MTL - This Option is Fantastic-v4 Chapter 208 eternal universe

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The light of destiny entangled the whole body, and Chen Luo's momentum increased by one point with every step he took.

Three steps, the trauma on the body has recovered.

However, the source of the Dao was severely damaged, and it was even more tragic than the last time.


The green light bloomed, and in an instant, Chen Luo disappeared out of thin air.

With the help of the Great Destiny Technique, I had to run away. If I continue, I have to explain it here sooner or later.

The blockade was broken, but Chen Luo was not blocked.

Even if the three emperors of the entropy tribe were not reconciled and burst out a blow together, they could not leave Chen Luo in the end.


The starry sky was silent, and the faces of the three entropy emperors were extremely ugly. The five emperors took action, but Chen Luo was still not left behind.

This battle is really stupid.

If it weren't for his perverted-level recovery ability, I'm afraid they and Shi Zhixuan wouldn't be much better.

Standing in the starry sky, none of the five great emperors said a word.


"Elysium, what do you want to do!"

A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and a voice full of anger came from the void.

The three entropy emperors were startled and looked at them at the same time.

The Great Emperor of Bliss appeared behind Shi Zhixuan, with a strange red light emitting from his body, covering Shi Zhixuan.

In an instant, Shi Zhixuan's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all his strength seemed to be drained by the Great Emperor Bliss.

In an instant, the two merged.

The red light on his body is even brighter.

"Anyway, you are about to die, so it is better to use your power to restore this emperor."

The voice of the Great Bliss sounded, and the voice was very cold.

"Elysium, you bastard, you must not be well..."

Before Shi Zhixuan's words were finished, there was no more life.

The dignified emperor is supreme, but he ended up like this.

It was directly swallowed up alive by people.

Looking at this scene, a chill erupted from the hearts of the three entropy clan emperors, looking at the bliss emperor, his eyes were as cold as ice.

"Elysium, are you crazy?"

At this time, the three entropy great emperors finally came back to their senses, and one of the peak emperors scolded sharply.

The red light flickered, and the aura of the Great Emperor Bliss instantly recovered, even stronger than before.

Listening to the reprimand of the Entropy Clan Emperor, the Bliss Emperor was unmoved at all.

The red light disappeared, and Emperor Bliss said: "It's just recycling, you don't need to panic."

"recycle and re-use……"

Hearing these words, the faces of the three entropy clan emperors were unusually ugly.

"Shi Zhixuan is also the object of our clan's cooperation, Elysium, you are too much!"

Looking at Emperor Bliss, the peak Emperor of the Entropy Clan said solemnly.

There was a hint of anger in his tone, and the other two entropy emperors also stared at him.

It was swallowed too fast, and by the time they reacted, Shi Zhixuan had already been swallowed.

This sudden change occurred, and none of the three great emperors of the Entropy Clan thought it would happen.

Bliss suddenly started, which really caught them off guard.

At the same time, there was a trace of fear in his heart.

Elysium dares to devour Shi Zhixuan in front of them, this is simply lawless!

The Great Emperor Bliss looked as calm as water, looked at the three Great Emperors of the Entropy Clan, and said lightly: "The three are serious, the Heavenly God Clan has been destroyed, and Shi Zhixuan has also been severely injured. It is better to use him to improve the strength of this Emperor, and it can be regarded as being able to compete with the nobles. Good cooperation."

The tone is very flat, swallowing Shi Zhixuan, in the eyes of Elysium, it is not a big deal.

But swallowing it face to face, the three entropy emperors always have a feeling of disapproval in their hearts.

"This seat will inform the ancestor, Bliss, you can do it yourself."


The cold eyes glanced at the Great Emperor of Bliss, and after speaking, the three Great Emperors of the Entropy Clan left the place.

With the remaining more than a thousand entropy clan Supremes, they soon disappeared without a trace.

Standing in the void, watching the three entropy emperors and the entropy supreme gods of a thousand people leave, the eyes of the great emperor bliss flickered with a ray of light, and then the figure disappeared.

This battle was a heavy loss for the Entropy Clan. Coupled with the matter of Elysium, the three great emperors would never have imagined that things would turn out like this.

It's so frustrating.


In the big tomb universe, in the dark and deep space, a beam of green divine light is advancing at an ultra-dimensional speed.

After crossing countless stars and arriving at the edge of the universe of the tomb, Chen Luo stopped.

The breath behind him has disappeared, which also proves that it is safe now. Taking a glance around, Chen Luo chose a star as his foothold.


When the stars came, Chen Luo couldn't bear it any longer, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Against the Five Emperors, in this battle, he was still at a disadvantage.

