MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2223 Mythical Spell: Da Yi Destroys the Demon

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The light from the demon mirror penetrated directly through the body of Yan Ruan.

In its chest, leaving a huge hole.

Yan fiercely raised his head to the sky and roared. At this moment, his body was between illusion and reality, so this blow was not fatal.

In Terrain Sect, above the highest mountain, stands a gossip stone, and the gossip pattern on it lights up by itself.

This is also after sensing the breath of the big demon, forcibly recovering!

The entire mountain collapsed suddenly, the spiritual energy in it was plundered, and the nearby hills burst open one after another, and the underground spiritual veins were forcibly swallowed.

This is a savage recovery, a plunder for the purpose of destruction, and its attack power is naturally good.

A light of gossip chart followed the attack of Zhao Yaojing.

Xie Ruan staggered, and was almost knocked back into the ground.

Next, the Baiyue Sect and the Tianyang Sect also forcibly recovered their backgrounds.

The four big families of Zhao Su and Han Ma also appeared one after another.

Finally, the background of the five cities is the Five Elements Flags.

With the appearance of the Five Elements Flags, the entire sky of the Demon Sealing Land seemed to be divided into five parts.

Some golden lotuses bloom, some release relics of light, some can confuse yin and yang, some are mysterious, and some can dimly fix the universe.

This is the Five Elements Flag that has been handed down from ancient times. It has a very powerful power. Even if the background of the Five Cities is only a replica of the Five Elements Flag, it is extraordinary that this thing can be imitated.

As soon as the Five Elements Flag comes out, the heaven and the earth will seal it. With each rotation of the Five Elements Flag, the heritage of the Five Cities will be reduced by one point.

Zhao Yaojing has already shot three rays of light, and Zhenyao Mountain has lost dozens of hills. This loss is far from being able to make up for it in a hundred years.

This is the backhand of the former sages.

In order to prevent the younger generation from forgetting the ancestral teachings and not fulfilling the promises of the year, as long as they sense the vicious aura of the big demon, the background that has not been activated will recover on their own.

Suppress the big demon by plundering!

This side of the world seems to be collapsed.

The forbidden land is trembling, and the heaven and the earth show a great atmosphere.

Zi Chen felt that he was in the storm, many people collapsed to the ground, and it was extremely difficult to stand firm.

The man in black, the young man with vertical pupils, and the coquettish woman stared at the figure of the big demon.

There is frenzy and worry in his eyes.

The legacy left behind in those days is really too terrifying, and one after another attack, they keep hitting Yan Ruan's body.

But up to now, Xunren hasn't fought back, it's just roaring, the roar is so loud that it proves that it is full of qi.

In addition to Maoshan, more mountains in the major sects are bursting.

Because the background of Maoshan is to recover in advance, every time the Taiji map shines, it is only a gentle extraction of energy, and it will not destroy a thing.

Just like the spiritual vein, although the Tai Chi map will still be drained, it will not be damaged. After more than a hundred years, this spiritual vein will recover again.

However, other sects are different. Their spiritual veins burst directly, which is a draw from the bottom of the pot!

It is also the punishment of the former sages!

Even if the big demon is born, what else is there to do with the sect?

The sect masters of the major sects felt the current situation of the clan, and they all regretted to death.

Unfortunately, it's all too late.

"Honey, how could we meet this big scene, brother, should we retreat first?" Du Wei felt fear in his heart.

"What's the hurry, the fight between the gods and the immortals can also affect us?" Du Qi's eyes were fixed on Zi Chen, which was one of his goals.

He must eat Zi Chen!

After being taken care of by the foundation one after another, Xie Ruan finally started to fight back, "The ants, just rely on you fake goods, you want to kill me? Even the holy dragons couldn't help me back then, let alone you?"

Yan ruthlessly opened his mouth, and a bolt of lightning appeared, forming a chain, blasting various attacks that fell from the sky one after another.

Then, another piece of lightning spit out, and the five-element flag that had already banned the entire Demon Sealing Land began to shake after being ravaged by lightning.

As a result, the dragon veins in the underground of the five cities were forcibly activated by the five-element flag, and the five-element flag began to frantically plunder.

Yes, the larger dragon veins are also the foundation of the existence of the five cities.

When the site was selected, a former sage used the technique of confinement, forcibly gathering many spiritual veins into one place and turning them into one dragon vein.

This is a real big deal. For many years, no second person has used this method in the entire Demon Sealing Land.

At the same time, the taiji map, the gossip map, the mirror of the demon, and so on, also gathered their strength again and attacked the glutinous rice hard.

Yanhen continued to spit out the light of lightning, which was one of its supernatural powers.

Every sect, every family, every city is in chaos.

Gu Zhiyi, the patriarch of the Terrain Sect, collapsed to the ground, the Terrain Sect's huge family business, in his generation, is considered to be declining.

At this moment, half of the background has been destroyed.

If it continues, the entire Terrain Sect will be riddled with holes.

Even if it can be preserved in the future, it will only be a small third-rate sect without a lot of background.

Other forces are not much different.

Only Maoshan, everything is only temporarily lost, as long as there is enough time, it will eventually return to its original peak.

And other forces are like killing chickens to get their eggs, and will never return to the original.

Sorry for the first time!

Zi Chen watched this fairy-like contest in shock. This was the first time he came to this world and saw this level of confrontation.

He believed that this was not the true combat power of the big demon. Before it was sealed back then, the big demon must have been stronger.

And at this moment, the big demon is still struggling to pull out the other half of his body from the sealing platform.

If the other party leaves the sealing platform, it is estimated that these treasures cannot be suppressed.

The battle is still going on, and neither of the two sides can do anything to the other, because of the stalemate.

