MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-Chapter 19 Thunder Tree and Earth Armor

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On March 18, the rain finally stopped, and the warm sunshine flooded this virgin jungle again.

"March 18th..."

Early in the morning, Jiang Xuan got up, engraved today's date on the bamboo tube that recorded the day, and engraved a small word "Qing" beside it.

After carving, he stretched out, put the bamboo tube away, and walked out of the bamboo house.

At this time, the orange-red sun just rose from the hill on the other side of the river, and it didn't look dazzling at all, very beautiful.

"Boss, can we go hunting in the mountains today?"

Uncaria couldn't wait to ask Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan replied affirmatively: "Today's weather is good, you can go into the mountains!"

"That's great, I'll go get ready!"

Uncaria went into the house excitedly to prepare the hunting tools, and the others were also very happy. It was really hard to endure the rainy days.

After the five people prepared their hunting tools, they carefully painted the vine tribe totem pattern on their faces, as well as a horizontal stripe painted with red paint.

This red horizontal stripe is the symbol of the Isshiki warrior. For warriors, this is a very important symbol of glory.

When everything was ready, the five added thick and durable wood to the fire pit, closed the door of the bamboo house, and stepped into the jungle to the south.

In the forest after the rain, the air is particularly fresh, and even the smell of rotten leaves has been diluted.

In order to ensure the harvest, they will make some adjustments to their hunting route each time. Of course, the general direction remains the same.

After walking for two hours, they came to a strange forest.


On the big tree in front, a plump green worm is eating the tender leaves. It grows more than fifty centimeters long, and has a pair of eye-like patterns on its head. It is about the size of a bowl. At first glance, it is very scary.

This kind of worm can be eaten, and it can be regarded as one of the prey, but Jiang Xuan and the others came all the way, not wanting to waste their energy on a worm.

They still prefer prey like bighorn sheep.


A big bird with a wingspan of five or six meters swooped down from the sky, grabbed a big snake that was entangled in a tree like lightning, then flew up again, and disappeared in an instant.

The branches and leaves are still shaking, but the snake has been caught.

Jiang Xuan has seen too many things like this, and his heart is not fluctuating. While he is vigilant about the surroundings, he searches for huntable prey with his eyes.

He stepped over a thick old vine, and after walking a short distance, he saw a strange big tree.

There are many round fruits scattered under these big trees, each about the size of a football, but the strange thing is that each one is mutilated, as if it had been bombed.

Not only that, Jiang Xuan also found that there were a lot of animal bones scattered under the tree, some were rotten, and some were relatively hard.

"What is this?"

Jiang Xuan picked up half of the fruit at random, and found that the pulp and seeds inside were gone, only an empty shell.

Chi Shao walked to Jiang Xuan's side and said, "This is the Thunder Fruit."

"Thundering Fruit?" Jiang Xuan looked at Chi Shao suspiciously, not understanding why it had such a name.

Chishao pointed to a big tree and said, "This kind of tree, the people in the hunting team call it the Thunder Tree, and the fruit it bears is called Thunder Fruit."

"Every year, the thunder fruit tree will be full of large and small fruits. When the fruit is ripe, as long as a beast passes under the tree, the ripe fruit will fall from the tree and explode, killing the beast."

"Because it made a sound like thunder when it exploded, people in the hunting team called it Thunder Fruit."

Chishao pointed to the scattered animal bones on the ground, and said, "These are all beasts that it blew up."

Jiang Xuan looked at the thundering husk in his hand and listened to Chishao's introduction, and was amazed.

There are too many strange plants in this world.

Chishao said again: "I also heard one thing from the hunting party, that is, under the thunder tree, there lives a beast called the ground beast."

"This kind of ground armored beast is covered with hard scales and has sharp claws. It is very good at drilling holes, and it is very thief. It likes to dig holes from the ground and eat beasts that are killed by stealing thunder trees."

Chishao searched the surrounding ground, and after a while, she found a hole under the fallen leaves, but the hole was covered with moss, and it was obvious that no ground beasts had entered or exited from here for a long time.

"This should be the hole dug by the ground armor beasts. Now the Thunder Tree has no fruit, they are not foraging here."

Jiang Xuan dug a section of the hole with a bone stalk, and as expected, there were a few remaining animal bones inside, with clear tooth marks on the animal bones.

This discovery made Jiang Xuan very interested. He planned to wait for the autumn to come here to see the thunder fruit that would explode, and the ground armor beast that likes to steal the corpses of beasts.

"Dig up a little sapling and go back."

When the thunder fruit explodes, the seeds in the fruit will splash out. If it encounters a suitable place, it will take root and sprout and grow into a second thunder tree.

Therefore, where the thunder tree grows, there are often many small saplings.

Since Jiang Xuan intends to build a defense line for dangerous plants around the tribe, this thunder fruit is also a good choice. Although it can only play a role when the fruit matures in autumn, it is also powerful.

"I'll dig."

Uncaria volunteered to dig small saplings, and Jiang Xuan was also happy to have someone do it for him.

They dug a total of eight small saplings of the Thunder Tree, all of which were dug together with the roots and soil, so that the survival rate would be higher, and the recovery would be faster after planting.

After digging up the saplings, Jiang Xuan walked around the woods again and found some intact sheep's horns, deer antlers, and some animal bones that were not yet decayed and could be used to grind bone tools.

These horns and bones are good things for the tribesmen, and they will never let them go.

After picking up the horns and bones, the group moved on, searching for prey and edible plants.

At noon, UU Reading Jiang Xuan shot a big flightless bird with a bow and arrow, and the five of them had a full meal.

After eating and drinking, the five of them moved on.

They also found some edible tubers and wild vegetables, which Jiang Xuan dug back to plant.

There are too few varieties of food and vegetables grown by the Veng tribe now, and Jiang Xuan will not miss any opportunity to increase the variety.

When they walked to the front of a hill, Chi Shao suddenly grabbed Jiang Xuan, pulled him to hide in the bushes beside him, and waved to the three youngsters behind to hide as well.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuan asked in a low voice.

"There is someone ahead!"

Chi Shao's expression was serious, and at the same time there was some tension.

They had been worried before that they would meet people from other tribes sooner or later. Now, this worry has come true.

Jiang Xuan followed Chi Shao's gaze, and after careful observation, he found something wrong.

There is a relatively hidden cave at the foot of the mountain. There are a lot of thick dead branches piled up outside the cave, which is obviously man-made.

In addition, there is a slight smoke wafting out of the cave, and you really can't find it if you don't look carefully.

Uncaria asked in a low voice from behind, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Shi Loach and Nan Xing also looked at Jiang Xuan eagerly, and even Chi Shao looked at Jiang Xuan without speaking.

At this time, Jiang Xuan, as the leader of the Vine tribe, must stand up and make up his mind.

Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Let's find a tree to hide first, observe how many people there are on the other side, and then make a decision."

The others nodded in succession. They found a tall and dense tree, climbed up gently, hid in the branches and leaves, and observed the cave from a distance.