But being able to accomplish his goal was the biggest gain for him this trip.

Standing on the surface of the pitted stars and looking around, it is full of desolation.

Star ray bursts, huge deep craters formed by countless meteorite impacts, but these are small things for Chen Luo.

Look at the numbers.


This is the number of entropy supreme gods he killed.

Thinking of the last collision, even he felt lingering fears.

It's almost over.

If it hadn't been for the fusion of the twelve immortal souls to reach the limit, the gods and gods burst out, I'm afraid he would have been planted by now.

The power of the Du Tianshen Sha formation was even more terrifying than he expected.

Being able to compete with the Great Tomb Divine Formation, and being motivated by the five great emperors, the outcome of this battle was already pretty good for him.

"There are more than eleven thousand..."

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Chen Luo calculated the distance to select the reward target.

After this recovery, he can finish it in one go.

The trip to the cosmos of the Great Tomb has come to an end.

Next, go to the nearest universe and hunt down the supreme **** of the entropy race.

More than 11,000, for him, it can be regarded as a small goal.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Chen Luo began to do his best to recover.

To go to the next universe, you have to stay at the top.


Time passed by minute by minute, and three months passed quickly.

The Tomb universe has returned to peace.

Tomb universe, boundary starry sky.

On an abandoned star, Chen Luo's figure appeared.

In three months, his injury has almost recovered from two months ago.

It took him two more months to study the fifth form of Genesis, but this fifth form was more difficult than he expected.

The rough model is deduced, but more improvements are needed in the future.

Every form of Genesis has supreme power.

It is not that the more the better, Chen Luo pursues quality, not quantity.

The supernatural powers he has learned and all kinds of supreme secret techniques are too numerous to count.

Quantity, that was already enough.

What he wants is quality.

If he creates it casually, it is destined to be a chicken. Only when it achieves the effect he wants is the best.

After two months of creation, the fifth style has gradually improved.

But he still needs more time to perfect.

To be able to build a model so quickly, the two major wars contributed to it.

Chen Luo was somewhat looking forward to the third war.

Maybe once again, absorbing his experience and integrating with himself, the fifth style can be completely perfected.

Fighting is also the best additive for him to create Genesis.

In addition to the creation of the fifth style, he is also constantly improving the first four styles, and its power is constantly improving.

The potential of Genesis is endless, and it is also his own creation that is more suitable for him.

Maybe someday, after Genesis is completely perfected, he may be passed on.

But I want to go beyond the ancient and modern law.

Its difficulty factor is not as easy as imagined.

Because reality is cruel.


"It's time to leave the tomb..."

He let out a breath of turbid air and looked at the deep space of the tomb, Chen Luo's figure disappeared without a trace as soon as he thought about it.

This time, there is no solution to the source of the tomb, and Chen Luo's more expectations are still above the magical power of the tomb. Perhaps the great tomb magic can solve the source of the great tomb.

If it is unsuccessful, he will come again to explore the tomb.

But if it can be successful, it is not necessary.


Outside the tomb universe, in the void, Chen Luo stood in the void and glanced at it, and finally chose a universe.

In terms of distance, this is the closest.

But this 'closer' is only relative.

The real distance, converted into light-years, would be hundreds of billions close to trillions.


Entering the edge of the universe, Chen Luo did not stop, stepped out one step, and entered it directly.

Going deep into the darkness and chaos, the Dao Law here is very chaotic.

After about an hour or so, we passed through the expansion zone of the universe. Chen Luo just came to the cosmos starry sky.

The universe he has chosen is the eternal universe.

Here, it is similar to the situation in the Honghuang universe.

It is also a super universe constructed by the civilization of the gods.

Of course, there are also many immortal civilizations.

Among them, there are also many advanced civilizations and so on.

In the eternal universe, the most powerful one should be the Eternal Protoss.

The Eternal Protoss is the absolute overlord of the eternal universe, the existence that rules the civilization of the gods.

The eternal emperor is also a powerful emperor.

The last time, Chen Luo had seen the meeting of the kings that he attended on the eve of the chaotic era.

This is also an ancient universe.

The talent of the Eternal Race is amazing, and it is also a very famous universe among the vast three thousand universes.

Step into the eternal universe and look at the eternal starry sky.

Chen Luo frowned.

As far as the eye can see, the starry sky is covered with a layer of blood.

This is a vision of the starry sky crying blood, and it is only a vision that will erupt when the number of dead lives exceeds a certain number.

The darker the blood, the more life proves death.

At first glance, the blood in the starry sky is like a layer of blood mist covering the starry sky.

