MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 95

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In less than thirty seconds, all the chasers were wiped out.

This greatly encouraged morale.

Xiao Yan subconsciously stretched out his fist in the direction of Casey. This is a celebration. Then he felt that he was somewhat smug, and at the moment he had to take his fist back, Casey’s fist hit him. Xiao Yan’s heart trembled and a smile on his lips.

The two did not relax, because they all knew that these chasers were probably just the cannon fodder that Valentin sent to test the strength.

Xiao Yan’s Antarctic base was close at hand, and Xiao Yan could not help but be surprised. However, in a few months, Valentin built such a complete base in the Antarctic. Through the scanning of the aircraft, the base is extremely deep and structurally stable. Even the most important supporting materials are made of ultra-dense titanium. Xiao Yan couldn't believe the manpower and material resources he came from!

Just as they were less than two hundred meters away from the base, the aircraft suddenly fell quickly!

Xiao Yan and Kathy could not control the engine at all, as if there was a huge and irresistible force to smash the aircraft.

The situation was out of control, and Xiao Yan and Casey issued an alarm, and everyone was ejected from the aircraft at the moment the aircraft was about to hit the ground.

The explosion caused an avalanche of the distant glaciers. When Xiao Yan rolled off the ground, he could feel the violent tremor. The hot air burned along the back of Xiaoyan. The combat uniforms isolated the damage caused by the high temperature. Xiao Yan quickly got up. When he was sure that everyone was safely leaving the aircraft, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom - what's going on!" Mark shouted.

Hai Yin was half-squatted on the ground, and the palm of his hand plucked thick snow to see a layer of similar metal.

"It's a magnetic field. Valentin uses the magnetic field conversion device to destroy the engine function of the aircraft. No matter how powerful the driver is, the driver can't resist the damage caused by the magnetic field."

Xiao Yan immediately contacted the support team and warned them not to drive the aircraft near the area before removing the devices.

He turned his head back, and the gray base in front of him seemed to be a beast in the cold wind, ready to send them into the belly.

Wenn sneered and sneered. "Are we sure we want to go in? Will Valentin really open the door and wait for us to come?"

Even if you know that this is a trap, they still have to move forward. The support force stayed on the outer edge of the magnetic field conversion device and was disassembling.

"Let's go." Jane stepped forward step by step, leaving a row of footprints on the ice sheet. Kathy did not say anything, carrying the terminal equipment behind him.

When they came to the entrance of the base, Jane stopped and said coldly: "Xiao Yan, Kathy, open your wireless terminal!"

After that, Jane pressed his palm on the door, his biometric information was recognized, and only heard a "welcome home" from the top of the head. This is the voice of Claire. Kathy’s shoulder is slightly, and the door is slowly. Open, in front of the deep as if there is no end of the passage, the cold wind whistling and pouring, making a hoarse voice.

Jane took out the double-edged blade and lifted his foot. Casey was about to hold him. His first step had already landed, and the entire passage was brightened from the outside to the inside.

“Is this a welcome visit?” Mark grabbed his head.

"He won't let us enter easily." Casey snorted and lowered the eyepiece to scan the passage wall. "The laser launcher is installed on the wall, no matter how strong your healing ability is, it is cut into pieces by laser. Block is that God can't save you."

"Laser... It's retro, I thought he would fire the missile directly!" Wenn took out the silver wing of the waist and swung it along the ground, sensing the weight, a few lasers swept, and the silver wing was cut. Metal fragments, "How do we pass?"

Jane laughed at the active wrist, "Of course it is destroying all laser launchers."

His voice just fell, Hai Yin took out the condensation gun, and assembled it, almost within half a second, he held the condensation gun and rushed into the passage.

"Hai Yin -" Xiao Yan is going forward, Jane suddenly pushed him back, Xiao Yan crashed into Kathy's arms.

“Do you think Jane and Haiyin are general?”

When they rushed into the interior of the channel, the laser shot, like a mesh surface, once it was cut, the consequences were unimaginable.

Wennen was on the side of Xiao Yan, and Hai Yin stepped on the wall, turned around in the air, and a laser passed his raised arm along his ankle, while Hai Yin almost cut himself in it. In two halves, the trigger was pulled and the laser launch was destroyed. Just at the moment he landed, two more or three lasers were alternately shot, changing the angle.

