectedly, the other party would raise this question, Wang Fang nodded dumbly, and answered, "Cx entertainment."

The red light time of 75 seconds is enough for Ji Chengshu to do a "love company" education for Wang Fang. He looked right and said seriously: "Is it the same level as Shu Shan and Lotte? Is that the same level ?! "

The fat man immediately understood the meaning of Ji Chengshu, and he bowed his head in a grievance, and whispered, "But there are four people in the family, and there is only one ..."

Lotte Group is a youth idol group under Tianyu. It consists of four sunny and handsome boys with an average age of less than 20 years. It is a popular group that Tianyu has pushed this year.

Lin Xi listened to the fat man's words and couldn't help chuckling and smiling, and Qingya Qingjun's eyebrows completed the crescent shape. He shook his head helplessly and said, "It's expensive, not too much." He comforted the aggrieved Wang Fang slightly Lin Xi turned to Ji Chengshu again and asked, "35 thousand is really very good. But because of the names of Shu Shan and Onuo, it is also worth the sales."

Ji Chengshu nodded, and didn't answer Lin Xi's words, the cabin gradually restored the original calmness.

The red light was over. He stepped on the clutch, and after a quick acceleration, the black Buick Juny stably ran on the elevated road and went away under the thick night starlight.

Ji Chengshu silently looked at Lin Xi from the rearview mirror, only to see that the latter was closing his eyes and rested. The fluttering eyelashes covered the gap between the eyes, and the halo-yellow light passing through the windshield of the car gently sprinkled on Lin Xi's delicate eye-catching cheeks, making people feel quiet and beautiful.

Ji Chengshu's mouth twitched slightly, he thought to himself: Isn't your name also on that single?

In a clear and cloudless night sky, a round, bright, full moon hangs high in the sky, clear and bright like water, scattered to every corner of city b. In the same wide sky, a man of erect posture stood for a long time in front of the large French window. After mid-month, he took a step, walked to the living room, and stopped in front of the small coffee table in the center of the room. under.

A strand of black hair fell from his forehead, slightly covering the dark and quiet eyes. The man Ying Ting's eyebrow peaked slightly, bent down and reached out to pick up a CD on the brown wooden coffee table. The slender white fingers stand out against the dark background of the CD.

I saw a touch of tenderness in his indifferent and cold pupil, and then opened the CD a few times to take out the disc. He walked straight up to the large wall-mounted TV, he inserted the disc into the DVD, then turned around and sat down on the white fabric sofa, looked up at the TV screen seriously—just one The glorious meteor flew by.

Looking at the four silver light words that gradually appeared on TV, Onuo's thin lips, which had always been tight, evoked slightly. Although a rare smile bloomed, it was extremely bitter. There was no trace of joy in that smile, it just made people feel ... empty and sad.

The colorful scenes are reflected one by one in Onuo's dark and deep pupils, and he leans back expressionlessly on the soft and elastic sofa back and watches quietly. Until everything went dark, the thin lips twitched a few times, as if muttering a few words, and finally drowned in the endless darkness of the room.



As usual, after finishing the day's work, Yu Meimei returned home and ate something casually to fill her belly, and quickly ran to the computer and sat down. After waiting for more than ten seconds to boot, Yu Meimei's first thing was to open Weibo to see if Tianxian had any new developments recently.

The web page was refreshed soon, and the goal was still a light blue background, elegant and pure. The avatar on the left is a pure and simple white rose, fresh and pleasant. The entire page is as simple and clean as the account owner. As soon as you open this Weibo page, you can feel the tranquility and comfort coming from the face.

Yu Meimei pulled down the webpage progress bar, and suddenly she was pleasantly surprised to find a new Weibo at 6pm tonight!

The text is very concise, accompanied by a group photo.

Lin Xi: "I saw Li Lao, Sister Guo, and Han Han again today. The program was very happy. See you next Sunday. Smile] Smile]

Yu Meimei quickly opened the small picture, and saw a few familiar faces on the screen. Lin Xi was standing on the far left side of the screen with a bright smile of Xiu Xiu, followed by Li He, Han Qing, Guo Liwen, Cheng Hanfei, and Xia Cheng. Everyone's face was smiling, but Yu Meimei somehow felt that Xia Cheng looked a little weird.

She shook her head to leave this strange feeling behind her head, and screamed in her heart-Tianxian actually appeared on the show! Next Sunday, next Sunday ... Is it true? !! Ahhhh! !! She wants everyone to know that she was contracted for the TV set that day! !! !!

After a long time, Yu Meimei's excitement gradually subsided.

After seeing Tianxian ’s latest Weibo, I also learned that Tianxian could be seen on TV next Sunday. Yu Meimei was in a good mood, and only felt that the troubles of the day had all faded away. She hummed a small song to open the Cape Forum, and just entered the entertainment gossip section, intending to take a look at the latest gossip news.

As soon as she entered the page, she saw several new posts, all of which were praised songs and mv posts.

Yu Meimei straightened her small **** proudly, and she felt brighter on her face. As long as Tianxian is ready, she will eat it!