But if it goes on like this, once the spiritual power of the major sects is plundered, these treasures will no longer show their due power.

At that time, the big demon will definitely get out of trouble.

At this moment, the back-hands of the former sages came again, and the children of the major sects fell one after another, providing strength for the major backgrounds.

This scene is shocking.

&nnbsp;The dragon demon hunters who were present all let out a scream and fell into a small realm.

Above the sky, the major backgrounds continued to suppress the ruthless.

Then, the realm falls again!

The major sects wailed again and again.

Mo Radon is very worried about the future of the Demon Sealing Land at this moment, but he can't see anything, and he can't deduce anything.

The sky has become very chaotic.

Until Liu Yu appeared.

He appeared suddenly, "Elder, the big demon is born, what should we do now?"

The mystery flashed by, and Mo Radon said, "Go find Zi Chen."

"Zi Chen?" Liu Yu was startled, "That evil spirit?"

Mo Radon gave him a chestnut, "What is an evil spirit, he is your fellow disciple and a member of the Mythology Alliance."

"Why are you looking for him? I heard that he is just a spiritual seeker?"

"Don't talk nonsense, whether we can break the game today, let's see him, maybe, this is the will of heaven."

"But I don't know where he is?"

"In the forbidden land, I have an approximate location."

Liu Yu put his hand on Mo Radon's shoulder, and the next moment, the two disappeared.

Mythical Spell: Instant!

Appearing again, he arrived at the forbidden land, but it was still a little short of the predetermined position.

After about five flashes, the two came to the arena of confrontation.

Looking at the two guys who suddenly appeared, everyone's expressions changed.

Although everyone present did not know the two of them, this did not prevent them from feeling a strong threat from the two of them.


Wu Hao was startled, "Brother Liu Yu, why are you two here?"

When the others heard it, they were immediately shocked.

The elder of the Mythical Alliance, that proper mythical-level spell, will only be stronger.

There is also the ability to be called big brother by Wu Haoqi, even if it is not mythical, it is not bad in itself.

"Did you take us away? We can't hold back anymore?" Wang Yiling asked worriedly.

The others knew Mo Radon's identity and immediately saluted him.

Mo Radon glanced at everyone and knew their situation. Recalling the attitude of those sect masters, he shook his head.

Do it yourself.

A sensible leader is really important.

"Time is running out, so I don't have time to go into details."

Mo Radon walked to Zi Chen's side, "Zi Chen, it's up to you to kill this monster."


Zi Chen was stunned, then reacted immediately, with a face that said, "I'm afraid it won't work..."

Even if Zi Chen gave up his life, it would not be enough to kill the big demon, because he was too weak.

If the two sides are in the same territory, Zi Chen doesn't mind giving it an arrow.

But now, not at all.

Mo Radon put his hand on Zi Chen's shoulder, "I'm here to help you!"

A steady stream of energy merged into Zi Chen's body. This energy was gentle but fast, and Zi Chen's aura began to rise.

Seeing this, Liu Yu walked to the other side of Zi Chen and put his hand on his shoulder.

At this moment, Zi Chen, under the infusion of dual energy, is like a balloon that has been blown up. If you don't want your body to burst, you have to vent the power that entered the body.

He no longer hesitated, and drew the sunset bow.

The energy that entered the body seemed to have found a vent, and poured directly into the sunset bow, and a radiant feather arrow began to manifest.

Its speed is very slow, far less than the original, but every part of it is very solid.

Everyone else stared at this scene, thinking to themselves, this is to use bows and arrows to deal with the big demon, and it is too self-aware.

Even the three people who were worried about the big demon had suspicious expressions in their eyes at this moment.

Feather arrow finally solidified.

At this moment, whether it is Mo Radon or Liu Yu, there is a feeling of collapse.

The Demon Slayer Arrow is really good.

Zi Chen's arrow was aimed at the big demon but the other party didn't care at all. In this situation, it was like an ant trying to kill an elephant.

Totally out of control.

Zi Chen also felt that this arrow could not kill the enemy.

At this moment, Mo Radon continued: "Zi Chen, use your strongest means! Believe in yourself, you are the most suitable person to kill demons in this world! You are the nemesis of all demons!"

Zi Chen recalled the scene in the Terrain Sect, and the Demon Slayer Arrow that showed its heyday was the real Demon Slayer Arrow.

As a result, Zi Chen's momentum changed, and he shouted in a low voice, "Da Yi!"

Mythical spell: Da Yi destroys the demon!

A tall figure appeared from behind Zi Chen. He was wearing armor.

With his appearance, the atmosphere of heaven and earth was completely disturbed.

In this state, Zi Chen's display of Da Yi destroying demons can be imagined.

As Dayi manifested himself, just like the ant before, it quickly expanded hundreds of thousands of times and became a behemoth like an elephant.

A strong death crisis swept like a storm.

Yan Ruan reacted greatly, screamed strangely, and turned his eyes to this side for the first time.

When he saw Da Yi, his pupils could not help shrinking, and a scream came out, "Da Yi, no, it's just an incarnation!"

Immediately, he saw Zi Chen and threatened: "An ants, dare to shoot arrows at me, I will destroy your entire clan!"

When the three saw this, they immediately attacked Zi Chen. They knew how much Zi Chen weighed, so they only needed to interrupt him to shoot arrows.


Wu Hao snorted coldly, and while waving his hands, the mountains were covered with golden armor, blocking the way for the three of them.

Zi Chen's breath climbed to the peak, and then let go.


The sky and the earth shook, and the feather arrow broke through the air, like a stream of light, leaving a clear trace.


Yan Rui was shot through the eyebrows by an arrow.