Xiao Yan’s heartbeat was tense, and the brain calculated the angle at the moment of the electric light and flint, and Hai Yin seemed to have an inexplicable tacit understanding with him, and the first laser was passed in accordance with Xiao Yan’s imagination. The laser is destroyed before it is about to change, followed by a half-sloping body to defeat the third laser.

While Jane is straightforward and rude, he reflects the laser with a sharp blade, refracting a special angle to destroy other laser emitters, and slamming one turn before the other laser fails to change direction. Xiao Yan realized that Jane's blade is also made of ultra-dense titanium, so it can reflect the laser. This should be Kathy's masterpiece.

Xiao Yan pulled out his gun at the waist and looked at Casey. The two met. It is impossible to completely dispose of these laser launchers with Jane and Hai Yin. This channel is too long!

Wenn did not stop Xiao Yan, but followed.

Xiao Yan's rapid-fire capability is top-notch even in special missions. Because the laser transmitter is not organic, the condenser gun cannot automatically track the target and can only be manually aimed. The more the sea and the Jane are going inside the passage, the more dense the laser is, and the speed of change is getting faster and faster. Xiao Yan must remove the obstacles for them to reduce the burden in advance. Within a second, Xiao Yan shot two shots in a row. The condensed bombs rubbed through the hairs of the sea ear and fell into the distant wall. Within a minute, Xiao Yan shot the condensation bomb, and Hai Yin and Jane came. At the end of the passage.

Mark and Lifu carefully guarded Xiao Yan and came to Hai Yin.

The gate to the base was closed at this time, and Xiao Yan tried to contact the foreign aid force using the contact, but the signal could not be sent.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and forced the back of the head against the wall. They did not have any retreat now.

"Can you invade the master here?" Jane stretched out his finger and just poked on Xiao Yan's cheek, and he was buckled by Hai Yin. Hai Yin's hand was firmly in front of Xiao Yan, his fingers were extremely Forced, Xiao Yan’s ear squeaked, and it was Jian’s bone that was breaking.

Xiao Yan clasped Hai Yin's wrist and made him loose Jane. Jane licked his fingers and smiled indifferently.

"I can't invade, not only the contact signal is blocked, but I can't capture any signals that can be used inside the base." Xiao Yan frowned.

Wenn’s palm covered the wall and said with a cold voice: “It seems that Valentine is really jealous of Xiao Yan’s brain. I don’t intend to let his mind connect to the system here. The configuration here is so retro, but instead Let the means of modernization lose its effect."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked his head.

Wenn pressed Mark back. "You don't need to understand what it means!"

They all the way forward, and the road ahead leads to the bottom of the base.

Mark looked down and looked down. The whole space was illuminated very brightly, but there was always a feeling of eerie horror. The ground was like a glass mirror, and people had to wonder how it would be washed and polished.

"There will be no variants below this?"

"Of course there will be. We have all injected the Sheron virus, and any zombies are no longer attacking us." Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes, and he admitted that he felt very uncomfortable at this time, because every step seems to go now. Within Valentine's plan, they have no other choice.

"Sit down, you said that ‘no complete preparation,’ for us, and for Valentine.”

When Hai Yin’s words sounded in Xiao Yan’s ear, the original floating heart suddenly calmed down.

"let's go."

They all the way down, the entire base is empty, can not help but doubt that besides them, is there really someone else here?

This kind of silence makes Xiao Yan's heart cast a layer of inexplicable tension. Liv, Mark and Wenn always maintain the triangle to protect around Xiaoyan. Xiao Yan now only wants to find a control room or research room, as long as it can Connect the system here to figure out the structure of the base.

The empty base has already made Mark lose patience. He lowered his voice and cursed: "Mom - Valentin really hides here! Nothing!"

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and looked up at the entire space above his head. There were countless closed doors on the wall.

"Not necessarily nothing."

When the voice just fell, these doors opened in an instant, and there was a faint sound of falling. Everyone was highly alert. When an object swept over their heads, Mark quickly pulled out the sharp edge and opened it. He only heard the sound of bones and muscles breaking, and the blood fell from the top of his head, accompanied by the smell of a laboratory nutrient. Hai Yin took Xiao Yan to the past, the body fell, and everyone was stunned. This is a corpse. It looks like a teenager of twelve or three years old. His eyes are very wide, his body muscles are obviously shrinking, his facial features are unbalanced, and he is familiar but cannot remember where he has seen it. It was only when Xiao Yan saw the cockroach in the corner of his eye that he could not help but look at Jane’s direction.