Judging from this vision, the life that has fallen and died is definitely not a minority.

This also proves the current situation of the eternal universe.

very dangerous.

It looks more dangerous than the flood.

As for the specific situation, Chen Luo is temporarily unclear.

Eternal universe, he is also the first time.

The information about the universe that I heard in the Fuxi God Clan last time was only a part, and there was no information about the eternal universe, so Chen Luo had no way of knowing the current situation.

It's a bad signal, but for Chen Luo, it's also a good signal.

The situation is tragic, indicating that the number of entropy giants here must not be a small number, maybe in the eternal universe, he can complete his ultimate goal.

Looking at the blood in the starry sky, Chen Luo intuitively chose a starry sky direction to move forward.

The vast starry sky, aimlessly forward.

His speed is not too fast.


"There seems to be a situation!"

After advancing in the starry sky for a while, Chen Luo seemed to sense something, and his eyes turned to a certain starry sky area.

In dark deep space.

A team moves fast.

Blue hair, blue eyes, blue skin, just like a Smurf.

And this is what the Eternal Protoss looks like.

Because the Eternal Emperor I saw last time also looked like this.


The very blue one.

The number of teams of this Eternal Protoss is less than three hundred.

Among them, the most powerful is the existence of a supreme **** in the early stage.

A very beautiful Eternal Protoss.

Although the skin is blue up and down, it looks quite different.

Except for the Eternal God Race in the early days of the Supreme God, the cultivation bases of other Eternal God Races are not equal.

The median god, the upper god, the perfect god, the great perfect god, the immortal realm, the quasi-dao-level existence, almost all of them.

Fast forward in the starry sky, their expressions were very flustered, and they looked like they were being hunted down. After a while, they came to a position not far from Chen Luo.

When they saw Chen Luo, these Eternal Protoss were shocked, but they were relieved immediately, because Chen Luo did not have the aura of the entropy, so it was not the change of the entropy.

Soon, these Eternal Protoss came to Chen Luo.

One of the supreme gods of the Eternal Protoss looked at Chen Luo, felt the powerful aura fluctuations in him, and was shocked: "Friend, run away, the entropy army will be killed immediately."

Chen Luo's cultivation base is only in the middle stage of the Supreme God, and he does not show specific strength. It is not clear how powerful his strength is.

Although her intuition told her that this person was very powerful, she did not think that she would be strong enough to fight the entropy army that came after him.

Hundreds of millions of troops, including more than a hundred supreme gods, are not something that one supreme **** can contend against.

Listening to the reminder from the Supreme God of the Eternal God Race, Chen Luo's eyes lit up, glanced at the dark and deep space, and then looked at the Supreme God of the Eternal God Race in front of him: "Really? How many are there? How many Supreme Gods exist? ?"

Chen Luo looked a little excited.

This opening made more than 300 Eternal Protoss directly bewildered.

Looking at his do you feel a little hopeful to meet the Entropy?

? ? ? ?

After being stunned for a moment, the supreme **** of the eternal gods came back to his senses and said: "Friend, there are hundreds of millions of entropy army behind, and more than one hundred entropy supreme gods, among them there are horror-level gods. Existence, you quickly run away!"

"Only over a hundred!"

Hearing this, the excitement in Chen Luo's eyes instantly decreased by more than half.

But these words made these Eternal Protoss trapped even more.


Just over a hundred?

What is more than a hundred?

This is more than a hundred supreme gods, and there are hundreds of millions of entropy tribes. Do you think this is Chinese cabbage?

"There's something wrong with this guy."

Looking at Chen Luo, this is the idea of ​​all the Eternal Protoss, including the Supreme God of the Eternal Protoss.


At this moment, there was a shock in the starry sky, and in the depths of the darkness, a vast army of the Entropy tribe appeared.

Swept across the starry sky, and a terrifying momentum came instantly.

This scene alone is enough to frighten me.

Hundreds of millions of troops, this is not a small number.

Looking at the entropy army that appeared, the faces of these Eternal Protoss changed instantly. At this time, they could not care about persuading Chen Luo, and even the supreme **** of the Eternal Protoss did not care about persuading Chen Luo. At the last glance, he left directly with hundreds of Eternal Protoss.

"Friend, don't blame us if you don't leave!"

"Don't worry, let's go, I just want to find the Bo entropy tribe to practice my hands."

Showing his big white teeth, a bright smile appeared on Chen Luo's face.




"Fuck, what does he want?"

Just sighed, but before it was over, Chen Luo's actions instantly made the three hundred eternal gods look dumbfounded.

Do not retreat but advance!