With joy and excitement, but not yet completely calmed down, Yu Meimei continued to scan the gossip posts with an excited smile on her face. Her eyes swept quickly, all the way to the end. When she saw a post that was published half an hour later, she replied with thousands of red stickers, and the smile on the corner of Yu Meimei's mouth gradually stiffened--

"ridiculous! What exactly is being remembered? An attempted murderer? 》

Yu Meimei felt a little weird in her heart. She puzzled into the flamboyant post and frowned as soon as she saw a few lines.

[Really annoying recently! Everywhere I went, I was swiped by a song, yes, I'm talking about you!


I have also heard many songs by He Shan, and I have to admit that this song is indeed the standard of singing. No matter it is the tune, lyrics, singing skills, or emotions, it does not lose the face of singing. Of course, mv is also good, although the fairy tale is a little bit, but the visual effect is very good.

Originally, when I listened to it for the first time, I felt blocked in my heart. It was very sad, but it sounded good. But when I listened to the 78th time, I just saw a movie on TV and saw the actor, I suddenly realized it! This male star is Qi Wenyuan!

Just listening to what this song was saying, "You're at the end of heaven," how and where, I knew it at the time, and Shu Shan and Qi Wenyuan were friends, everyone knew. So shouldn't he do this song in memory of Qi Wenyuan? !! I listened to it a few more times, and it sounded more and more like it ... How to listen to it is a song for Qi Wenyuan. 】

Seeing this, Yu Meimei could not help but widen her eyes.

In her mind, she immediately replayed the single-loop songs of this week, and thought of the words "Stars Fall, Unknown Suffering", "Severing the thorns, and regaining the crown of glorious luxury" . He Shushan and Qi Wenyuan really have a very good relationship. I have also seen the two of them attend the event together before. Could it be said that ...

Yu Meimei's gaze returned to the computer screen, she quickly looked down.

[Oh, you said you remembered it by yourself, even if I did n’t hear it, I turned black with Shu Shan Fan. But these days, you brain brushes have been brushed in various places. I think you brush it very well. Then I came to ask you:

Everyone knows why Qi Wenyuan died? This kind of thing needs to be repeated again? An attempted murderer, you have been propagating, mourning, or whatever on the Internet all day, and it is annoying!

If it was not a big star but an ordinary person who died, if the cause of the other's death was this, you would have drowned someone with a spit. Where's the turn? Someone wrote a song to commemorate it? Really.

The landlord is not a sailor, nor does he need to approve a vest, and is in the battle!

I am annoying you irrational brain fans, come to war! 】

Seeing this, Yu Meimei couldn't help but swallowed, feeling her heart pounding.

The landlord's tone is very punchy, and he doesn't meander at all, even to say it is a bit stupid. In this way, clamoring at the Cape Forum will generally be scolded to death. but……

Once moral issues are involved, the way the landlord speaks and tone is not the focus of netizens' attention. Presumably all netizens who click into this post will not care about the landlord. Based on Yu Meimei's many years of browsing bbs, she concluded that this thousand responses must be noisy!

Sure enough, when Yu Meimei looked down at the comments, she only saw that in the comment area, netizens had their own camps on ethics and legal rules, and they took turns to fight.

"The landlord sb doesn't explain, the brain is a bit big, right? Where do you hear that mean?"

"The landlord +1. I have long thought that this song with Shu Shan is a bit weird, and someone has finally found it! Oh, a killer, what is there to remember!"

"I think it's nothing to remember Qi Wenyuan? People are gone, respect the dead ..."


Various points of view appeared throughout the post. When Yu Meimei turned to the end, I found out that the number of replies had exceeded 1,000. At this time, everyone has assumed that Shu Shan is commemorating Qi Wenyuan, so the focus of the topic is gradually focused on—

Is it true that He Shushan released a single to commemorate an attempted killer?

Yu Meimei only felt that there were two big heads.

This moral and legal matter has always been difficult to say. On the one hand, she felt that the deceased was dead and that the deceased was big and should not be too harsh. On the other hand, I also agree that Qi Wenyuan fell to the floor and died because of an attempted killing, which can be regarded as the default of major newspapers and magazines.

She didn't plan to leave a message in this post, because she couldn't even figure out the relationship between morality and reason. The only thing she was worried about now was ... wouldn't this fire burn to Tianxian?

Yu Meimei went to Weibo, Posts and other places with anxiety to see if there were any special circumstances. Sure enough, as she expected, bloggers and friends have reposted the Cape Forum posts. However, she was more relieved that no one pointed the seed at Lin Xi, at best it was condemnation and Shu Shan's behavior.

Yu Meimei was both glad and worried.

In all fairness, this song by Shu Shan is really nice, and the mv production is also very good. However, if you put on a big hat of morals and ethics, even if the other party is a **** of song, it is probably a big news. I wonder if tomorrow's newspaper will see some news that is not good for He Shan.

Yu Meimei sighed deeply and felt helpless.

The author has something to say: _ (: 3∠) _

Fuwa was so kind. . . . The mid-boss appeared. . . .

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2. What about reviving get√2k novel reading network