Jane bowed his head and used the blade to turn the face of the body in his direction. There was no temperature in the scorpion.

“This is a replica of failure. If I didn’t guess wrong, here is the factory where Valentine made ‘child’.”

At this time, there were more than a dozen bodies carved out of those holes. When the ground fell, some skulls were broken and some were completely deformed, which made people unable to look straight.

"We will leave as soon as possible! It is obvious that this layer is used to deal with the failure of replicating people! The dissolving agent will soon be released! Any organic matter will be dissolved!" Casey severely warned that more and more bodies were falling.

"Mom! No wonder the floor here is so bright!" Mark yelled.

"How do we leave? Where to go? There is only one road here, and it doesn't make sense to return along the original road." Liv frowned.

Hai Yin did not say a word, the slide rope ejected, pierced a pipe to deal with the body, and reached out to Xiao Yan, "Let's go!"

Xiao Yan nodded, this pipeline must be linked to the production of laboratories that cultivate people! There will be a terminal in the lab! Xiao Yan climbed up the rope. The inside of the pipe is very smooth. Only when it is forced to support the curved wall can it barely move forward. There are always corpses and they almost slipped on the surface. Several times when Xiao Yan almost fell with the body, Hai Yin always shoulders. Against the foot of Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan barely supported himself. The nutrient solution on the body of the body smashed into the body of Hai Yin. In order to withstand Xiao Yan, the muscles of Hai Yin were tight, and they were indifferent to these tired liquids.

When Xiao Yan finally caught the exit of the pipeline, two bodies fell, and Xiao Yan was almost washed down, and Hai Yin made a sullen sigh, and hardly pushed Xiao Yan up. Kneeling on the ground, Xiao Yan’s moment of looking up was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In the dark space, countless petri dishes are displayed. Each petri dish is a cloned person. They sleep peacefully in the nutrient solution. Xiao Yan looks into the distance, even in the farthest places, there is a faint petri dish. The light. They are all from the same dna as Jane, some are still babies, some are only a few years old, and some are close to adulthood.

Not far from a petri dish, a cloned person suddenly twitched, his eyes suddenly opened, from no focal length to madly looking at Xiao Yan, bloodshot condensed in the eyeball, constantly patted the petri dish, Trying to come out, as if unable to breathe, he struggled in the nutrient solution. As he struggled, his skin gradually peeled off, revealing bright red flesh and blood, and his pain multiplied with the penetration of nutrient solution.

This clone has failed.

Xiao Yan did not know how to remove his sight until a palm suddenly covered his eyes and pressed him to the back of his arms.

"do not look."

The cool sound of Hai Yin poured into Xiao Yan's mind. He subconsciously fastened the other's wrist and felt the ups and downs of the chest while breathing. For Xiao Yan, this is the proof of living, the temperature of the sea, the breath of the sea.

I only heard the sound of "砰-", the dead replica disappeared from the bottom of the dish, passed through the machine, fell into the conveying pipe, and was treated like garbage.

When Hai Yin’s palm was removed, Xiao Yan’s petri dish was implanted with an embryo, like a nightmare reincarnation.

Wenn and Lifu finally picked up Mark. The big man was rushed down by the body several times, and everyone was shocked by everything in front of him.

"My goodness - here... how many... are they really Jane Wallis?" Mark knocked a petri dish with his fingers inconspicuously. "That is, Valentin Sheehan You can even build an army! And it is an army with special mission forces! My God!"

"Yeah, I and Kathy came to this world like this. Directly copying a complete life with dna has many unstable factors. Valentin hopes that our adaptability to x virus is enhanced, so accept x. The embryos of the virus are more prone to malformation and early sputum. Of the hundreds of replicators, only one can survive. This is what makes us different from you, we never know where we really belong. Ah... no, From a genetic point of view, I am Valentin Sheen." Jane twitched her lips.

"These culture dishes are not connected with the main control, at least with the research room here!" Wenn carefully observed the structure of the culture dish and looked for the line that can connect the wireless terminal carried by Xiao Yan. "Here The line is weird..."

Xiao Yan frowned. "Wen, there is no need to check. The petri dish here is not connected to the terminal at all. Only the most primitive information control system is needed. According to the setting of the program, the process of copying and reproducing people can be repeated repeatedly! ”

"Damn! At this ghost place, how do we continue to search for Valentin?" Wenn pointed to the distance, as if the whole base was occupied by petri dishes.