Chen Luo was alone and rushed directly to the army of hundreds of millions of entropy tribes that appeared.

"Elder, is he... crazy?"

A quasi-dao-level Eternal Protoss looked at Chen Luo, who was rushing towards the entropy army, and turned to look at the Eternal Protoss Supreme God beside him and asked.

How brave is this guy?

Do you want to single out a few hundred million entropy army?

Among them, there are also terrifying supreme gods!

So afraid of death?

For a time, more than 300 Eternal Protoss had forgotten to escape.

"Courage is commendable!"

An Eternal Protoss sighed.

Alone, against an army of hundreds of millions. Good guy, this courage is not ordinary.

Out of the universe, this is it!

Chen Luo wouldn't have a chance to think what these eternal protoss should think.

After one step, he came to the front of the entropy army. When he raised his hand, the golden divine light shone in the starry sky, and the Pangu axe appeared in his hand instantly.

Immortal Soul has a quick insight. Among them, there are only more than 110 Supreme Gods of the Entropy Race. The number is relatively small, but it will be accumulated slowly, and it will be able to be done soon.


Standing in the starry sky, holding the Pangu axe in one hand, the golden divine light swept in like a galaxy, and the dazzling divine light erupted.

In an instant, the entropy army was swallowed up.


The explosion that shook the starry sky sounded, and as far as the divine light came, no entropy clan could resist Chen Luo's supreme power.

The Supreme God could not stop him in front of him.

With an axe, nearly half of the entropy tribe was directly wiped out.

The second axe followed closely, and the sharp axe light swept across the starry sky, and wherever it went, the stars were annihilated.

In an instant, the group was destroyed.

Even the supreme gods of the more than one hundred entropy tribes could not escape the catastrophe.

This blow directly petrified more than 300 Eternal Protoss on the spot.

Darling, two axe down, hundreds of millions of entropy army will be killed.

No **** can escape.


When he came back to his senses, more than 300 Eternal Protoss gasped involuntarily.

Who is this hidden holy?

Why never heard of it before?

Look at the figure standing in the starry sky.

At this moment, in the eyes of more than 300 Eternal Protoss, it was so brilliant.

Just the back figure gave people an endless sense of security.


With a quick solution, Chen Luo put away the Pangu Axe.

At this moment, more than 300 Eternal God Races have come behind him.

"Wei Qing has seen the senior, forgive the junior's eyesight!"

Leading more than 300 supreme gods to Chen Luo, the supreme **** of the eternal gods lowered his head and looked very respectful.

cosmic truth.

Strength is everything!

Three thousand universes, as long as you have the strength, you will be respected wherever you go.

"Don't be too polite, it's just a matter of raising your hand."

Turning around, Chen Luo said lightly.

"Is the senior from the outer universe?"

Looking at Chen Luo, Wei Qing raised his head and asked.

"Coming from the flood."

Chen Luo said lightly.

"The Great Desolate Universe?"

Looking at Chen Luo, Wei Qing showed an incredible look on his face.

The hearts of other Eternal Protoss also jumped.

The Supremes who cross the universe, especially the Supremes who can cross the universe level in such a chaotic age, are all fierce!

"you know?"

Looking at Wei Qing's expression, Chen Luo said in surprise.


Wei Qing nodded and said, "I've heard it before, I heard that there is an invincible person in the Honghuang universe, and Chen Luo, the first invincible person who created the era of three thousand universes with his strength, unfortunately, I didn't know it what."


Hearing this, Chen Luo blushed slightly.

This sounds very comfortable, but a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, where are there a large number of entropy groups gathered nearby?"

"Well, it's better to have the one where thousands of entropy supreme gods gather."

Looking at Wei Qing, Chen Luo asked calmly.


It's too late to hide after seeing the entropy clan. How can I hear this person's tone, it seems that he is specifically looking for the entropy clan across the universe?

Hearing this, Wei Qing and more than 300 Eternal Protoss were a little dumbfounded.

This tone, I am afraid that it is not ordinary crazy!

It's better to have the one where thousands of entropy supreme gods gather...

If he hadn't witnessed the combat power of the man in front of him, he would have thought he was crazy.

"Senior, are you looking for a large number of entropy gathering points?"

When he came back to his senses, Wei Qing looked at him in disbelief, a little confused.


Chen Luo nodded.

He came to the eternal universe to accomplish his final goal.

Of course I hope the sooner the better.

He wanted to get the Great Tomb Divine Art impatiently, to see if this Divine Art could really absorb the power of the source of the Tomb for him.

If it is really feasible, then his strength can definitely increase rapidly.