At this time, Xiao Yan felt that something was quietly approaching from the darkness in the distance. At that moment, countless silver wings were released, and the petri dishes were crushed mercilessly and even penetrated the body of the copying person. Everyone instantly ducked, Xiao Yan's left foot stepped on the petri dish, and when he was volley, he pulled out the dagger on the thigh and blocked the silver wing from the waist. At the moment of vacating, Xiao Yan realized that it was not a few people who attacked them, but a group of people.

A cold light flashed across his side, and Xiao Yan’s dagger collided with the opponent’s blade to see the other’s face.

"Jane - what are you doing!"

At this time, Jane slammed into the ground, and the two killers who looked exactly like him waved his knife to the left and right.

"My mom - how come so Jane Wallis!" Mark's shout came.

It turns out that these killers are Jane's copy people!

The killers of the tidal organization are hard enough to deal with. If these killers have the level of Jane Wallis, it is a disaster!

Xiao Yan came low, the dagger cut through the abdomen of the killer, and then he wraped around behind him, and the dagger pierced the other's back neck.

When the killer fell, Xiao Yan was chilling with his gaze. It was a completely different scorpion from Jane. It was cold and empty, and there was no fear of death, as if his existence was like a machine.

There were also killers coming in. Xiao Yan’s ruptured Petri dish continued to have nutrients flowing out. He slammed to the ground, and the moment he fell, he would throw the dagger out, and the other’s blade separated Xiao Yan’s dagger. Just in time, Hai Yin cut his neck. When the crowds of killers continued to come, Hai Yin picked up Xiao Yan and turned back to block their offense, and the momentum was compelling. The killers are jealous of the sea, slowly moving to find the gap in the attack.

Xiao Yan was low, picking up the blade of the killer and falling to the ground. At the moment when the killer attacked Hai Yin, Xiao Yan swept over the two killers, swung one of the blades and slashed it at the waist of another person. After retreating, he turned his back to the back of his head with a handle. Everything happened less than a second. When the killer fell, he stared at Xiao Yan with his eyes wide open and could not believe his death. When a killer was about to attack Xiao Yan, Hai Yin stepped on the only half of the petri dish, and slashed it, slashing it along the shoulder of the killer, and slamming it with irresistible momentum.

Xiao Yan turned back and kicked the lower body of the killer. When his upper body fell to the ground, he still tried to hold the blade. Xiao Yan broke his head.

Not far away, Mark and Li Fu teamed up to solve several killers, and Wenn was full of blood all over the body.

What makes Xiao Yan unexpected is that Casey’s skill is dexterous and changeable. When he unscrews the head of a killer, he has no merciful look on his face. He knows what his goal is and what he wants. The determination can be done.

Not to mention Jane’s arrogance, his sword pierced the chest of a killer and took him out. The blade crossed the sharp semicircle, forcing the killers to retreat while he attacked without fear. It seems to be casual but it is accumulated in the battles of many years, he can always make the most lethal assassination in a subtle moment.

Wenn's arm rested on Mark's shoulder and admired Jane's final blow. This time his face was a serious look. Jane was originally known as the successor of Hai Yin, not a name.

"I said that although it is cool to be able to repeatedly kill Jane Wallis, I always see the same face is really bad."

Wenn slowly opened his mouth.

Jane smiled and took the sharp edge into the sheath on his back. He smiled and came to Xiao Yan and lowered his head slightly. "Oh, your hair is dirty."

"These killers are not coming out of the petri dish. They are trained and finished." Xiao Yan looked down at the corpses.

"Although it is a finished product, it is too far from my standard. If one third of them are as good as me, even Haiyin Burton can't guarantee to leave you alive." Jane is on the ground. Look at the face that looks exactly like yourself.

Hai Yin walked toward the depths of the darkness, and Xiao Yan followed.

"Head - where are you going!"

Liv finally pushed the mark impatiently. "Stupid! These killers are coming in from other places! They can come in and we can go out!"

They moved forward, passing through a petri dish that had not been destroyed, and finally found an open access door on the ground.

"I feel that we are going deep into Valentin's trap step by step, and we can't extricate ourselves." Liv frowned. "I have a bad feeling."

The author has something to say: Hey, my unit is a night, the general meeting - always meet at night!

I feel sincerely not to open Sen! 2k novel reading network