The threat of the entropy clan, although not fatal to him, is still not small.

The ten ancestors, these are the ten super mountains.

This is his threat.

After destroying so many Entropy Clan, Chen Luo naturally knew his threat to Entropy Clan, and he could use this period of time to quickly improve while the Zero Supreme was entangled with the First Ancestor.

"There are many, but if there is such a scale, I am afraid it is only on the eternal battlefield."

Seeing Chen Luo nodding, Wei Qing calmed down the waves in his heart and said.

"Eternal Battlefield?"


Hearing such a name, Chen Luo asked.

"It's the main battlefield where my clan and the entropy clan go to war!"

Wei Qing replied.

"That's it."

Chen Luo nodded, looked at Wei Qing again and asked, "Then do you know the location of the Eternal Battlefield?"

"I know, we are also preparing to go to the eternal battlefield."

Wei Qing nodded and said.

"If senior doesn't mind, how about we go together?"

Looking at Chen Luo, Wei Qing said with hopeful eyes.

The rest of the Eternal Protoss also looked at Chen Luo, and they naturally hoped to have such a super expert to follow.

After all, there is still a long way to go from here to the Eternal Battlefield. It is difficult to predict whether it will suffer the entropy army, no one can be sure, but if there is such a supreme companion, it will be stable.

But if Chen Luo is unwilling, then they have no choice.


Chen Luo nodded, but he didn't care.

It takes no effort to bring them there.

"Thank you senior."

Hearing this, Wei Qing's face suddenly showed joy.

Immediately, Wei Qing began to lead the way, and Chen Luo directly brought more than 300 Eternal Protoss and followed Wei Qing to the Eternal Battlefield.

After all, their speed is no different from snail crawling to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo doesn't want to waste unnecessary time.


In the dark and deep space, Chen Luo and Wei Qing walked side by side.

Chen Luo also learned about the situation of the eternal universe from Wei Qing.

Compared to the Great Wilderness Universe, it was even worse.

Thousands of god-level civilizations have been destroyed by the entropy tribe.

Even the Eternal Protoss has suffered a lot of shock losses.

Since the beginning of the chaotic era, it has been continuously invaded by large-scale entropy tribes.

Although countless army of gods were formed in advance to besieged and killed, they still could not stop the pace of the entropy clan.

The army of death has over a trillion figures.

These are all god-level existences.

Under the gods, it was impossible to estimate.

The situation in the Eternal Universe was tragic, even more serious than what Chen Luo had calculated.

However, the situation gradually stabilized.

The power of the entropy clan also consumed a lot.

And the eternal battlefield in Wei Qing's mouth is the biggest battlefield opened up by the eternal protoss gathering the civilization of the gods.

It is also the most concentrated entropy family.

Among them, the supreme gods of the entropy family are all over 10,000.

Consuming part of it will fill the other starry sky area to the Supreme God.

The continuous war has caused very serious losses here.

The Eternal Emperor is also in the Eternal Battlefield.

However, the entropy tribe also has great emperors, and there are not only one, but three.

The Eternal Emperor was restrained by the three entropy great emperors, and he couldn't spare his hands to kill him at all.

There are also several emperor-level existences in the eternal universe.

But these, the entropy clan has long planned.

The emperor-level entropy clan entangled other emperors.

Even a great emperor-level existence has fallen.

Today, the pressure on the eternal universe is even greater.

If the Great Emperor level is completely destroyed, I am afraid that the eternal universe will not last long, and the destruction is a matter of time.

The existence of the Great Emperor is the backbone of the entire universe.

Just like the prehistoric universe, if the Great Emperor Haotian, the Great Emperor God Eye and the Emperor Cang are both killed, then the prehistoric universe will fall sooner or later.

But fortunately, there are also hidden Supreme Emperor-level existences in the Prehistoric Universe.

It must be the All-Heaven Alliance Star Gu Taxian, this is also a great emperor-level existence.

It is one of the pillars of the prehistoric universe.

The fall of the Great Emperor and the annihilation of the universe are inevitable.

Without the existence of the Great Emperor, it is impossible to stop the pace of the entropy invasion.

The power of the Great Emperor is also extremely terrifying.

Chen Luo knew this.

In the Great Tomb Universe, the battle at the Ancient Heavenly Court ruins, the aftermath of the Great Emperor's fight wiped out hundreds of millions of troops. This is where the Great Emperor-level terror lies.

The gap is too big.

Big enough to be desperate.

"Senior, here we are, that is the eternal battlefield!"

Moving forward in the dark starry sky, Wei Qing stopped, stood in the starry sky, and said with his fingers in front of him.